All Of Me Is Yours (vkook)

By btstrashaye

645K 27.4K 4.3K

[reconstructing] To everyone who'd prefer a better reading experience please read the redo chapters they wil... More

Intro and 1: A little bit of hope
2: Who are you?
3: Eyes locked
4: A tear
5: Shock and horror
6: Fate
7: A hidden weakness
8: I've got you
9: I'll always be here for you
10: Better
11: Home
12: Comfortable
13: Loner
14: A bold move
15: Make it clear
16: Uncertainties
17: Mates (M)
18: A mess
19: Test him
20: Fooled
21: Just love me (M)
22: Trigger
23: Fight
24: Suspicions
25: To go or not to go
26: Weakness
27: Starting the plan
28: A familiar figure
29: Outsmart Them pt1
30: Outsmart them pt 2
31: Fix the past
32: The ultimate duo
33: A memorable wedding
34: Happiness (final chapter)
💖 Epilogue 💖
Note :)
Key Ideas and Explanations
(redo) 1~ A little hope
(redo) 2~ Who are you
(redo) 3~ Eyes locked
(redo) 4~ A tear
(redo) 5~ Shock and horror
(redo) 6~ Fate
(redo) 7~ Hidden weakness
(redo) 8~ I've got you
(redo) 9~ I'll always be here for you
(redo) 10~ Better
(redo) 11~ Home
(redo) 12~ Comfortable
(redo) 13 ~ Loner
(redo) 14 ~ Bold Move
(redo) 15 ~ Mates (M)
(redo) 16 ~ Ultimate Omega

(redo) 17: All better

4.3K 101 11
By btstrashaye

"If I'm right Jisung, our kingdom will finally merge with Euphoria and we shall rule over them. I'm trusting you on this. Don't you even dare try and go against it."

Jisung quietly nibbled on his bottom lip.
He knew once his father had said so there'd be no going back.
He had to do it.

Ever since Jin hyung had left along with Taehyung, Jisung remained the only son of the Kim Alpha. They were not completely unaware of Seokjin's caring side, one that an alpha to them at all costs should lack, however they never had expected for him to constantly try and protect their filthy omega son from them.

Why exactly did they even hate the fact that Taehyung was an omega?

Only because it stained the Kim Alpha's pride.

The fact was that he had been raised to know that in the future he must only produce alpha heirs, the way the previous rulers of the kingdom had been doing. He never gave Taehyung a chance to prove himself. He wouldn't let himself allow it. He would always remain ruthless and cold; the way an alpha from the Kim family must be.

Taehyung was never his son.
Seokjin has failed him.
Jisung was the only one left; the only one that he would strip of all emotions and humanity, one that would act and behave the way he was told. That's a son Kim Alpha would be proud of.

And Jisung had no choice in this moment. He was still oblivious to the entire plan his father had in mind, but he couldn't question it.

He had to do it.

For the sake of his father.

For the sake of his kingdom.

For the sake of his life.

He had to bring Jeon Jungkook down.


"Shoot what do i do!!!"
Jungkook hadn't been this panicked his whole life!

I could easily just slit my arm, but my sword is downstairs in the training quarters. They might catch me, it would be all too suspicious.

His eyes frantically skimmed his room until they set themselves on a first aid kit in the corner of his desk.

That's the same one I used for Taehyung.

He smiled at the bittersweet memory.
It was the first night they had together but Taehyung was so badly injured, he couldn't bare to recall it all.

Snapping back Jungkook quickly grabbed the bandage and swiftly wrapped it around
his right arm near his wrist, fastening it at the end. He then quickly jumped into bed in excitement of finally seeing his beautiful Tae again.

Then he waited...

and waited...


"Come on hyung, mother we have to be faster than this!!!"

"Taehyung calm down goodness we can't just drop everything and go. How do you even know he's hurt? And even if he is so what, he's probably already been attended to and given medical treatment."

