The Meeting

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This is my first story, that I am writing so please be kind and understanding if it starts off slow, and such. I don't own any characters in my story and give full credits to the prospective owners. 

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Arthit's P.O.V.

I look around my throne room and see the same thing over and over again. My vampires with their destined one. I feel sad and happy at the same time. Even though I haven't found my destined one, I wouldn't wish that those who have found their one to feel what I'm feeling. I turn and look at my best friend Pick. He is smiling at his mate Rome. They met three hundred years ago. Rome was a peasant being picked on because of his look. Rome and I were walking around enjoying the sights. When all of a sudden we could smell this sweet blood. For me, it smelled like cinnamon, but to Pick it was heaven. He became enraged at the assholes who were picking on his mate. I quickly put my hand on his shoulder calming him down and making sure he didn't act irrationally.

"Pick, I can see why your acting as you are, but remember. Humans don't know about us. You can't just go and kill those assholes in daylight." I hissed reminding him of our current situation. "I know. I just want to save him and bring him home." Pick responded. I nodded my head in understanding. I take a quick look around and find a dark alley. "Look, over there we can bring them there and deal with them. Then you can talk to him." I tell him as I point out where the alley is. He nods his head and we walk over to the group. "Excuse me, but that's my friend there. Let him go." I tell them. They look at us and start laughing. Pick clenches his fist and starts shaking. "Lookie here. We got us some heroes." The leader of the group laughs as he points at us. I sigh and look at them. "Look just let him go and we can all go on about our ways," I said trying to be the peacekeeper here. The leader just looks at me like I said the funniest thing ever. 

"Lookie here. I am not going to let you tell me what to do. We found this weakling first and get to do whatever we want to him. This isn't your business." He sneers at me. I look at Pick and see he's about to lose his cool. "Look, how about a fight. Him versus your strongest for the-" I start saying while pointing at Pick and looking at the kid. "Rome." He squeaks out. "for Rome. Winner takes him. Deal?" I asked. The leader looks at his guys and they start to discuss my deal.

"You got a deal." He says with an evil smile. I nod my head and lead them to the alley. I gently rub Pick's shoulders not only to release the tension but also as a warning. "Remember, we can't kill them. We can injury them and maybe drain them a little. I don't think they'll be very tasty, but the goal is to save Rome." I whisper to Pick before backing off to let him face the leader's, right-hand man. The fight itself only lasted a few minutes with Pick winning. He quickly but gently grabs Rome's hand while the group is distracted by their guy's lost. "I demand a rematch." The leader bellows.

"No can do. A deal is a deal." I said looking him straight in the eyes. He starts coming towards us. Sighing, I quickly use my hypnosis and make him give up and leave Rome and us alone. Warning him that if we ever saw him again, he and his gang wouldn't ever come back from it. Once I stopped the hypnosis he was shaking like a leaf and peed himself. He ran off with his gang. I turned and saw Pick and Rome staring into each other's eyes. "Okay, I don't mean to interrupt your sweet time, but we need to head back before anyone causes a commotion." I remind them.

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