Justice or Destiny

By zainee72

273K 7.6K 597

"Let go of me...!" she said struggling in his painful grip at her wrists, he pinned at her back. "Then stay... More

Character sketch


4.5K 470 39
By zainee72

Next moment I felt strong grip around my wrist and I was pulled out. My bag fell at ground before he gave me a rough push. I stumbled over my feet but didn’t let me fall on the ground and saved myself from further embarrassment. I was sure I could see a vein in his temple throbbing with frenzy of rage.

The frost in his dark brown eyes had me shivering as goosebumps littered my whole body. This time he won’t let me leave with my completely settled bones at their right places. I wish I could become invisible just to get away from his killing glare.

“What are you doing here....?” he asked me with such pure anger and hatred that my heart skipped few beats. His upper body was still naked, water dripping from his hairs. His jeans tightly hugging his macular long legs. 

“If...If I ask you the same question....!” I stammered and mentally cursed myself for not sounding as confident as I’d like to be. I hate this boy for leaving such effect over me. I hate him for controlling my nerves.

“Do you really as stupid as you behave. Do you really think, you are at position to ask me this question....!” he said taking step forward and unknowingly I flinched back.

I can tell by looking into his eyes, his side of humanity was taken a step back into his mind and place was taken by pure evil. His eyes dark and full of anger. His figure seems more fierce and tall compare to my small and weak. 

“Not as much stupid as you are to kill yourself for damn one bet....!” I couldn’t even took breath after finishing my sentence when one long step brought him close enough to grab my shoulders and pull me against his body. He was still drenched and cold. His fingers digging in to my skin. Strange sensation ran through me as he stood close enough for me to feel his strong and rhythmic heartbeat.

“Were you stalking me? You really love to test my patience....!” he snapped, blazing eyes ready to murder. Shiver ran to the depth of my bones. Oh my bad luck now even I my own self dug the grave to be buried alive. Now he knew I listened his complete talk with his friends.

“Let me go You don’t own this place. I can go wherever I want to. I said Let me go....!” I retorted back sharply, struggling to get some space between us. It was first time I was this close to someone. Our proximity started anxiety growing inside me.

“Don’t you dare to raise your voice....!” he spat, if looks could kill, I would’ve been dead and slices of my body parts have been drowned into the stream running behind me. I felt anger bubbled into my head and with full force I pulled myself away from his painful grip.

“And don't you dare to touch me....!” I took fast step away, don’t want to be in his reach. I felt stupid, really stupid who came after him. I thought about his life, about his family. I as sure now my anger was pushing me towards my death but I can’t let him over powered my nerves.

“I told you to stay away. Didn’t I...?” he said as his wrathful side slipping back and he couldn’t miss the opportunity to see my limits. He didn’t stop taking step ahead and I wasn’t able to stop my feet from moving back.

“You were going to kill yourself...!” I retorted, feeling satisfied after seeing his eyes narrowed to slits. I probably was an idiot for arguing with him, but I didn’t learn just stand still with my tongue bound powerless and not to use it when next one insulting me.

“Why do you care, if I live or die. Stop using your stupid brain. Now leave before I change my mind and push you into deep water....!” his loudest words rung through the forest. I felt a ripple of coldness floated through my head as I saw his expressions completely serious. My eyes locked with his chocolaty orbs, enduring the fire blazing into their depths.

“Stop calling me stupid otherwise I....!” pointed my index finger towards him I wanted to warn him but his face twisted in rage as he reached for me again.

Without removing his eyes he took one last step closer, suddenly causing me to step back. That was the moment when my foot lost the balance. I screamed my lungs out when in the blink of eye he gripped my wrist.

Oh my god, oh my god I was going to fall from the bridge. My heart jumped out of my throat. My other hand clutching his wrist so tightly that I’m sure my nails pierced through his skin.

I looked over my shoulder and my head started spinning. Now I can see clearly the height from where I was near to fall down. Fear of heights welled up, making me feel sick. I would have been dead if he didnt hold my hand on time. Just merely thinking about it caused my bones to shudder. I started feeling suffocated and bile rising up in my throat. 

“If I leave your hand, you know what will happen...!” as he spoke emotionlessly, I shook my head. I gulped at the thought that what if he really left my hand.

