The Desired Blood (SOTUS) Com...

By BLYaoiFan4ever

19.8K 1.5K 469

All characters belong to their prospective owners. I am only writing this story for fun. I am not making any... More

First Long Day
The Sweet Smell
Am I being stalked? Pt 1
Am I being stalked? pt. 2
Getting to Know You!!
What's going on?
Help, Not An Update Sorry!!!
The Next Step
Did that happen?
Disaster averted!
Connecting 18+
You're a What?/Kidnapped
The Rescue pt.1
The Rescue pt.2
Bonding 18+
Calm Before The Storm
Should I upload the Last Chapter Early?
The End 18+

The Meeting

2.6K 110 71
By BLYaoiFan4ever

This is my first story, that I am writing so please be kind and understanding if it starts off slow, and such. I don't own any characters in my story and give full credits to the prospective owners. 

Arthit's P.O.V.

I look around my throne room and see the same thing over and over again. My vampires with their destined one. I feel sad and happy at the same time. Even though I haven't found my destined one, I wouldn't wish that those who have found their one to feel what I'm feeling. I turn and look at my best friend Pick. He is smiling at his mate Rome. They met three hundred years ago. Rome was a peasant being picked on because of his look. Rome and I were walking around enjoying the sights. When all of a sudden we could smell this sweet blood. For me, it smelled like cinnamon, but to Pick it was heaven. He became enraged at the assholes who were picking on his mate. I quickly put my hand on his shoulder calming him down and making sure he didn't act irrationally.

"Pick, I can see why your acting as you are, but remember. Humans don't know about us. You can't just go and kill those assholes in daylight." I hissed reminding him of our current situation. "I know. I just want to save him and bring him home." Pick responded. I nodded my head in understanding. I take a quick look around and find a dark alley. "Look, over there we can bring them there and deal with them. Then you can talk to him." I tell him as I point out where the alley is. He nods his head and we walk over to the group. "Excuse me, but that's my friend there. Let him go." I tell them. They look at us and start laughing. Pick clenches his fist and starts shaking. "Lookie here. We got us some heroes." The leader of the group laughs as he points at us. I sigh and look at them. "Look just let him go and we can all go on about our ways," I said trying to be the peacekeeper here. The leader just looks at me like I said the funniest thing ever. 

"Lookie here. I am not going to let you tell me what to do. We found this weakling first and get to do whatever we want to him. This isn't your business." He sneers at me. I look at Pick and see he's about to lose his cool. "Look, how about a fight. Him versus your strongest for the-" I start saying while pointing at Pick and looking at the kid. "Rome." He squeaks out. "for Rome. Winner takes him. Deal?" I asked. The leader looks at his guys and they start to discuss my deal.

"You got a deal." He says with an evil smile. I nod my head and lead them to the alley. I gently rub Pick's shoulders not only to release the tension but also as a warning. "Remember, we can't kill them. We can injury them and maybe drain them a little. I don't think they'll be very tasty, but the goal is to save Rome." I whisper to Pick before backing off to let him face the leader's, right-hand man. The fight itself only lasted a few minutes with Pick winning. He quickly but gently grabs Rome's hand while the group is distracted by their guy's lost. "I demand a rematch." The leader bellows.

"No can do. A deal is a deal." I said looking him straight in the eyes. He starts coming towards us. Sighing, I quickly use my hypnosis and make him give up and leave Rome and us alone. Warning him that if we ever saw him again, he and his gang wouldn't ever come back from it. Once I stopped the hypnosis he was shaking like a leaf and peed himself. He ran off with his gang. I turned and saw Pick and Rome staring into each other's eyes. "Okay, I don't mean to interrupt your sweet time, but we need to head back before anyone causes a commotion." I remind them.

(This is kind of what I imagine Arthit's Mansion would look like)

No one's P.O.V.

