Happier pt.3

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I wake up to a bright light and soaked in blood. What did I do? I close my eyes trying to let go, trying to lose this fight.
1 hour
I'm still in bed, soaked in blood. I look to my right and see three empty pill bottles. I sigh and decided to sit up. I stare off into space and a couple of tears left my eyes, getting flashbacks from when I got raped. My eyes started to close, they got heavier and heavier and heavier, they didn't feel like they would open any time soon. Then I hear the doorbell. My mom opens he door and I hear a voice....Daniels voice. I hear footsteps come closer and closer then my doorknob started to wiggle and my door slammed open. I see Daniel. My eyes on the edge of shutting fully.
Y-I'm sorry
I whispered as my eyes shut and my whole upper body just plunged over. Everything went black and all I heard was a ring.
I wake up in a hospital bed with bandages on my arms and thighs. I see Daniel slowly entering the room as he slowly runs up to me. Everything's moving so slowly. I blinked and the next thing I know I feel a strong grip on me. Daniel tightly hugged me. He had a huge smile on his face but it quickly went away as a couple doctors barged in and moved Daniel away. My eyes started to slowly shut and my heartbeat was slowing down. Then all of a sudden I'm in this weird world. Everything was dark. Then the next thing I know I'm being zapped by this electric thing and I'm back to reality. I shoot up and gasp as the doctors high-five and sigh in relief. Then I see Daniel barge in, he runs up to me and gives me a tight hug.
D-I'm so happy your ok
I shake my head 'no'
Y-n-no your not
I say as tears come out of my eyes.
Y-I wanna leave.
Doctor-Miss you can't get up
Y-Then push me
Doctor-I'm sorry but we-
Y-Push me or I will pull out all of these tubes and walk out of here
Doctor-We can escort him out
Y-Then do it
D-No please no
I see as they take Daniel out of the room and he tries to fight them off but fails
Y-It's hard being forced against your will to do something isn't it?
I mumble as the door shuts. Tears escaped my eyes.
Doctor-You're gonna have to stay here for a week or so
I not my head 'yes'
Doctor-We are gonna have to watch over you for a while, ok?
Days went by, Daniel hasn't visited me since, nobody has visited me not even my parents.
Doctor-Ok, you're free to go just you know don't do anything.
I nod my head 'yes' I slowly get up and I immediately feel pain
Doctor-Are you ok?
I nod my head 'yes' and give him a small smile. I get my old clothes, I guess they washed them because there isn't any blood on them. The doctor left and I change into them. I left the hospital and walked around because I didn't know the route from here and home. I walk around and see Starbucks, i didn't have money but I just want to go inside. Then sitting at a booth I see Mackenzie and Daniel laughing. I don't know what to think, I just smile but they don't notice me. I went across the room and sat down over there. It was basically empty. I patted my pocket and I feel my phone. I pull it out and I pressed the home button. It was Daniel and I together. I guess I have to change background but do I have to? Yes you do! But I don't want to! Who cares what you want change it! I snap out of it as I see Daniel and Mackenzie come up to me. I quickly shut of my phone.
D-You're out of the hospital.
He says excitedly while Mackenzie is just standing there drinking her drink. I nod my head 'yes'
Y-Yeah I am. Look I'm sorry for kicking you out of my room. I need to go
I say getting up
I quickly look up and sit back down
M-My Dani was so upset that day. So-
Then I was just dazing off and everything she said was just mumbles. Then someone someone barged in with a gun snapping me out of my thoughts.
Y-Call 911
I whispered to Daniel while Mackenzie was clinging onto his arm for her safety
Everyone did as told and I got up
D-What are you doing
Y-It's hard facing reality
I patted his shoulder and Mackenzie was just clinging onto Daniels arm. I got up and he noticed me
He pointed the gun at me. I let more tears run down my face. I signaled for Daniel to get everyone out of there without him noticing. There was a door in the back just in case of a fire or something like this. He slowly led Mackenzie without making any noise. He kept on leading everyone out as I distracted the robber
Y-Put down the gun
His hands started shaking. The door busted up and he grabbed me and put the gun to my head. I closed my eyes
Police-Put the gun down
?-Come closer and I will shoot
I heard his finger seconds away from shooting. I open my eyes and elbow him in the gut. He falls and throws his gun, i catch it and point it at him.
Police-Give me the gun.
I looked back at the police and I put it up to my head, the guy got up
?-Do it
He whispers in my ear as a couple police take him away. People started coming in including Daniel and Mackenzie. The police man got closer as i took steps back
Police-Y-You don't have to do this
Tears were coming down my face. I just kept on backing up. I closed my eyes getting ready to shoot. I was seconds away till someone grabbed it out of my hands.
Daniel took it out of my hands and handed it to the police officer.
Police-Thank you sir
Y-Why did you do that! You shouldn't have done that!
I yell screaming and pounding on Daniels chest as Mackenzie just stares like 'wtf' I left crying as Daniel chased after me. I went into a forest. I saw a rope. I thought I lost Daniel. I'm gonna lose him forever now. I stand on a root of a tree and put it over my neck. I tighten it.
I hear as Daniel appears. Tears escaped my eyes as he came closer. I was one step away from ending it all, my root foot is on air as my other is on the root.
Tears escaped his eyes
Y-It's hard to face reality isn't it?
I cry out as I take my last breath

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