TRUST MY HEART ━━━ 𝐛.𝐛𝐚𝐫...

By lightupmydays

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His eyes finally landed on her, as bits and pieces came back to him. He vaguely recalled seeing the brunette... More

status update
A C T | o n e
1. That's life.
2. Neighbor.
3. I hope I go down dancing.
4. Captain's orders.
5. Locked, cocked and ready to rock.
6. The 41st floor.
7. Don't be that guy.
8. Avenging stuff.
9. I told you so.
10. A clean slate.
11. A big building.
E N D O F A C T | o n e
A C T | t w o
1. Don't be sorry. Be better.
2. Closure.
3. Whiskey plans.
4. Some very awful news.
5. Goes with the territory.
6. Maybes.
7. Ready to comply.
8. Outage.
9. Colleagues.
10. Saying goodbye.
11. Homecoming.
12. Where to?
13. A breakthrough, Pt. I
13. A breakthrough, Pt. II
14. Who are you?
15. Outsider.
16. Vague.
17. Choices.
18. Are you in, or what?
19. The smarter you are.
20. Friends.
21. Sleepover.
22. Just Barnes.
23. If you have a minute.
24. The art of losing.
25. Nomad life.
26. Death wish.
27. Mags.
28. See ya, Buck!
29. The tiger lies low.
30. Atlas.
31. Join the damn club.
32. New life, new expectations.
33. Happy birthday.
34. Cupid schemes.
35. Blurred lines.
36. Jamais Vu, Pt. I
37. Jamais Vu, Pt. II
38. Something new.
39. A nice ring to it.
40. Time's up.
41. Some enchanted evening.
42. You're free.
43. The Old One-Two
44. The Barking Dog.
45. Weird activities.


174 8 0
By lightupmydays


»»————- ✼ ————-««



Bucky reached out an arm for Steve to help him up, the two grimacing in pain at each movement. Taking as much of his old friend's weight as he could, the blonde soldier brought Bucky to his feet. Half carrying, half-dragging the wounded man, Steve picked his way past the snow and dark hallways of the Russian HYDRA facility, taking his best friend away from the chaos.

They pried open the steel doors at the top with difficulty, coldness washing over them as soon as the two stepped outside. The frosty Siberian air that flowed paralyzed Bucky to the core, almost like it was poisonous, but he pulled through. Upon emerging, Steve spotted a dark figure in the distance, walking in their direction. 


He'd found them. He'd found Buck.

T'Challa wore his Black Panther uniform, though he did so without the feline head piece; the vibranium enhanced suit clearly protecting him from the weather. At the sight of potential trouble, Steve halted and swallowed. A defeated sigh escaped Bucky's bloody mouth as the tired sargeant took a deep breath of resignation. With every muscle tense for action, Steve stepped hesitantly forward, towards the King. He didn't know what T'Challa's intentions were, and to his own displeasure, he'd just unknowingly delivered Bucky right at his feet, facilitating his best friend's arrest. 

It was only when he caught movement with his peripheral vision that he realized they were not alone. Steve turned to see Zemo staring at him with a blank expression. The criminal was tied to a rock, his wrists and ankles bound and his mouth gagged. Much to Steve's surprise, despite having been caught, Zemo looked completely calm.

— T'Challa ...- Steve's frost blue eyes turned on the man with wariness, calmly warning T'Challa to not move. However, the King surprised the two soldiers and nodded amicably before speaking.

— Do not worry, Captain. Zemo will not be going anywhere.- T'Challa's tone was formal and laced with a hint of shame as he glanced at the Sokovian criminal. Then, he approached slowly, focusing his solemn gaze on Bucky's face. — Sargeant Barnes... I wanted to apologize to you for all that has happened.

T'Challa pursed his lips in a gesture full of regret and all Bucky managed to do through the pain was return an attentive gaze. 

— I believed you to be responsible for my father's murder, but I now know his death was the result of Zemo's machinations. -shaking his head dissapprovingly, the King's eyes lingered on Steve's face for a moment before continuing with his apology to Bucky. — It was you and Captain America who led me to uncover this truth. And for that I wanted to offer you my assistance. -Steve looked at Bucky and at the King, eyes wide with wonder, a puzzled frown on his brow, confused as to how T'Challa could help them. — The mental programming you were enforced to endure, transforming you into a HYDRA assasin...- his voice trailed off, and for a fleeting moment the man's gaze turned distant. — ... I may know of someone in Wakanda who can assist in purging your mind of it.

— I.. I don't know what to say.- he muttered, his voice sounding both raspy and dumbfounded. Relief washed over Bucky in waves, who immediately showed his deference by gently bobbing his head. — Thank you.