Once we returned to the mansion, Rome, Pick and Arthit head to Arthit's chambers for privacy. Arthit sits in a chair that faces the window. Arthit watches as Pick sits Rome down on the bench located closest to the bathroom. Arthit listens in on their conversation. "Rome, my name is Pick. I don't know how to say this without making you feel uncomfortable, or scared. I love you. It was love at first sight for me. I feel the need to protect you, love you, keep you close to me. I also have something else to tell you, but I want to know what you feel." Pick said as he sat next to Rome on the bench and gently grabbed Rome's hands with his. Rome looked up into Pick's eyes and then down at their hands. "We just met. How can you say you love me." Rome whispered. Pick brought their hands to his heart. (A/N: Yes they have heartbeats.) "Can you feel how fast my heart is beating for you?" Pick asked as he looked into Rome's eyes. Rome's face changed from confused to shocked within a split second. He nodded his head. "Do you believe me?" Pick asked.

Rome nodded his head. "To be honest, I felt an immediate attraction to you, but I couldn't figure out why. Do you know why?" Rome asked in yet another whisper. Pick nodded his head yeas. "Remember I said that there's something else I need to tell you?" Pick asked. Rome nodded his head. "Well I have a secret to tell and it's one that you can't tell anyone out of this mansion. Okay?" Pick warned. Rome nodded his head, even though he was slightly confused. Pick opened his mouth and revealed his fangs to Rome. Rome's eyes light up like fireworks. He became scared and tried to pull his hand's away from Pick's. "Do you believe that I would hurt you?" Pick asked quietly trying to hide the hurt in his eyes. Rome looked at him and gently took his right hand and lifted Pick's chin up. He stared into Pick's eyes looking for his answer. He smiled and shook his head no. "I believe you won't hurt me. I thought Vampires were a myth." Rome said

Pick smirked and hugged Rome. "We keep to ourselves and try not to make our existence known. I love you. I felt this instant connection. Our kind has this thing called 'Our Destined One, or Mate'. This means every vampire out there is fated to have that one person made just for them. You are my fated one. I know it because of your smell." Pick explained. He started to laugh when Rome started to smell himself. "You wouldn't be able to smell it. Your scent is heavenly. You smell like the sweetest peaches mixed with vanilla cream." Pick explained hoping Rome would understand.

Pick gently grabbed Rome by his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Do you understand everything I've said so far?" Pick asked looking a little hesitant. Rome nodded his head. "Now you probably have guessed that vampires live longer than humans." Pick said and Rome nodded. "How old do you think I am?" Pick asked. Rome sat there for a minute before saying "21." Pick laughed and shook his head. "I'm over two thousand years old." Pick said. "Now there is something I would like to do but I need your permission first." Pick said in a serious tone. Rome looked at him and nodded his head for Pick to continue. "I would like to turn you into a vampire. This way we can be together forever and you won't have to worry about becoming old and dying. I understand if you don't want to." Pick said looking away from Rome's eyes at the last part. Rome stared at Pick then looked at me. I looked back and nodded at him. Rome turned back to Pick and said: "I accept."

(A/N: Sorry, I felt like they needed some background they are the secondary couple besides KaoxPete in this story)

Pick was thrilled and looked at me for permission. I nodded my head and he took Rome to his room for privacy. 'Looks like another celebration will be happening this month.' I thought

*Present Day* Arthit's P.O.V.

I looked back to the front of the room and once again felt sad. Deciding to stop sitting around waiting for the one. I got up and signaled to Pick and Rome that I wanted to talk to them in private. We went to my chambers and sat on my bed. "Look I've decided that I am going to go out and search for my fated one," I said while watching their eyes and faces for their reactions. Pick looked a little hesitant with my decision, on the other hand, Rome was bouncing up and down all happy. "Finally!! I thought you would never leave here." He said coming over to hug me. "I figured this day would happen so here." He said as he walked over to my closet and pulled out a suitcase. I started laughing seeing how serious he was. 

I looked at Pick and saw that he was worried. "I'll be fine. I leave the throne business to you while I'm gone. If there's something you can't handle then let me know." I said pulling out three cellphones. "I already have our numbers on each phone. Remember to please keep your activities to a minimum while I'm gone. I don't want to come back and hear complaints about your sex life please." I beg the two of them. Rome blushes as Pick just smirks proudly of his accomplishments. I roll my eyes and head out the front door. "Here are your car keys my lord." Butler Danyia says while handing me keys to a 2005 BMW. (A/N: This is how I see his car. I didn't want something fancy.)

