Life as Wolf_Quake (Book 2 of...

By Wolf_Ellis

572 35 10

(Book 2 of my other fanfic "A dance") Last time on A dance ty purposed to wolfy. wolfy was going to tell t... More

Ch.1 I guess its over?
Ch.2 Surprise
Ch.4 3 purposes in 1 day
ch.5 a dance
ch.6 8 months
ch.7 graduate
ch. 7 Wake up
Ch.8 My Big Day
Last chapter
my facebook page

ch.8 to love or not to love

37 4 1
By Wolf_Ellis

Tys P.O.V

4 years later

Wolfy stayed in LA for another year so we can't see her for 7 months. I miss her, I should of kissed her before we left


Wolfy hugs lola and mia. She gets to me and hugs me, longer then everyone else. She looks into my eyes and smiles

Wolfy: Have fun in Boston

Ty: Have fun in LA

Wolfy: Promise

She kisses my cheek and hug the others, I kiss her cheek and we all get into our cars. Jared comes up to wolfy and they hug, I hear wolfy start to cry. I feel sadness shot through me

Adam: We'll see her soon

Alesa: ya

End of flashback

We haven't heard from her yet. I look down at the photo of me and her before I kissed karen, I noticed after I kissed karen, her smile changed. Tiffany moved to LA with her boyfriend Red, she gave the keys to the house to us, we all moved, with wolfys permission. I was in my room


I walk downstairs and see.... Wolfy? And a guy

Ty: WOLFY!!!

I run and hug her

Wolfy: Oh my god, I missed u

Ty: Same

Guy: Hey ty

I noticed who the guy was... Jared

Ty: Hey jared

Wolfy: Me and jared have been dating for 2 years now

My heart shatters, I should of kissed her

Ty: Well, he's a lucky man

We help her unpack. She had.... red hair and purple tips. She had that smile that she lost after she saw me and karen kiss, did jared help her through that?

Wolfys P.O.V

I set down my laptop on my desk, I just got back from LA. Jared walks in with a paper, he gives it to me and kisses my cheek. He walks out, I open the note

Dear Wolfy

This won't work out, I can't stay and I can't leave if I have someone very special here. What I'm trying to say is, we should break up, I don't want a long distance relationship so, I'm sorry, my plane leaves in an hour, Good-bye Wolfy



How can it be "love"?. Well I'm single I guess. I sit down on my bed. Why? Why me?






Adam: GURL TIME!!!!

Wolfy: CODE BLUE!!!

Lola: OH HELL NAH!!!

I hear running and a door slam. I walk downstairs

Wolfy: were did they go?

Adam: they all stormed out mad, alesa said something about "Imma kill that mother fucker"

Wolfy: Well, wish jared luck

I grab some pizza and sit down

Ty: why?

Wolfy: Code blue stands for, Break up or boy cheated

Adam: oh

Wolfy: Ya

We watch some movies and the gurls all come back

Lola: He'll never come back

Wolfy: Ok

We continue watching movies until someone knocks on the door, ty answers it, it was Samantha Marks, a gurl that was in my VEC class in school

Ty: Hey sam

Sam: Hello babe

Ty and sam kiss, I feel jealousy shot through me

Wolfy: I think I'm gonna go sleep, I'm still tired

Adam: Ok, Night

Wolfy: Good night

I walk up to my room and change into a blue t-shirt and shorts. I climb into bed and just close my eyes

Tys P.O.V

I watch as wolfy walks away. When I hear her door close

Ty: Why does she look jealous?

Alesa: God ty, u dont know gurls

Ty: What?

Lola: That face was her, Hate-love-forever face. And she said u were her best friend

Ty: What do u mean? I thought she was dating jared?

Mia: god, ty keep up

Maddie: She and jared broke up, well jared broke up with her

Ty: oh no

I look up to the stairs

Wolfys P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night toa loud crash. I walk downstairs and see ty crying on the floor in the corner

Wolfy: ty

I walk over to him, I kneel down and look at him. Of course, I should of known, he sleep walks. I shake him, his eyes open

Ty: Wolfy?

