The NewType saiyan

By DiarcyWalker

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this story takes place after daemos was born with out a tail and a weak power level of 8 which deemed him the... More

Birth Of A Newtype Saiyan
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter 3: Another Supersaiyan? The re-emergence of a Newtype Destroyer

401 5 0
By DiarcyWalker

"I won't let you get away with this!" Shouted Aoi as he showed his supersaiyan power to the max while creating strong wind gusts.

The Saiyans present were so in shock that they couldn't move due to being petrified with fear. Neither of them never realized that Aoi charging straight towards them.

At the last minute, Vulgar with his experience and timing, he appeared in front of the Saiyans and intercepted Aoi with his bare hands as his eyes changed green for a moment.

What the hell are you fool's doing?! I gave an order to fall back, now do as I say! He commanded before auto dodging   but couldn't dodge the world shattering uppercut as he sailed up in the air before Aoi appeared  above with a haymaker sending him down through the mountains.

W-wait?! He defeated Vulgar with ease! Spoke Hana in disbelief.

"I know, it's hard to believe that a child has that much power, a power higher than the Queen" finished Huo while the other Saiyans murmured among each other until they heard a voice that they all knew to fear. When they realized the Queen of Saiyans was present along with the rest of the Saiyan Elites.(the Queen)

"What's going here?! I want an explanation! Hana, explain what happened here, now!" She demanded before her eyes landed on the strange winged Saiyan.

"Who is that?"

"My queen, that's the.... lowclass that was born with the power level of 8" finished Hana in a humble tone with her head down.

"What! Impossible!" Exclaimed the Queen.

"It is true your highness. During our findings it turned out that he was friends with the Tuffles and this creatures you see lying dead before you. Especially the giant red one" finished Huo.

Who is responsible for destroying the native creatures of the planet? She asked while unleashing her aura.

The solders quickly pulled away while leaving Hana and Huo alone.

I see, it looks like you can't seem to keep yourself under control of your actions. I TOLD YOU TO NOT KILL THE NATIVE CREATURES DUE TO THE RESOURCES PROPERTIES THEY POSSESS! She shouted at the two miserable couple.

"U-umm, your Majesty? They forgot to t-tell you that the lowclass also achieved the legendary transformation. As you can see his hair gold along with his aura" stated one of the Saiyans.

For the second time Queen Vegeta was shocked before looking at the strange Saiyan and noticed the glowing yellow hair, the aura and the menacing green eyes. So it's real. The Saiyan legend isn't a myth, it's real" she said in awe at the thought of attaining that state. Perhaps I could... persuade the child into joining and have him to teach my daughter how to transform" thought the Queen.

I'll deal with you two later and for your sake I hope there are surviving creature's, spoke the Queen before slowly floating to the young supersaiyan. However, what she didn't know is that Aoi could read her intentions. By the time she neared him, he gave her a hostile glare before giving his full attention.

"Good I have your attention attention young man. Now I have a proposition" she stated.

For to join under the Elites and teach your daughter how to attain the legendary transformation, correct? Aoi asked the shocked Queen.

How did you?

"I read your intentions even though you have no ill intent against me. I prefer to not work with you nor help anyone on this planet" responded Aoi while shocking the Queen further more.

What the?! Have you no honor?! This is the place where you were born! Where's your pride?! This is a place where the strongest!...

"I care not! All I want is off this planet! How am I to have pride about a race who only looks down on me and a family who doesn't give damn?! Where's is the honor in our race if they don't treat their own with equality?! I understand the class thing but still. The Tuffles treated me better than my own race even after all the battle they had against us. They were more of a family than my own blood! And to be honest, the only reason why I haven't lost it is because they taught me how to self-control" he finished while looking away avoiding the look of shock on everyone faces.

But they're Tuffles, your duty is to your Queen and people! Ranted the Queen.

"Well good luck with that. By the way, on the day I was born I heard you tell my parents not to kill me. By the feel of your intentions, I knew were true to your words. So, because of that I promise not to be gone from this world no more than at least 7yrs from now. If I don't return, then something happened. Don't look at me like that, I'm only doing this for you Mam. Afterall, as the Queen of Saiyans, you must maintain balance and order"  finished Aoi.

