His Impossible Lost Girl [ Pe...

By girl8890

61.4K 1.3K 733

Book #2 of the From The Beginning, Series There will be smut, action, violence, adventure, fluff, mystery, an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 *smut*
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 *smut*
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
The End

Chapter 9

2.4K 70 27
By girl8890

City Hall

Your POV

When I got into City Hall, Regina was the first one to give me sass for being late. She said from across the room, "There you are... Wait, where's Jack?" I rushed to find Belle sitting in a chair in front of the room.

I sat right next to her and replied to Reginas question, "He's not coming. He's sick." Everyone's eyes were on me. I wiped the tears, that went dry on my face. I looked around and saw Peter sitting next to Rumple. He saw me wipe my tears. I also saw, his face becoming angry by the second. Being able to read right through me, is definitely the worst trait he has. I looked away immediately. I looked over to Belle next to me. Belle looked very concerned about me as always. I feel bad for making her so concerned all the time, especially about my stupid love life. She should be concentrating on love life she just got back with Rumple. I whispered to her, "I'll tell you later." She nodded and understood right now was not the best time to be exchanging the inside drama of our lives.

Regina cleared her throat and began her explanation for all of this, "Okay now that you're all here, we need to talk about Zelens newest message." She started digging into her pocket. I was digging myself, deep into my seat. As important as this was, I was still super upset about Jack and I's talk. Regina held her hand out and opened a piece of paper.

Emma asked first, "What is that?" Everyone had the same question. Was that really Zelena's message?

Regina started reading off of the paper, but explained first, "Zelena sent this through magic. She transported it to me actually. It says.... I invite everyone of StoryBrook, to my castle ball. This will be sent to everyone's mailbox within StoryBrook. Address attached. We have two special guests coming too. One will be, the most powerful being on earth as you all know as, Y/n-" I sat up and listened closely now. "The second person, will be a surprise. I want to make peace with my castle and StoryBrook. The castle will me charmed and no magical objects allowed either! I hope to see you for my party...It will be a ball... Signed, Zelena."

Everyone was sitting up in their seats. Looking around waiting for someone to speak up first. Not only did she promise all of StoryBrook that I will be there, but she was inviting everyone in it. I wasn't sure what to say. Hook asked, "Were not going... are we?" Regina skimmed over, the invitation again. Please tell me she will say no. But then again when did Regina of all people just leave anything alone?

"Were going!" Regina made almost everyone jump out of their seats. Everyone was yelling and making points, why that was a stupid idea. Regina looked over at me. She did have a plan, but no one was letting her speak. As much as I didn't like her plan either, I knew Regina. She looked at me like she needed help.

I stood up and walked next to her. I yelled, "Quietttt!" I didn't use my mind control now, but everyone was silent. This was obviously going to be a trap for me. So if anything, I should be the one to have a say of what I do.

I looked over to Regina. She nodded and I sat back down next to Belle. Regina then said, "Thank you! We're going because I have a plan. That and all of StoryBrook, will see this and not know what danger they could be in. We're all going because Y/n is here. She can still use her magic, even if the room is charmed. We're going because we need to know who this, Zelena is. Everyone goes because it's our jobs to protect StoryBrook and more importantly, the people in it." Now, I agree with her. After a couple of seconds, Neal stood up.

Neal looked around at everyone for a moment  and then said, "It's worth a shot. That and Regina is right, we won't be defenseless in there. Whatever Zelena is planning, we need to be there and make sure it doesn't happen." Everyone nodded their heads. As much as no one liked it, we needed to go. And I already knew this was going to be a disaster.

Mary Margaret asked from her seat, "When is this ball exactly?" Regina looked at the paper again. She squinted her eyes, trying to read the fine print.

Regina then read out, "It says, April, 25th." Thats in three days. We had three days to prepare. We had three days, until I saw Zelena again. Three days, until I hoped everyone was right and the hope for me to at least be there was good.

Everyone started leaving the room. I still sat next to Belle and waited for everyone to leave, so I could talk to her. Regina was about to walk past me, but I stopped her by grabbing her forearm. I asked her, "Hey. Can you tell Jack what happened? He won't talk to me right now." Regina saw the condition I was in. It wasn't exactly being covered up that I was upset, but now she had an idea I was upset over Jack.

She put her over protective motherly voice on and said, "Yeah Y/n. You want me, to put him in a deep sleep too? I think I still have some poison apples in my room." I knew she was joking and that made me smile at her.

