All Of Me Is Yours (vkook)

By btstrashaye

645K 27.4K 4.3K

[reconstructing] To everyone who'd prefer a better reading experience please read the redo chapters they wil... More

Intro and 1: A little bit of hope
2: Who are you?
3: Eyes locked
4: A tear
5: Shock and horror
6: Fate
7: A hidden weakness
8: I've got you
9: I'll always be here for you
10: Better
11: Home
12: Comfortable
13: Loner
14: A bold move
15: Make it clear
16: Uncertainties
17: Mates (M)
18: A mess
19: Test him
20: Fooled
21: Just love me (M)
22: Trigger
23: Fight
24: Suspicions
25: To go or not to go
26: Weakness
27: Starting the plan
28: A familiar figure
29: Outsmart Them pt1
30: Outsmart them pt 2
31: Fix the past
32: The ultimate duo
33: A memorable wedding
34: Happiness (final chapter)
πŸ’– Epilogue πŸ’–
Note :)
Key Ideas and Explanations
(redo) 1~ A little hope
(redo) 2~ Who are you
(redo) 3~ Eyes locked
(redo) 4~ A tear
(redo) 5~ Shock and horror
(redo) 6~ Fate
(redo) 7~ Hidden weakness
(redo) 8~ I've got you
(redo) 9~ I'll always be here for you
(redo) 10~ Better
(redo) 11~ Home
(redo) 12~ Comfortable
(redo) 13 ~ Loner
(redo) 14 ~ Bold Move
(redo) 15 ~ Mates (M)
(redo) 17: All better

(redo) 16 ~ Ultimate Omega

2.1K 73 11
By btstrashaye

It was early morning, the sun was painting the sky with pastels of pink, orange and yellow. Taehyung yawned as he opened his eyes, his head on Jungkook's chest. He smiled whilst blushing at the thought of their night; he belonged to someone who he knew would protect him and take care of him.

He rubbed his eyes and flicked the hair on the back of his head, then turned around to face Jungkook -?

His heart jumped in fear.
Taehyung was horrified at Jungkook's state.

His raven hair was all dishevelled, dark eye patches, his expression blank and frozen, all as though he hadn't even slept at all during the night. He was sitting up slightly against the headboard of the bed.
Taehyung quickly placed a finger under his nose, worried whether he was actually breathing or not.

"J-Jungkook? Are you okay?" He reached out to softly caress the elder's cheek but Jungkook suddenly flinched at Taehyung's touch, eyes widening.

"Ah, y-yes I'm fine. E-excuse me." With that he rushed to the bathroom to get dressed.

Taehyung was left on the bed in confusion as he worried endlessly about why Jungkook was acting so strange.

I don't think I did anything weird, did I ?


Jungkook gulped as the flashback kept playing over and over in his head. His hand went to his chest where Taehyung had pushed him down, hell it ached!
He saw his reflection and almost screamed himself; no wonder he'd scared Taehyung, he looked like a ghost.

Turning on the fresh cold water he tried to wash the sleep away.

What on earth is Taehyung! He's apparently not an alpha, but then he's way too strong to be an omega... What the fuck this is messing up my mind so bad.


Jungkook frantically wondered about the palace in search of Jin hyung, and when he finally caught sight of him he leapt onto the elder.
Shaking him vigorously by the shoulders he questioned,

"Jin hyung, what is Taehyung?" His voice was struggling to come out.

"Haha Jungkook do you see how you look, its like you haven't even slept ha. And your neck - oh no hold on! Hey, Jungkook that looks like an alpha bite!"

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but was instantly cut off. This time it was him being shaken vigorously.

"Jungkook I swear to God if you cheated on Taehyung I won't forgive you! And if I find that alpha IMMA KILL HIM AND BREAK YOUR BOND!!!!" Jin exploded in disbelief.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and sighed,
"No, do you really think that lowly of me, why would I ever cheat on such an angel.
Actually I'm doubting he's an angel now hyung Taehyung's toooo strong! How is it possible!? And this bite, it was Taehyung, TAEHYUNG!"

"What! How the hell could Taehyung have done that, there are clearly fang marks, and he's not an alpha!"

"EXACTLY! I COULDNT SLEEP THE WHOLE NIGHT!" He shouted out but his shoulders sagged again as drowsiness hit him again.

