Love on Hold||✔️ (Editing)

By arya_writes21

166K 12.7K 2.3K

Love seems to give a tougher way out for both Shivay and Anika. Shivay is not ready to accept Anika and Anik... More

( Characters & Aesthatics )
▪︎I believe her, she will take care▪︎
▪︎Shift to my room▪︎
▪︎Dr.Anika is the best▪︎
▪︎She is my wife▪︎
▪︎Am I late?▪︎
▪︎Will you be my Friend?▪︎
▪︎Pretended Husband▪︎
▪︎Anika or Diya▪︎
▪︎Don't Leave▪︎
▪︎Anika weds Siddharth▪︎
▪︎The Shivaay Singh Oberoi is back▪︎
▪︎You are My Wife▪︎
▪︎You are selfish!▪︎
▪︎Don't snatch her▪︎
▪︎Caring Singh Oberoi▪︎
▪︎ Jealous Cat ▪︎
▪︎ Billu ▪︎
▪︎ Hitler ▪︎
▪︎ Anika is strong ▪︎
▪︎ Mine ▪︎
▪︎ Love Resumed ▪︎

▪︎Dr.Anika is your wife?▪︎

4.8K 425 26
By arya_writes21


"Diya" I whispered looking at Anika and she nodded her head positively with blank eyes.

"She is here as my patient" she told looking down.

"Patient! Pregnant?" I asked her with some sort of emotion building up in me, I don't know what to name it.

" not pregnant she came as she had some minor problem internally" she told clearing up my confusion.

"But married" she told it in a mere whisper at last the one which is clear.

I ran my hands in my hair frustrated, I don't know what to do? Should I go talk to her and do something or should I stay back and see her happy without going in front. What about Nikki, what should I do? I was confused as hell.

"Shivaay, I think you need to go talk to her once. Who knows even she must not be happy in her married life same as you" she looked the last one looking down and I looked shocked.

How the hell can she think like that, how dare she? I understand I wasn't happy with my life when I got married but now everything is smooth and I am happy. God what do I do! Now that Diya came everything is a mess.

"Is she with her husband?" I dare not look at her.

"NO" she told looking at me, I can sense her gaze on me. Now this is getting on my nerves.

"Shivaay I can leave you alone with her for 10 minutes with her, just talk it out and sort it." She told going near the door, I didnt tell anything and she never bothered to ask my opinion wow! Wonderful.

Not having any other go I was following her.

"Wait here okay?" She told and I nodded. I was just standing outside her cabin door.

After a good ten minutes the door flung open and I entered her cabin to witness a shocked and yet surprised Diya and a blank Anika near the door.

Anika just looked at me for a second and left the room, leaving Diya and me alone. I should be happy that I saw Diya but I don't feel the feeling, I am not even happy or excited.

Oh man! This awkwardness is eating me up, what do I talk.

"Hi Shivaay!" She initiates the conversation. "Hey" I told looking at her. I felt her being more awkward than me.

I can see her nuptial chain and vermilion on her partition. She caught me gazing at her married symbols.

"Married?" She asked after a long gap and I nodded

"yes" I told in a whisper.

"To whom?" She told in an expression I can't decipher. I indicated to the name plate in Anika's table

"Anika" I told in a good voice. Taking her name gave me the feeling of proud as well as guiltiness in me.

"Nikki" I whispered looking at her.

"Dr. Anika is your wife?" She asked not believing or may be shocked to hear it from me.

"Yes" I told in a confident voice.

"The one whom you told while we were dating, your childhood best friend" she asked looking at me with open mouth. And I nodded positively.

She took a very long breath as if she is going to prepare herself for a marathon.

"Look Shivaay, I know I didnt inform you or we didnt have a clear break up. But understand my situation wasn't that good that I can come and explain you everything. I know I am being rude now but I don't have any way out. I am married no actually happily married. It was difficult for me to move on from you and start a life, I literally planned my whole life with you but destiny changes everything. I am sorry that I couldn't tell you anything.

