Ignore Danke

Von habitatfordean

114K 4.2K 2.8K

I don't know why I keep this up, probably just nostalgia, but be warned these are shit so I recommend the lat... Mehr

Pleasure (D)
Delay (D AU)
Airdrop (xmas AU)
There's something I need to Say
Glass (D)
Role!Swap (D)
We All Have Secrets (D AU)
Game Play (Destiel)
Rain Drops (Destiel)
Arrangements (destiel)
Wings (Destiel)
Out (Destiel)
Bar part 1 (Destiel)
Bar (Part 2)
Help (Destiel)
Feels & Deals (Destiel)
Need I Say More (Destiel)
Nightmares (Destiel)
Camera, Action (Destiel)
With Me (Destiel)
Seriously? (Destiel)
Make You (Destiel)
Not In Drunk (Destiel)
FFMA (Destiel AU)
FFMA pt.2 (Destiel AU)
FFMA pt.3 (Destiel AU)
FFMA pt. 4 (Destiel AU)
FFMA pt.5 (Desiel AU)
FFMA pt. 6 (Destiel)
Whoops (Destiel)
Meant to be (Destiel)
Dimentions (Destiel)
Cabin (Destiel)
How to kiss (Destiel)
Sometimes pt 1(Destiel teacher AU)
Sometimes pt 2 (D)
Sometimes pt3(D)
Sometimes pt 4 (D)
Business pt1 (D AU)
Business pt2 (D AU)
Business pt3 (D AU)
Business pt4 (D AU)
Business pt7
Don't worry (Phan)
Where I First saw You (Destiel)
Lets Snuggle (xmas AU)
Underneath (D Xmas @bunker)
I've Seen You (D-bunker)
Fanfiction (Mhhmm, you bet it's Destiel)
Snuggle? (D)
He's calmer with Me (D)
You Have No Choice (D)
Arguments are Pointless (D)
It was Gabriel (Idk)
Don't Turn From Me (D)
Mistake (D)
Gasoline (D AU)
Gasoline pt 2 (D AU)
Don't Turn From Me 2
Talk Nerdy To Me (D AU)
Sectretive (D)
Forever (D)
Destroy my Heart (D)
This ain't a One-Shot, Its an explanation
Take My Hand (I said there would be more AUs)
Desireable (Bodyguard AU) pt.1
Desireable pt.2
Desireable pt.3
Desireable pt.4
Desireable pt.5
Preview...what do you think
Go Get 'Em Tiger
Sweetest Dreams
Hospital (AU)
Hospital AU pt2
Hospital AU pt3
Preview pt 2
A Late Night
The Game we all Play
'Friend Date'
A Different type of Hunt
These wings were made for you
Thinking out loud (AU)
I'll always be around
Thanks xx

Slowly (Destiel)

1.4K 46 24
Von habitatfordean

A/N this one is pretty shit so yeah...I'm not too good at fluff... I have no idea what this is...what the fuck even is this anymore!? What is life!

"Alright guys we've got to go now, really!" Sam tried communicating with Dean but failed miserably.

The music was loud and the night club was almost empty apart from team free will and a few random people. Cas had challenged Dean earlier to drink as much they could without getting drunk. Resulting in both of them obviously getting completely drunk. After flirting all evening, due to the alcohol, Cas and Dean had gotten really close.

"I think it's time for a dance" Dean got up from the table and grabbed Castiels hand, pulling him up onto the dance floor. At that exact time a slow and familiar song to Dean came through the speakers.

Cas stared wide eyed at Dean as he held him close around his waist and kissed his cheek before resting his head sort of on his shoulder. Cas eventually placed his hands under Deans jacket on his hips and closed his eyes, relaxing more and relishing all that he had before Dean realised what he was doing.

"You only stay with me in the morning,
You only hold me when I sleep
I was meant to tread the water
But I've gotten in too deep
For every piece that wants you
Any other piece backs away" Dean swayed slightly holding Cas closer and whispering and sort of sung to the angel.