I laughed once, kinda pathetically, and said, "No it's fine and thank you Regina." She smiled back at me and left with the rest of the crowd.

I saw Peter start to walk over to me. He looked very angry. Of course he was angry, when was he not angry anymore? Before he got to close, Belle shot him a look that said, 'Not now.' He stopped in his tracks and sighed. He didn't remove that angry face he had on. He looked at me and instead of a angry face, he had a concerned face. I said to him, "I'll explain later. Wait for me outside." He signed again then nodded. Damn, now I'll have to talk to him about it. Maybe I should of thought, before I dismissed. Peter was the last to leave the room. Leaving Belle and I last in City Hall.

I turned to her slowly. The second I saw her concerned face, I started bursting out crying into her lap. I'm so done with boys! They either betray me or rip my heart out. She said to me while rubbing my head, "It's okay. It's okay, shhhhh... your with me now." I sat up from her lap and wiped my pathetic tears. I hated to cry now, even more then back then. Not only was crying a weakness of mine, but it was overall something I couldn't control. And I hate, not being in control.

I explained trying to stop crying, "Jack hates me now! He definitely hates me."

"Oh no, honey that's not true. What happened?" I breathed in, trying to calm down. I explained to Belle, everything that happened in Jack's room. When I was done telling the story, Belle stood up and asked, "He did what?!" Shes angry too now. I'm just making all of Story Brook angry today aren't I?

"He kissed me and when I told him me and Peter are working things out, he basically started avoiding me all over again." I sniffles back the last of my tears.

"Okay that's crazy! What's wrong with that boy? And he's supposed to be your best friend! I can't believe him. That and telling you that he loves you, when he knows what's going on right now! I'm sorry Y/n, but something seems off." It did seem off, but I just thought it had to do with Peter and Jack's conversation from last night. I really didn't want to think anything to bad about Jack, especially right now.

I then said, "I know! And now I'm not just dealing with Peter drama, I'm dealing Jack drama. That's something I never thought would happen." Belle nodded at me. She always understood me. Talking to Belle about my feelings, always made me feel better. She was older then me, but not by much, so she still could understand me.

Belle then asked ire softly, "What are you going to tell Peter?" I forgot Peter was waiting outside to hear what happened. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to tell him. I rather just puff away and hope he forgets.

I asked Belle, "What should I tell him?" Belle thought for a moment. Advice is all I need, but the advice she gave I wasn't sure would work.

After laying out he map to talking to boys, she  said, "Honestly Y/n, this could be the the proof you needed. This could be Peter proving to you that's he's changed. I would tell him the truth." I wasn't sure if it was the best or right advice. Belle had a point though, this could be proof he's changed.

I got a little worried though. It was hard enough for Peter, to not kill Jack for just looking at me. How was he going to react when I tell him Jack kissed me? Would be blow up all of Story Brook? Hell, would he blow up the world instead? I didn't make a promise to Belle, but I said just to comfort her and maybe even myself, "I'll try. I hope he doesn't react that badly though."

Most likely, he will.

Belle and I exited City Hall shortly after our discussion ended. I saw Peter and Mary Margaret standing outside waiting for me. I went up to Mary Margaret first. I said to her with a fake cheery tone, "Hey mom." I sent her a small smile too. Trying to sell be happy was what I needed to do for my mom at least.

She got right into asking me, "Okay honey. I saw how you were, when you got to City Hall, everything alright?"

No mom. Nothings alright.

I could tell her how my mine was officially drained but instead I said, "I'm alright mom. Just dealing with Jack drama." She laughed a little when I said the last part. She held onto my shoulders and stared into my eyes. What was she looking for? The key to my secrets?

Mary Margaret became serious for a moment while saying, "You know you can always talk to me. I know Belle gives good advice, but I'm still here. That and I'm still your mother. You can visit once in awhile kiddo. Mother's get worried too." I smiled at her. A general smile. She is such a great mom. Even though she only became one to me a year ago. I loved that she was still protective over me, but knew when she should stay out of my business.

I said to her with reassurance, "Thanks mom, but I'm okay honestly. If there's ever a emergency, I know to tell you. That and I will visit more often. I just been busy with all of Zelena's witch craft." She laughed when I called Zelena's problem, 'witch craft.' She kissed me on the forehead and then left with Belle.

Now there was only Peter to deal with.

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