That Love ➳ l.t.&e.c.

De tomlinsonrose

36.3K 1K 497

●════════●♥●════════● "Louis, this isn't good for us, we're not good for each and we can't be in a relationsh... Mais

That Boy
1. That Day
2. That Ass
3. That Girl
4. That Fight
5. That Night
6. That Class
7. That Plan
8. That Kiss
9. That Talk
10. That Feeling
11. That Lorry
12. That Dream
13. That Date
14. That Stupid
15. That Person
16. That Filler Chapter
17. That Moment
18. That Tutor
19. That Arguement
20. That Starbucks
21. That Call
Contact Me ➳ Authors Note c:
22. That News
23.That Conversation
24.That Session
25. That Box
26. That Bracelet
27. That Club
28. That Day
29. That Love
updates :)
30. That Feeling
31., That Shit
Cliché x
32. That Shot
That Love Week (updateupdateupdate)
33. That Done
That </3
34. That Death
35. That Hospital
37. That Kiss
Petals <3
38. That Camera
39. That Dress
40. That Shock
Check out my blog petals x
41. That Moment
My snapchat
42. That End

36. That Morning

325 15 31
De tomlinsonrose

Eleanor's POV

My eyes widen at the sight of Louis Tomlinson, the man who hit me with a car, standing before me, a doe eyed look on his face, his lip grinding between his teeth, nerves portraying in his expression,

"Eleanor," Louis whispers, 

"Louis," I nod,

His eyes flicker to Dani who stands there glaring at him,

"Dani we're just going to pop outside," I tell her

She nods, still glaring at Louis as I step outside, closing the door behind me and sitting on the doorstep, waiting as Louis followed suit and sat beside me

"You're better," Louis mumbles after a minute

"You could say that," I nod, frowning lightly,

"Eleanor," he breaths, sadness lasping his voice, "I'm sorry, I..I was-"

"You were drunk, yes I know Louis, don't worry I won't remember this tomorrow so say whatever," I reply, failing to keep the biterness out of my voice, holding my head in my hands,

"I'm sorry El, I was upset and I was angry and I'm sorry,"

"Why were you drunk?" I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady,

He runs his hand through his hair, sighing deeply as he looks over at me,

"Louis?" I ask gently, placing my hand on his, as a pained look crosses his face,

He looks up, making eye contact, revealing his teary eyes 

"You," he says


"I love you Eleanor, I was upset, I got drunk and I was driving home to-to see you and-and then I-I-" he breaks off, tears streaming down his face as his words fail him,

My heart aches as I look at the crying boy in front of me, his face crumpling. I reach my hand out, gently wiping away his tears, cupping his face gently,

"It's okay Louis," 

He shakes his head, taking my hand that was resting on his cheek in his hand and holding it in his,

"No it's not, it's not your hurt, I hurt you,"

"I'm okay Lou, it's okay,"

"Ellie, I love you, I love you so much, I'm sorry, I love you,"

I sigh gently, "Louis, I think we just need to be friends now,"

"What?" he looks up at me, his eyes wide and alarmed

"I just don't think it'd be good for us, it's not working for us,"  

"Eleanor..please don't, not now, please, please don't do this," he begs, gripping onto my hand and pulling me into him,

"Louis," I start, but am silenced by my face being brought into his chest,

"Eleanor, please don't, please, I visited you everyday, I never missed a day, ever, I love you, please," 

He leans his lips in, kissing my cheek then slowly trailing kisses down to the edge of my lip,

"Louis," I whisper, gently placing my hands on his chest, pushing him off gently,

"El," Louis whimpers,

"Maybe sometime in the future, just not now, Louis, please," a tear escapes my cheek

"Okay," he whispers, nodding, wiping away my tears that are now falling more regular,

I try and subdue my whimper, as I stand up,

"I'm sorry, I have... I think you should go," I tell him

He nods, tears falling down his cheeks

"I'll stop by tomorrow," he whispers kissing my cheek

I nod, "Okay," 


"El, wake up sunshine, get up," a voice echoes through my room as I open my eyes to see Dani, standing in front of me with a cup of tea in her hand,

"Morning," she smiles, handing the tea to me

"Oh, ehm thanks," I frown, sipping my tea, looking at her,

"Whats up?" she asks

"Was I drunk last night?" I ask, holding my head gently,

"Not from what I know, no, why?"

"Yesterday is just a blur, like I can only remember some things," I frown, 

"Okay," Dani's voice slowly turns cautious, "Well tell me what you remember and I'll fill in the gaps,"

"Well I think I was in hospital? But I'm not sure why, and ehm and then we came home and I can't remember much after that, but I thought I remembered something about Louis,"

Dani nods, her eyes filling with sadness, "You have a condition Eleanor, you were in a car crash 2 years ago..." she proceeds to tell me the story of my crash and what the condition entails, "But you remember so much from yesterday, that's amazing!" she assures me as tears fall down my face gently,

"Will I be like this forever?" I ask slowly wiping away my tears

Dani shrugs, "We don't know, you're certainly improving,"

I nod, "Okay,"

"Here come on, let's go downstairs and get some breakfast," Dani urges me as I get up, following her suit and walking downstairs

As we walk past the bathroom, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, looking at my tear stained cheeks and matted, tousled hair from a night of sleep. My breath hitches in my throat as I focus on my facial features, which have aged in the two years I don't remember seeing myself. The memory of my face I have in my head is of eighteen year old me, not nearly twenty one year old me, who stands in front of the mirror before me, looking worn and tired. And sad, too sad for a twenty year old girl.

"Morning," a manly voice calls from the kitchen

We walk in to see Louis sitting at the bar, a cup of tea in front of him.

"Morning," Dani replies, an edge to her voice

I just frown at the boy, "Hello,"

"El, are you okay today?" Louis asks, his face softening as he looks at me

"Okay I guess," I reply, nodding

I turn to Dani, giving her a quizical look as she makes tea for herself,

"I'm just gonna nip to the loo," Louis announces, getting up and guiding himself to the toilet

I wait a few minutes before speaking,

"Are we still dating?" I ask, frowning

She shrugs, "I dunno, you were talking yesterday and you got very intimate but I'm not sure, you didn't tell me,"

"Shit," I mumble as Louis walks back in, seating himself beside me,

"Are you feeling alright?" he asks me, placing his hand on mine

I nod, giving him a small smile, 

Dani gives me a pointed look before excusing herself,

I clear my throat, looking over at Louis who is staring at me intently,

"Louis," I start

Author's Note

Hiya petals x

This was actually really hard to write because I'm wearing fake nails because I went out on friday lol x So here is the chapter incase ye didn't...already know? I don't know omg so ehm petals guess what? I got me first/ make out/ shift/ snog/ thing/ on friday :) And obviously I had to tell my petals, obviously x

So another thing, OH MY GOD PETALS, I have like 40 comments on the last chapter!! That is freaking insane 40! Like omg :o I am so so so so so greatful petals you guys are amazing and 40 comments what even, you guys are so amazing and I love ye so so so much like words cannot describe and I don't even know what I'd do without ye because ye guys are just amazing and yeah x

Love ye so so so so so so so much petals,

Niamh x

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