The Unknown Wizard (Fairy Tai...

By Shin_90

159K 2.2K 1.4K

Join Y/N L/N on his journey as a Fairy Tail wizard. Not much is known about his past or his powers, but some... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

5.4K 88 44
By Shin_90

Hello lads! Eleventh chapter of the story. Enjoy!

Y/N = (Your Name)
L/N = (Last Name)
H/C = (Hair Colour)
H/L = (Hair Length)
F/F = (Favorite Food)
F/D = (Favorite Drink)
E/C = (Eye Colour)
F/C = (Favorite Colour)

Third Person's P.O.V

Town of Magnolia, Y/N's house

Y/N: "Man, I really needed that sleep. With everything that has happened up until now I haven't been able to stay in bed for long"

???: "You could always sleep while we are on our way to Era"

Y/N: "True. That wouldn't be a bad idea. Though I still need to think about my partner. What would you do?"

???: "I already have you as my partner and I feel comfortable. I guess you'll have to test them out to see if they are worthy, otherwise the mission would be riskier and someone could die"

Y/N: " *whispers* I have my invisible plot armour, don't worry"

???: "Did you say something stupid again?"

Y/N: "What?! Me?! When did I ever say something stupid?"

???: "If I were to start, the list would never end"

Y/N: "Then we'd be late. Maybe next time, what do you say?"

???: "That'd be better. Now move! We must be on our way soon!"

Y/N: "Yes, I know mum! Plus, you didn't have to throw me off my bed after having splashed me with cold water. I thought I was going to die!"

???: "Quit complaining and get ready! We are leaving in five minutes!"

Y/N: "Yes, ma'am!"

Five minutes later

???: "Are you ready? Did you bring everything you need?"

Y/N: "Yes, we can go now. I'm excited to see what's going to happen!"

???: "It's going to take a while. Go to sleep. If you move too much and fall down, you're on your own"

Y/N: "Why do you have to be so cruel?"

???: "I'm not cruel. I just enjoy giving you a hard time. Also, are you already planning your date with Mira?"

Y/N: "Date? Oh, yeah. No, not really. It's just going to be like a brother and sister thing, so nothing weird. Maybe we'll take a walk around the park or go to some restaurant to eat. I don't know. Last time I encountered some problems, remember?"

???: "Oh, with her? Yeah, how could I forget? She wouldn't stop screaming and punching"

Y/N: "Don't tell me, I had a headache for an entire week"

???: "At least it didn't take too long"

Y/N: "True. I'm glad we won't see her again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep. Please wake me up ten minutes before our arrival"

???: "Sure"

And so, Y/N laid down on his scythe and fell asleep in a matter of seconds. What he failed to notice were Lucy, Natsu and Happy seemingly sneaking away.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N's scythe stopping in mid air all of a sudden and chibi Y/N falling off of her, still asleep

Y/N: "You really didn't have to do that, you know?"

???: "Last time I tried to wake you up while we were flying it took me forever, so I thought about this and it worked!"

Y/N: "Please bring an alarm clock next time"

???: "I will. Anyways, we're here in Era"

Y/N: "Awesome, let's go"

Y/N began to make his way through the city. What he didn't know, however, was that he was going in a completely different direction and it took him five minutes to realise something was off. After going back to the central square, he asked some of the locals which way he had to go and was able to make it in time. He was now standing in front of the doors that led to the room with all the Council members.

Guard: "Please, go in. They are waiting for you"

Y/N: "Thanks"

The doors opened and he made his way inside. It was a bit different from the one in Fiore. It was way larger and fancier.

??? 1: "Good afternoon, Y/N"

Y/N: "Good afternoon to you too"

??? 1: "I believe you are here to inform us of your decision"

Y/N: "Indeed. I will gladly accept your offer. I wouldn't mind fighting against some demons related to Zeref. I need to improve myself. As for what regards the payment?"

??? 2: "I told you he was going to ask about that…"

Y/N: "Am I sensing some sort of anger in your voice? Perhaps the Council isn't as wealthy as you make it look?"

Siegrain: "Nothing of the sort. We were just discussing who was going to bring up the subject first"

Y/N: "I see. Very well. What can you offer me?"

??? 1: "You'll receive a generous sum for each mission you complete. However, we must ask you to please not make your position known to others"

Y/N: "So I have to keep quiet about my missions and my whereabouts?"

??? 1: "Yes. Your whereabouts have to be unknown only when you are on a mission. As soon as it is done you are free to return to your guild. We'll take care of the rest"

Y/N: "Perfect. That should be good enough"

??? 1: "That's good to hear. So, if I remember correctly, we offered you a partner to accompany you on your missions. Have you thought about it?"

Y/N: "I have. It took me quite a while to come to a decision, not going to lie. However, before I answer, would you mind if I had a small fight against them? I need to test who I would be working with, if I were to accept"

??? 1: "That seems reasonable enough. Sure, we can arrange a space for you two to fight. Do you perhaps want to meet and get to know her before you two confront each other?"

Y/N: "Her? I mean, I picked up a strong feminine scent on my way here, but I thought it was one of the guards"

??? 1: "That was probably her. What do you say? Do you want to meet her?"