"Such intelligence and professionalism with manners" thought the Queen while thinking of anything to say but couldn't.

Suddenly, the ground shook as lightning struck random places.

What's going on? Questioned the Queen in freight.

Are you responsible?!

"No, not me. It's your Elite guard Vulgar. He's ascending to a supersaiyan" spoke the child while shocking the audience.

A bright flash blinded everyone followed by Vulgar revealed as a supersaiyan.

Aoi looked at Vulgar as he looked back. The atmosphere was so tense that the Queen and all the Saiyans present backed away to a safe distance. There were more Saiyans that came to the area out of curiosity from the lowclass all the way to Elites.

Aoi and Vulgar both vanished while creating shockwaves that felt like it shook the entire planet vegeta.

They traded one blow after another. Neither seem to overtake the other, at least it seems. That was until Vulgar begin using his battle experience. Catching the boy by suprise, he increased his speed and parried before elbowing Aoi in the chest followed by a heelkick to the head with a lot of force.

Pushing away the rocks, Aoi looked at Vulgar in puzzlement and suprise.

You forget, "boy" that I have years of experience on the battlefield and now that I have this power, you will be brought back to the Queen's castle" stated the veteran.

At hearing this, Aoi increased his power before charging the Elite.

"Well, I guess he wants to do it the hard way then, but then I expect nothing less from a Saiyan" thought Vulgar with a
Smirk before catching the boys' fist and kicking him back.

After the kick Aoi flew back towards his enemy a bit faster, but end up getting beat left and right. This went on for quite some time. To the onlookers it looks like a bunch of blurs but they were still able to see who had the upper hand. After several blows to the child, Vulgar began to notice something strange going on.

"Out of all the beating I gave the boy, he keeps coming back faster and stronger. He doesn't even have a bust lip. It's almost as if he's learning as he fight. He truly is a Saiyan, a more evolved Saiyan" thought the Elite before he widen his eyes from a hard punch pass his defense to his gut sending into a mountain near the Queen.

Lookout! At the voice of the Queen as everyone moved out of the way as Vulgar crashed.

Aoi watched his opponent crashed in a pile of rocks, he began to feel a strange primal instinct in his subconscious pull. Not a bad pull, but a positive pull that's like a calling to his soul. In his subconscious, he hears the word "NTD".

All the while somewhere else a tall pale female woman with a staff was watching and was very intrigued. "What a lovely surprise this is" she stated with red cheeks.

What surprise are you talking about Whis? Asked a busty purple cat woman.

Lady Beerus, do you remember that story about the race of beings that were known across the multiverse under us?

Ummmmm, what were they again? New tip, new something, I forgot.

You mean "Newtype".

Oh yes, what about it? Who is that child? He looks like a Saiyan with wings, but if I last recall, Saiyans don't have wings, finished Lady Beerus.

Exactly. Which is why we're going to watch our Newtype performance. Wouldn't you agree?

Hmmm, let us watch. As a matter of fact, let's head there now.

It will take 30.

Sigh' fine, she said while placing her hand on her assistants back before warping at light speed x5.

****Back on planet vegeta****

Vulgar stood up from all the rocks as he noticed the Saiyans looking at him in concern, mainly the Queen. He quickly cut off whatever sentiments he had for and focused on his enemy. Feeling his sore gut, he knew he had to end the fight as quick as possible. He may have to end the boy if comes to it. But still, dispite all his skill experience, Aoi quickly adapted and learned his fighting techniques in a short time where it took him years to master. "What parents would let a prodigy slip through their hands so easily? Some parent they are", thought Vulgar as a sudden flow of power and rage filled his mind. Lightning arcs started to dance around him.

"This is not my limit! I will prove that the Saiyans race is better!" In an instant he became a supersaiyan 2 without destroying his surroundings.

A level beyond a supersaiyan huh? What raw power! I'm sure I can take on the cold family, but I'll have to train how to regulate this form. I guess I'lll call it supersaiyan 2" he said before charging Aoi 3x faster than a supersaiyan.

