Captain America is Jaune Arc

By Come_On_SKIP64

87.7K 802 645

Jaune Arc goes to MCU after Cardin blah blah blah. Not very original (All Rights go to Roosterteeth and Mar... More

Meanwhile in Beacon
Chapter 1 On Earth
Chapter 2 The Return
Chapter 3 Revelations
Chapter 4 Beacon Welcomes a Hero
Chapter 5 Jaune > Cardin+Weiss
Chapter 6 Enjoying times Back
Chapter 7-Teamwork is Dreamwork
Chapter 8-Team JNPR vs Team RWBY
Chapter 9-Family Reunion
Chapter 10- New Semester
Chapter 11 The Big Apology
Chapter 12-Love like No Other
Chapter 13-The Big Dance
Chapter 14-True Passion
Chapter 15- The End

Jaune Leaves

7.2K 60 33
By Come_On_SKIP64

EXPOSITION: Jaune Arc has just been betrayed by Cardin after saving his commie ass from a big ass bear. Jaune is barely able to get through school, only with the help of his team, Ruby, Yang, Blake (sorta), and team CFVY.
Until his father disowns Jaune and pulls funding for Jaune. WITH THAT BEGIN

Phyrra:*starts sobbing* Jaune do you really have to go?

Jaune:*sad sigh* No matter how much it pains me to say but yes I have to leave

Suddenly Ren and Nora enter the room with a defeated look on their faces

Ren: Jaune I came to tell you this before you leave, you are the best leader and friend anyone could have asked for. And i hope you can land on your feet quickly

Nora:*tears up* We are going to miss you Jaune

They all go for a massive hug

Jaune: I'm truly sorry to you guys. I'm going to miss you so much

Jaune then leaves

Phyrra:*sob* Jaune *sob* please *sob* don't go *sob* Please!!

Meanwhile in Ozpin's office

Ozpin: It truly leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that you must go Mr. Arc I saw great potential in you

Jaune: It's not your fault Professor

Ozpin: I hope you have luck in your future Mr. Arc

Jaune: Just call me Jaune now I think my family decided to leave me

Jaune thens leaves Beacon itself

Ozpin: I hope he comes back.

Glynda: I too wish he could stay, I can't believe Mr. Winchester

She made sure to say the last part with disgust

Meanwhile in the Courtyard of Beacon Jaune is staring at Beacon with sorrow, suddenly Cardin and Weiss show up

Weiss: Look Babe it's that loser Jaune(smirks)

Cardin: Ha let's send him home with a present(smirks)

Weiss then freezes Jaune still with ice

Jaune: Oh it's you Ice-Bitch

Cardin: Jaune I'm going to really hurt you for that one!

Cardin then swings his mace at Jaune for Jaune to barely be able to dodge and get out of the ice

Weiss: (with anger) Stay Still Jaune!!

Suddenly Team CFVY join and defend Jaune

Coco: Cardin you fuck get the Hell Out of Here!!

Cardin then ran away

Weiss: What do you want Coco I need to teach this weakling a lesson!

Coco: If you want Jaune your gonna have to get through me and your team

Suddenly Ruby, Yang, and Blake join in and get between Jaune and Weiss

Yang: Weiss get the hell out of here!

Weiss then left with a scowl

Ruby: I'm sorry Jaune

Jaune: It's ok Ruby and thanks, thanks to all of you for the help

Everyone: No Problem Jaune

Jaune then left entering the emerald forest

Timeskip to two days
In emeralds forest
Jaune is fighting 2 major ursa
He's tired and bleeding yet still standing

Jaune:*cough* I can do this all day

The two ursa then charge at Jaune


Jaune then kills both of the ursa but getting wounded badly

Jaune: At least *coughs up blood* the villagers are safe

Jaune then finds a strange building

Jaune: I guess this place will work for now*coughs up more blood and bleeds from his side*

Jaune then finds a strange looking console

Jaune: What is this?

Jaune is then transported to Earth in the MCU

Jaune: What's going on?!

Jaune then changes his name to Steve Rogers and then becomes Captain America and you know the rest

Next chapter will be Beacon's reaction to Jaune going missing

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