Y/N: "I'll see her when we fight"

??? 1: "You'll be able to clash in an hour. For now you may rest. One of the guards will bring you to your room"

Y/N: "Thanks. I'll see you soon"

On the way to the room

Y/N: 'It's a weird scent. It resembled one I know, but that's impossible. It has been way too long. I'm excited about this!'

Guard: "Sir, this is your room. I will call you as soon as we are ready"

Y/N: "Very well, thank you so much"

As the guard closed the door, Y/N thought more and more about the scent he picked up earlier. Where did he smell it for the first time? It had been so long that his memories from back then were almost completely gone.

???: "Don't worry too much about it, Y/N. I'm sure you'll find something out in due time"

Y/N: "True, I know it'd be better for me to relax before the fight, but I just feel a sense of uneasiness when it comes to that girl. I don't know how to put it, but I feel like we've met before. Like a really long time ago"

???: "Wait, you mean that long? It's impossible! You and I both know it"

Y/N: "Yes, I know. It's not the exact same one. Maybe it's just a coincidence"

???: "Whatever it may be, please be careful"

Y/N: "Yes, mum. Don't worry about it"

???: "Will you stop mocking me?!"

Y/N: "It's the same exact thing you do!"

And so, Y/N and his scythe went on to discuss strategies to use during the fight. As they finished planning the last one, someone knocked on the door.

Guard: "Sir? We are ready to begin"

Y/N: "I'll be on my way, thanks"

???: "Let's go then"

Y/N: "Finally!"

The closer they got to the arena where Y/N and his possible partner would be fighting, the stronger the scent became. As he finally stepped into the fighting ground, he spotted a figure in the distance, fully covered by a cloak. Although her height might have thrown someone off, Y/N could smell her feminine scent. Her heartbeat was a bit rapid. She seemed as excited as him to finally begin.

Y/N: "I believe introductions are in order"

Referee: "Get ready!"

She didn't answer and just took a fighting stance.

Y/N: 'This is going to be fun'

Referee: "Begin!"

The girl immediately ran up to Y/N who, on the other hand, didn't move at all. As she got closer, she took out from her cloak a backsword and slashed at Y/N, only to hit air. He disappeared completely from her field of view and was able to kick her in the back, sending her flying. She, however, didn't seem too fazed by the kick as she got back up and charged again. As she was nearing Y/N, she threw her sword at him, making the E/C eyed mage move a bit to avoid it. What Y/N failed to realise in time, was that the sword was just a cover for her real attack. As he turned towards her at the last second, he saw her about to strike him with a dagger. Luckily for him, Y/N's scythe was able to prevent the attack, thus giving Y/N some time to back away.

Y/N: "That was a good technique. But you'll have to do more than that if you want to hit me!"

It was Y/N's time to charge. He moved at an incredibly high speed and was able to almost hit the girl with his scythe. She had used her dagger with her left hand to block his attack.

Y/N: "Hold on a second. She is right handed. That means…"

Y/N was able to jump out of the way just in time, moments before a scimitar found its way into his body. He landed a few metres away from her and got ready for her next attack.

Y/N: "You are not a requip mage, that I'm sure of. Why don't you show me your magic? Maybe that way you'll be able to actually hit me"

???: "Y/N, don't mock her. She has a great magical energy level"

Y/N: "I felt it too. That's why I want her to go all out on me. I need to see if she is capable enough to fight alongside me"

The two stared at each other for a bit. Y/N then noticed that the backsword was on the ground close to him. He picked it up with one hand and tossed it to the girl.

Y/N: "Quite heavy for a lady, don't you think?"

No answer whatsoever came from the girl.

Y/N: "Why aren't you talking? Cat got your tongue?... Really? Nothing? Are you perhaps mute?"

The only answer he got was the sound of her teeth clicking. From that moment, Y/N knew his suspicions were true. He found himself unable to move.

Y/N: 'What's this magic?!'

Girl: "Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Cat got your tongue?"

Y/N: 'Damn you'

Girl: "Try as much as you want. You are in my world now. I control everything that happens here. And you won't be able to move a single muscle. Not even think. Everything will be still until I finish beating you up"

Y/N: 'Wait! I can still think freely. How?!'

??? 1: "Move, you fool!"

The voice seemed to stop the effect that the magic had on Y/N, as he finally was able to move freely. He acted as if nothing had changed and waited for the right moment to attack.

Y/N: 'That voice! I-it's impossible! No! I killed him! H-how are you back?!'

??? 1: "I was never really gone. I knew this time would come. You and I will meet each other soon enough, Y/N"

Y/N: 'Do you plan on killing me?'

??? 1: "It's quite the contrary. I plan on lending you my power, but you must prove yourself worthy"

Y/N: 'How would I do that?'

??? 1: "When the time comes, you'll figure it out"

Y/N: 'Wait! Before you go. Is she who I think she is?'

??? 1: "Yes and no. Goodbye"

Y/N: 'Could have just told me maybe then. Here she comes'

The girl was now next to Y/N and he was able to analyse her face. She had brown eyes and what seemed like short hair that had a colour that looked like honey. A somewhat weird smirk formed on her lips. She touched Y/N's forehead with a finger.

