ch.5 a dance

50 3 3

Wolfys P.O.V

Its been a week since I had that dream. Me and ty are like Best friends now. But yet he don't got balls to ask me out. And yes I do like him, alesa and adam are soooo happy together, my friends from Canada cam to town and its really existing, I think mitch likes my friend skyler. I walk onto the school grounds, today was awsome because I dyed my hair light purple and got a nose piercing. I wore a navy green crop top, camo jeans and combat boots. I walk over to the group of all my friends

Lola: Wolfy?

Wolfy: Hey

Ty: wow

Wolfy: Thank u, I try

Adam: When?

Wolfy: Yesterday

Skyler: I like it

Beena: u said u always wanted that look

Wolfy: and I got it

We laugh around and the school bell rings telling us that classes well start soon

At the masquerade ball

This time I actually told the guys I'm going so I'm not gonna be cinderella after all. Me, lola, mia, skyler, dee and beena walk into the dance and immediately people look at us, we are very known in this school

Ty: hey, u gurls look Bootyful

Wolfy: Why, thank u. U guys look handsome

Adam: We try

We laugh. Me and the gurls sit down, lola and jake go and dance. They are such a cute couple

Beena: Did u get ur mail today wolf?

Wolfy: Ya, look

I pull out my um-opened envelope

Skyler: Open it

I open it

Wolfy: dear Ms. Quake

U have been exepted into the school of performing arts in LA, u start up in September. U well be specialasing in Voice, dance amd DJing. Hope to see u soon

-Ms. FreeMan

I look at the gurls happy

Lola: ur going to PAU

Wolfy: Oh my god

The guys come running over

Ian: What happened?

Wolfy: after I graduate I'm moving to LA

Ty: Oh

He sounded sad. I get up and hug him

Ty: Well miss u

Wolfy: I'll miss u guys to

Mia: Come on, we have 9 months left with her

Lola: no need for tears now

We smile

Ty: Wolfy, may I have this dance

Wolfy: Of course

We walk out to the dance floor, Hey there delila plays

Ty: I thought u hated ballroom

Wolfy: For u, I would make an exception

We laugh

Ty: So u really are going to LA, this isn't a dream?

Wolfy: Like lola said ty, we have 9 months left. Lets make them count

We smile at each other. He dips me

Ty: I'll be sure to make 'em count

I stare into his brown eyes. We walk towards the hall of memories. All the pictures of us since grade 10. It was so cool to see all of the memories

Ty: Wolfy?

Wolfy: Ya, ty

Ty: Do u think, that dream could come true?

Wolfy: well, I'm not cinderella right now but, I'd say that the ingajment might *whispers to herself* if u had balls

Ty: what?

Wolfy: nothing

I giggle. Ty twirls me around, he dips me. Our faces were inches apart

Lola: WOLFY!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Wolfy: Thats me

I stand up and walk away. I glance back to see ty he looked as if he just lost the gurl of his dreams. I get back to the gym. Lola and skyler looked soo dam happy

Wolfy: What happened to u 2?

Skyler: Mitch kissed me

Lola: Me and jake are imgaged

Wolfy: Oh. My. God

I hug lola, then hug skyler

Wolfy: Congrats

Lola: Thanks

Ty walks in

Adam: Movie night?

Wolfy: Hell ya

We all drive to lola's apartment. We decide to watch some scary movies, well ian and adam decided. I was beside skyler and ty. I say my friends well never let me go, lol

(Me: another dance with ty

Ty: God, ur mean

Wolfy: I kno right

Me: See ya wolf army)

Life as Wolf_Quake (Book 2 of "A dance")Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora