Befriended (Jacob Seed X Fema...

By Funda_Carlton4eva

11.3K 506 45

Summary: Sheriff Whitehorse requested to have a new Deputy relocated to Hope County, after losing his number... More

Chapter 2: The Neighbour
Chapter 3: The Dinner
Chapter 4: Returning Ex
Chapter 5: First Move
Chapter 6: Bad Parents
Chapter 7: Veterans Centre
Chapter 8: Catching The Ex
Chapter 9: The Torture Begins
Chapter 10: First Argument
Chapter 11: Accident
Chapter 12: A Dead Ex and The Truth
Chapter 13: Forgiveness
Chapter 14: Starting All Over Again
Chapter 15: New Job
Chapter 16: Badly Sick
Chapter 17: Love & Divorce
Chapter 18: Keeping it a secret
Chapter 19: Growing Family
Chapter 20: Wedding Bells
Chapter 21: Wedding Day Arrival
Chapter 22: The Twins
Chapter 23: Carnival Fun
Chapter 24: Stupid Nightmares
Chapter 25: Making Things Better
Chapter 26: Sick Children
Chapter 27: Doubts & Hope
Chapter 28: New Family Members
Chapter 29: Mystery Child
Chapter 30: Separation Time
Chapter 31: Broken Family
Chapter 32: Fixing A Crushed Isabella
Chapter 33: Getting Isabella Back
Chapter 34: New Seed Member
Last Chapter: Finally A Seed

Chapter 1: Transferred

1K 24 2
By Funda_Carlton4eva

A year ago, Hope County was a dangerous place to live. A war had broken out between a religious cult and the residence of Hope County. Innocent and guilty people lost their lives during the war. It all had begun because of one Deputy. She was someone that the cult wanted on their side but she fought against them and destroyed things for the cult. Unfortunately the war claimed her life as well and once she died, the war ended.

Today, that religious cult no longer existed and all the cult leaders were now good people. Though, some of the Eden Gate believers still hung around and at times, they still did cause a lot of trouble. But that was not the main reason for Sheriff Whitehorse to request a new Deputy from Missoula. He needed a new Female Deputy and very brave one too. That's where Isabella Jones comes in.

The Sheriff in Missoula, informed Isabella that she was getting transferred to Hope County. Of course she wasn't too pleased about it but unfortunately, things like this happen in the Law Enforcement career. At the same time, Isabella saw this as a good opportunity to start a new chapter in her life, after the horrible break up she had with her ex-fiancé. It was an extremely abusive relationship but once Isabella became a Deputy, her fiancé called it off and ran away from her. He knew putting a hand on a police officer would get him in a lot of trouble, so he preferred to disappear.


Isabella arrived at the cabin that she was going to live in. She was amazed at how big and beautiful it was. The best part was the beautiful view of the mountains in the background of her double story cabin. "Well I'll be damned" she said to herself. She looked around to see what else was around her cabin and came across another cabin, this one was a single story. "Awesome. I'll have to say hello to my neighbour, once I've settled in".

The moving truck pulled up behind her car and the two men jumped out. Isabella joined the men and started giving orders on where each box went. Soon after, she found herself inside her cabin and unpacking all her boxes. "This is going to take days. But at least I don't have to do any cleaning. Looks like someone's already done it for me. I bet it was the Sheriff" Isabella spoke to herself. "Music will help me get through this unpacking. I should get my stereo first".

She walked outside to her car, grabbed her stereo and was heading back inside when she saw some guy at the next door neighbours door. "Maybe that's my new neighbour. I should say hi". Isabella put the stereo down and made her way over to the strange man. "Hi there" she said out loud, getting the man's attention.

The man looked up and stood still for a while, as he examined Isabella. "Hi" he said in a rough voice and looked back down at the pile of wood in front of him.

"I'm Isabella. I just moved in next door. Do you live here?"

"Ahh, So you're the new Deputy? That's just great" the man said with sarcasm.