"How can you say that so easily mother he's your son don't you care for him? I mindlinked with him and I know he needs me I can sense it so please come with me or I'll go alone."

"You mindlinked him? This far away? How?" Miyeon's eyes narrowed as she anticipated the answer.

"I don't know I just focused on trying to sense Jungkook's presence."

"Do you realise how skilled you have to be in order to do that?! Mind-linking is even more complex than meditation, how do you control your mind this way?" She asked, amazed, and continued when she saw Taehyung's confused expression. "Taehyung to be able to mind-link with your mate not only does your bond have to be strong, but you have to have the ability to skilfully process scents and pheromones and use energy to locate your mate. Nobody can just randomly do it!"

"... but it wasn't nearly as hard as you're making it out to be, I bet Jin hyung could mind-link with Namjoon hyung now, right?"

Jin shook his head. "No, remember we're both alphas. Two alphas were never meant to be mates, so of course our biology doesn't allow a true bond with all these awesome connections you guys seem to have. I think only a handful of alpha - beta bonds are strong enough."

"... you're confusing me." Taehyung said, unable to understand anything in the urgency of wanting to be by Jungkook. "But if you're not gonna come with me I'll go myself!"

"Yah Taehyung you don't even know the way home,"

"It doesn't matter I'll do anything please!!"

Jin and Miyeon sighed as they began their journey home. Miyeon much more reluctant than Seokjin.

Taehyung felt as though he was standing on the edge.
He didn't understand what was going on anymore.
Why did mother and Jin hyung have to bring him out into a place so far and unknown, making him do the strangest of things. He couldn't help but feel that somehow they were testing him; what the reason was remained unclear. The endless love he'd received from the others was incomparable and he'd never felt so happy his entire life; just for things to stay this way he decided to remain oblivious.

All this was a headache for another day though, right now he had to be there next to Jungkook fast.


Taehyung couldn't hold back. He was about to burst into tears and seeing his love on his bed looking so drained and helpless broke him.

Jungkook flinched slightly and looked up with the droopiest eyes he could force from under the sheets.
"Taehyung, you're here,"

Taehyung smiled and rushed over to Jungkook. As soon as they made contact with each other a wave of relief washed over them, and for once in a while they felt alive.

"Where did you get injured? Have you been treated yet? What happened? Did you do something dangerous? I swear Jungkook if you did something wreckless-"

"Calm down I just sprained my arm"
Oh shit I should've said wrist, spraining an arm sounds too strange.

Taehyung's face filled with worry and he spoke through a saddened tone,
"Why can't you be more careful! Here, let me see." He gently removed the sheets and reached out for the bandaged arm. As soon as he touched it Jungkook purposely flinched.


Jungkook could swear he saw Taehyung tear up. He felt bad that he was faking it but he was enjoying the attention all too much. Taehyung's worry for him made his heart melt, and if this was the way he'd have to be to make him stay close, so be it.

"Tae please don't worry I'll be fine I'm just a little exhausted." As much as he believed what he was saying was a lie, deep down he swallowed thickly at the the way his limbs began to loosen against his will, but he just shrugged it off.

"I'll go get the nurse wait here,"

Just as Taehyung turned around to leave Jungkook grabbed onto his wrist.

What a cute romantic moment.

Only Jungkook should've thought twice.

They both stared,
first at the arm,
then each other.

Jungkook's right arm that was supposedly injured gripped tightly onto Taehyung's.

Uh oh quick I have to do something!

Furrowing his eyebrows Taehyung was about to speak but was abruptly cut off.

"OWWW!!!" Jungkook quickly removed his arm and wailed around, rocking on the bed with the 'extreme pain'.

Shit shit shit what did I just do!

As he was carrying out his act he looked up ever so slightly at Taehyung, hoping he hadn't been caught, and thank god he was pleasantly surprised.

