Ashes of Lost Love

By CelestiaLudenberg248

634 86 13

In the realm of Cysenne, the delicate masquerade of courtly politics is always performed to perfection, the c... More

Summer's end
Intruder in the Garden
Words of steel
A sly trick
Passageways into the past
To rub salt in the open wound
Chitchat of the maids
Agony of life
The last joust
Flawless preparations
Drowning in Dresses
To sup on surprise
Tardiness at the table
A declaration of War
Heresy with a Hedonist

A challenged king

32 6 0
By CelestiaLudenberg248

                     The two Palace  guards dragged Edwyn and Alys through the grassy meadow with ease, not in the slightest disconcerted with the resistance the children were putting up. Edwyn kicked his guard in the shins and the guard responded by twisting his arm behind his back which made Edwyn gasp in pain and shock. He rose his head and spoke with indignation at such treatment. "How dare you, a lowly guard treat me, a prince of the Royal blood, in such a rough manner! To even raise a hand against me... Your audacity astounds me!" Without any change in expression, the guard replied in a monotone. "My audacity is not nearly as shocking as your unprincely behaviour. As for this 'rough' treatment, His Grace has authorised the use of force in this extreme case. Alys lifted her head, adding her voice to Edwyn's in hopes of release. " Where are you taking us? You mentioned His Grace the king, surely he would not allow such cruelty to his own son? And why are you treating us as if we were criminals, despicable scum?" The guard holding Alys, tall and flaxen haired barked out a laugh as the portcullis rose to admit them into the castle.

" Little lady likes talking but has no idea of what she says, poor child.If you really were criminals, we would've bundled you into a potato sack, throw you onto a horse-cart before throwing the sack into the river." Alys recoiled at such a description and momentarily stopped resisting as she imagined how painful drowning in a river whilst being in a potato sack would be. They had reentered the castle and the servants preparing for a jousting tournament watched the guards and children with narrowed eyes. A solemn young man shook his head quietly and a stout washerwoman clucked her tongue disapprovingly at the sight. While Edwyn lowered his head in defeat and sulked, Alys held her head up high, unwilling to be cowed by the stares directed at her and Edwyn. Their two guards began conversing quite amicably about the joust that would take place in a few days. 

          The youngsters were hauled into the castle entrance hall. Alys stared at the beautiful stained glass windows that had awed her when she first arrived at the palace. The scene depicted the earnest king and  serene queen sitting on their thrones, coolly regarding visitors. Her face was regal and otherworldly, her fair hair and queenly features the epitome of beauty.  Yet when Alys saw the piece of art now, she began seeing flaws that had not existed when she saw it the first time. The queen's expression was too cold and unwelcoming. Instead of giving off radiance, her smile seemed terribly unnatural, her lips curving to form what looked more like a sneer. Her crown was too big for her and the painted queen looked as if she were staring into your soul and knew how pathetic and beneath her you were. While being unceremoniously taken to the king, she suddenly remembered Edwyn's description of the late queen mother and how unlike her this representation was. If this art was created to honour the present king and his deceased wife, Alys thought the artist clearly had not done well.

            Edwyn had been brooding after being stared at by the crowd, no longer putting up a resistance as he realised how futile it would be. He resigned himself to his fate of being humiliated  by his elder brother in front of the father he had tried so hard to please. Perhaps even the great courtiers would be there to witness Edwyn's shame. He felt his misery grow as he pictured them laughing contemptuously at him as his father rebuked him like a misbehaving child, unworthy of the royal blood he possessed. His spirits plummeted and he could almost see his mother's spirit shaking her head in sorrow at her son's indignity. He barely noticed Alys, too consumed with his thoughts to pay her any mind. It wouldn't be like she would even be punished as severely as he. She would be admonished by his father and sent away from court for a week or two. After that she would be allowed to return and it would be as if nothing had happened. He would be disgraced in front of court and though he would receive no corporal punishment, the thought of having his father disgusted with him and his court laughing unabashedly made him feel as if being beaten was a better fate.

        They passed through the archway and entered the throne room. Alys gasped at the grandeur of the room. It had long windows that let in the rays of the smiling sun. There were magnificent tapestries of crimson and spun gold ,showing men hunting mythical beasts, armed with weapons and faith. The walls were marble and although this castle had stood for centuries, it's architecture was  lovely by modern standards. The floor was decorated with precious stones from the east. The lords and ladies were assembled, expecting a scene. When they saw Alys and Edwyn being taken to the king , they murmured. Alys defiantly met their gaze without any hesitation. Edwyn head dropped so low his curls were slightly touching the floor.