Bella looked at the man in a confusing way, before continuing on speaking. "How did you know I was a Deputy?".

"The Sheriff was down here a couple of days ago, with his Deputies. They were cleaning out the cabin so I sorta got the hint" he replied back. "Jacob Seed's the name".

"Oh, nice to meet you Jacob".

"Nice to meet you too. I guess" he said and walked away.

"I better head back and finish unpacking. See you around"

"Whatever" Jacob said out loud and just disappeared into his house, without looking at her.

"Well that's nice. I've got a jerk for a neighbour. Oh well Isabella, just go home and finish your unpacking. Don't worry about this asshole" she said to herself and headed back to her house.

It was finally evening and Isabella had just finished unpacking her bedroom box. Just as she was about to finally sit down, there was a knock on the front door. "Damn" she said and walked to the door. When she opened it, Sheriff Whitehorse, Deputy Hudson and Deputy Pratt we're standing with pizza's in their hands.

"Welcome to Hope County" Deputy Hudson said. "We got you some pizza's because we knew you'd be so tired to cook".

"You guys are life savers. Please come in" Isabella said and stood aside, letting the three of them inside. "I just finished unpacking and was thinking about ordering dinner".

"Well I am glad we came at the right time. Allow me to introduce my two Deputies. This is Hudson and this is Pratt. They'll be the people you'll work alongside. Of course we have more workers but we are the three main officers in Hope County" the Sheriff explained. "We will talk work later. First, let's eat".

Isabella was glad the sheriff had said that. She felt like she was almost about to pass out from hunger. "Thank you all for coming and bringing pizza. What a lovely gesture".

"You're welcome Rook" Deputy Pratt said and all of them began eating their dinner.


After a great night of talking, telling stories and jokes, The Sheriff And Deputies decided it was time to go home. After all Deputy Isabella needed her rest. She only has two days to rest before starting her first shift at Hope County Jail.

"Thanks for coming guys. Tonight was lovely" Isabella said as she followed them out to their car. Isabella and the Sheriff stopped next to the car, talking a bit before they both heard noise coming from the neighbours house. They both looked over and saw Jacob.

"Have you had a chance to meet your new neighbour?" Sheriff Whitehorse asked.

"Yeah but he is a jerk. We spoke for a few minutes before he turned around and left. Didn't even say bye or anything" Isabella explained.

"Don't take any offence of it Rook. Jacob's had a rough past" Sheriff Whitehorse said. "Actually, if you've got time tomorrow, I'd like to come down and have a chat with you".

"Of course I'll be. What's the topic?"

"Jacob Seed but we will talk about it tomorrow. See you then Rookie"

"See you Sheriff".

Isabella turned around and walked back to her front door but stopped when Jacob walked out from his house. "Goodnight" Bella yelled out.

Jacob looked at her and without saying a word, made his way to Isabella. He stopped a few inches away from her, which was enough for Bella to make out his facial features. "Team meeting?" Jacob asked.

"Huh?" Bella sounded confused.

"Your Sheriff And Deputies were here"

"Oh yeah. Sorry. Umm yeah, they bought over some pizza knowing I would be hungry from all the unpacking" Isabella answered back. "Are you hungry? I've got quite a bit of pizza leftover".

"Pizza? Pfft. Nothing but cardboard"

"Cardboard? Pizza is delicious. Have you ever tried it?"

"No and don't plan too. Give me a juicy steak or any type of meat, and I'll be happy"

"Well now I know".

Jacob examined Isabella a little and realised that she was just trying to be friendly. She didn't seem like someone who would hurt others. "I better get back inside. I've got things to do".

"Yeah, I'm going to jump into the shower, then get some sleep. Goodnight Jacob"

"Yeah night" Jacob said and walked back to his cabin.

Isabella walked back inside and closed the door. "Ahh I am so done with today" she said and headed upstairs to have a shower.

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