Bucky didn't want to get his hopes up. He appreciated T'Challa's benevolence and good intentions, but erasing the damage HYDRA had done to his mind seemed rather unlikely to him. Even if that truth saddened him to an unbearable extent, deep down Bucky believed to deserve such curse. He was guilty of so many things... he needed punishment. He needed Hell. Maybe that was it.

T'Challa smiled lightly at the soldier and tilted his head at Zemo, as if suddenly remembering he was still there. Then, his expression turned serious once more.

— First, I must deliver Zemo to receive the world's justice for his crimes against the United Nations.- the Wakandan King told them as his fingertips slightly touched the Kimoyo bead bracelet on his wrist.

— Understood.- his breath came hard and Steve could perfectly see the misty huff he pushed before him with each exhale. He nodded appreciatively, shaking T'Challa's hand before glancing at his old friend. — Bucky and I have a few last loose ends to tie up ourselves.- he added. 

King T'Challa smirked briefly and touched his bracelet one more time; moments later, his empty black quinjet began to descend from the air. With a final jolt that rocked the jet as it landed on autopilot, the engines then fired down.

— You should take the Royal Jet, then. Commander Ross is on his way.- Steve hesitated, so T'Challa insisted and motioned at the jet waiting for command. — Please. It will get you there faster.- he explained and led the two soldiers to the sophisticated airship.

— Are you sure?- Steve asked, momentarily letting go of Bucky's arm as the latter shifted to lean on a wall and catch his breath, wiping some blood off his face with his hand. 

All the three men could hear was the wind that was getting stronger; and so was the snow. The Siberian sky spread like a white swan's wing from which feathers were falling all over the territory.

King T'Challa had insisted on getting Zemo into custody before anything else because he was worried the man would either escape or find a way to kill himself before he could be brought to justice for the bombing he'd framed Bucky for.

— Absolutely. - T'Challa bobbed his head firmly and lowered his voice, making sure they were still out of Zemo's ear-shot.— There's a Royal Talon Fighter already on its way to take me home after this.- the bracelet on his wrist beeped and he glanced at the glowing beads. Pressing one of its symbols, the King expanded with his hand a digital map of a live-tracking which displayed the C.I.A's aircrafts flying their way. — You better hurry now.- touching one final symbol, T'Challa watched as the jet's loading ramp lowered to the ground for Steve and Bucky to enter. — I have just set the coordenates to the Raft.- he informed the duo.

— Thank you, Your Highness.- Steve and Bucky both kindly thanked him at the same time, which made T'Challa smirk.

— I'll be in touch.- T'Challa's simple reply came out gingerly slow, as the latter kept walking away with his eyes already fixed on Zemo again, giving the criminal his full attention.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

»»————- ✼ ————-««



Steve and Bucky were at the prison within twenty-four hours, only after planning and going over the rescue mission in very detail. They'd managed to clean up and patch up a little as well, finding changes of clothes in the quinjet that they were flying. Steve was in a black hoodie with matching sweatpants, no red, white, and blue in sight, and what Bucky wore was much the same. As he stared at Steve dressed so uncharacteristically in black, Bucky wondered if it was meant as a bigger statement to his friend than just a change of clothes, but he wasn't about to point it out to him. Not when Steve was about to break into a highly secure facility.

Flying over the Raft, Bucky decided to stay on-board and keep watch as Steve infiltrated the prison to free his friends. He felt he was a liability due to his injuries; because of the arc reactor on Tony's suit, he was down to one arm, the metal one having been blown off, which put him at an obvious disadvantage. Super-soldier or not, Bucky was used to using that arm to get the upper hand, and now he didn't have that. Steve couldn't afford to deal with that kind of disadvantage during his rescue mission.

As the jet landed fully, Bucky rose to his feet, coming to stand with his old friend.

— It is time.- he announced, using his usual Captain America serious voice as he squared his shoulders with resolve and began to walk towards the lowering ramp. Bucky nodded, glancing at the keys he was meant to press before smiling softly at him.

— Go get 'em.- he encouraged, watching his friend leap from the ramp with the stealth of a sneaky cat.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

The fight was quick and unrelenting, the stunned soldiers not having enough time to go on the offensive before they were barreled through by Captain America. Within minutes, the latter outmatched all of the men easily.

He'd worked his way through every U.S Marshal that had come at him,- one of which triggered an alert to Thaddeus Ross-, knocking his way to the control room. Once there, Steve checked the readings on the various digital panels, including the screens which showed heat signatures. Aside from the ones in the room he was in, there were four others moving around... all of them in the cells.