I felt guilty, lonely and heartbroken at first but then my husband. He is the best man I have ever know, I don't know when I started falling for him. He has been my friend my everything. That day I had to choose either you or my parents. And you know my dad, he would kill you and I can't see that. So please understand" she told as her tears streaming down her cheeks.

I was about to tell something but she cut me off

"NO Shivaay, what you want me to do? Leave my husband and come, I know I should have at least told you about being married, fine I will but will you be able to leave Anika and come." I instantly looked at her, I don't know what to tell! How can I leave Nikki and come just like that? No, what do I do! "

"Take a week time Shivaay, decide and tell me. If you can leave Anika and come, I will leave Rithik! As my sacrifice for my mistake "she told looking at me and the tears still streaming down. What is she even talking, oh god these women?

"Rithik...?" I asked looking at her,

"Rithik. Rithik Hegde, my husband" she told looking down. Rithik Hegde the man of his words no wonder Diya fell in love with him.

I am angry on her not that she fell in love with him but she didnt tell anything to me.

And now she is telling she will leave him as a sacrifice what is she telling, love should make a person strong not to give sacrifices.

And can I leave Anika? How can I? I wanted to clear up her mind but before I tell something she left the cabin. What the hell doesn't my opinion matter to anyone.

I was in my deep thoughts what am I going to do. What is happening to me? Can I leave Anika. She has a life till when will she behind me. She has become a part of life now days. What do I do!

"Shivaay" I heard my name and I turned back to see Anika standing there.

"Is everything okay?" She asked coming near me. I can't face her not with a confusion of staying or leaving. I just nodded and left her cabin.


How sweet of him! He wanted me to join him in the party, I have been busy these days with my surgeries and other work stuffs. When I got his message, I was shocked to know he wanted me to accompany him to the event.

The packet which he has was a beautiful saree, my favorite outfit. How did he come to know? It was a gorgeous silver satin simple saree. However, he was shocked seeing me there may he didn't expect me there.

I still can feel his gaze on me, Sidharth Rana my childhood best friend whom am I bumped into in the party. It's been quite a long time that we lost touch, still feels as if we just met yesterday but it's been years.

Shivaay popped in from nowhere and his hands on my waist was doing much needed magic to crumble my stomach. His touch was soft but his grip was tight, he needs to keep his hands with himself otherwise I don't know what would I do.

I was shocked to hear whatever he said, he can't go and talk to Mr. Luthra about my promotion. No never, oh god save me. Mr. Luthra was no less he is introducing me to my own husband, I wanted to laugh out loud but I can't see Shivaay's shocked and confused face. He started to shower his praises on me and also adding butter but I was only seeing Shivaay's face being embarrassed.

Soon we were in the dance floor being so close, this intimacy is creating unknown feeling in my heart. I shouldn't be feeling this but not in my control. He pulled me closer to himself and whispered his question and I answered.

"You never asked Shivaay" this is what I said, I didn't know this could hurt him.

I could see him standing outside the venue in the dark night alone. What happened to him, is he fine? Did I tell anything wrong! Going near him, I placed my hand on his shoulder and in seconds I was in his arms being hugged tight. My shoulder was getting wet, he is crying! What! Why? Did my sentence hurt him this much?

Whatever he said being in arms was actually bringing tears in my eyes, but I ate up my tears. I can't break in front of him, he has gone through a lot and I don't want him to feel guilty. He is feeling bad and useless for whatever he did with his family, I soothed him by rubbing my hands on his back. I wanted to break the hug but he wasn't allowing and pulled me closer and tighter.

Finally, I broke the hug and he frowned looking at me, then I made him sit on a bench and sat beside him. I was just giving him some comforting words to sooth his pain. At last he asked

"Will you be my friend?" Really did he forget whatever we shared in our child hood, I think yes! As for once he never called me Nikki. I thought of playing with him a bit.