"Coz you give me something that makes me scared alright
This could be nothing but I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something coz someday I might know my heart
But It might be a second to late
In the words that I could never say
Gonna come out anyway" he sung it as gently as he could, Cas couldn't help but love his singing voice either. He wondered if it would sound even better if he wasn't hammered.

Dean drew back, still holding tightly onto Cas and then leant in, closing the gap between their lips finally. As soon as their lips touched a round of applause erupted from Sam and Bobby in the corner (Bobby still had no idea why he agreed to come along).

Cas drew back after the peck on his lips and looked confused at Dean who was by now smiling and stumbling slightly as the song ended.

"What is it Cas?"

"I-it's just I've not really...I didn't think that..."

"Have I made my angel speechless?" he grinned before taking his hand again and pulled him out the door of the club.

"W-Where are we going Dean?" Cas stuttered whilst trying to be dragged properly and beginning to get dizzy.

Dean lead the angel to a motel room he'd got and lay Cas on the bed. Castiel was now a tad terrified of drunk Dean but knew nothing really was going to happen. Slowly, Dean clambered on top of the frozen angel.

"D-Dean, what are you doing?" Cas grumbled and got slightly annoyed.

All Dean could do was groan into the angels ear before closing his eyes and sparking out. On top of Castiel.

Great Cas thought to himself.


"Cas?" Dean grumbled into the pillow he was facing and fluttered his eyes open to suit the light in the room. He slowly and hesitantly got up and walked over to the mirror, staring deep in his eyes.

"What the fuck happened last night?" He questioned himself rhetorically.

"I would explain if you wish" Cas said from the other side of the room. Dean stumbled back in shock as he didn't expect anyone else to be there.

"Cas, maybe a warning before you do that"

"Sorry..." They held gaze from across the room for a moment before Dean spoke again.

"So...explanation? I don't have all day Cas"

"Oh yeah, um...what do you remember?" Cas awkwardly shuffled.

"Err...S-Slow dancing?" Dean rubbed his head trying to get more memories. And in hangover pain.

"Yes, and you took me back here and fell asleep on top of me" Cas said matter-of-factly.

Dean suddenly ran into the bathroom and opened up the toilet lid, throwing up into it. He knelt down in front feeling like his insides were going to explode. Before he knew it he threw up again.

Cas sprinted in after Dean and crouched down by the sick hunters side. Castiel tilted his head in confusion then knelt next to Dean. He began patting his shoulder, then rubbing his back even though he had no idea what he was doing. This encouraged Dean to throw up more, which Cas crossed off as being normal and needed to get it out of Deans system.

"It's okay Dean, just do whatever I'm here if you need anything else okay?" he softly said. This got Dean to tilt his head up a bit as he squinted his eyes and nodded before throwing up yet again.

Cas decided to leave the hunter for a bit and made Deans bed, propping up the pillows and moving the TV so it was in front of Deans bed. He switched on the TV and left it on Dr. Sexy M.D.

When he went back to Dean, he saw him shaking a bit like he was cold. So seeing this Cas pulled off his trench coat and wrapped it round Dean who just sat there.

Eventually Dean got up, with help from Cas who supported his waist and torso, and cleaned his face before Cas moved him to the bed.

"Thank Cas, you didn't need to do this. I've been through worst" Deans voice was croaky as he lay sort of and closed his eyes wanting to listen to the TV.

"But in hell I saved you, you always need some help" Cas snapped back then checked up on Dean once more, then stood back leaning against the door frame.

"Don't you dare say anything else, I'm too tired to sass back" Dean joked as he coughed a bit before taking in a deep breath.

"I'll be back in a while. You get some sleep" Cas ordered as he sat in the kitchen wondering what to do.


It was about six hours later, beginning to get dark already. Cas heard Dean stirring from his bedroom so Castiel got up and went to see him.

"Cas? Can you get me some water please?" Dean struggled to say.

The angel immediately turned back around and got Dean a cup of water, holding it to his mouth and helping him.

"Jesus, Cas I'm not a child"

"I know, but you can't do this all yourself yet" Cas smiled as he put the half empty cup down and watched as Dean sat up fully and brung his knees to his chest. Dean looked down to his pillow and bed sheets behind and grabbed the trench coat that Cas had put underneath him.

