No Love Needed [BOYxBOY]

By Imbrication

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Dmitri Daniels is a 22-year old male dancer who is a total player. Growing up he never received love so he do... More

Chapter 1: Dmitri
Chapter 2: Andre
Chapter 3: The Best Sex Yet
Chapter 4: Talk Over Breakfast
Chapter 5: Along Came Quinton
Chapter 6: We Meet Again
Chapter 7: Technically Not a Date
Chapter 8: Pardon the Interruption
Chapter 10: Daytime Liquor
Chapter 11: Let's Play a Little Game
Chapter 12: Sex in the Movies
Chapter 13: Blows and Kisses
Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Thick Tension
Chapter 16: The Revelations
Chapter 17: Dmitri & Yvonne's Talk
Chapter 18: Smile For Me
Chapter 19: Private Talk
Chapter 20: The First Time
Chapter 21: Leaving Childish Things

Chapter 9: Sexual Tension

2.6K 127 43
By Imbrication

Hey guys, here is another chapter for you. I have also dedicated this chapter to one of my amazing readers, SupHomie. His comment in the last chapter really helped me come up with a devious new plan for the story. So thank you! Enjoy.


*Andre’s Point-of-View*

            I felt so ecstatic about yesterday and being able to hang out with Dmitri, even though it did have its low points. But it was still a pretty nice day and I felt progress was made between us. One thing I had shocked myself with was the kiss and everything else that followed. I had actually initiated the sex and it felt good doing it and had it not been for Dmitri’s cousin and her boyfriend, I would’ve rocked his world. But also, I had to thank the interruption, because once Dmitri walked out the room, I had time to think about what it was I was actually doing. I know I have feelings for him, and though I know he might have some type of feelings for me, he would not admit it. Sex is his game and if I give it to him, it doesn’t exactly benefit me.

            As someone who majored in psychology in undergrad school, I tend to try and read people and get into their thoughts. Just from spending the day with Dmitri, I already picked up a few things about him that I’m trying to break down. If it’s not evident, Dmitri had to have gone through some type of trauma that would make him the “player” he is today. He’s clearly scared to open up to someone because he feels they can use it to hurt him in the future. This would only mean that he’s experienced the hurt before…but how often, I can’t be too sure.

            I’m pulled from my thoughts as I hear someone knocking at my door. I finish up putting some of the things I learned into my notes and then I set my iPad down, quickly getting up from my sofa. I look through the peephole and there stands Quinton. It surprised me because usually he would’ve called when he was nearby. I open the door and Quinton gives a little smile.

“What’s up, Andre?” He says.

“Hey Quinton, I’m surprised you didn’t call like you normally do. I wasn’t even expecting you today.” I reply, letting Quinton step inside. I wasn’t even properly dressed, as I only wore some pajama pants.

“I know, I know. My bad, it’s just that I really wanted to just hang out, ya know? Plus my phone is dead. I think I left my charger at work.” Quinton explains, staring at me.

“Oh OK. Well, let me at least put a shirt on.” I say, closing the front door.

“Nah, you good.” He insists, taking a seat on the sofa and patting the spot next to him. I don’t think much of it and just sits down.

“So what brings you here this early?” I ask.

“Well, since I’m off today, I decided I’d come through. I wanted to tell you how my date went and all that.” Quinton answers.

“Oh OK, well I have to tell you something too, but you go first.” I urge, leaning back into the sofa.

“Well, me and the girl went out to eat. She was real cute and real nice. We were enjoying the food and all that jazz. After that, we drove around downtown for a minute, just talking. Then after a while she wanted me to take her home.” Quinton then pauses. I just stare at him.

“Y’all had sex?” I chuckle out asking. He shakes his head.

“I mean, it could have happened, but this is where the date kinda took a left turn.” Quinton says looking down. I raise my eyebrows.

“What went wrong?”

“So I take her home and we’re standing on her porch. I kiss her and she tells me to come inside. Now you never would guess how it could’ve turned bad.” He stops again.

“Come on Quinton.” I say, tugging at him.

