why don't we imagines

By DivineHerron

209K 2.6K 511


Stranger? Pt.2
Stranger? Pt.3
What he likes about you
Your favorite place to go with him
The argument/Jack
Ur favorite song to sing with him
Spin the bottle/Daniel
Almost lover.
Clingy ass bitch / Zach
Heartbreak/ Corbyn
Bully/ Corbyn Besson
The waitress/Jonah
Happier pt.2
Leave so soon? /Daniel
Cheater pt.2
Angry / Jack
Abusive boyfriend / Jack
Happier pt.3
Cheater pt.3
Happier pt.4
The announcement/Zach
Ive been thinking
Big anouncement
Our secret/Jonah
alcoholics /D.S
You dont know what its like/C.B
birthday boy/Zach
This is very important
Someone like you/Jonah
A toxic relationship/Daniel
Ex/Ryan Herron
Besties/ Daniel
Besties pt.2
Show some love
Different sides/Daniel
Friends? / Zach
The club/ J.M
Bad girl good guy/ J.A
Psychopath/ corbyn
Someone you loved/ Jonah
Peter pan/ Daniel
Allergic to love/ J.A
Lets play a game/ peter pan
I want to die/d.s
mistake/Peter Pan
In another life// J.M
hurts: J.A
Lost limelight
The friendship/ d.s
Start over again c.b
Yandere <3 Zach

Smile/ c.b

1.2K 24 12
By DivineHerron

C-SMILE Y/N!!!!!

Corbyn yells while smiling and pointing the camera at me and away from the boys.


I put my hands in front of my face not wanting to be in a picture.

J-Y/n move ur hands

Jack says coming towards me as Corbyn started recording. Jack tried to pry my hands off of my face but he was just too weak.

Z-Wait let me try....

Zach then went over to me started to tickle my sides. I laugh and remove my hands from my face to try and move Zach away but by this point all of the boys tackled me on the ground except Corbyn who was filming everything.

Y-No no no no. GET OFFFFF

I yell laughing as they start to laugh even more.

Y-Okay I give-

I couldn't finish my sentence and I started laughing even more. Then after what felt like forever they finally stopped. They all got up as my body laid on the hard wooden floor with my hands resting on my stomach.

C-How do you feel after that?

Corbyn saying putting an invisible microphone up to my mouth and puts the camera towards us

Y-You all are gonna die.

I say getting up as they all started to scatter except Corbyn.

Y-That's includes you Corbyn
C-What!! What did I do?

I yell as Corbyn shuts off the camera and throws it on the nearby couch then scatters.


It's time to say goodnight to the boys, the hardest thing to do.

Y-Guess what?

I say out of the blue. We were all on the couch and everyone was on their phones.

Y-Its 8pm....
Jo-no no no no

They all groan and I get up when Corbyn grabbed my wrist not wanting me to leave.

C-Don't leave.....

He gave me puppy dog eyes and all the boys leaned it giving me puppy dog eyes.

Y-Oh great you guys learned how to do puppy dog eyes.... just my luck

I sigh and smile.

Y-I have homework to doooooo
C-I'll do your homework!
Y-Corbyn I- really??
Y-Oh.... alright

I smile and grab my keys and my coat.

D-Wait.... where are you going?
Y-To go get my homework
D-I'll go to make sure you come back
Y-I- okay

I sigh and chuckle then Daniel gets up and rushes over to me.


Daniel is driving my car. DRIVING MY CAR. MY CAR. I- whatever

I turn on the radio as a couple songs played and Daniel and I sang along to them. I stare at the sunset disappearing into the road. The mix between purple, pink and blue was beautiful along with the silhouette of the LA palm trees. And the distance light poles. They view was something nobody can forget.

D-Its beautiful isn't it.

I admire the view as Daniel looks at me and smiles.

Y-You just missed my exit

I say chuckling as he smiles.


His blue eyes sparkle as he smiles from ear to ear. I chuckle and shake my head

Y-You're a dork
D-I know!

I laugh and turn up the music. What was playing? Just the cheesiest song that can be played at this time

And I can't help falling in love with you....

It was dead silent but not awkward silent, nice silent.

D-Is it this exit?

He then turns and exits and after a couple minutes we were in the driveway of my house. He put my car in park and unlocked the doors, I get out stretching as Daniel walks to my door. Ignoring the small pond and cut right through the grass I look at him like 'what the fuck'

I then run up to him and attack him, well jump on his back.

Y-How dare you! There is a path to my door for a reasonnn
D-Get off you wild creature

I huff and after a while of him trying to shake me off I decided to get down. Then all of a sudden we break out laughing.

Y-Alright come in.

I said opening my door as he enters my house.


BACK AT IT AGAIN at da why don't we house.

Y-Wassup ugly bitches

I say entering their house as Daniel closed the door behind him

Z-You're an actual ass
Y-Yeah.... and that's why you guys wanted me here

I chuckle as Corbyn gets up and runs to me. He then embraces me in a huge hug making me drop my beautiful and magnificent backpack that I bought at the dollar store. I chuckle and hug back and then he lifted me causing me to wrap my legs around his wait.