         After marching the child culprits to their destination, the guards dropped them on the floor before the king. They did not complain, Edwyn sprawled on the floor , bracing himself for his fate and Alys rubbing her sore ribs.The tall, lean one announced in his broad accent, " Your Grace, we have delivered the prince and this.....girl." Alys frowned, irritated at this form of address used for her. Slowly, she rose her head and got her first look at the King of Cysenne. Her first thought was that he looked leonine. He had a rugged look and his gold curls added more to Alys' initial impression. His face was handsome, not unlike his older son. He was perhaps in his thirties, though he looked older. His demeanour gave off dignity and weariness. His broad shoulders were still powerful and he looked as a king should.

      King Leander nodded and the guards took this as a dismissal. They promptly left the throne room, quite deaf to the curious muttering of the lords and ladies. Alys heard a hysterical shriek from near the king. Alys,startled,finally noticed Ryder, now unrecognisable in his fury. "There they are! These brigands! These vandals! They ruined my sword and I will now ruin them!" He turned to his father, imploring. "I humbly ask you, father, to punish these outlaws for their heinous crimes!" His cheeks were as red as his hair and hot, angry tears were streaming down his cheeks. The king sighed. "I understand your anger, Ryder but it was just a sword. I could easily get you another. Forgive Edwyn and this girl." Ryder looked mortified. "It was not any  sword, Father! It was my treasure! I can't forgive that treacherous boy and scheming wench,"

       Alys had heard enough. She stood up ,clutching her sides. "If I may be so bold to speak to you, I would like to say that this was retaliation against Ryder's treatment of Prince Edwyn." The King looked mildly interested. "And what treatment do you speak of? Are you implying the Crown Prince mistreats his brother?" Ryder wheeled around to face his father once more. "Don't listen to her Father! I've done nothing, nothing I say! What would this peasant girl know anyway? She is probably making up stories to protect herself! And how dare she have the boldness to imply such things! She should be kneeling to us and begging for forgiveness." The king chuckled, " I think you're wrong to believe she's a peasant, Ryder. Shut your mouth and use your eyes for once.Look at her dress." The king pointed to Alys' now dishevelled velvet gown, " Would a peasant be able to afford such a thing? Honestly, Ryder, am I wasting the money I spend on your education?" Ryder flushed.

         The king stared at Alys and she felt as if he could see into her soul. He adopted a kinder tone, not patronising which Alys was grateful for. "And who are you? Before we get any further, we must establish this." Alys swallowed. She felt so small and insignificant in this great hall. She could feel the stares of the nobility on her neck. She didn't want to reveal her identity. She couldn't shame her father like this. She could feel his anxious gaze on her, willing her to say nothing. The king was still waiting for an answer. The lords and ladies had gone silent, in anticipation of the answer. Alys closed her eyes, telling herself to be strong. "I am Alys."

      The king was not satisfied with her answer. He sat on the edge of his throne, his hands folded on his lap. " What is your family name, Alys?" Alys  could imagine her father closing his eyes, bracing himself for the shame. So she would spare him that. She stepped forward, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. She knew her answer would cost her a lot. And her following speech even more. She would have to take courage. She relaxed her arms that had been clutching her dress so tightly. She looked the king in the eye and said, "And why would I tell you that? I speak to His Majesty the King and him alone."

        Alys' words had their intended effect. The court gasped, one poor woman was so mortified she fell to the floor, her headdress askew. The king was vexed by such impudence. "How dare you! I am the one and only King. Who are you to challenge your holy ruler sent down by the gods themselves!" His hands grasped the armrests of his throne so tightly his knuckles were beginning to turn white. Ryder looked taken aback but at the same time pleased that this foolish girl had condemned herself by her thoughtless words. "I am a girl here for the first time in this castle in our capital, Aelbourne. But even I can see that you are no king!" Leander's face turned crimson with rage. His eyes blazed with fury. "You....You denounce your ordained king in his own throne  room? I could behead you for your treasonous words!"

        Alys went ahead without any hesitation. "You are clearly no king as you cannot even control your sons! And look at their sorry state! What sort of king let's his children fight amongst each other like a pair of wild dogs!" The king was panting for breath. "Child, if you do not stop, you will receive no clemency!" Alys turned on him. "If I cared about clemency, I wouldn't be speaking to you!" Edwyn behind her picked himself up and dusted his clothes. "Father, I beg of you, listen not to Ryder. He cares not for me. This girl speaks the truth." 

