Nura's Secret (Naraku Love St...

By CelesteVampire

13.1K 362 12

Desdemona a beautiful young woman living in a village was chosen to be called 'Desdemona the kind' to help ot... More

chapter 1 desdemona the kind
chapter 2 helping others
chapter 3 Kuba the brave
chapter 4 Kiba the swift
chapter 5 Rozu the shy
chapter 6 A terrible dream
Chapter 7 The escape
chapter 8 Demon and human
chapter 9 A very special day
character 10 Hero
chapter 11 love square
chapter 12 Taking turns
chapter 13 Mr. Wounderful
chapter 14 New friends
chatper 15 The perfect night
chapter 16 A new leader
chapter 17 I'm not afraid
chapter 18 Helping hand
chapter 19 Can I trust you?
chapter 20 part 1 Jewel shards jewel shards jewel shards
chapter 21 part 2 Jewel shards jewel shards jewel shards
chapter 22 part 1 Where is she
chapter 23 part 2 where is she
chapter 24 Kidnapped
chapter 25 Being treated like a princess
chapter 26 BUSTED
chapter 27 Farewell
chapter 28 A peaceful place
chapter 29 Our first argument
chapter 30 A tragic announcement
chapter 31 Allies return
chapter 32 A relaxing day
chapter 33 Broken hearts
chapter 34 Knowing what's right
chapter 35 Betrayal
chapter 36 Decision
chapter 37 The days of peace
chapter 38 This is the part where I...
chapter 39 IT WAS YOU!
chapter 41 Your my very best friend
author's note

chapter 40 YOU LOSE!

152 4 0
By CelesteVampire

Nura: She turns to Naraku. "Naraku, you forgot to do one last thing."

Naraku: What?

Nura: She begins to stare at him. "The thing I wanted."

Naraku: Well?

Nura: She steps closer to him with sadness. "Who will be the man I marry?"

Naraku: He begins to smirk at her. "Me." He holds her hand.

Nura: "Ok." She stands by his side. "Let's go home my beloved."

They exit.

The sun begins to rise and the birds were chirping.


Inuyasha: "What do you mean she joined him?" He puts out both of his hands.

Kuba: "It's true." He turns to Kiba. "Kiba and I saw it with our own eyes."

Kagome: She turns to him. "This can't be happening." She shrugs.

Kirara: She lets them on her back and fly's to the castle.

Sango: She turns to them with worry. "Please put this on." She hands them the air filter masks. "These will make sure you don't breath in the miasma."

Kuba: He takes it and puts it on. "Thanks."

Kiba: Thank you.

Kagome: Thank you sango.

Kuba: He looks down at Kirara. "Now what ever you do, don't breath in the miasma."

Kirara: She accidentally breaths it in.

Kuba: He glares at her. "You breathed in the miasma. Didn't you?"

Kirara: She begins to fall.


Kiba: "WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" She begins to hold onto her tightly.

They all fall on the ground.

Miroku: He slowly gets up. "Is everyone ok?"

All: Yes

They enter Naraku's castle.

Kagome: She continues to walk and looks around. "Oh Des, please be ok."

They continued to walk but all of a sudden, they hear a voice.

Back so soon?

Inuyasha: He takes out his sword. "IT'S NARAKU! I KNOW IT!" He rushes to the dark room with the back door. "WIND SCAR!" He busts down the door.

As they all enter, they look to see Naraku, Kagura, Kohaku, and Kanna there. Kanna was standing there with empty eyes holding her mirror. Kagura and Kohaku turned and stared at them and Naraku was just sitting there with an evil smirk on his face.

Naraku: I wouldn't have guessed for you all to be back so soon.

Kagome: She steps in with anger. "WHERE IS SHE!"

Naraku: Who?

Kagome: She steps closer to him. "MY FRIEND DES! WHERE IS SHE!"

Naraku: He begins to chuckle. "Des? You mean Nura? She joined me now."


Kagura: She gets up. "Look, your wasting your time. She's not here."

Shippo: He backs up. "AA!"

Inuyasha: He turns to her. "LOOK! WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" He steps closer. "NOW I'LL ASK YOU AGAIN! WHERE IS SHE!"

Naraku: He smirks. "I already told you. She joined me now."

Inuyasha: He steps closer to him holding his sword. "DAMN YOU!"

Naraku: He begins to chuckle even more. "You see Inuyasha and Kagome. This just proves how foolish you are. You all decided to keep her secret from the village and yet, you have failed to save your precious Desdemona." He begins to smirk. "Don't you see? I'VE WON!" He chuckles.

Kagome: She takes out her bow and arrow. "I'M SICK OF YOUR LIES!" She begins to shoot her arrow at him.

Her arrow was going straight for him but before it could strike him, a shadow jumped out and struck the arrow onto the ground.


They all look up to see Nura floating there on a cloud with an evil smirk on her face.

Kagome: Her eyes begin to widen. "WHO ARE YOU! ARE YOU DES!"

Nura: " Nah, I'am Nura. I'am Naraku's fiance. He saved my life. When I was injured. Now I owe him." She lands on the floor. "All though, I guess you can say my body was born from Desdemona a few days ago. Now who ever you are, leave us be."


Inuyasha: He steps in with hatred and anger. "I don't care who you are. I'm still gonna make you wish you were never born."

He was about to attack but before he could, he feels someone grab him on the arm.

Inuyasha: He turns to see it was Miroku. "Hey what are you doing? LET GO OF ME!"

Miroku: He looks up at him. "It's hopeless. We need to go now."

Inuyasha: WHAT!

Miroku: "She has made her decision and she's not the same person we once new." He begins to walk him out and turns back looking. "It all makes sense now."

Inuyasha: He looks up at him. "What does?"

Miroku: Naraku wanted a bride so he manipulated Desdemona into joining him but in the end she was tricked. Desdemona felt it was best not to tell the truth because she was afraid they would kill her.

Inuyasha: He looks down at the ground feeling bad. "Now I see."

They all exit.

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