However, the moment Vulgar neared the Saiyan child, an invisible temporal wave hit him. Forcing him back to where he were as if time rewinded. He wasn't the only one to notice, the Queen as well as the rest of the audience watch on in confusion.

Aoi begin twitching as the lines on his body begin to glow blue and emit blue particles. The wing-like sheilds on his back suddenly shifted and opened while revealing it's glowing blue color. Next came his legs as a thick feather like object grew out from the back of it along with the while blue lines thickened. His torso did the same as his shirt vaporized into dust, followed by his arms shifted with its blue lines along with four long claw like gauntlet grew on his left hand while two gold metal slanted boards grew out on the other hand. And lastly what seemed like a struggle, the large feather-like spike on his head split as his hair changed back black while the lines on his face glowed blue.

Vulgar seeing this, somehow knew something wasn't right. "How can a child possess such strange elusive power that could challenge an elite. His power is far greater than anything I've felt before. He maybe the strongest Saiyan since the ancient time" he thought before firing several ki blasts at the now NTD state Aoi. But, Aoi flew in a strange pattern as he wrapped himself in a calm blue fiery Aura and dodged like it was nothing. The two wing-like sheilds on his back suddenly detached from Aoi before heading to their targets like they have a mind of its own.

Vulgar tried to stop them but they were two fast and unpredictable as Aoi appeared before him and punched him in the gut with the strange Aura claw fist. Afterwards, he ascended to the sky with his sheilds reattached to his back before the sound of a bald eagle came from him as he instantly moved at light speed.

The moment he left, lady beerus and lady whis appeared.

"Well it seems we missed him, lady beerus".

Well, I suppose we head back home. I don't want to see monkeys right now" stated Lady Beerus while causing the Saiyans to clench their teeth.

"Of course, and Queen Vegeta I suggest you put him away in a safe place where no one will find him. Judging by his energy force, Vulgar won't be up for at least another 8yrs" finished whis before warping away.

"Mam, lord Cold is on his way in 30" Reported one of the scouters.

"DAMMIT, I want two of my Elites to hurry get Vulgar to the healing pod in my quarters! Everyone else to the castle at once!" She commanded.

30 minutes later....

"Greetings Lord Cold, it's good to have you hear" greeted Queen Vegeta to the head of the Cold family.

Indeed it is good to get every so often. Anyway, meet my daughter and her assistant. This is Cooler(female) and my hand picked assistant Warria. She may look older but I assure you that she's the same age as my daughter.

Now on to business, have any of you ever heard of a "Newtype?" Asked King Cold.

No, this is the first time I've ever heard of it, your highness. This is new new to me as I am sure it is to everyone else" explained the Queen.

"I see. Then explain to me why there was a strange time warp energy wave coming from this planet? As a matter of fact, it felt like Warria's energy. I'm aware there is none of you capable of doing such feat, correct?"

Yes Lord Cold.

"Then were is he now? I would like to have him join my new team I'm putting together with my daughter and assistance. Such abilities would be greatly appreciated" stated the King.

Well, you see he..

"Flew away after you sent your troops to eliminate the Tuffles" finished Warria while surprising Queen Vegeta.

"Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Warria can read a persons intention. Cooler could do it as well. So I take it that he was the blue bird laser that passed us by, Cooler?"

Yes father.

"Well then, that concludes our investigation then. I was so looking forward to breeding them and make the true ultimate warrior race" he stated in disappointment.

"W-wait a second Lord Cold, he said he will return in 7yrs before he left. If it's alright, maybe we could ask Lady Beerus when she returns. She mentioned something about Newtypes earlier."

She was here earlier?? Asked Cold in suprise.

"Then what I felt earlier was the boy" thought Cold.

I'll give him 7yrs Vegeta. If he doesn't return, this world will be forfeited. Do I make myself clear?

Yes sir, she said while bowing as did the rest of the Saiyans.

Good. In the meantime, Cooler?

"Hai, father" she said as purple lines glowed in her skin before the family vanished.

DAMMIT! Bring those responsible from earlier dealing with the failed assignment. I will issue their punishment immediately! She commanded while thinking about Vulgar and the strange Lowclass identified as a Newtype.

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