He hugs me, I almost suffocated

Ty: Ur not dead

Wolfy: No, I'm not

I let go from the hug

Ty: Never leave me again

Wolfy: Promise

Ty: Thanks god

I take him to his room and lock the windows, just in case. I walk towards the door

Ty: Wait, can u stay with me?

I look over to ty and nod. I climb into his bed and lay down beside him

Ty: Good night wolfy

Wolfy: Night ty

I slowly fall asleep

Tys P.O.V


I wake up to cameras click, I feel someone's head on my chest, I look down and see wolfy asleep. She was in my arms, I look and see almost every one taking pictures

Ty: Get the hell out

Adam: Oh shiz, he's up

They all run out, I pull wolfy even closer and kiss her head

Wolfy: thanks for getting them out

Ty: How long have u been awake?

Wolfy: Around 10 minutes

I laugh, she looks up at me

Wolfy: I missed u

Ty: I missed u more

She gets up and runs to my bathroom

Ty: Ha ha, very funny

Wolfy: Come on, it was awesome funny

Ty: Wolfy? Do u think u well ever get........ married?

Wolfy: I guess

she leans on the wall

Wolfy: Well, u already know my dream wedding

Ty: I forgot it

Wolfy: god ty

Ty: plz tell me again

Wolfy: Fine

She runs over and lays beside me

Wolfy: I want it to be here in Seattle, not to big, not to small. The colors blue and purple, outside, stary night dinner, my friends all happy, and a perfect guy, kinda like u

She looks at me with her brown eyes. I smile

Wolfy: Whats ur dream wedding?

Ty: Umm.... well, here in Seattle, not to small, nice colors, just friends from my side, don't keep up with most my family, but she can have her family, fancy but not to fancy dinner, a perfect gurl, like u

She smiles, I smile back. She gets closer, I lean in. Our lips connect, I feel her move her lips, so do I

(God, someone help me)

I pull her on top of me, she looks into my eyes

Wolfy: I love u

Ty: I love u more

She smiles. I pull off my shirt, I see her blush

Ty: No need for blushing now

Lolas P.O.V

I was posting pictures of wolfy and ty, I edit some pictures to say stuff like wolflox forever and a lot of wolflox. I hear mitch run down

Mitch: I swear wolflox is happening

Adam: What?

Mitch: I hear wolfy moaning

Lola: I think I'm gonna throw up

Mia: Awe, wolfy is getting it in

We all run upstairs and put our ears on tys door, we hear them

Ty: I love u so much, wolfy

Wolfy: I love u way more

Ty: imposable

I hear them kissing. Then I hear a zipper. Then moaning (fuck my life). We all run back down

Ian: Awe, ty has gurlyfriend

We all laugh and just watch movies

Later that day

Wolfy and ty walk down holding hands

Mitch: I'm surprised u can walk, wolfy

Wolfy: What?

Mia: We heard it

Wolfy: Well, fuck

Ty: Dammit, I hate living in a house full of people

Wolfy: ya

They sit down

Adam: Well, how did sam react when u broke up with her, ty?

Ty: Umm...........

Lola: u did brake up with her, didn't u?

Wolfys P.O.V

I look at ty

Lola: U did brake up with her, didn't u?

Ty: well......

Wolfy: Oh god, ur an idiot

I stand up

Wolfy: U fuckin' had sex with me, well u had a gurlfriend

Ty: Plz, wolfy

Wolfy: no

I run to my room. I dig through my stuff in the bathroom, bingo



I slide down the wall. Why? Why me?





I feel sleepy. I close my eyes. Then I feel like I'm being picked up

Tys P.O.V

I lift her close to me. I run her downstairs, everyone looks at me then rushes ove

Lola: Wolfy?

At the hospital

Tiffany was on a plane to Seattle, it was 2 hours ago wolfy attempted to kill herself. I sat beside her

Dr. James: Umm... Mr. Lox?

I stand up

Dr. James: Ms. Quake is......... in a coma

Ty: no.....

Dr. James: And the worst part ever is.............. she's pregnant


Dont kill me

I fan

Yeah, I just did that. Lol)

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