So Steve headed for the middle of the building, where the cages would be. He heard Sam say something about it taking long enough, which made him chuckle.

— Told ya...- Sam teased Clint, crossing his arms and smiling upon watching Steve as he stepped into the light.

— Well, ain't you a sight...- Clint muttered, casually leaning against the bars of his own imprisonment box. He stuck his hand through the bars that isolated their cells from the outside and shook Cap's.

— Sorry I couldn't make it sooner.- Steve murmured, throwing Clint an apologetic look as he walked slowly to Scott and Sam's cells, shaking their hands as well.

— We'll try not to hold it against you!- Barton called out from his cell. Steve laughed and went up to Wanda's cage, making sure she was okay. 

It was quite miserable in everyone's cells, but Wanda definitely had it worst. She was forced into a straight jacket and had a shock collar put on so she couldn't escape. The latter was huddled into the corner of her small dark containment cage, silent, white as a sheet and barely moving. She managed to smile lightly at Steve, but it didn't ease his nerves at all.

The cold swirled around Wanda, nipping at the small parts of exposed skin that weren't covered by the frustrating straight jacket or the collar that had already left bruises. Her arms were long numb and she avoided moving because the last time she had, she was shocked into a state of blackness.

— Uh, Steve...- Sam pointed his friend's attention to a big, gray box on the wall. It was locked, but Steve used his super strength to open it. The box housed switches for the cell door locks. He didn't have time to figure it out, so he threw them all. — Nice technique.- Sam commented with an arched brow. 

Red lights flooded the room as the cell doors unlocked and swung open. Everyone rushed out, gathering outside Wanda's cage expectantly. Hers had a different system, but Scott managed to effortlessly pick the multiple confusing locks inside the big, gray panel on the wall.

— ... Finally.- Wanda whispered, watching the doors of her special confinement cell slide open as well.

Steve and Clint immediately rushed to Wanda's side. She looked up at the latter when he dropped to his knees in front of her. 

— Hey, kid. Wanda?- finally, her dazed eyes found the warmth of Clint's. — Wanda, we're going to get out of this, can you help us a little?- he asked her gently, in spite of the pressing situation.

Steve nodded quickly at Scott one silent command, urging him forward. Sam lingered for a moment, locking eyes with his friend.

"Show Scott to the jet and get back here.

Followed closely by Scott, Sam started off at a run towards the quinjet where Bucky anxiously awaited. Wanda weakily sat up and Clint continued to undo the straps that buckled up the jacket. Steve got down to her level on the ground too and immediately reached for the straightjacket-like contraption that they had her in.

— We're gonna get you out of here. We're getting you out of here - he repeatedly told her as he and Steve tugged at the straps, undoing some and simply breaking the others. The jacket eventually came off and Steve threw it to the other side of the cell. 

Wanda's arms hung loosely at her sides as Clint stared at the collar on her throat, fighting down the nasty string of curse words that wanted to make their way from his mouth. His hands clenched in fists and Steve noticed it.

— Clint, let me do it.- he said lowly and Barton only nodded, moving out of his way. Steve couldn't blame him, because he was feeling the same way himself. — Wanda, I'm so sorry.- he whispered.— I'm going to get this off you, okay?- he asked in a low, soothing voice and waited for confirmation. Wanda's tired eyes found his and she gave a slow, careful nod.

Steve grasped the device, searching for the weak spot near the lock, then ripped it in two. The collar let out a spark of current as it died, but the soldier didn't feel a thing. Anger bubbled up inside Clint as his gaze lingered on the burns on Wanda's neck. The archer instantly pulled her up as gently as he could. Sam returned, jogging towards the three.

— Can you get her back to the jet?- Steve said and Clint nodded. Sam was glancing around, looking for one particular door. — We still have to get the suits and gear.- he continued. Clint bobbed his head and waited for Steve and Sam to ease back out of the cell before getting to action.

— Come on, Wanda. I'm getting you out of here.- he told her, wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her with him. Loosening his grip, he waited to see if she was steady on her feet. It took her some effort, but Wanda managed to walk next to him. She nearly fell down a couple times, her weight falling against him as he held onto her, but they both pulled through.

Clint could feel her trembling, but he knew he couldn't dwell on it now. They all needed to get out of here and head somewhere safe. 

There'd be time to worry about everything else later, that was certain. 