"Ugh you big dummy be more careful." Taehyung was unsure of what to do, he couldn't focus his eyes on the vigorously rocking Jungkook who kept moaning about how much it was hurting. He tried to approach him but he was moving too much and at one point it got too childish.

So he smacked the child but the loud sound that echoed immediately made him regret it; Taehyung was only meant to tap the other on his head but turned out it was with much greater force than expected.

Jungkook groaned in pain and looked up for an explanation.
"Yah I'm already in pain what was that for?"

"Ah s-sorry, but if you'd stop moving so much then perhaps it won't hurt this bad!" He truly had to suppress his annoyance, but seeing Jungkook's cute little pout made all his anger fly straight out the window.
"N-no I never meant it that way,"

Jungkook huffed and faced the other way.

Seeing Tae like this for me is kinda fun hehe

No matter how much he wanted to squeal in delight he remained persistent in ignoring Taehyung's sorrys.

"Oh come on, I said I was sorry!" Taehyung tried a little aegyo and by gosh it was so cute but still Jungkook only stuck his tongue out in return.

Taehyung could only chuckle nervously.

"O-ok just forgive me soon please, I'll go freshen up I'm all sweaty hehe..." he slipped away still feeling really bad.
I was too harsh wasn't I.

"No wait Tae-" but he was already gone. Jungkook cursed himself for doing all this, he should tell Taehyung he was just joking around, that wouldn't sound too bad right?

"Ooof" he flopped his head and hands onto the bed, feeling a rather strange exhaustion but chose to ignore it.

Knock Knock

"Come in, its open."

"Jungkook just because of you we had to return from our camping trip honestly we were having so much fun!" Miyeon didn't even hesitate before scolding her son. "And where's Taehyung I hope he's okay!"

"I'm the one who's injured mother don't you even care!"

"You've never made it an issue about any injury before, not even when you fractured your rib, so I doubt there's anything to be worried about," She sighed. "But Taehyung, the poor soul, he was worried sick."

"Worried for me," he unconsciously grinned, Miyeon began questioning her methods of upbringing seeing the childish actions of her youngest son. But when she faced him again she froze.
"Jungkook! What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" His voice sounded fine to him, so he just thought that Miyeon was kidding around with him.

"Why have you gone so pale all of a sudden! A-and your nose, I think it's bleeding," she ran over to him and passed him a couple of tissues. Jungkook still didn't believe her, not until the tissues she'd stuffed to his nose fell down onto his laps, blotched with a crimson red.

"Oh shit, I have a nosebleed."

"Hey I've told you many times using profanities is not princely. But honestly Jungkook, have you been eating okay, what could be the cause of this-"

"Yeah I've been eating fine, ask Namjoon hyung if you don't believe me."

She didn't seem convinced but decided to leave it to Taehyung to take care of him while she would go to speak to Namjoon.

Miyeon wrapped her arms around Jungkook who's eyes widened in surprise, then she pat his chest softly.
"You're so cute sometimes I feel like you haven't grown up, you've had courage and been strong, stay this way my dear. I enjoy teasing you a lot and I know it must be hard but please if you ever want to talk to me about things, just how you're doing, please do. If anything is on your mind, tell me." She smiled warmly, Jungkook smiled back until he broke out once he'd thought of something to say.

"There's one thing I want to know, why did you take Taehyung away from me?"

"What do you mean, I took him and Jin for a camping trip like I told you."

"In the middle of winter? Yeah right. But mother tell me truthfully, why?" He seemed a bit upset, but something about the way his eyes stared at Miyeon's, she couldn't shift her gaze or bring herself to look away.

"I had some suspicions about you and Taehyung, but don't worry I've pretty much confirmed them now."

"What suspicions?"

"You think if you'd keep asking questions I'd keep answering. Get some rest with Taehyung now, I'll be off." She kissed him briefly on the forehead and left the room to go and find Namjoon like she had intended.

