Love is Only You

By FallingforJancy

5.8K 215 78

Jane and Nancy have been best friends since they were kids, what happens when a certain someone comes in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25


276 13 3
By FallingforJancy

10 years later:

Nancy looks at the photo of Jane and herself the day they got together. She can remember that day clearly, remembered how moved she was from Jane's hard work and dedication. After that day, the new couple had dinner with their friends and after that, they spent the night together. Both girls didn't get much sleep that night, memories of that day was too much for them. They stayed up the whole night talking and laughing. She gently caresses Jane's photo and smiles, she's temporally lost in her thoughts.

"Mommy!" Nancy turns around and sees a small girl in pajamas running towards her. The girl had brown beach waves hair, big brown puppy dog eyes, and a frown on her face.

"Yes Nako? What is it?" Nancy said lifting the small girl into her lap.

"We gotta go now!" She said impatiently. "Everyone is going to be waiting for us!"

"We can't go yet sweetheart. You know we have to wait for-"

"I'm home! Where is my queen and princess?" Nako gasped and jumped down from Nancy's lap.

"MAMA!" Nako runs out the room and Nancy has a smile on her face. She looks down at the wedding ring on her left ring finger. Nancy and Jane were only dating for a year and a half when Jane popped the question. Nancy had no idea it was going to happen, they were at dinner, with friends and family when Jane had gotten up randomly and walked away for a couple of minutes. Nancy had no idea where she was, and then suddenly, she saw Jane on stage with a guitar. Jane sung her Perfect and at the end, she made a speech about loving Nancy and before anyone knew it, she was on a bended knee, asking Nancy to marry her. Nancy screamed down the restaurant as she rapidly shook her head, everyone at the restaurant had cheered loudly for the new engaged couple.

They waited a year to save up their money to have their wedding. It was a small wedding, it consisted more of their friends and family. Both Nancy and Jane looked stunning in their wedding gowns, when Jane saw Nancy being escorted to the front with her father, she cried, Nancy never looked more beautiful. She couldn't believe that she was finally going to marry the love of her life. After years of chasing each other, it was finally time for them to be together forever. Nancy also cried seeing Jane, she couldn't believe that they were actually going to get married. She had always dreamed of this day, she wanted to pinch herself, she didn't think this was real life, she thought she was dreaming. But she wasn't and she couldn't be anymore happier. Nancy had JooE, Ahin, Taeha, and Yeonwoo as her bridesmaid while Jane had Daisy, Nayun, and Hyebin as hers. All the girls were crying hysterically as Jane and Nancy read their vows to each other. After the wedding and reception, the girls went to the states and traveled the country for a month before coming back home to Korea. 

After 3 years of marriage, they girls decided that they were ready to have a kid. Both girls were nervous, and after many tries and failed attempts, Nako came into their lives. The girls had taken a trip to Japan and fell in love with the baby they saw at foster care. Both Nancy and Jane stayed in Japan for a couple of months just getting to know Nako, the girl was only a year old at the time. At the end of their visit, they were able to bring Nako home to Korea where they took care of the young girl and loved her like their own. After about 3 years of Nako living with them, they were approved on their adoption and Nako was able to finally be called their daughter.

"Excuse me?" Nancy snaps out of her day dream to see Jane standing right in front of her.

"That's no way to greet your wife Mrs. Sung." Jane said with a pout. "Where's my hello kiss?"

"You're such a brat." Nancy said rolling her eyes before kissing her wife.

"Yeah, but I'm your brat." Jane said giggling. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Pabo." Jane kisses Nancy's forehead.

"Hey! What about me?!" Nako said trying to get Jane's attention.

"Oh you know I missed you the most! I can't go a day without seeing my beautiful princess!" Jane said picking the little girl up and attacking her face with kisses. Nako giggles before giving Jane a kiss on her cheek and laying her head on her shoulder. Nancy smiles at the view in front of her, she had the two loves of her life, what else could she possibly need?

"We have to go now mama! Everyone will be waiting for us!" Nako said as Jane puts her down.

"How can we go when you look like that? You need to get changed!" Jane said laughing. "Go to your room and pick out what you want."

"Okay!" Nako runs out her mothers room and into hers. Jane groans as she sits down on the chair, she pats her lap and Nancy walks to Jane and sits on her lap. "She's only 5, how is she this energetic? When I was five, all I wanted to do was stay home and watch Sailor Moon. She gets that from you." Nancy hits Jane in the shoulder. "Hey! That hurts!"

"You're such a wimp."

"Oh? You weren't complaining last-"

"If you finish that sentence, you'll be on the couch Thomas. You better think twice." Jane gasped.

"You said you would stop calling me that!"

"It's not my fault that Nako said her mama looks like Thomas the train!" Jane throws a pillow at Nancy's face.

"You're going to get it now!" Jane tackles her onto her bed and begins to tickle her. Nancy tries not to scream to loud in order to not scare Nako. 

"Stop it!" Nancy begs as she continues her laughter.

"Not until you say you're sorry and that you love me!"

"Jane!" Nancy continues to laugh before giving in. "I'm sorry! I LOVE YOU!" Jane stops her attack and gives Nancy some time to catch her breath, when she felt Nancy return back to her regular breathing before crawling back to her and kissing her on her lips. Jane gave her a couple of pecks, both girls were getting lost in each other when they heard a loud sound making both girls jump.


"We'll be right there baby!" Jane said. "Fucking cockblock." Jane murmurs out making Nancy laugh.

The small family arrives at the park. Nako holds both her mothers hands, she spots someone familiar and runs to them.

"Wonyoung-ah!" Both Jane and Nancy smile as their daughter runs over to the taller girl.