Y-I was gone for like 20 minutes
C-twenty minutes without you is torture.
Y-You've gone months without me
C-And that was pure hell

I chuckle and dig my head into his neck.


Corbyn got done with my homework and I smile

Y-Thanks Corbs. It is now 11pm and I should probably head home now.
C-Wait no-
Jo-Here we go....
C-But you need to stay the night. I need you WE need you. Just one night
Y-How is this gonna work out?
D-I'll drive you
J-I can drop you off some food
Z-I can pick you up
Y-Don't drive Zach
Z-Oh come on it's been 2 years
Y-Yeah 2 years and you still haven't improved
Z-But I wanna do something
Y-You can walk me to my 1st period class

Zach brags as I playfully roll my eyes

Y-So whose picking me up?
C-I can

I knowing i can just wear some of the boys clothes.


I get up did the usual stuff and got dressed into

(Daniel Outfit)

I stole it from Daniels closet. I slept in the living room and on the couch but Daniels room was upstairs so yeah. By the time I got downstairs I was basically already ready and I also saw Corbyn was making pancakes.

Y-Wow u woke up in ur own.... I'm impressed

He chuckles

Y-But isn't Daniel supposed to be dropping me off?
C-Yeah but we have what....
Y-Like aBout 30 minutes before they all wake up
C-Yeah...30 minutes together alone

I chuckle and go up to him as he flipped a pancake with a spatula. I look at him as he was so focused on the pancakes, making sure every single one was perfect.

He then placed a whole bunch of pancakes on one single plate. But he put a certain pancake on a beautiful white plate with silver designs dancing elegantly on it.

He turned off the stove and gave me that beautiful plate. I smiled at what I saw before me. It was a beautiful pancake shaped like a heart with dyed red maple syrup layered on it and cute rose petals surrounding it.

Y-Corbyn.... this is beautiful

I say in amazement

C-Well only for the best.

He says as I chuckle

Y-Thank you.... really

I say sincerely giving him a hug as he sighs and hugs me back

C-It wasn't a problem.... really no. Now eat it

I chuckle and sit back down as he sat next to me and was watching me about to cut it.

Y-I can't....
C-What why?

He said worriedly

Y-Its just.... too beautiful

I say smiling as Corbyn and I lock eye contact

C-Here let me

He says taking the plate and cutting the pancake. When he did so we broke eye contact and then he stabbed a small piece f the pancake onto a fork and held it up to my mouth.

C-Open wide

I chuckle and open my mouth as he pretends it was an airplane and it crashed into my mouth.

Y-Its delicious
C-Oh thank God

He says while letting out a breath he's been holding in. Then Daniel walked in

D-I SMELL- are you wearing my clothes?

Daniel says looking at me

Y-Are you wearing my bracelet?

A while back Daniel stole a bracelet from me and he just never gave it back.


I laugh


Daniel and I were about to head out forgetting about Zach until he rushed out of the kitchen


he then fell and we all laughed



We all got into Jonah's black Jeep because I didn't feel like driving my own car and plus Daniel and I forget to get gas for it and I'm a kind of late.

Daniel starts the Jeep as Zach shuts his door in the back seat. He sat behind me and I just looked back at him to see him get all excited


Y-Thanks Daniel for the ride. Okay love you bye

I say while putting shutting the door and waving bye

D-Bye y/n love you too

Then he drive off

Y-Ready to walk me to my first class
Z-Ma lady

He says putting his arm right in front of him wanting me to wrap my arm around his

Y-Why thank you fair lad

We entered my school as Zach and I just talked and made funny jokes. Then of course we had to run into my bully. Samantha and Sam. The it couple at our school and the two meanest people.

I laughed at Zach joke when suddenly I felt a strong pressure against my back making me fall down.

Z-Y/N! Are you okay?

Zach asks bending down to help me up

Y-Yeah no Zach I'm fine.

I say taking his hand and standing up.

Samantha-Omg you are such a baby needing your little boy toy to help you
Sam-You're such a slut

People started to crowd around us.

Z-What did you just call her?

Zach says with pure anger. Spitting venom and clenching his fists Zach started to become red from pure anger

Y-Zach let's just get to class...

I touched his arm and he shook it off then he walked right up to Sam and punched him. Sams head turns to his side.

Sam-You fucking idiot

Sam spits out as he punches Zach back but Zach falls into the ground with a busted lip.


I yell clenching my fists. I knew I couldn't beat Sam but Samantha isn't so strong now is she?

Sam-What are you gonna do to me huh?
Y-I'm not gonna do anything to you. But I never said anything about ur Barbie doll did I?

Her eyes go wide and she tried to run away but I yanked her hair and and punched her in the face. Sam was distracted so Zach took this opportunity to punch Sam and he did. Zach got on top of his and started punching him silly.

I on the other hand is yanking Samantha's long brown hair and also punching her silly.

Knowing I won the fight I get off of her and then spit right next to her.


I say placing my hand in his shoulder.


