Never mess with Natasha again.

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Tony's pov

"Just for fu----" Before Sharon can continue Natasha slapped her really hard and did something that made all of us shocked.

"AHHHH!!!" Sharon cried when Natasha yanked her arm and twisted it.

"How would you feel if I break your arms right now huh? Not just your arm but your legs too huh?!" Natasha said not letting go of Sharon's arm. I'm afraid on what's going to happen...

"You can't do that! You can't hahahha! Before you could do that the bastard son of yours..." Before she can say a word about Nate, Natasha twisted her arms real hard this time and did something to Sharon that made her bones cracked.

"AHHHH! STOP IT!!!" She cried again. I thought Natasha was done but she yanked Sharon's hair and hit her face with Natasha's knees a few times. Oh that must've been hurt.

"Nat! That's enough!" Clint yelled when we saw how bloody Sharon face is. Natasha finally let go of her and I sighed at relief. She definitely would kill Sharon if Clint didn't stopped her. I know I hate Sharon for what she did to Nate not just to Nate but also when she ruined Steve's and Natasha's relationship but I don't want Nat to do something to her.

"Next time you did something to any of us again? I swear to god I'll kill instantly without you feeling any pain... Do you understand?" She asked with gritted teeth. No kidding I'm definitely scared to Natasha at this moment.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Natasha yelled and pulled Sharon's hair.

"Y-yeah!" Sharon said crying and with that Natasha let go of her hair and walked out. Everyone followed Natasha and I stayed for a while to say something.

"What are you still doing here douche man?" She said and gave me glare.

"Excuse me?" I said and she didn't respond.

"I'm not here to comfort you if that's what you're thinking. I'm here to say something." I said and she still haven't respond. This girl is just annoying.

"I feel pity for you but you deserved that for hurting a child. You are so lucky that Natasha didn't kill you, you must thank Clint for that. Anyways, I just wanted to say Never mess with Natasha again she won't hesitate to kill you if you did something rubbish again. Always remember that You can mess with anyone but do not try to mess with the black widow. That's all bye bye." I said and started to leave the place but I forgot one thing.

"Oh I forgot.... You'll be in jail in a few minutes. Enjoy there! I heard they have the grossest food." I said smiling and walked away leaving Sharon on the floor holding her arms.

Natasha's pov

"Mama I'm hungry..." Nate whispered in my ear since he's still hugging me on our way to hospital.

"What do you want to eat baby?" I asked stroking his arm with my thumb gently.

"I don't know mama but I want to eat. The woman didn't gave me any food..." When he said that in a really really low voice I slipped a tear.

"She didn't gave you anything?" I asked trying my best not to stammer.

"She didn't mama. All she gave me was a wawa (water) and when I tried to asked for food she always hit me..." He said and I can felt his fear.

"It's ok baby... Don't be scared mama's here... Mama won't let anything to happen at you again ok?" I said and I know that everyone in this car are looking at me but i didn't look at them. All I need to do right now is to care about my son, making sure that he'll be okay.

"Mama will bring you to the doctor first ok? Then we'll eat whatever you want." I said cooing him and he nodded. After a few minutes his breath became heavy and he fell asleep.

"He's been through a lot..." Steve said looking at our son with sympathetically.

"I know..." I replied quietly. After some time we arrived at the hospital and I carried Nate inside and a nurse assist us. The doctor came and he checked Nate.

There's no serious cuts nor injury. He gave me some ointments to put on Nate's bruised body parts and some band aids with characters to be put on some scratches.

After that we thanked the doctor and left the hospital and was about to drive on the restaurant when Wanda spoke.

"Nat we already ordered all the foods that Nate might like..." She said.

"Oh thank you. Are they gonna deliver it to the facility?"

"No actually Tony and Clint picked it up." She said and I nodded. We are now heading home and Steve hugged the both of us. We arrived at the facility and I headed to our room to clean Nate and apply some ointments oh him.

"Ouch mama!" He reacted when I applied some ointment on his bruised.

"I'm so sorry Nate! Mama didn't meant to." I said kissed his forehead. I continue to apply some on the other bruised but more gentle this time.

"Let's go baby. We'll eat dinner." I said and carried him down stairs when I finished medicating him. When we reached the kitchen the kids approached us.

"Nate! Where have you been?" The kids asked curiously.

"Uh kids we'll talk about that later ok? Nate's hungry and so are we." Pepper said and thankfully they didn't argue anymore and just sit on their chair. I fed Nate gently and all of us eat peacefully.

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