Don't worry, just be normal. I'll investigate more on this."
He laughed as he saw the perplexed expression on the younger's face.
"You should probably get some rest, Namjoon and I will keep Taehyung company okay?"


Jin watched Jungkook walk away rubbing his eyes back to his room.
He was more than shocked at what he'd just found out. He was deeply glad that the two were mated now, but if Taehyung truly was as strong as Jungkook claimed, why would their parents have hidden him and treated him so terribly.
There was definitely something odd going on, and he had a feeling the answer lied in the Kim Palace.
Getting the truth out of them would be like plunging deep into the depths of an ocean and hoping to survive.


"-yes so that's what they were saying, and I don't see a problem with it actually, but since you're part of this family you must also take charge of some of our responsibilities. How about you work on regulating the treatment of our servers, including the soldiers and the training camps... Taehyung?" Miyeon snapped her fingers in front of the lost boy in front of her.
They were seated together on the dining table, supposedly having breakfast but Taehyung hadn't even had a single bite.

"Taehyung dear, what's wrong with you, you seem so out of it this morning. Usually you're so bright and lively. Taehyung? Hello?

"Y-YES?" Taehyung jerked up and noticed how weird he must've seemed acting this way.
"Sorry mother, there's just a lot on my mind."

"Aww my cutie darling don't worry we all have times like these, perhaps sharing a little with me would help." She smiled and ruffled the boy's silky blonde locks.

"O-okay, this might sound weird, but Jungkook's been acting really strangely. I don't think he slept last night, and I'm not sure what I've done but he seemed to be, almost, afraid of me. W-why?" Now that he was saying it aloud he was puzzled even further.

"Hahaha Taehyung why worry about this kind of stuff, just talk to each other and you'll figure it all out. And he's a weird kid so just ignore him for now, I'll check on him if you want. You should eat your breakfast before it gets cold, I can call for a maid to warm it again if you'd like."

"No thank you, it's alright. And, are you sure everything will be fine?" There was immense worry in his tone."

"I'm positive, after all, last night must have been overwhelming for you both." She winked and gave Taehyung a brief hug like he was a teddy bear, then headed off to find Jungkook.

What is Jungkook doing, he's making my precious Tae worried. Just wait till I catch you troublesome son.


By the time it was afternoon the entire palace was chillingly tense, at least to Taehyung. He'd requested dinner to be served to him in his room, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to eat well especially if the others were there placing more food into his plate as usual.
For the entire day non one had been near him, he'd wondered to look for Jin hyung, but he was no where to be seen either. He'd known that Jungkook and Namjoon were with their father in the hall, probably discussing something, but right now he wasn't sure what was going on.

Miyeon and Jin were busily roaming the palace library for any books on omegas. Since they were so rare now, they could only rely on written texts to understand what an omega was, they weren't sure whether an omega truly was the image they'd had in their head and been taught about their entire lives.

An hour passed.

Two hours.

Three and a half.

"OH MOTHER! LOOK WHAT IT SAYS HERE!" Jin was waving frantically at her in excitement, an ancient looking script in his hands. They came

The page read:

An ultimate omega:
They have very distinctive features; blonde or grey hair, blue eyes when their omega side is activated.
It is said their strength is almost equal to that of an alpha, and once mated they become a vital part of their alpha's life, aiding in both physical fights and intelligence.
They are able to bear fangs similar to that of an alpha which are used for claiming a mate, but they cannot use them to force submission from another like the alpha can.

A true gem to our society.

The previous dated ultimate omega is Park Meena, the previous ruler of the kingdom of Wondrelsa.
It must be noted that they have a characteristic floral birthmark resembling a flower on the wrist. The position and type of flower is said to vary.

{ If any suspicions confirmed send a note to the palace, a reward of 100, 000, 000 gold coins }

Jin finished reading it out.
They all stared at each other in awe.

"Wondrelsa is the what it used to be called when all three kingdoms including Faarland and Euphoria were one, and that was long long ago, perhaps even centuries." Miyeon took the script into her hands, wondering how she hadn't noticed it before.

