Loving You From a Distance |...

By talentedxasher

9.9K 267 106

You loved Asher Angel as your best friend ever since you were little, but when he left to pursue his career... More

One: Missed You
Two: Hurt
Three: Better Now
Four: Only You
Five: Happy
Six: Confused Pt. 1
Seven: Confused Pt. 2
Eight: Promise?
Nine: #1 Fan
Eleven: "Action!"
Twelve: Chemistry
Thirteen: New Job
Fourteen: Last Goodbyes
Fifteen: Him
Sixteen: Her

Ten: Envy

344 9 9
By talentedxasher

It's been about two weeks since you and Asher had that whole photo shoot. The days have gone by fast and Asher's been home for about two months, so he'd be leaving soon. You talked to your mom and dad about the job and they liked the idea, so you've both been planning times to start doing stuff. Asher has also been starting to write his own music along with recording songs that were given to him. You were very proud of him. You both were currently on facetime before you'd meet up for lunch at a little cafe in town. You were excited because you haven't seen each other for a week because of his work schedule.

"(Y/n)!! What should I wear todayyyyy?" He yells looking through his closet.

You laugh. "I don't know just pick anything, we aren't going anywhere special really. Besides you look good in anything Ash."

"Aww, thank you. But, I still can't pick. Like I don't know for some reason I can't settle on one outfit right now." He says and laughs. After awhile he finally picks an outfit and you do the same. You were both almost ready to head out.

"Are you sure we can't just walk together there?" Asher wines over the phone. "I want to see you."

"I'll see you at the cafe, Asher." You giggle.

He sighs over the phone. "Okay, fine. See you there. I love you." He says in a soft voice. It made you smile like crazy.

"I love you too. Bye." You hang up and then start walking to the cafe. Asher was a lot closer so he'd probably be there before you. Once you got there you saw Asher standing and waiting for you, you caught each other's eye and he smiles. You run up to him and hug him.

"I missed you sooo much." Asher says hugging you tight.

"I missed you too." You say, letting out a huge sigh. "Asher, you're leaving in about a week... I'm gonna miss you so much." You snuggle into his chest.

"Actually no, turns out I'm staying a little longer. Because of the music and then I'll be making a video, so at least a week longer. But don't worry, I'll come back as soon as I can." Asher says. You smile.

"It's gonna be a lot harder for me to say goodbye to you this time." You look up into his eyes, as he looks into yours. You knew it was going to hurt. Just because Asher seemed to be more attached to you than the last time he left, and you were worried he wouldn't feel the same when he came back.

"I know, it will for me too. But let's just focus on right now, okay?" Asher says with a smile, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. "Let's go eat, then maybe we can walk around town or something."

"Okay." You smile and hug him once more. He chuckles and grabs your hand into the cafe. You both sat down at one of the small tables they had.

"So do you wanna do anything specific afterwards?" Asher asks after you both ordered your food.

"I don't have anything in mind at the moment." You shrug and grab Asher's wrist, admiring the bracelets you both had on. He smiles. You both talk for a little while and then your food comes.

"(Y/n). You're the best. You know that?" Asher says while eating.

"Nope, that's all you." You smile at him.

"If it makes you happy, then sure." He chuckles. "But you really are the best." He sighs with a smile on his face.

After you both got done you started walking around town. You decide to sit at a picnic table at a small park.

While you were both sitting down Asher gets a call.

"Oh hey. Uh, yeah. No I don't mind, really. But can we talk later?" He looks up at you and smiles. "I'm busy right now. I'm with (y/n). No we're not, she's my best friend. I guess you could say that. Okay. Bye." He hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket.

"Who was that?" You ask, resting your head on his shoulder. He shrugs.

"Just a new friend I made last week. Annie. Annie Leblanc." He says, your mood slightly drops as you lift yourself off his shoulder.

"Oh, that's nice." You smile. "How'd you meet her?"

"Just over instagram. She messaged me and we started talking. She's really nice and funny, I think you'd get along with her." He chuckles.

The thing was, you knew her. She's also famous. You used to be a fan of her when you were little. But Asher didn't know that. You eventually stopped watching her videos for some reason. But the other thing is, she's really gorgeous. Asher's gonna fall for her, and you knew it.

"(y/n)? Do you know her?" He asks, waving his other hand in front of you to get your attention.

You just wanted him to stop talking about her, the more he talked the more it felt like he was already catching feelings. "I mean, yeah. I just didn't think you'd become friends with her. Not that it's a bad thing, I just didn't think that."

"Oh yeah I get it. I didn't either, to be honest I didn't really know who she was when we started talking. And then we started talking about what we both do, but she knew me-"

"Yeah, cool. She seems really nice. I wouldn't mind meeting her sometime." You smile and squeeze his hand. You were kind of upset, but it wasn't like you were dating him. You decided that you didn't want to, which was some stupid decision you made. But at the same time you didn't think you were ready. But what if Annie was?

You didn't mind him having friends that were girls, and it wasn't your choice whether he did or not. But Annie Leblanc? She's beautiful in every way possible, you envied her. Because you felt as if she could replace you just like that.

Asher interrupts your thoughts, hugging you.
"Come on. Let's go home." He grabs your hand again to hold it and you let him. You head home while he continues to tell you all about his new music, talking nonstop. But you loved it, cause he was happy.

"Oh I can't wait, you'll be one of the first to hear it though." He chuckles.

"Aw really?" You ask, smiling. He nods. You shake your head. "Come on, you could pick anyone else." You laugh, he shrugs.

"Well anyone else isn't you." He says, you gaze into his eyes, as he gazes right back into yours. 

"I adore you." You say, thinking out loud unintentionally. Asher smiles.