For some reason Jungkook decided to chase up on what Miyeon was hiding later. For now he just wanted Taehyung all to himself, but soon he found himself rather lost in regret, so he wiped away any drops of blood from his face, pulled his sheets aside and got up swiftly.

Now back to business.

Jungkook went over to Taehyung's room.
The sound of water droplets has stopped from the bathroom, and Jungkook had his ear near the door waiting with uttermost patience, then the click of the door opening slightly startled him.
He backed away quickly and waited for their eyes to lock. As soon as the beautiful brown orbs with blue accents matched up with his he felt extremely guilty.

"Taehyung, I have something to tell you."

"What, is everything alright?" He suddenly stopped flicking the back of his head.

"Yes but you see.." jungkook slowly unraveled the bandage to reveal pure milky white skin. He felt too bad to look up but Taehyung hadn't responded so he raised his head.

Taehyung was in a state of hysterical laughter held back by a hand covering his mouth, and he eventually gave in and hunched over constantly laughing.
Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

The omega pinched both of the others cheeks.

"I already knew, my little bunny."

"You already what!"

"You know I'm kinda glad you did this I was so desperate to come back home to you! That's why I'm not too mad though I truly was worried until I got here and realised."
Taehyung couldn't hide his blush.

Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's soft fragile figure, soaking in all the warmth that he'd missed for the past few days that seemed to have fixed the ache in his limbs.
The sweet scent of his mate was driving him crazy.
To Taehyung too the powerful scent of his mate made him want to melt in his arms.

Jungkook loosened his grip around Taehyung and moved back ever so slightly so their noses were just about touching.
No words were said, this presence they'd both been thirsty for was enough. They continued to remain lost in one another's eyes...

It came as surges of heat all over his body, Taehyung shivered and hung his head low.
He had no idea what was happening, his entire body began aching.

Jungkook was taken aback.
He noticed how Taehyung suddenly began burning up, but more so how his scent became so strong to the point it felt toxic.
He suddenly let go of the omega and took a few steps back trying to get back to his senses.
His head was pounding and he could tell that Taehyung was in a much worse state but he didn't know what was going on to be able to help.

"T-Tae, what's happening?"

Taehyung was shivering, propped up against the wall for support but even that wasn't enough, he eventually began sinking to the ground with weakness. This was the first time anything like this was happening, it all felt like he was terribly ill, however something was off. His instincts.
He was unconsciously craving his alpha's touch, wanting to submit be claimed.

It wasn't that they couldn't feel their strong attraction to one another, they were just afraid to become enslaved by their instincts and lose all their abilities to better judgement.

"I'm sure mother will know something I'll be right back," his voice shook slightly from concern, he couldn't bear to see Taehyung in this much pain.

"N-no, I need you, n-now!"
Taehyung himself was surprised at what he was implying but in all honesty he'd love it. The heat surges kept getting stronger and still feeling weary he got himself up rushing over towards Jungkook, and using all the strength he could in his state he dragged the other onto their bed.
Without hesitation he left sloppy kisses all over Jungkook's sharp jawline and over to his lips. They both felt the beating of their hearts pound harder by each passing second.
It took a little while but soon Jungkook couldn't contain his alpha's excitement, he suddenly switched positions so Taehyung was under him, the omega panting and impatiently urging him to hurry. The alpha captured the omega's plump lips and they locked continuously, his hand behind the others head, and Taehyung began to unbutton Jungkook's navy silk night shirt.
Jungkook traced down Taehyung's body leaving small bites and bruises earning soft moans after they both removed their clothes. He kept mumbling how beautiful his Tae was in between.

Taehyung looked into his alpha's fiery red eyes, his own glowing blue hooded with lust. He was loving every moment but the ache in his body was too overpowering he wanted them to go faster already.

"A-ah Jungkook, hah I need you, in me n-now please," he breathed into the other's ear shakily.


"No, now!!"