Kongpob's P.O.V. (Current Time)

I was cleaning the tables before we opened the cafe. My boss P'Kao was humming along to some song that was playing on the radio. He looked like he was in love. I rolled my eyes and focused on making the place shine. My other fellow Boys Love Cafe Hosts were cleaning as well. There was Tee (Cause you're my Tee), Mork, Tew, Day (SOTUS S), In, Sun and Nai. We all acted out BL scenes for the customers which were mostly high school girls, and occasionally high school boys as well. The furthest we go with the scenes or skits is kissing. No French kissing or anything rated 18+. I have been at this cafe the longest besides the boss of course. P'Kao opened this cafe back in 2013. We had just graduated from college and hadn't found any jobs yet. P'Kao had told me when we met in our first year of college that he was gay and I told him I was too. We hit it off as best friends. Never developing feelings for the other past friendship. Which is good because P'Kao met the love of his P'Pete. They have been dating for the last four years. I felt a little jealous sometimes because they had found each other.

Sighing, I went back to work and had just finished up cleaning the tables when P'Kao waved me over to him. "Yes P'Kao," I said. "We have a new member joining our crew and I want you to show him the ropes," P'Kao said as he pulled out the job application form. I saw a picture of the guy and thought 'Okay he fits the profile of being handsome.' "His name is Arthit. He should be coming by later in the afternoon today. I want you to make sure he learns the ropes." P'Kao said as he placed his arm around my shoulder. I let out a big sigh and nodded my head. "Great, I have to take care of the noob," I muttered to myself. 

*A Few hours later*

I was in the middle of taking customer's orders when the door dinged. I looked up and started the greeting. "Welcome to Boys Love Cafe how may I-" I never got to finish the greeting as the guy named Arthit walked in. 'I'll admit I was a bit shocked by his handsomeness in real life.' Pulling myself together I quickly finished taking the customer's orders and brought the order over to Tee and Mork. Those two were always flirting at work. Everyone who worked here had a partner, except for me. I sighed as I walked away and towards P'Kao's office. I knocked on the door and entered after hearing "Come in." from P'Kao. "The new kid is here," I told him. P'Kao turned and smiled at me before shooing me out to the cafe. Arthit was just standing there waiting. P'Kao instantly walked over and hugged him. I looked on in shock.

'P'Kao never hugs anyone but P'Pete.' I thought to myself. "Arthit, this is Kongpob. He's the manager here and will be in charge of training you." P'Kao said as he introduced us. I waiied him and turned to go back to work. "Kongpob," P'Kao said in a warning. I rolled my eyes before turning around and putting a smile on my face. "Hi, I'm Kongpob. I'll be your trainer." I said through my teeth. Arthit seemed to understand I wasn't happy and smirked. "Now, show him where to get his uniform," P'Kao said as he was pushing us through the employee-only door.

Arthit's P.O.V.

Once I walked through the door to the cafe, I was greeted by this handsome human. I couldn't help but stare at him. I noticed that he stopped greeting me halfway and didn't look pleased to see me. I watched him turn and walk away to the employee only door. As he disappeared behind the door, I looked around and admired the design of the cafe. Kao had outdone himself with the interior decoration. I've met Kao before at one of the parties I through in my castle. The first thing he did when he saw me, was to hug me. Normally I don't let anyone hug me, excluding Rome. I saw that Kongpob seemed very confused. 

"Arthit this is Kongpob. He's the manager here and will be in charge of training you." Kao said as he pointed to each of us in turn. I saw Kongpob put on that fake smile to make it seem like he was thrilled. I smirked at him. I could see that he didn't like me. Oh well. Sensing the tension from Kongpob, Kao pushed us to the employee only area and told Kongpob to help me get my uniform and start the training. 'This is going to be a fun long day.' I thought to myself.

So how is it? I know it's really long and I apologize for that. The idea popped in my head and I didn't want to lose it. Please leave comments and vote. I don't know how long this story will be. There will be mature content in later chapters. I will put warnings in the chapter titles. If you don't like boyxboy, gay love, then please leave. This is not for you. 

P.S. I have a dirty mind so please forgive me when the mature content comes.

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