Learning to love

By villan40

468 6 2


Learning to love
Chapter 1 - The begining
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - The End

Chapter 3

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By villan40

I felt the heat of the sun on my face. I smiled. I must be in heaven.

I opened my eyes.

"Noooo!!!" I yelled. I look around me, I was back in my room.

I was still a prisoner. How did I survive, I felt no pain. I jumped, I know I did.

"Sofia, I won‘t let you hurt yourself"

He said. It was him. Master.

"I jumped. Why am I not dead?"

" I will not let you leave me, I just found you." He walk towards the

bed, and knelt beside me. Held my hand. And looked into my eyes. He

looked sad. His dark hair tussled. He looked like he had not slept. Then he began to touched my cheek. And I froze. Shivering in fear.

Looking deep into my eyes, he leaned and kissed my cheek.

"Don’t touch me. Don't ever touch me." I yelled.

I sat up, pull my legs towards me. Sitting in a fetal position. I rock slowly, trying not to let panic and fear overcome me.

He pull away from me, frowning. He walk out of the room.

I began to cry. I would rather die. I want to die.

As the door started open, I started to whimper. I expected Master, but

it was Ella.

"Sofia, what are you doing. Your driving Masterson crazy with worry. I've

never seen so worried. He cares for you deeply."

"What!" I yelled " he doesn't know me, how can he care for me" I sneered.

Ella sat on the bed, grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in to a hug.

"Why would you try to kill yourself, just give a chance." She whispered to me.

Max trick me, it was going to be romantic date. Our six month anniversary. I was nine-teen, and I thought I was in love. I wanted to wait for that special person. I wanted to make love, not have sex. Max’s agreed. Or so I thought. When I got to his house, I was expecting dinner, flowers and maybe some romance. Tonight would be the night, Max and I would be together. Max was there and so were two of his friends. Come on babe, it’ll be fun. Max smirked. I started to leave his house, but some one grabbed me, punch in the face. I fell to the floor and I look up, it was Max. Max! NO! I thought…

Once I was on the floor, Max, Ed and Joe attacked. Tearing my

clothes, hitting me if screamed. Kissing and touching me. Max and Joe

held down, while Ed entered me. . It was the worst pain I could imagine. I felt my body ripe and tear. I started to scream, then I was punched in the face. I heard my jaw crack, and I passed out. I was in and out of consciousness. Joe was on top, then it was Max. Then I was face down on the floor, someone pushing in me saying how tight my ass was. I don’t know how long it lasted.

Then next morning, I was found thrown in the street, like a piece of trash. My body had been bathed, all evidence was washed away. Max and the guys had airtight alibis. My word against them. No charges were ever filed. My family couldn’t believe it was Max. They tried to convince me it was someone who look like him. The worst part was the looks of my family and so called friends, they didn’t believe me when I told them it was Max's and his friends. My mother and sister were completely fooled by him, but then so was I. After I got out of the hospital, I fell into a very deep depression and I tried to kill my self. I didn't make the cut in my wrist deep enough. I decided then to moved away. I feared every day when I would see HIM. He was always visiting my Mom, trying to “help me through this”. That was more than I could bear. So I changed my name and left town. Moving was one of the best things I did, with no reminders around me, I was putting the past in the past. It took two years, but I was starting to look forward to living.

Ella let me go, she had tears in her eyes. And then she held me and let me cry myself to sleep.

--Ella pov--

I walked in the den, I could see how worried Gab Masterson. I meet him

four years ago. He saved me when my family wanted me dead. My parents and I lived in a small town just out of Laredo, Mexico. It was a traditional, old school, god fearing, fire and brimstone catholic town.

When they found out about my gift of sight, it was decided that I was

possessed by evil. They said in order to save my soul, the demon had

to be set free. I was to be exorcized, chance of me surviving were slim. If I died the “demon” would die with me and I could gain my place in heaven. If I lived, the demon was still in control and I had be sacrificed.

I was able to escape from my parents house and ran. I ran until my bare feet were raw and bloody. I ran until I could run no more, I collapsed on the ground and cried. That’s when Masterson found me, unconscious and he brought me here. He gave me a choice to live here or he would help find somewhere to live. Once I chose to live here, Masterson shared his secret with me. I had seen first hand his caring nature, so I didn’t care what he was and stuck with my decision to live here. It was then decided to call him Master!!

"Gabe, she is fragile. I don’t know how to tell you, but you need to be gentle. And give her time. Let me tell you why.

I took his hand in mine, and I told him the terror that Sofia had live through.

When I was done, he was angry. Angrier than I had ever seen, in the

four years I had lived here. He went on a rampage and torn the den apart, he smashed chairs against the wall, tosses books on the floor.

" Masterson, ..." I yelled " Gabe" I whispered " go to her, she needs

to hear that she is safe. She need to believe, she need to feel safe"

He froze, with a lamp still in his hand. " Your right, it's all about

making Sofia safe. " Dropping the lamp, he bolted out the door, up to

Sofia's room.


The closing of the door brought me out of sleep. I was alone, I knew what I had to do. I got out of bed, walked to the bathroom and took a disposable razor out of a cabinet. Looking around me, I grabbed a large metal candle holder and smashed the plastic razor. Taking the small blades, I walked to the shower, turned on the water. I removed my night gown and stepped into

the warm water. I took the blade and cut my inner left thigh. I hoped

it was deep enough. My blood flowed. Deep red, then pink as it mixed with

water. I then took the blade, cutting my right wrist. I cut from my

wrist upwards towards me. I tried to place the blades in my right

hand, but was unable to grasp them. My finger didn't seem to work. I

just stared as my blood went down the drain. It's funny though, I

thought it would hurt. It stings a little, but mostly I just felt tried, I sat on the floor and closed my eyes. No one would hurt me ever again.

I felt an angle pick me up and place me on cloud.

" Don't leave me, Sofia" My angle whispered.

And then it started to burn…

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