“Please No...!” I stammered, smirk on his face told me, he'd gotten exactly what he wanted. Fear in my eyes. He knew exactly how to gain power over me. He just tricked me to loose his grip around my wrist when I caught him more tightly.

“Don't leave....!” I gasp loudly over my breath and next moment wrapping his arm around my waist he pulled me closer. With full force my lifeless shivering figure banged against his bare chest.

As I looked back over my shoulder, I was way from the edge but still my head spun badly. Immediately I diverted my eyes ahead but couldn’t meet his eyes which were still stuck at my pale face. My breath was out of my control.

“Did you realise what could have happened with your this little frame of stubborn bones....!” he spoke enunciating each word as if he wanted me to get this into my head. The thought brought a shiver that coursed down my body as I tried to picture the scene of my fall and then having my all bones broken. Unknowingly I shifted more closer and my hand held his shoulder into painful tight grip.

His one hand still clutching mine while his other hand digging into flesh of my waist. I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting him to see the vulnerability. My breath still far away from getting any normal.

Few minutes before I was screaming at him to leave me, now I was the one holding him tightly. If his arm wouldn’t have been holding around my waist I could have fallen on ground.

“Now get out...!” before I could compose myself, he pushed me away, and I stumbled over my feet. He didnt take time before once again reverting back to his terrifying persona. I wished to go back and punch him.

Without saying further he turned over heels and strode towards his clothes. My patience was dripping from the edges. I wanted to run away, but my feet weren’t sporting me.

I stand stoned frozen, shoulders tense and whole body still shivering. That shock when I thought I was going to fall from bridge, sucked the life out of me completely. Wearing his shirt he started closing the buttons.

“I was scared that you would kill yourself. I was thinking about your family who loves you beyond limits....!” I said icily, he stopped midway from wearing his hood. I couldn’t even say further when he spun around.

“I said leave....!” He shouted loudly and I flinched unknowingly. The change of expressions on his face made me wish that the ground could open up and swallow me whole.

Fire into his red eyes, causing my heart to search for my safety but my stubborn side couldn’t wish to leave before having my last words. He once again turned his back towards me and my rage simmered.

“You know,  you are right Manik malhotra, you live or die, who cares....!” I repeated his own words, making sure to saturate them with venom. His hands stopped in mid-movement, like he forgot how to pull the zip of hood up. I could see his muscles clearly tightened under his clothes. But still he behaved as if he didn't hear anything that I just said.

Then ignoring me completely he bent down to pick his mobile up and inserted his hand-free into ears. I took steps back and turning around I picked my bag up. I couldn’t dare to look back and I just ran away towards the same direction I came from.

Like always Manik Malhotra successfully freaked me out. Once again I was helpless at front of him. Once again my each breath was in his hands.

I never let any one to dictate my life but whenever I'm around him, he is the one who writes my fate. I’m not coward. I never ran, never turned my back towards my problems but he made me. He proved that I’m weak and Manik Malhotra was the one, victorious again.


It was 6pm already and within one hour I need to reach train station otherwise I would miss the train and there would be no where to go except sleeping at road. After setting my hairs in lose bun and changing into black shalwar Kameez I was all ready to leave. 

After locking my hostel room I walked out of the silent dark building.

Saying good bye to one guard at the main gate I stopped one taxi. As soon as I sat I dropped my head against head rest of the seat. Once again everything happened today in that creepy forest, started hunting my thoughts.

I never went across that fence But today if I went, what I got. I kept stalking that arrogant But at the end, it was me all defeated and vulnerable at front of him.

I hate feeling weak. I hate that moment when for a second I thought I’m gonna die and I was holding him for dear life. Like a crazy coward, I took off. I turned around and ran like a bat out of hell.

Even after trying my best to make sense of every thing that just happened I still feeling all messed up. When I slipped of the bridge, for a second I saw fear in his eyes. Did he really get scared when I was going to fall down or it was just my imagination?

No way Manik Malhotra could never be worried about any one except his own self. Especially me, no way. He hates me with depths of his heart. May be some day I would be brave enough to ask him why he hates me so much. After shaking of my all thoughts I just saw out of the taxi.

I was in the half way towards the train station but long queue at front of my taxi made me little worried. After looking around I felt something wrong. In big cities like Mumbai it’s not new to have traffic James but it was something more nasty.