"I thought we were already friends! Never mind, friends" I told chuckling and he did to.

After that day we behaved like buddies and thick friends, Omru where shocked looking at us behaving like that. Tej papa was gaping looking at us and Arnav bhai was thinking this was a dream. Nithu still doesn't care about Shivaay.

Shivaay started dropping and picking me up at times. I still don't want to wake him up mid nights but he never listens and comes with me.

I was just sitting and looking into my patients file, there where appointments with them. The next was about to come there was a knock on the door

"Come in" I told and looked up from the file only witness the shocking sight, I can't believe she was standing in front me. Oh god Diya! Its Diya who standing in front of me, Shivaay's love.

Grasping some air, I asked her to sit, I really don't know what to do! She is standing in front of me all smiling and looking energetic.

"Umm. Doctor are you there!" She asked snapping Infront of me. And I came back from where ever I was.

I noticed her nuptial chain and vermilion, is she married? Then what about Shivaay! I glanced her file only to know she is no more

"Diya Mehrotra "she is "Diya Rithik Hegde "

Soon I asked to wait and went out of the cabin. Should I call Shivaay? How will he feel if he comes to know for whom he was waiting is married to someone else? I can't betray him with my selfishness No..never. He taught me how to love and I won't betray him.

I soon dialed up him number but was switched off, I need to inform him there is no time. Mishra ji, yes Mishra ji he would pick. In seconds Shivaay was on line and I asked him to come to hospital. I think he knew something was serious.

In minutes he was front of me cupping my cheeks asking if I was fine. Revealing the reason for my call I can find him frustrated, confused and what not. I don't want to be selfish looking at Shivaay's suffering, he needs a better life with his loved on.

"Shivaay, I think you need to go talk to her once. Who knows even she must not be happy in her married life same as you" he looked at me as if I was an alien?

I left in my cabin for private talks, roaming around the patients ward I dashed Nithu. She will eat my brain now.

"What was Mr. Oberoi doing here?" She asked in her usual narrowed eye manner.

And I answered being prepared of her anger "He had someone to meet here."

"May I know who is that someone?" She asked. I can't hide anything from this idiot

"Diya Mehrotra "I told looking into her eyes, which were shocked when that name came out.

"Shivaay's love" I added.

"Are you insane? Have you gone nuts! For God sake he is your husband, you left him with his ex, knowing." She shouted looking at me.

"He deserves to get his lost love and I love him" that's what I said and left the place. Diya left my cabin.

Entering in I saw Shivaay supporting himself having his both arms on the desk. He left the cabin soon after nodding to my question. Maybe he needs some time to think.

That night Shivaay came home drunk late night after a very long period. Taking him towards his room and taking him on the bed, I turned to leave but he held my wrists and made me sit lying his head on my lap. He started blabbering

"Anika. Anika what do I do? Diya is back! What shall I tell her, I can't leave you also? Diya is my love what do I do!" He was mumbling the same thing again and again.

I slept on the couch after a long time, after we became friends, he never allowed me to sleep on the couch instead he made me sleep on the bed together. Closing my eyes with a heavy heart my day is over.

Sitting in my cabin in my deep thoughts, I didn't know when Arnav Bhai came in. Shivaay left mansion before I got up and didnt talk to me once after yesterday.

"Sunny. Sunny where are you there?" He asked curiously at me knocking on the door. I nodded

"Yes bhai, how did my brother find the way to my work place today" teasing him lightly.

"Madam I didn't forget! Maybe you forgot the way to Trivedi Mansion or even that you have a brother" he told frowning.

I chuckled hearing reply! "So how is work going and all" he asked looking at me.

I shrugged telling "All fine bhai, there?" We were talking random stuffs for no reason; he is still hesitant in accepting that he loves Nithisha in front of me.

"What would you do if Diya returns?" He asked looking at me intensely. This popped out from where.



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