ch. 7 Wake up

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Tys P.O.V

What? She can't....... can she?

Alesa: plz, ty, tell me u used protection

Ty: uh....... We kinda forgot

Mitch: Damit, ty

Adam: Well thats just great... Ty lox made a gurl cut and also got the gurl knocked up, Ty Lox everyone

Lola: Calm down adam

Adam: no, she's like my sister

Jerome: Yeah

Mitch: So, ty, what u gonna do? Ur gonna be a dad

Ty: I'm not going to be a douche, that's what

Layer that night

I was holding her hand and my one hand was on her stomach. I'm gonna be a dad, I miss wolfy already

Ty: Plz, wake up

5 months later

She is still in a coma, I never let her side yet, she developed a baby bump. I hold her stomach again. The doctors have managed to get food to the baby. adam walks in

Adam: I guess u really are gonna be a good dad

Ty: I guess

I feel the baby kick

Ty: It kicked

Adam: what!?!?!?!?!

They all run in and feel the kick

Wolfys P.O.V (SAY WHA!?!?!?)

I feel a kick. I hold my stomach as I watch everyone run in. I guess u can feel ur baby even if ur in a coma

Adam: Lets hope she wakes up soon

I want to hug them, but I'm just a little spirit

4 months later

Skylers P.O.V

We get off the plane. Me, beena and dee run to a cab. Wolfy was gonna go into surgery to get the baby out, she was still in a coma. Before she goes into surgery we want to say good-luck. We arrived at the hospital then run to her room, her eyes were shut

Skyler: Hey, wolfy

I grab her hand

Skyler: Ur gonna get through this, and ur gonna have an amazing kid. So stay with us

Dee: Plz, wolfy, u helped me through lots, plz, just stay here with us

Beena: Plz, we know u can't hear us but, stay plz

After her surgery

Dr. James: The baby is here

Ty: is it healthy?

Dr. James: Yes, it's very healthy

We all sigh, then, we needed to know about wolfy

Dr. James: Wolfy is alright as well

We all sigh an even bigger sigh

?????: Ty!?!?

Skyler: was that.....

Ty: Wolfy?

We all get up and run into the room and see..... wolfy..... awake

Skyler: Wolfy?

Wolfys P.O.V

I look at all my friends

Wolfy: Where is she?

Life as Wolf_Quake (Book 2 of "A dance")Where stories live. Discover now