
By JuuzouBear

839 9 2

This is the (Fan-made) novel version of Btooom! I loved the story, but didn't really enjoy reading the manga... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Update and Apology

Chapter 5

55 1 1
By JuuzouBear

AUTHOR NOTE: I am so sorry for taking SO long to get this chapter out! I haven't been in a great place mentally so this has felt like a chore >n< Thankyou to everyone who added this story to their reading list and voted on it! It really means a lot. If you want to fuel my motivation, my Ko-fi link is on my profile ^o^ Please consider donating! Now, for the story!

"W-Wait! Hold on!" The man screamed, toppling over in surprise.
"Please spare me, young man! I mean you no harm!"

He isn't the girl? How many people are actually here? 
"Put on your pants," I said calmly.
"Oh, thank you, thank you." He flustered. "I-I was brought here so suddenly, forced to play this confusing game.." putting on his pants, the man stood up and stood in front of me.

"Game?" I held a bomb in my hand, poised ready to throw.

The man cowered in fear as I yelled, not entirely understanding what I was doing.
"Ok, Ok I'll tell you. Please put that thing away first.." he whimpered.
I looked at the bomb in my hand and we stumbled to the waterfall. 

I began to wash my clothes in the clean water, chatting to the man. 
"So that's it. You don't remember what happened on the plane? But you were pretty memorable." Man said
" Hurry up and tell me everything you know about me," I ordered
"All I remember is meeting an odd man in all black, then after waking up I was on the plane."

Squatting down in the river, the man started, "I guess it's fine that you don't remember anything. The plane had 20 or 30 people, all ages, women, and men." 

A screen lit up, a big, fat man lit up on the screen.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Good evening! I'm the sponsor of this event. We are honored to invite you here to participate in this exciting new game!"

What is with that absurd introduction? 

"This plane you're now on is en route to a random pacific island! There's no water or food, so it's far from paradise!" the plane passengers were mumbling in fear,
"If you want to return home, you must finish the game! Do your best!"
"If you do anything reckless,  there will be consequences. I will explain the simple rules to you all only once, so pay attention!"

"Just use these explosives, called 'BIM' in battle" passengers began to mumble in fear again, 'battle with whom?' 'with everyone around you of course!' let us go! letusgoletusgoletusgo

A man collapsed to the floor of the aircraft.

"There are many types of BIM, but you will only get 8. You won't get an instruction manual, so use your imagination"
"Now please look at your left hand," everyone did, then gasped
"Your left hands have chips implanted into them. These are microchips for detecting another's presence. However, you cannot remove them, unless your heart stops or your lungs stop. If you collect 8, you can leave the island." Are you done? You have a problem distinguishing games from reality."

"I said that?" I was surprised,
The man nodded, "you really don't remember anything, do you?" 
I held my head in panic, sweat beading down my face.
"You were quite prominent, the rest were scared at the thought of getting stunned with the gun. You overcame that fear immediately. They took the high voltage stun gun and hit you directly in the head."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed, the pain, the agony, the cringe

"A-Are you okay, young man?" He asked,
"I'm... fine.. please continue." I shuddered.

The aircraft formed an opening, and the guards began to push everyone out, one by one, when it came to my body, they threw me out like a sack of potatoes. "The parachutes will open automatically" the tv yelled.

"That's all I can remember." The man squatted. 
The blood on my head, the amnesia, and waking up hanging in a tree? That explains it all.
On the other hand, there's something so perplexing about this, the rules of this game and Btooom! are identical. Why?
BIM's are the only weapons, tactics utilizing radars, and collecting chips from your enemies? This can't be a coincidence. No matter how you look at it, it is too closely related to tyrannos, Japan's game.

"Are you okay, young man?" The man was worried. "You look a little pale."
"I'm fine..." I mumbled
In order to win this game, leave this island, do I really have to kill 7 people? Am I capable of killing? And then 6 more times? I fell to the ground, holding my knees to feel stable.

Does the real world

Actually have games like this?

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