“She has a husband. But, apparently it is an open marriage. So I walk in and he’s sitting on the couch and he greets me with a smile. I’m like, yo what? I start asking her who he is and she tells me everything. I wasn’t too comfortable with the situation, but since it had been a minute since I’ve had sex, I figured I’d still go for that. But…” Once again, Quinton pauses.

“But what?” I say rolling my hand for him to continue.

“She wanted a threesome…” He says after a long silence. My eyes go wide and I’m not sure what to say.

“So then you left?” I asked. Quinton nodded, not able to look me in my eyes.

“It was weird. I told her I don’t think I’m ready for something like that. You know I’m very opened-minded and all that, but I couldn’t even fathom being in the same bed, naked, with another man present.” He said slowly. I nodded, trying to understand, though I did feel a little disappointed, especially since I still found myself crushing on Quinton. Or at least used to…

“So what did you want to tell me?” He asked, looking back at me. I shook away my disappointment as I recalled yesterday and filled with excitement.

“So Dmitri and I hung out yesterday!” I exclaimed. Quinton smiled.

“Oh? What happened?” He asked.

“So I called him yesterday morning just to say hi and stuff. He didn’t answer so I simply just left a voicemail. But after a while or so, he called back and suggested us to hang out. I was so happy when he said that but also surprised. So anyway, we head to Golden Corral to eat and just talk. At first, he was being a little difficult but eventually, cooperated.” I said. Quinton was just staring attentively.

“So y’all made progress?”

“Yeah, somewhat. But then, things kinda went silent after Dmitri said what he had to say during each question asked.” I say, trailing off. I didn’t wanted to tell Quinton what Dmitri had said about him. It had made me upset but I had to play it off. But why would I be jealous just because Dmitri said Quinton was fine? Me and Dmitri were still nothing and Quinton is simply my friend. My straight friend. I shake away the thoughts and continue speaking.

“After I went so long without saying anything, Dmitri told me to take him home. So I took him home, but before he got out, I don’t know what came over me.” I said. Quinton’s smile seemed to drop as he waited on my explanation.

“What?” He asked, scooting closer to me on the couch.

“I kissed him…”

“You what!?” Quinton shouted. This made me jump.

“I kissed him and almost had sex with him.” I said, wide-eyed. Quinton frowned.

“Andre, why would you do that when you know that nigga still not gonna behave?” He asked.

“I know! But at least nothing went too far. His cousin interrupted us.” I explain.

“How so?” Quinton asked.

“I guess she was arguing with her boyfriend. They came into Dmitri’s place causing a ruckus.” I said.

“Well luckily they did. But you know what, I have an idea…” Quinton says, making me raise an eyebrow.

“What idea?” I ask.

“OK, so you’ve told me that this guy is kinda a sex hound, right? How about this. Turn the script on him, and by that, I mean to get him all horny and shit, but never allow him to orgasm.” Quinton starts saying. My eyes go wide and I can’t help but laugh.

“Are you serious?” I ask.

“Like a venereal disease.” He responds.

“How is this supposed to work? What will this even bring me?”

“Well, it might can spark something in him. Ya know? You want something more when you know you can’t have it. Plus no dude likes having blue balls. That shit is the worst.” Quinton explains. He had a point. But could manipulating Dmitri be the way to get him? It’s like so ironic because I’m always manipulated and I know I hate it.

“So, you’re suggesting that every time I see him, try to have sex with him, but never go through with it in hopes that he’ll possibly chase after me?” I ask for clarification.

“Yep! Either that or that dude will get what he deserve and will know how it is to be on the opposite end of the stick.” Quinton says. He then gets up and kneels facing me, getting real close.

“Look, all you have to do is give those long, sensual stares…” He says, staring into my eyes. “Flirt and be sexy…” Quinton continues saying, getting a little closer. “And of course, when it comes to the physical, just do those long, nice kisses.” Quinton says, with his lips just inches from mines. I chuckle nervously before he suddenly stands up and smiles down at me.