"Jungkookie came up to me earlier saying that Taehyung marked him too! Poor boy, I don't think he was expecting that he didn't even manage to sleep," Jin laughed and continued, "But the bite mark, I didn't even belief Jungkook when he was telling me it was Taehyung's, it was almost identical to one from an alpha. That must mean that Taehyung has fangs too,"

"So you think he's an Ultimate Omega right?!!"

"I guess so,"

"If I'm honest I've had the suspicion for a while now," Jin gave Miyeon a questioning look.
"Jin dear, I believe that by telling you this you will not speak of it with anyone, and I mean it. Can you promise me that?" Miyeon was clearly debating whether to say anything more but Jin took her hands in his and nodded, assuring her that he wouldn't let out a single word about it.

Once she felt a bit more comfortable she began,
"I'm sure you know I'm not Jungkook's birth mother, she passed away when he was barely six years old. She was an omega herself, the last recorded one until we heard of Taehyung. Though I never got a chance to speak to her often, she'd told me of Jungkook. You see, Jungkook is the only Ultimate Alpha known to exist, ever. There have been, though very very few, cases of Ultimate Omegas over the last centuries but never has there been an Ultimate Alpha." Miyeon paused as if trying to ensure she was recalling the facts accurately.

"But if there's never been an Ultimate Alpha, how do you know that Jungkook is one." Jin was intrigued to know more.

"That's because Jungkook too has a floral birthmark on his right wrist, that is where the symbol of the Kingdom of Euphoria comes from. Of course no one knows what it means, only I know of what Jungkook truly is, why he's so exceptionally talented at all he does. He doesn't even know of this himself!"


"Yes. I have never told anyone. I hope I can trust you Jin dear."

"Of course mother. But may I ask what your thoughts are on all this then,"

"I think the reason why Taehyung and Jungkook attract each other so greatly, feel physical need of one another and were instantly able to sense they had a powerful connection just by locking eyes for the first time, it must be because they're both the most powerful beings in this kingdom, probably even in this world!" Miyeon exclaimed, gripping her gown trying to remain composed.

"... wow! So let's go ask Taehyung then-"

"NO! Let's investigate without making it too obvious." She leaned in to Jin's ear and whispered her plans, to which he arched a brow but still nodded.

"Well, guess it's a few centuries too late to claim the reward hehe- ow!" Miyeon nudged Jin on the shoulder and laughed as they left the library.


Yoongi frantically dodged the sword that sliced through the air too close to his skin.
Jungkook was glaring straight into Yoongi's soul; Jungkook was terrifying in this state and although he didn't know what the cause of it was, something must have happened at the palace. It was only the fifth day into Jungkook's break from training, and he would never be back on the grounds unless he wanted to distract himself.

"Hey let's just call it a-      d-day," Yoongi was lucky to dodge this one.

"What's going on here, oh Jungkook you're back! Wait why?" Jimin ran out hearing Yoongi shout.

"Oh dear he's in a worse condition than I'd imagined!"
Jungkook kept flinging his sword in the air clumsily, sweat beaded across his forehead, panting heavily.

"Hyung why is he like this?"

"Whenever he's stressed or cannot understand something." Namjoon sighed.

"What would he be stressed about though, I mean he should've been free of stress since he's on his break."

"I think I know but he'll have to get over it himself."

"Why, what happened?" Jimin was all too curious.

"Ah well mother took Taehyung and Jinnie on a 'bonding trip' and he's just mad."

"Oh my Jungkook sure is head over heels for Taehyung. Man he looks like he could kill someone."


Both Namjoon and Jimin jumped!
Namjoon sighed as he cautiously approached the wailing Jungkook.


"Yah Jungkook calm your horses, she took my Jinnie too we're both in the same boat. And she's your mother don't curse."

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME FUCKING BOAT UGH!" He kept slicing the air sharply in frustration.

"What do you mean ? Never mind come on."

"NO HYUNG! You and Jin are always together, you even get to train together, go to the borders together, do everything together! But me and Tae, the only time I get to see him is at the palace." They all remained silent, knowing it was true.

"It's alright Jungkook-ah, just chill-"

"I'm sick of all this hyung,"
His voice came out broken, tone dangerously simple, emotions all of a sudden unreadable. Jungkook had stopped what he was doing, just staring into the ground, standing still, too still.