Girl: "Would you look at that? You acted all cool but now you can't move a single muscle. What if I were to accidentally stab you in the stomach? I think that would hurt, wouldn't it? If those old geezers asked what happened I would just say I slipped. You wouldn't mind, right?"

Y/N released his deadly aura, catching the girl off guard.

Y/N: "Did you really think that I would go down that easily?"

Girl: "What?!"

Y/N was able to deliver a quick blow to her stomach and sent her flying towards the opposite side of the arena, crashing into a wall.

Y/N: "Whoops. I may have overdone it. To think I didn't even use that much strength"

Referee: "Th-that's it! We have a winner!"

??? 2: "Very well done, Y/N. You and her both did amazingly well"

Y/N: "Oh, it wasn't much and…"

Y/N stopped mid sentence because he heard a noise coming from behind him. He turned to see the referee on the ground, having what looked like a seizure. As he tried to get closer to the man, the referee started screaming and his skin turned black. His body started to grow more and more, until it finally reached four metres.

??? 2: "That fool! I told him not to touch the Lullaby flute!"

Y/N: "He did what now?!"

???: "Y/N, we don't have time to think about what he did. We have to take care of the demon"

Y/N: "I know. Hold on…  Where is it going? Oh! No! The girl! Quick, cover me while I rescue her!"

Y/N and his scythe rushed towards the girl and the demon. The scythe was able to leave a deep cut in its right arm. Y/N sprinted and carried the girl bridal style away from the battle. As he was sure she was far enough away from the demon, he turned and charged towards it.

Y/N: "Now!"

Y/N's scythe flew towards him as soon as she heard him scream. While Y/N kept running, he caught the scythe and jumped, getting ready to attack.

Y/N: "Scythe magic: demon killer!"

Y/N's scythe extended its reach and with one strong swing, Y/N was able to cut the demon in half.

Y/N: "It's been a while since I had to use it. But it feels great to finally have someone challenging enough to use this! Oh, look. The girl has woken up"

Girl: "Watch out!"

Y/N was punched into the ground by the upper half of the demon.

Girl: "No!"

Y/N: "Man, what's with monsters I cut in half still being able to attack me? I think I should have gone for the head"

Girl: "Are you okay?"

Y/N: "Oh, look who's talking. Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for worrying. So, shall we take this thing down?"

Girl: "I suppose you have a strategy"

Y/N: "Yes. And it'll take just three seconds of your time. What you have to do is…"

Girl: "I see. Do you really think it's going to work?"

Y/N: "Not at all. But it's the best shot we have"

Girl: "I guess. Well. Ready when you are"

Y/N: "On my go. Three, two, one… Go!"

As the girl clicked her teeth, Y/N was hoping that his plan would work. He saw the monster freeze with his arm up, ready to swing it down on them to kill them.
He tried to move his arm and, much to his surprise, was able to fully move without any problem.

Y/N: "See you in hell! Demon dragon's roar!"

A large beam that was dark purple, almost black, hit the demon, kicking up a lot of dust. As soon as it was cleared, the demon was nowhere to be seen. The only thing that the two could see was the outside. Turns out Y/N went overboard and destroyed the wall behind the demon.

Y/N: "To think I even held back"

??? 2: " *claps* Congratulations, you two. You have passed our challenge"

Girl: "What?!"

??? 2: "You see, although we knew you were strong, we never witnessed any of your fights. So we had to make sure that you could take care of anything that came your way and, if you were to work in a team, we wanted to make sure that you could fight together without getting in each other's way. What you have fought against was just an illusion we created, but the strength was similar to the demons you'll have to fight. If you both were to accept each other as a partner, I doubt you'd have too many difficulties against them. So, what do you say?"

Y/N: "Ladies first"

Girl: "I was a bit hesitant at first. I thought I'd work better alone and you didn't seem like a strong guy at all, every offense included"

Y/N: "None taken… wait what?!"

Girl: "As I was saying, I was sure this was going to be easy for me, seeing as I have the power to stop time and, up until now, I thought no one could beat me. But it turns out I was wrong and thankfully I discovered it during a fake match, not a real fight. So I'd be honoured to work with someone as strong as you. This way I'll also be able to improve my abilities"

Y/N: "Thanks for the kind words. I thought the same as you at the beginning. I believed that I was going to be more than enough to take care of those monsters, with me being a Demon Dragon Slayer and all, but, as you saw, I tend to lower my guard when I think a fight is over, so having someone to watch my back would be good. Especially someone who is as good as you with weapons and can freeze time. If we formed a team, no one would be able to stop us. What I'm trying to say is, I'd be glad to work with you"

Girl: "It's a pleasure to work with you..."

Y/N: "Y/N, Y/N L/N. I'm a Fairy Tail wizard. It's a pleasure for me as well…"

Girl: "Dimaria, Dimaria Yesta. Ready to kick some demon's butt together?"

Y/N: "I was born ready!"

And that's it for today. Let me know what you think in the comments, like the story if you enjoyed it and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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