Do we still attached?

By skyecakes

145K 3.8K 867

Natasha and Steve hadn't seen each other for the past 3 after they're break up. One time there's a new villai... More

Meeting each other again???
Back in action
My son
Wanda vs Clint
You seem bothered.
I'll think about it.
I don't know how.
She will experience it.
Meet Nate.
Can we have a dinner?
Let's make things right...
We kind of know it. You know?
Slap by Wanda
Now I know where he got that.
I don't wanna slide.
Be ready.
Bad plans.
A lesson by the black widow.
We meet again.
Nathaniel's birthday.
Steve's message.
Never mess with Natasha again.
Nate's back
Family time.
A date it is
The planning.
Rush wedding?
Grumpy Tony
The night before the wedding.
The wedding
On it's way
The Rogers family
A favor A/n

Getting my son back.

1.9K 59 2
By skyecakes

Third person's pov

"When can I see mama? I miss my mama..." Nate asked quietly.

"It's been a week since you were here, do you think your mama still loves you? She couldn't even find you."

"That's not true... My mama loves me she'll find me. She and my daddy will get me."

"Shut up! You little bastard! He's not your daddy!" The blonde said ready to hurt Nate again.

"He's my daddy!" Nate fired back that causes the woman to take a step and stood on Nate's little hand very hard. Nate immediately cried because of the  pain. It's like her torturing a little kid who didn't have any idea on why she is doing it.

"Next time don't argue with me! Understand?!" The woman said and Nate silently cried. She took Nate's hand and took a picture of it and send it to Natasha little did she know that was the biggest mistake she'll ever do....

Steve's pov

"Finally! The number sent a message again! And now we're finally sure of the place!" Tony yelled. Me and Natasha rushed to his side to see what's the message about.

"Wait let me look first." Tony ordered and we just nodded. When Tony saw the picture he became quite and his face fell.

"What is it?" I asked and he just looked at me and didn't utter a word.

"Tony what is it?!" Natasha says with fear showed in her eyes. When Tony didn't speak again Natasha yanked his arm and snatched the phone.

"Oh no! She hurt him again!" I took the phone her trembling hands and looked at the photo myself. This is too much. Too much for my son to take in.

"I can't wait anymore! It's been a week already! I've been waiting for a week! And I can't wait any longer! What if she did again huh?! My son is too young for this! I never ever hurt him.. You can't see any bruised or scratch on him... And now this happened? Please! Please Tony help me get my son! Please Tony! Please I'm begging you!" I can't take this anymore. I can't see my family being tortured and suffering.

"I'm finally sure that this is the address. Let's go and get your son back." Tony said with determination on his voice. All of them wanted to come with us but the other just stayed home to look out for the other kids.

Time to get my son back.

Natasha's pov

Clint, Wanda, Tony, Thor, Steve and I get ready to get Nate. We didn't bother Bruce because we don't need the big guy for this. Ok don't get me wrong but it's just Nate is not ready to see the big guy he will be probably scared and I don't want that to happen because he's had enough.

"Try to be patient ok? Fighting is the the last thing we will ever do in this situation. We can't let Nate see things that he's not supposed to." Steve reminded us. Well I will not be bad guy in front of my son but I will teach whoever behind all of this a lesson when my son is out. I can't let this pass. Not even a chance. He or she will regret hurting my son like that.

"Ok we're here. I'll be up there to see what's inside and I'll signal you if there's any threat before we go in." Tony said and fly scanning the whole area. After a few minutes he got down.

"All clean. No securities and other things that can hurt us." He said and we nodded. We were walking separately and trying to be quite so that the person inside won't notice that we are here. All was going well until....

"I want my mama! Stop it! It hurts!" A little voice said in pain. That sound broke my heart... I know that voice... That voice belongs to my son oh my god!!!

"Did you heard that?! It's our son Steve!" I said and rushed inside before he can do anything. My heart aches at what I saw. It's Nate all dirty and kinda skinny. He has a bruised almost all of his body and some cuts, his hair is a messed too.

"Mama! Help me mama please!" He cried and I ran to him and touch his face.

"Oh my baby mama's here." I said tearing up and carried him up as he sobs on my neck. My baby's hurt for real.

"I don't want to be here anymore mama." He sobs on my neck hugging me tight.

"Shhh baby. It's ok no one will harm you again." I said calming him. My baby's here now. Time to deal with this son of a bitch who just took and hurt my son.

"Nate!" Wanda said and rushed to my side looking at Nate.

"Aunty Scarlet!" Nate said and Wanda hold him knowing that I have something to do.

"I'll put him in a car." She said and I nodded. When they are out of sight I turned around to see........ Sharon.

"Oh! hey there Natasha! Did you enjoy those videos and pictures? Hays serves you right." She said. She doesn't have any idea on what's going to happen to her. She'll regret it.

"How can you do that to my son huh?" I said with my voice shaking because of angriness.

"Just for fu----" I slapped her before she continue and did something that for sure she will never forget....

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