Namjoon signalled the others to take leave, they immediately did so in hopes that Jungkook would be okay soon.
Once they'd left and there was no one around, he took the sword out of Jungkook's hand placing it carefully on the ground, and steadied his younger brother by the shoulders, pulling him along to have a seat on a bench.

"Please tell me."
But Jungkook shook his head faintly, limbs lifeless.

"Is this about what father said earlier," The su dden hitch in his breath confirmed it. "Ignore him Jungkook, he's so wrong when it comes to you. But believe in us, in yourself, in Taehyung, let us all become your strength. In turn you must protect us all, the way we protect you."

"...but what if I fail. What if I can't protect anyone hyung."


"Yes, so break it."


Taehyung stood motionless. He had no idea how he'd got himself into this position, why he'd ever even agreed on this little camping trip to begin with.
In front of Taehyung lay a stack of wood planks.

"Come in Taehyung-ah no need to be shy. Just whack it and make the wood break."

Taehyung stared at them bewildered at the sudden request. They were out camping in some 'not so far' but actually very far woods.
Miyeon began getting impatient.

"Oh for gods sake just DO IT!"

But still Taehyung was so unsure if he was dreaming or whether this was truly taking place. He looked to Jin hopefully to be saved from all this, but in return Jin just frowned.

"Uh mother, isn't this a bit too far..." Jin whispered into Miyeon's ear. It was clear how uneasy Taehyung was, and he was sure this was never the intention but perhaps she got sidetracked.

"No no let him do it,"

Unable to hear the brief exchange between Jin and Miyeon, He sighed and got himself in the right stance, then within seconds he whacked the stack of wood closing his eyes and bracing himself for the impact... only, he felt nothing. He brought his hands back to his face, a bit of blood dripping down the sides, it all feeling sore and numb.
He then looked back down, the stack of wood was no longer a stack, but a wooden mess. Taehyung's eyes widened, he frantically looked up at Miyeon and Jin.

They were stood far away cowering themselves, until they heard Taehyung's chuckle. Suddenly they stood up straight, embarrassed.

"W-well done Tae, I'm proud of you hehe" Miyeon was fascinated.

"What do you mean mother, please just let's go home!" Taehyung constantly whined and every now and then Jin would try and back him up, but stubborn Miyeon was just something.

She rolled her eyes for the millionth time.

"Yah Taehyung, do you not care for me!? Your life doesn't only revolve around one person you know! I wanted to be able to have a bit of in with you two away from our hectic lives as royalty."

"Of course I do, but-"

"Not buts then." She coldly replied. Both Jin and Taehyung became tensed, and nothing that was meant to happen was happening, so Jin decided to make the first move.

"Taehyung, don't find me creepy or anything but can you please show me your wri-"

"NO! No he cannot! Jin dear, let's just get some sleep."

Why is she being so strange. I thought we wanted to confirm whether Taehyung was an Ultimate Omega. All we needed to do was take a look at his wrist, not come on an entire camping trip and make him do the weirdest things... though seeing Taehyung's crazy strength and speed makes me question my own abilities, he's amazing.

Taehyung was sat rested up against the branch of a tree, sulking.

Ah so unfair. I wanna see you so bad Kookie.
His heart quite literally ached every time he thought of his mate, like he would fall apart if he wasn't by his side any longer.
Then Taehyung thought of something,

I wonder if mind link would work.

He focused his mind, trying to sense the presence of his mate.


Is that you Taehyung?

"Hah! It worked! Yes!" Taehyung jumped up into the air, but was instantly smacked in the face with questioning looks.

"Are you alright Taehyung?" Jin dared to ask.

"Yes I was just thinking..."
His face was hot with embarrassment but still he sat back down and continued the mind-link.

Im so glad it worked, I miss you so much.

Pfft, don't lie. If you missed me you'd be here.

I'm not lying geez. Are you alright?

No, I injured my arm. It hurts but I guess all injuries do.


Nope, not unless you come back.

Just listen Jungkook.


Ah shit, fine I'll see what I can do. Don't move too much I'll be there soon.

I'll be waiting.

Taehyung hurried and woke everyone up, urging them to head back.
Miyeon reluctantly agreed upon hearing what happened.
The drama that goes on in her household.

*Jeon Palace*

"Oh man holy shit what do I do now!"

Hope you enjoyed and thank you for all the reads and support! Have a wonderful day 💜💜💜

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