“Just do that and it’s enough to drive any nigga wild with lust.” He says smirking. I didn’t know what to say or do, because in a way, it worked. Quinton had me mesmerized just from explaining it all. And he was so close to me, for a minute I thought he’d kiss me. My mind was literally going crazy.

“So…you really think it will all work?” I ask, flustered.

“Yep. I’m a dude, and I know I like it, so I’m pretty sure other dudes like it.” He answers, still smirking. I swear I thought Quinton was going to kiss me, I really did. But then it’s like, nothing. He just keeps his composure like nothing happened – or almost happened – for that matter. Quinton sits back down on the sofa and stares at me.

“Thanks Quinton…” I mumble.

“No problem. So, how about you get dressed and we go to Coldstone?” He suggests. “My treat.”

“Sure, why not?” I say, just getting up off the sofa and walking into my room to find something to wear. I was feeling so out of it. Then it’s like, I couldn’t read Quinton to see if there was any ulterior motives in his demonstration. Honestly, I think I’m just starting to overthink the situation. I’m pretty sure if Quinton really wanted to kiss me, he would’ve did it. Plus he’s straight and even said he couldn’t fathom being in bed with another man. I frown again, thinking about what he said as I got dressed.

            I emerge out my room and look at Quinton who’s just sitting on the couch looking deep in thought. He always seemed to be in thought.

“I’m ready.” I spoke softly, snapping him out his thoughts.

“OK, let’s get going.” He said, jumping up from the couch and heading to the front door. I followed him, locking and closing the door behind me. I got in the passenger seat of Quinton’s car and just relaxed. He looked over at me before starting the car.

“You look all comfortable.” He chuckled out. I laughed but said nothing in return. Quinton pulled off and we headed out to the nearest Coldstone.

            The longer I was with Quinton in the car, the more I began to just observe him. It wasn’t even about what happened in the house regarding his little idea, but just in general. I tried to always get a good sense of who I was around and understand them better. Quinton never gave me a negative or sneaky vibe. I believe he is a very honest person and hasn’t lied to me. He even tries to look out for me and see to it I’m good. Quinton was really a good friend and an amazing man in general. I smile to myself just thinking about it.

“We’re here.” Quinton said, snapping me out of my mind. I looked out the window and saw Coldstone Creamery right there. I looked over at Quinton.

“Hey…thanks again. For everything.” I said smiling.

“Oh, it’s no problem at all.” He replied, looking down and smiling. I reach over and hug him, making him freeze. I release the hug and laugh.

“Alright, let’s get some ice cream.” I say. Quinton nods then opens his door, getting out the car. I follow suit and quickly run alongside him as we head into Coldstone. Once we’re inside, Quinton goes to order the ice cream. He wanted me to stay back so it would be a surprise for what he brings, just to see if I’ll like it. I really like surprises so I don’t protest to it. I went and took a seat at one of the small round tables and waited patiently until Quinton would arrive. After a while, I look up and see him coming over with one giant sundae.

“Is that for me or for you?” I asked confused.

“I got it for us to share.” He replied. I blinked at him so hard. Like what?

“You’re crazy.” I finally say. Quinton sets the sundae down and reveals the two spoons.

“One for me and one for you.” He says, just handing me a spoon.

“How will it look if we sit up here sharing a sundae?” I ask.

“Why does two guys eating a sundae have to be looked at weird?” He retorts, shrugging a bit.

“By all means, I don’t mind at all. But I know you wouldn’t want people thinking you’re…”

“Gay? I don’t care what people think. I know I’m not gay. Just simply sharing a sundae with a good friend. If it’s really a hassle, I’ll go order another one.” Quinton says, staring at me. I shake my head and just start eating, and after a while, he starts eating as well. I wasn’t going to complain and wasn’t going to overthink it. Quinton and I remained silent as we just ate and ate until the sundae was no more.


Alright guys, please tell me your thoughts on this chapter. Don't be such a silent reader all the time. Future updates will likely be postponed if there are lack of comments. Just informing you guys. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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