"Wait Taehyung are you sure this is what you wan-""


Jungkook smirked.
He still had to refrain himself from completely losing control or he'd hurt Taehyung, so he lined his member at the other's entrance.

Taehyung nodded desperately.

He carefully pushed in all the way, and Taehyung scrunched his eyes trying to bear the pain.

"Ah, d-don't stop,"

Jungkook obeyed as he quickened his pace desperate to make the other feel pleasure.
Taehyung leaned in towards Jungkook to hold on to him for support and breathed down his neck, moans constantly leaving his lips.


That's when Jungkook's control over his alpha was completely gone.
He thrust in deeper and faster, Taehyung whimpering at the sudden change. They both chased their climax but soon Taehyung felt as his walls being stretched even further and it made him scream. Jungkook instantly stopped but couldn't retract.

"AAAHH! W-what's happening?!"

"Ah shit I think I knot in you. We'll have to stay this away for a while I'm so sorry,"

"It's okay, b-but at least stop moving you big dummy." He sobbed quietly into Jungkook's shoulder.


It'd been around half an hour since they were done and Taehyung felt so relieved. He was exhausted but the terrible heat and pain was gone.

"How are you feeling?" Jungkook was beyond worried for Taehyung, he'd never meant to knot and he knew it must've been so painful.

"I'm fine." He smiled and snuggled in closer onto his chest.

"Ah that's a relief."

"You won't ditch me this time will you now?" Taehyung frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Last time remember you should've been there to take care of me but you just ran out after looking at my face. I still dont get what happened to you it's like I scared you I was so shocked."

"O-oh that, heh, of course I won't leave you, sleep now." He said and gently wove his fingers through Taehyung's soft blonde hair, all while feeling extremely embarrassed at remembering that time.


Taehyung felt the warmth of the suns rays on his face. He turned around to see Jungkook in deep sleep, lips slightly parted. He smiled at how he was to have a mate so handsome, and he touched the tip of his nose with his finger. Without realising it he'd been staring at the sleeping prince for at least an hour.
It was probably time to get up now.
He wasn't in too much of a bad state, so he was able to get himself up and get dressed. Just in case Jungkook got thirsty when he woke up, Taehyung went downstairs to get a glass of water from the kitchens.

Tae where are you?

Im just getting some water I'll be back soon.

Ugh Tae I'm in so much pain.

Haha very funny it won't work on me again. Just hang on I'm on my way.


Taehyung laughed at the cuteness of Jungkook as he made his way back.
When he opened the door the first thing he noticed was the red cheeks. He went beside Jungkook to see him all sweaty and groaning quietly. His eyes were still closed but as soon as Taehyung touched his forehead he realised Jungkook was burning up his eyes widened.
Jungkook felt his mates presence and opening his watery eyes, speaking weakly,
"I wasn't kidding this time."

"Oh my I'm sorry Jungkook what should I do you're burning up so much!"

"How are you feeling,"

"Come on look at your state and you're asking me how I'm feeling! We have to get you better! Ah I honestly don't know what to do! I'll get a maid to bring a bowl of cold water and a cloth."

"Just stay here and love me."


"You said you don't know what to do, so I'm saying just love me and I'll get better."

Taehyung pecked Jungkook's head and held his hand lovingly, "I'll love you for all my life."
Jungkook smiled.


"Ugh my head hurts."

"Aww just hold on I promise I'll make it better."

"Look at those two lovebirds why doesn't anyone care for me like that." Miyeon sighed, but she was immensely happy that finally her two sons were settled with the right people.
All she could do was hope that nothing would go wrong.

I wonder if u guys r ok with such long chapters 😬 I'm actually combining two at a time right now but if it's not convenient to read I can definitely go back to redoing one chapter at a time.
Hope you enjoyed reading have a good day 💜💜💜

(I'm just gonna leave before anyone realises the smut was so bad 😜 I just could t be asked to fix it 🙊)

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