After looking lines of vehicles till the miles ahead I got panicked. Even if traffic will start moving still it’s impossible to reach train station on time.

“Uncle what happened. I never saw such traffic jam at this road before....!” I asked the taxi driver.

“I think there must be any accident....!” the old man told me after looking out of the window.

“There isn’t any other way, we can go towards train station....!” I asked leaning ahead. My hands started clamped and already messed up mind just not working anymore.

“Definitely there are other roads, lead towards station but dear look behind we have been stuck between a long queue of vehicles behind us. There is no other way except keep going ahead.....!” after listening I started praying for any miracle. I began to fidget with my fingers as I was already having nasty headache.

After waiting for more twenty minutes finally traffic started moving. I was praying for train to be late tonight like usual. But I couldn’t ignore my horrified heartbeat, while thinking what if it is one of rarest nights when train would be on time. If it came on time it’s impossible for me to catch it.

“Oh my God....!” it was already 7:30 when I reached station. Paying for the taxi I ran like my life slipping from my hands. Seeing the very less crowd at platform I already started preparing my heart for worst news. Reaching at front of the huge screen where schedule for all coming and already gone trains was displayed.

Bag from my cold hands dropped at floor when I saw the name of my train blinking its status. It was gone. I threw myself at nearest bench. Keeping my both elbows at my knees I fisted my head in both hands. Is there anything left to make my day more miserable.

“What will I do. Where will I go....!” my nerves break down was closer I think. I pulled my mobile out and started looking for the number of hostel warden in my contact lists. If I needed to beg for let me live for one night I will do happily. I have no choice. I dialled her number and it was out of reach. Told you, may be still there is more to make my night colourful.

“urggghh......!” I groaned throwing my mobile back in my hand bag. Picking my bag up I started walking out of the station when the last person came in my mind. It’s just him who can help me. Otherwise I have no option except sleeping on the footpath.

“Aaryan sir” yup if he will ask then definitely my hostel warden can’t deny him. Of course when we already have paid dues of whole year, practically they can’t force us to leave hostel. But it was my own choice to leave hostel tonight. I can’t blame them.

Sitting at the stairs of the exit I dialled his number. This time my hands were really shaking. Bell was ringing and at double pace my heart was thundering.

I don’t know what’s in this man, many people just get their pants wet after having his just one glare. He is very kind and helping but I can’t deny he have most dominating and powerful personality.

“He...hello Aaryan sir, its m..me Nandni...!” I didn’t like the way my voice shivered. Even after trying my best I still couldn’t compose myself.

“Yes I know. So how May I help you young lady....!” he asked in his usual strong, heavy voice. For few seconds I felt I lost my voice. I forgot why I called him. Clearing my painfully dry throat I gathered my all strength and told him the whole scenario.

“Don’t you worry I will inform hostel staff. Be there. Just in few minutes my driver will be there to pick you up. He will drop you at hostel. I’m sure you won’t have trouble but still if there would be any problem without hesitation you can call me back. Ok have a good night. See you later....!” after making sure I don’t anything else to say he disconnected the call.

I didn’t want his driver to come. Just his request to hostel warden for letting me stay was more than enough. But Aaryan sir doesn’t like to hear no for anything, specially when he trying to do best for his people.


After waiting for just half hour I saw the driver who usually picks and drops Malhotras at college. I will say thanks personally when I will go to visit Aaryan sir. Tonight he really did a huge favour.

Driver came out of the car and taking my bag from my hands he placed it at back seat. After thanking him I also slipped at back seat. After taking my mobile out of my bag I called baba to inform him about change of plans. He should be aware that tonight I’m not coming back home.

As I disconnected the call I felt rush of sickness. I didn’t eat anything since morning except one cup of tea. Now I was feeling really low and extra exhausted. Loud horn of the car brought me back into senses. But I think after looking out of the window, food was the last thing in the list of my problems.

“Aaryan sir asked me to drop you here.....!” driver explained as he stopped the car and my heartbeat as well.

Once again I felt rush of nausea. Driver opened my side of door and I kept looking at huge building at front of me like it was any ghost house. Without saying thank you to driver, I hesitantly urged myself out of the car.

Malhotra house.

Great, just awesome.

The devil I was running from, I was already welcomed to his hell.

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