"Explain? Please?"

"I put it around you when you see cold. You must've fell asleep with it around still"

"It smells like you"

"Sorry, I'll take it away. I-I've been meaning to wash it..." Cas sat on the bed, facing the hunter, leaning in quite close to Deans body.

"No I mean it's like you...sweet and comfortable smell...I love it...it's really comforting to wake up to" he smiled.

"I'll take that compliment" Cas grinned back.

"I'm much better now...sorry about earlier" Dean got up the opposite side to where the angel was sitting then jumped across and stood opposite the sitting angel.

"It's okay...perfectly normal"

"Fine alright...but I think we need to discuss the finer details about of the evening now" Dean ran his hands through his hair and Cas nodded solemnly.

"Okay first things first...how did you get out from under me? Your erm 'mojo'?"

"No, no would've woken you up, I couldn't do that" Castiel smiled.

"Oh...thanks then Cas"

"It took me a couple of hours but I got out eventually"

"Hours! That's stupid Cas really, you should've just woken me up. So what else?"

"You were my umm...first kiss is that jogs your memories at all"

Dean stared at Cas for a moment before he widened his eyes and then rubbed them.

"Sam and Bobby saw that, didn't they?" he sighed.

"Yes...I can't do anything about that and the fact they think we're together"

"Oh crap"

"Dean it's not that bad"

"I'm sorry for taking advantage"

"But you didn't. If you remember I kissed back, I leant in too and I held you close, stayed with you"

"But I still knew what I was doing, you didn't"

"You were fully aware of your actions?"

"Y-yes. I did it on purpose..." Dean said quietly.

"So did I" Cas smiled a bit as Dean gave Cas a confused look.

"I get that now...but I thought you liked someone else"

"Only you Dean. I thought I'd take a while but not this long to get your attention" Dean then walked over to Cas and sat on the bed "y-you're an amazing singer you know Dean, even if you are intoxicated"

"Sam doesn't think so" he smiled. Cas looked admirably into Deans eyes as he came and sat next to the angel.

"Even if Sam doesn't think so, I do. Sing again, please"

"Ha! No I'm truly not that good surely. I'm not going to...last night was weird. don't get me wrong I enjoyed it. I enjoyed you" there was complete silence as they didn't blink from each others gazes.

"S-So, what shall we do about it-" Cas was cut of by Dean tenderly kissing him. Dean held his jaw while he kissed and shuffled closer to the angel.

Dean slowly drew back from Castiels lips "does that answer any question?"

"I-I think so" Cas was breathy as he said that and then he immediately crashed his lips back with Deans, slowly lowering him onto the bed. The angel straddled Dean, slowly taking off his trench coat revealing his plain suit. Castiel couldn't get enough of the hunters sweet lips and when he pulled back, he looked at them as they blushed a harsh red and Dean closed his eyes.

"Will you sing for me now Dean?" Castiel smiled and got off the hunter. Dean sat up and pulled the angel to stand up. Both of their bodies were up against each other as Dean began to sing again.

"Take me back to your place
Show me how to dance
Let's go watch the sunset
With me in your hands
Fly me in a jet plane
take me to the moon
Wherever you go
I'll follow" he sang softly breaking the environment of quietness around the entire motel.

"Never really meant to start the spark
What is it though?
As long as light follow through our hearts I'm dreaming" he trailed off and his lips were so close to Cas' as he sung.

"I love you Dean"

"And you babe, and to you" he teased. Cas blushed and furrowed his brow before closing his eyes and drifting his lips in front of Deans. They only just touched as they stood there, now holding hands.

Dean couldn't stay like this any longer and tenderly connected his lips with Castiels. It was met with fire and passion from the angel. He was pushed up against the wall, Cas hungry for Deans kiss back but he drew reluctantly away.

"I think we should take it slowly"

"Okay..." Cas sounded disappointed.

"Let's watch some crap TV" Dean grinned as he brought Cas back to the bed and put the volume up on Dr. Sexy. Cas lay with his back against the headboard and Dean next to him but more on top. Every so often they'd kiss the other anywhere and relaxed into each other's grasps.


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