Shifting his grasp on Wanda, Barton straightened up and her grip tightened around his shoulders instinctively. While Steve and Sam headed off to get the rest of the job done, Clint moved through the prison with ease, making his way toward the jet. He carried Wanda up the ramp, barely paying attention to Bucky on his way to the seats. Carefully, he set her down, making sure that she was close enough that she could just sit down and not fall to the floor.

Behind Bucky stood Scott, nervously watching the young woman slowly come to her senses.

— It's okay, kiddo..- Clint told her, keeping his voice low. — We're good now. The others will be here in just a minute, and then we'll leave.- Wanda forced a smile and Clint sighed, bobbing his head and walking to the front, likely to co-pilot.

The young woman's vacant stare then landed on Bucky, and instantly narrowed at the spot where his left arm was missing. He looked down and decided to stay out of her hair, aware of the sounds of the others getting closer. Before he could turn away from Wanda completely, however, he heard her small voice, claiming his attention. 

— You came back for us...- she blinked a few times, fighting her exhaustion, and Bucky looked down at her, his brows furrowed. Wanda took a deep breath and opened her tired eyes again. —  You. You... came back, and you rescued us. Thank you for that...-she said slowly, too slowly, her accented voice soft and sweet as Bucky took in her words. 

He opened his mouth, though the truth was, he wasn't sure what to say. He didn't know what to say to that. So he pursed his lips and gave her a simple nod. Then, Wanda's eyes finally closed and she fell asleep within seconds.

Bucky was saved from the awkward feeling by the return of Steve and Sam carrying an array of things with them that were likely Scott's suit, Sam's wings and Clint's bow and arrows. Stupid of those in charge to leave them locked up in the prison with their prisoners, where they could so easily get them back if they broke out.

Steve went to the front, stating that they would be taking off shortly and the others piled into various seats. Bucky sat behind his old pal, deliberately ignoring the odd looks Clint and Scott were giving her, and the constant glares from Sam.

A few minutes later, they took off fast.

— Well,- Clint broke the silence in the jet, leaning back casually on his seat and watching Wanda as she slept peacefully. — This has been "fun", but believe me when I say that I am officialy retired now.- he announced to no one in particular and Sam rolled his eyes. Steve continued flying the Quinjet above the ocean and Bucky quietly sat behind him, staring off the window, pretending he wasn't listening.

— Thank you.- Steve glanced at the archer, his tone as low and tactful as sincere. — You've got to enjoy the time you've got with the ones you love while you have it. Go take care of your family, Clint. - he added, nodding solemnly. — You deserve it.

Bucky looked down at his lap. Those people had put everything on the line by choosing their side, and despite he knew they'd fought for Steve and not for him, Bucky couldn't help but feel glad to witness the loyalty they had for his old best friend.

They trusted Steve.

Steve trusted them. 

Bucky trusted Steve.

— I wonder what happens if I...- Scott Lang murmured, still in awe. He sat in the middle of the Wakandan aircraft, looking around and taking everything in --particularly, the advanced technology surrounding him.

— Man, don't touch anything!- Sam's deep, scolding voice called from behind Scott, just as the latter's hand was midair about to press a random thing on the screen closest to him. With a defeted sigh, Lang dropped his hand and returned to sitting with his hands on his thighs, his fingers draping over his knees. 

Then, he started tapping the fingers of his hands rhythmically against his knee, the movement quickly changing as he slapped his hands harder against his thighs, redirecting his nervous energy into a driving beat to a song only he seemed to be able to hear.

Sam groaned in exasperation, reaching out and snagging Scott's arm, interrupting the latter's rhythmic motion.

— Seriously, Tic Tac?- he looked at Scott in disbelief. Lang smacked his hand away and when Sam let go of him, he continued drumming. 

— Yep, - Clint murmured to himself upon hearing the two adults bickering like kids in the back. He stretched out his arms, put his hands behind his head, relaxed. — ... I'm officialy retired.- he concluded and quickly slipped into a state between sleep and wakefulness, his head lolling back against the padded headrest.

And they were soon far away from The Raft and each hour closer to home.


𝔸/ℕ: This chapter is a little gift from me, to you, for your patience. It's a two-part Ellipsis, both updates meant to share what happened to Steve, Bucky and their trip to Wakanda. Don't worry, Magna and Bucky's reunion is coming. I promise. In the meantime, read these two parts! (Part 2 should be up tomorrow.)

Act II is considerably longer than Act I, as there's way more content to cover --*cough*, more movies. But I'll try yo make the transitions as smooth as possible. Just so you guys can get a clearer idea of my story, Act III starts in 2017. These Civil War-related events are happening and will take place during JUNE - JULY - AUGUST 2016, at least for some extra chapters.

♡ 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘!

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