Izuku the Lost Soldier: Nucle...

By Pabaxel

5K 222 13

Somewhere in this world, there are people fighting within the darkness to help humanity grow. Many never see... More

Mission successful?
Found/New mission: School?
Sudden attack!
Fuck their here!/USJ
New assignment
American Civil War part 2
Big Three on the lookout/Sports Festival interupted
Return of Evil
End of the Beginning (Ending)

American Civil War

287 21 1
By Pabaxel

(Pabaxel: Something different.)

*The people vs the government*
After a force abolishment of any type of weapon. The 2nd Amendment has fallen and soon many other followed after the down fall. The people started to slowly wake up from this fantasy and are now in a place where they used to have freedom has turned into a boxed chamber.

Within the first month, riots started spreading across major cities in the United States. Middle-class citizens didn't know what was going on mostly by their ignorance. Soon they will be affected by this.

At the start of the second month, the support of the people towards the government had begun to crumble. Politicians tried to convince the public that they should stop. But instead, it turned into fuel for the fire, as most everyone was tired of these bullshit responses.

On June 9th it had started across the states many leaders have decided to meet up in a bunker inside desolate mountainside. A team of hackers has been blocking any type of attack from the government. Well, it's not a government anymore.

Cyberwarfare has begun, the largest superpower country in the world against its citizens. Militias made from everyday citizens rise all across the country. They will not stand against these types injustices.

During the third month, Agent Watch (Izuku) has received a new message. It's a mission, to find and retrieve the Japanese Prime Minister daughter and son.

"This is getting worse." ,-Izuku thought to seat the passenger seat headed up to Los Angels, closer to Arizona then D.C.

Location: Los Angels, target: retrieve Prime Minister's daughter from private high school.

"So what's the situation?" ,-asked Agent Watch trying to get comfortable.

"Oh? I guess we didn't meet, I am Agent Click American Division, and that is Agent Shock driving the SUV, and Charger in the back.

"Hello.",-said Izuku taking out his tablet.

"What's up." ,-said Shock driving the SUV.

"What we know is that the C.I.A, F.B.I, and homeland security have been heavily corrupt and damaged beyond repair." ,-said Agent Click scrolling through the available data.

"So the biggest superpower nation is in ruins." ,-said Agent Watch (Izuku) checking major riots across the burning country. 

"Basically, but the individual states are somehow still operating." ,-said Agent Click checking the infrastructure of each individual state, it's going to the long ride.

"That's a good thing, but looks like all schools are in lockdown." ,-said Agent Shock driving over the mountain and desert hills at incredible speed leaving a trail of dust behind.

"Why?" ,-asked Agent Charger in the back on the SUV checking their supplies.

"We believe the government is trying to hold all the student's hostage. That's my hypothesis." ,-said Agent Click

"Or for leverage." ,-added Agent Watch

"That's another possibility." ,- said Agent Click. "It's been 6 hours since the lockdown, it has been heavily secured with rogue agents."

"So, our four will be rescuing both assets?" ,-asked Agent Shock

"No, but it seemed like a rush operation. We can't tell what caused this chain reaction of lethal events."  -said Agent Click,
"Keep driving north, Shock."

"So this calls for the big guys."  ,-said Charger in the back taking out multiple weapons from their storage.

"Damn." ,-they all thought looking at the assortments of weapons available.

"Better than expected." ,-said Midoriya grabbing an M16 model along with a light machine gun. "Not make that two." ,-he said grabbing a second one just in case.

"Suit yourself, you will be carrying that." ,-said Click grabbing an old model M4 with a grenade launcher attachment.

Shock and Charger started gathering intel through their tablets hacking into cameras around the Los Angels area.

"It's not looking good, theirs a huge riot in the city.",-said Charger

"But if you look southeast, theirs seems to be a group of adults going to the schools. I can't get passed the security." ,-said Click

"Let me see....." ,-said Midoriya typing a few common key combinations. "Done...",-he said giving it back to Click.

"What?... okay let's see, wait! The militias are mixing in with the parents." ,-said Click looking through the cameras around the school campus.

"This is not good." ,-said Watch

"Why?" ,-asked Agent Shock

"If the parents have weapons, that means they are more likely to pull the trigger." ,-said Izuku as they enter the city quickly. Going full speed they start crashing and moving cars that were left of the street.

"This is annoying." ,-said Click bracing for another impact pushing cars out of the way.