         Leander had calmed down and faced Ryder. He was struggling to keep his facial expression neutral. "Ryder, it seems you are at fault," Ryder's jaw dropped. He was inarticulate with shock. "Apologise to Edwyn." It was then Ryder found his voice. "But Father, I cannot..... I... I will not!" He was suddenly horribly aware of the hushed murmurs of the court, seeing Ryder's spoiled , tyrannical nature for the first time. He had to safeguard his reputation, even if that meant giving in to his worthless brother. "I.... I am sorry." He did not look at Edwyn as he said this for fear of his anger being reignited by watching his pathetic, triumphant face. Edwyn felt no elation in his brother's shame. Only a sense of justice being administered. Alys began to ever so slightly relax, perhaps she wouldn't rot in a jail cell until her thirtieth name day, perhaps she wouldn't be beheaded for her barbed words.

      The king fixed her with his cool stare, looking as cold as the painted glass king in his anger. "As for you, I could have you executed for your words. The gods know people have been killed for less. Or perhaps I should have you locked up in a jail cell, or send you to the servants and act as a scullery maid as penance." He let the effect of his words settle in. Alys considered these options, none of them good. She rather liked the way her head looked on her shoulders and was determined to keep it there. The town jail in Aelbourne was said to have horrible conditions; it was a place where the worst offenders were kept. As for being a scullery maid, it was not so terrible as the other punishments but it was cause her father grief and shame to see his daughter reduced to such labour. 

        She lowered her gaze and shook her head mutely. She resolved to beg the monarch's forgiveness and receive a lighter sentence. The king regarded her without much emotion. "Speak. Just now you were quite verbose and now you seem to have taken a holy vow of silence!" Alys knew her only chance was to throw herself at the king's feet and plead for leniency. Yet her legs would not move. It was as if they had turned to lead when she needed them most. A tremulous whisper escaped her lips. "I'm sorry." The king did not find her pitiful apology sufficient. "Louder." She uttered the same words only louder. "I am sorry. Please don't  send me to jail or make me work as a maid. I know I was wrong." She could feel the tears forming in her eyes from the humiliation but she refused to give the King the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She blinked those tears away and waited for the King's response.

         She felt Edwyn hold her hand, gingerly at first, then he fully slipped her hand into his. His hands were warm despite him laying facedown on the marble floor for quite a while. He squeezed her hand, a gesture Alys found reassuring. The king's voice reverberated through the room. "You should have thought of the punishment before committing the offence. Your words were treason. Every subject of mine owes me unwavering loyalty as their sovereign." Alys felt her stomach drop. He would make a servant out of her and her father would never look at her again. Her mother would forbid her from court seeing how she clearly didn't know how to behave. Rhoswen would just shake her head in quiet disappointment.

      The king softened, seeing the repentant girl before him. He made his decision. "However, I am a merciful king. As atonement for your crime, since the three blessed gods led me to my rightful throne, you will serve with the Illuminated Sisterhood for a period of three months. Perhaps then you will learn some manners and the gods will guide you towards enlightenment." Alys immediately relaxed. She normally despised religious organisations but this was a welcome fate compared to the alternatives. She curtseyed to the king and hand in hand with Edwyn they left the throne room. Alys could imagine her father sigh with relief. Her mother would still be displeased at her daughter but her fury would be even more unbearable if she had been jailed. Going to the Illuminated Sisterhood was not a punishment. In fact, there were nobles who sent their daughters to the Sisterhood for perfectly innocuous reasons, simply wishing them to be spiritual young women who would not be learn to be vulgar like their peasant counterparts.

        They had exited the throne room and Alys felt a cool breeze hit her. Her hand was still in Edwyn's but she felt no compulsion to remove it. She stood before the stained glass painting, staring down the haughty queen. She did not find her beautiful, rather Alys now realised how gaudy her dress was and her expression was full of contempt and at the same time miserable. She imagined the life of the woman this painting portrayed and thought that she was luckier than this painted woman. Edwyn looked at Alys. She would be leaving soon. He felt an inexplicable pang of loss. Would he miss her wild company? He found himself answering his own question. Yes. Yes he would miss her and her adventurous nature. Even though she would only be gone for a month, his days would become dull and listless. He couldn't ask her not to go. That would be suicide on Alys' part. Instead he said something else. Something that could express his current feeling.

                                        "Don't let them change you."

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