He looks up at me. His red face slowly goes back to his normal color. White. His knuckles are full of blood and he has more than a busted lip.
I'm basically the same. We both get up as everyone took pictures and videos


I sat with my feet up on the desk, the class was silent. Third period was English and today was silent reading. Until we heard the teachers phone ring. But it was those classroom phones.

Teacher-Yeah....uh huh.... okay

She then hang it up as everyone looked up from their book.

Teacher-Y/n they want you down at the office

Everyone oohed thinking it was because of the fight. To be honest I did to.
I walked through the empty halls listening to my shoes hit the floor with every step I take. Then the next thing I knew I was in front of the office door. I sigh and then go in

Y-You called?
Lady-Are you y/n?
Lady-Um a guy named Jonah came by and dropped you off your lunch. Uh here it is

She then handed me a bag and I said thank you and I was in my way.
What did he get me?
CHIPOTLE!!!! Yessssss


End of the day. Finally. I stare at the clock just waiting for the bell to ring. I actually like science but I just wanna see Corbyn.



I jump out of my seat until the teacher cleared her throat

Teacher-The bell doesn't dismiss you.....

the teacher shut her mouth. Yeah so she is very scared off me like frightened. Then I bolted out of the class and went to my locker. I grabbed my stuff and dashed out.
I looked for Corbyn's car and once I do I run up to it.


I yell and wave as he smiles and unlocks the door.

C-Jack said he felt bad he couldn't do anything for you and he needed to spend the day with Lavender.
Y-Oh no it's totally fine. I don't wanna get in the way of him and his priorities.
C-Oh and Zach told us everything about.... well yeah

He started the car

C-wait before we leave..... Let me see that smileeeeee

I chuckled knowing I wasnt smiling this whole time.

C-there's that beautiful smile

He started the car and then drove off



I yelled from the kitchen which I was doing nothing but going on my phone.

Y-I want ice cream
C-I'll take you
Y-Wha- Okay!

I immediately jump up on my feet and get all excited. Corbyn then got up and we walked to the door


We were sitting st this cute white table with a very pink color Tint plastic chair.

We both are eating our ice cream peacefully until someone and by someone I mean Samantha came up to us.

Samantha- Awe is this ur new boyfriend? How many?
Y- I will beat ur scrawny little ass again. Maybe this time u won't be able to get up.

She scoffs as I get up and walk away with Corbyn following after me.


Corbyn drive home because I was too mad to drive, we pulled up in the driveway but as soon as I put my hand on the handle Corbyn locked the doors again

Y-Corbyn what?
Y-Not the time Corbs

I then unlock the doors and was about to head out until he grabbed my shoulder and I looked back at him.

C-I want a genuine smile.... please

There was a moment of silence until I chuckles and gave Corbyn a nice smile.

C-Now was it that hard?
Y-Thanks corbs


Wedding day

I'm so nervous, I look at my long beautiful white dress

(Hair as well)

I look down and begin to cry and my best friend starting o comfort me and she's also a bridesmaid.

Y/f-Heyyyy. It's okay. You're marring the love of your life. Stop crying plus you'll ruin ur makeup.

I look up and chuckle.

Y-You're right y/f

It's time

I hold a bouquet of flowers in my hand. A variety of Lavander, Daisy, and roses, they're held together by this white paper and a white ribbon holding it together. While I was walking down the red carpet with white wooden chairs surround my left and right side in rows, a few tears escaped from my eyes and I have this weird thing where if I cry I don't smile and well... you know. I stare straight ahead with him smiling big and a priest smiling as well, beautiful blossom trees and rose bushes around the stand. Then I finally got there standing next to the love of my life

Daniel Seavey.


Corbyn Besson. He shed a few tears and as o stare into his glossy emerald green eyes


He mouthed to me as I shut my eyes fairly tight releasing tears, I smile


C-Y/n..... I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you. You always helped me out with whatever I needed, you helped me figure out right from wrong, bad or good. You helped me figure out that I needed to find myself before I jumped into anything, when I was down your smile would always bring me back up. What I'm trying to say is that I've loved you for as long as I can remember and being here with you is a real life fantasy that I never want to end. I love you.... and that precious smile.

People clapped as I shredded tears and looked up. How did God bless me with such a gift.

Y-Corbyn.... you took me for who I am. You embraced the good and bad of me, I'd always wonder why couldn't I embarrassed you in front of anyone, losing my dignity with every step I tried. But I've got it all figured out.... I could never embarrass you because you'd never be embarrassed of me. You love me for who I am and not just the pretty parts, you love my overthinking, clingy, stupid and annoying sides. You love me for what I do and say, you save me from my shenanigans and I couldn't be happier that it was you. You saved me from myself and I'm happy to say that I'm marrying my knight and shining armor, one whom I will love and cherish forever in my heart til the rotting day I die.

He was in tears and well I won't lie I was to, I looked over at the boys as Daniel was basically wiping the tears off of his face, Jonah who held it in, Jack who was crying on Zach and Zach who was crying in Jack.

I will love you forever Corbyn Mathew Besson


Word count- 3141

Yo should I make a part 2 with their kids or..... commenttt

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