"What's with these people and leaving their case in the middle of the street!" ,-said Shock


After driving from Arizona to LA took a few hours cutting through terrain and navigating through the city for 30 minutes our four agents have found the school. And it seems that the parents/militia will arrive at any moment in front of the school.

"Everyone put on your silencers." ,-said Click bringing his rifle while Shock parked the SUV three blocks away from the school.

"Alright." ,-said Watch putting his silencers for his machine guns.

"How is that possible?" ,-Agent Charger

"Don't question anything, let's move." ,-said Midoriya adding a few weapon attachments.

Click began calling the extraction team.
Charger and Shock began covering Izuku while he makes an entrance by using a blow torch.

"Let's finish this." ,-said Click, "What room is she in?" ,-he asked running through the halls of the schools jamming all electronic signals.

"She's in room 803, follow me I have a map." ,-said Midoriya following the location.

"Remember don't say her name, only if is necessary." ,-said Click, as he was explaining Shock, opens the door.

"Erika?" ,-asked Shock

"Shit." ,-the rest of them thought as the students were scared of moving to one side of the room.

"We need to move." ,-said Charger noticing many rogue gathering in the main building.

One girl in the corner stands up and walks towards them. Midoriya takes out his tablet and scans her. "That's Erika, your father is very worried. Let's take you back home." ,-he said
"Click, extraction team."

"It's on the way." ,-said Click selecting the extraction point.

"Let's go." ,- ordered Midoriya as Charger escorts Erika out of the room without questions.

"It's clear for now. What about the rest?" ,-asked Shock outside still checking for any hostiles.

"Once Erika is out of here, then we can assist these students." ,-said Midoriya exiting the classroom.

"Alright lock the doors, we will be back." ,-said Shock telling these scared students.


Soon the team started heading the only place large enough to land the football field. Everyone was anxious to the hell out of the hot spot.

A helicopter began to circle around the football field of the school and landed. Immediately Charger helped Erika to climb in the helicopter and the rescue team took care of the rest.

Agent Watch and the rest of the team where on the lookout until the helicopter takes off and soon took off with half of the mission.
"Alright, let's go for the next one." ,-said Midoriya checking his equipment.

"What about the students?" ,-asked Shock once again.

"Oh, right let's go." ,-said Midoriya as the team went back to the school. But there's a problem the parents have reached the school entrance.

"This is not good, Click use your quirk." , ordered Midoriya taking care of the huge waves of enemies. "We are short members, Shock and Charger do something about that."

Immediately they started recruiting more students that were willing to fight for their country and to get out of this abandoned school.

It took around 30 minutes to gather as many students as possible throughout the campus.
"They're quite patriotic." ,-Izuku thought as the untrained students started following their orders. "Already everyone,  the order is to get you out of the city. We need to go through the less populated areas, we have birds in the sky." ,- mostly everyone had nothing to say as they have been stuck in their classrooms for almost 10 hours and most where hungry.

"We need to hit a market place soon." ,-said Midoriya noticing that the students are underprepared.

"I think I just know the place." ,-said Click checking his tablet to the nearest location.

The team started to hear gunfire back on the school grounds. "Alright everyone more out quickly." ,-said Midoriya mobilizing 800 students strong.

"Click take the student to the store you where talking about, we will halt the enemies advance. Shock get the SUV, we will cover you." ,-he ordered and turned to Charger "Alright, let's give them hell." ,-said Midoriya as a group of rogue agents jumped over the school fence and started firing back at them.

"Light them up." ,-said Charger switching to full automatic in his rifle.

"Let the fun begin." ,-said Midoriya pulling down the trigger from his to machine guns and started decimating everyone in his path. This has Agent Shock time to run towards and gets inside the SUV.

Taking out his keys, Shock turned it over activating the car. "Let's go." ,-he thought to press the accelerator and takes off from the battle.

"Charger throw the grenades." ,-said Midoriya as Charger face expression lit up.

"About time!" ,-he said quickly pulling all of the pins and throws it at the enemy.


*10 Minutes later*
The 800 students along with the team reached the retail store. The atmosphere was a little bit more lighten up.

While the students spread through the store with Click watching over them. Midoriya and the rest where outside on the lookout.

(Using a different scenario, in a time where America is having a civil war. Great! What am I thinking? Adding more OC's...well shit, now I have to remember these guys. Oh well, let's continue on with the war.)

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