Let's make things right...

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Steve's pov

We were heading to the grocery store actually were already here.

"You wanna come with me? I think i run out of supplies in my house." Natasha said and there's no way I'll refuse to that so I said yes and we head inside me holding Nate in my arms.

"Let's go to this aisle I think I run of tissue paper in the bathroom." She said.

"You think? you're not sure?" I ask and chuckled. Typical Nat.

"Hey! I-i just forgot you know?" She said and we laughed together then suddenly some stranger come to us.

"You look like a happy family." She said with a man I think it's her husband or friend or something.

"Uhh thanks?" Natasha said. Wow she didn't deny it. I secretly smiled to my self.

"Can we took a picture of you three?" Said the girl, it's kinda strange the she didn't take her mask and the hat off even the guy. I looked at Natasha, unsure what to say.

"Why?" Natasha said to the brunette girl. And I heard one of them but I didn't understand.

'Obviously a remembrance duh?' I think it's the guy but again I'm not sure.

"Nothing it's just that we always wanted a baby." The girl said and I saw her leaned to the guy's arm.

"Oh ok...." Natasha said and give her phone to them and started taking pictures of us.

"Thank you." They said and left.

"Creepy shitheads." Natasha mumble and I give her a look luckily Nate didn't hear.

"Sorry." She said and giggle.

As we get all the things she needed we go to her house and Nate sleep again.

"Just put him in the couch. He must be  exhausted. My poor baby." She said and I did what she told.

As I tucked in Nate in the couch I see Nat starting to cook and I think this is the time to talk. I know it's a little bit fast but I won't let this takes a time.

"Natasha? Can we talk?" I said.

"Yeah sure, we still have a lot of time since it's just 5 pm so what's up?" She said casually.

"What happened to us?" I said straightly looking into her eyes.

"Steve.... What do you mean 'what happened to us'?" She said.

"You know what I am talking about Natasha. Why did you broke up with me? Why did you run away???"

"Woah! Wait a second! I broke up with you?! You're the one who broke up with me that's why I left!" She said giving me an 'are you serious' look.

"What are you talking about Natasha? I didn't broke up with you! You did! You said 'I'm sorry Steve I don't love you anymore I'm breaking up with you' and after that you never showed up! Did you know how miserable I am that time?" I said to her and I didn't controlled my emotions this time and just cried in front of her.

"Is that true Steve? You're not making this story?" She said and with tears in her eyes too. I want to wipe her tears away and hug her so bad right now.

"Of course why would I lie to to you Nat?" I said to her.

"I-i didn't b-broke up with you Steve. I received a message too. After I went to hospital I was heading home when my phone buzzed and you texted me saying that you don't love me anymore too. I was hurt that time that's why I run away I'm afraid that you will took the baby away from me if I'd told you that I was pregnant." She said and I was frozen. I can't even move. Is that mean Nate is my son?!

"You're pregnant that time? Why didn't you tell me Natasha?" I said to her, as much as I want to yelled at her I can't.

"I was supposed to! But then I got the message and decided to run away!I'm sorry Steve, I'm sorry!" She said sobbing and this time I hug her and she hug me back still sobbing.

"Does that mean I'm Nate's Father?" I ask to her and she just nodded I lift her up still hugging her and spin her around, I can't believe it! Am I dreaming?! Please don't wake me up if I am!

"Really?! Really Nat?! I'm his daddy?!!!" I said almost yelled because of the happiness I'm feeling.

"Yes you are love! Yes you are!" She said cupping my cheeks and smiled at me. I can't take this anymore! As I lowered her I kissed her passionately which shooked her but she responds too after a second.

"We will make things right love. I'm gonna find who did this to us." I said to her and she just hug me. And I don't know what came over me but I ask her the question that I always wanted to ask ever since she came back.

"Nat do you still love me?" I said to her and she looked up to me in my eyes.

"Yes I do. I still do. And no one's gonna change that." She said sincerely to me.
That is the only thing I want to hear. I put my face in her neck again sniffing her scent.

"I hope this is not a dream Natasha." I said ang hug her more tight. Scared that this is just a dream.

"It's not love. It's not." She called me 'love' again and I smiled to myself.

"It's ok to call you 'love' again right?" I ask not removing my face to her neck.

"Of course we were not the one who break up with each other, someone did. So technically we're still together. If...." She said and stop.

"If what?"

"If you didn't have a girlfriend right now." She said and I can feel her jealousy.

"I don't have any love you're still the one and no one can replace you here in my heart."

I'm so soft for them hahahahah. I can't see them not together so yeah hahaha. (Marupok much hehehe)

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