"You're so sweet angel." He chuckles, swinging your hand back and forth as you both continued walking. Once you got home you both sat in the living room for a little bit, Asher's mom comes in.

"Hey you guys, what's the plan for tonight?" She asks, you look at her confused.

"Plans for what?" You respond. She shrugs.

"Are you going home tonight? Staying the night?" She chuckles.

"Oh!" You laugh. "I think I'll be going home tonight." You shrug and look at Asher. He makes a pouty face and you laugh again.

"Okay, let me know when you know for sure." She chuckles and walks upstairs. Asher rests his head on your shoulder.

"Can I sleep over tonight?" He asks.

"I can ask my mom, we'll see." You grab your phone and text her, she's says he can stay over and Asher gets excited. Asher loved going to your house because he loved talking to your mom and dad. Your parents loved the Angel family, and they thought that Asher was right for you. You tell them all about him and everything he does for you. But Asher didn't know that.

You and Asher spend the next few hours hanging out with London and Avi, then get a ride from Coco to your house. Asher got out of the car excitedly and you both walked in. Your mom was home but your dad was probably still at work, or he left for a business trip.

"Hello! I'm home!" Asher yells, you laugh. He runs up and hugs your mom, and you also give her a hug.

"Hey mom, how have you been?" Asher smiles.

She laughs. "I'm good Asher, and you?"

Asher chuckles. "I'm really great, I really missed you guys and can't wait for you to hear what I've been working on."

"Oh? You're really singing now? Good job Asher. I'm proud of you and can't wait to hear it. I'll let you guys know when dinners ready." She smiles. "Also, (y/n) your father will be home a couple hours late cause he's staying to work on his project." You smile.

"Oh okay, we'll be going to my room then." You say, Asher hugs your mom again and you laugh. He rushes into your room and onto your bed.

"So what are we doing?" Asher asks, you shrug.

"What do you want to do?" You ask him, he smiles.

"Cuddling with you would be nice." He shrugs. You laugh and jump into his arms, making him fall back.

"Like this?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head in the crook of his neck.

"Exactly like this." He chuckles, holding you close. "I could fall asleep." Asher sighs. You lift your head up and look into his eyes, inches from his face.

"What?" Asher asks, you only grin. He gives you a soft smile, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"You make me so happy Asher." You say, resting your head back on his chest.

"Do I?" He chuckles, you smile and nod.

"Yeah, and you make me feel so special." You blush a little, closing your eyes.

"Cause you are." Asher responds, as he runs his fingers through your hair. "You're so special to me." He whispers.

You smile like crazy. "Asher, I love you. A lot."

Asher chuckles. "And I love you, angel." You happily sigh while moving your head to his chest, feeling his heartbeat. Then you hear his phone ring again, it was Annie.

Asher sits up and answers. "Hey, I'm still with (y/n). I'm spending the night." Asher looks up at you. You rest your head on his shoulder, then you hear some of the conversation.

"Are you sure she isn't your girlfriend?" She laughs.

He sighs. "Yes I'm sure. She's my best friend."

"Whatever you say, I was wondering if you'd want to hang out sometime?"

"I don't think I can anytime soon."

"Ohh, okay. Just let me know when you can, if you want."

"Yeah, sure thing. Bye." The call ends and Asher puts his phone down. "Anyways, I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah?" You say, a little bit nervous.

"When would you want to meet Annie?" He asks.

You shrug. "Oh whenever is fine."

"Is there something wrong?" Asher looks at you worriedly. You shake your head.

"No, I just don't have anything to do most days." You shrug again, smiling. He smiles back.

"Oh okay. I was thinking maybe sometime after I come back."

"Yeah that'd work for me."

Asher sighs, somewhat relieved and shows you a text. "She says she wants to talk to you."

"Does she? Why?" You ask confused as you read her text to Asher "tell her we should be friends haha"

Asher only shrugs. "She said you seem fun."

"Really?" You get even more confused.

Asher chuckles. "Yeah. Why do you find this so unbelievable?"

"Asher I don't have any other friends besides you." You laugh.

Asher shakes his head. "I know you have other friends. But Annie could be one of them."

"Yeah I guess so huh?" You smile and laugh again. Annie seemed nice. But you didn't want to lose Asher, you didn't know why but you felt like she was going to steal him. Or that he'd start liking her and forget about you.  You tried to not think that way but it was hard.

"Yeah. I was thinking of maybe having her be in my music video too..." He says.

"Oh, cool." You say, slightly more jealous. You knew that you probably weren't pretty enough to be in it. The more you thought about it the more hurt you were by your own feelings.

"But of course, after asking you." He smiles. You smile and blush, feeling better and a little guilty of what you just thought before. Asher always knew what made you feel better, even without trying. "So will you be in it?"

"Really?" You ask, Asher nods. "Why me?"

"Because you were the first girl I thought of when I was asked." He mumbles a little and looks into your eyes.

"Oh Asher," He makes you smile bigger as you crawl back into his arms. You felt happy, but something still was wrong to you. All you hoped was that Annie wouldn't catch feelings for him, although you knew it was hard to avoid.

"So what? Is it a love song?" You say, snuggling into his chest. He chuckles.

"I don't know, you'll have to wait and see."

He starts to rub your back and play with your hair. You couldn't help but fall for him a little more.

You start to get tired, and Asher notices.

"Wanna watch a movie and fall asleep?" Asher asks. You smile and nod. He grabs your laptop and you put on a movie. You both lay in your bed and cuddle as your eyes slowly got heavier. You snuggle into his chest, and he holds you a little tighter as you both go to sleep.




word count: 2324

A/N: Sorry for not writing i have no other excuse besides the fact that I have no inspiration whatsoever 😂😂 comment and vote if you liked!! And thank you if you still read this haha 💙

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