"Nako-unnie!" Wonyoung said as both girls hugged. Wonyoung lets go of Nako and looks at Jane and Nancy. "Hi imo Nancy, imo Jane!" She bows her aunts. 

"Hi sweetheart, its always nice to see you." Nancy said hugging the girl. "You're getting taller and taller everytime I see you, what is your eomma feeding you?" Wonyoung giggles.

"Can she give us some for Nako-chan? I'm not trying to have her be tiny like her eomma here." Jane groans as Nancy hit her stomach.

"Where is your eomma Wonyoung-ah?" Nancy asked.

"I thought I heard your voice." The married couple looked to see Taeha and Nayun walk up to them. They exchanged hugs and walked over to the nearby table.

"What are you giving that girl to eat? She's going to be as tall as Nayunnie by the time she's 6."

"Nayun's side of the family is tall, so that's why." Taeha said. "You think I enjoy it? She goes through shoes and clothes like it's water. She needs to stop growing, it's hurting my wallet."

"How's Nako?" Nayun asked me.

"She's good! Just the normal really, Nako is literally a carbon copy of Jane so it's hard to control her. She is her mother's daughter."

"Look who's talking! She has YOUR attitude! Have you ever met or seen such a sassy 5 and a half year old?!" Jane exclaimed. "Most of her classmates would be terrified of her if it wasn't for her height. We're trying to get her to make friends, not enemies."

"I don't know what you're complaining about, she has to defend herself, once people see her height, they will take advantage of her, and you best believe my baby will not be taken advantage of." Nancy said passionately.

"And she says I'm the dramatic one."

"Say something else and you're sleeping on the couch tonight."

"I'm sorry baby."

"Whipped!" Taeha hits Nayun on her shoulder.

"You say something else and you'll be sleeping on the couch too." Taeha said glaring at the taller girl.

"We can't win, can we?" Nayun said looking at Jane.

"You what they say, a happy wife is a happy life." Jane said shrugging as she wrapped a arm around her wife and kisses her cheek. Nancy rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything, instead she plays with Jane's wedding finger and looks at Nako and Wonyoung every once in a while, just to make sure they're okay.

"Where are the others?" Taeha asked after a while.

"BOO!" All the girls yelped in surprise. They turn their head and see a little girl with bangs, big eyes, and adorable cheeks.

"Yena-ah! You need to stop scaring us like that sweetheart." Nancy said trying to slow her heartbeat down. The little girl giggles.

"Hi imo's." Yena said bowing at the four girls. "Eomma told me to scare you! She said she would bye me ice cream if I did!" Yena said giggling.

"Of course she did." Jane said rolling her eyes.

"Where is Nako chan, and Wonyoung-ah?" Yena asked looking around the park.

"UNNIE!" Yena looks behind her and sees the two young girls run up and tackle her on the ground.

"Yah! Get off me! You're both heavy!" Yena said whining.

"Hey!" They both said. They got off the older girl and hug her before taking her hand and taking her to the sandpit.

"Yena is defiantly her mother." Taeha said shaking her head.

"Speaking of which, where is she?" Nancy asked.

"Right here!" Hyebin comes up and hugs all the girls before sitting next to Nancy.

"You told Yena to scare us?"


"I did!" Both girls see a pregnant waddling JooE making her way to the table.

"You want me to help you babe?" Hyebin said getting up.

"I'm five months pregnant Hyebin-ah, not injured." JooE said as she sat next to Nancy. "Did she scare you girls? I told her that I would get her ice cream if she did!"

"Why would you tell her that?" Jane said frowning.

"D-Don't yell at me!" JooE said as tears stream down her face.

"Jane!" Nancy said glaring at her wife.

"What? I didn't yell at her! I was just asking!" Jane said defending herself.

"Don't even worry about it, it's her mood swings, just take no notice of her." Hyebin said waving it off.

"Oh so I'm nothing to you?!" JooE exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

"I didn't say that-"

"I'm carrying our second child Lee Hyebin!"


"Don't you baby me! Are you going to leave me? Are you cheating on me? IS SHE PRETTIER THAN ME?!"

"JooE, calm down! I'm not leaving you!"

"We made a vow to be together forever. If I can't have you, no one can!" Hyebin looks at the four girls for help but they give Hyebin a defeated smile as they tried not to laugh.

"I love you JooE, yes we made a vow to be together forever. And I plan on keeping that. It's going to be you, I, Yena, and our little boy. Forever and always."

"R-Really?" Hyebin kisses JooE on her lips and forehead.

"I'm yours, always."

"You're such an asshole." JooE said giggling.

"Her mood swings are better than her first pregnancy." Nancy murmurs to Jane who nods.

"You found out you're having a boy?!" Taeha said excitedly.

"Yes! We found out yesterday!" All the girls cheer and hug the couple.

"How did Yena feel about it?"

"She was really happy! She wanted a little brother, she had her friends had little brothers so she wanted one."

"Mommy." The three kids walk up to the their parents.

"What is it kids?" Nayun asked.

"Can we go by the river and feed the ducks?" Yena asked.

"That's pretty far girls, you know you can't go over there, something could happen." Hyebin said.

"Hey!" Both Ahin and Daisy make their way to the group.

"IMO AHIN! IMO DAISY!" The three girls exclaimed happily as they clung onto the two girls. Ahin and Daisy both hugged their nieces and kissed their faces.

"Hey kids! Wow, you're all getting so big! Especially you Wonyoung-ah!" Ahin said pinching their cheeks.

"Soon we'll be taller than you!" Yena said giggling. "We'll be the ones looking down on you!"

"Yena!" Hyebin said groaning. Ahin's jaw dropped.

"That's not nice unnie!" Wonyoung said glaring at Yena. "Leave imo Ahin alone."

"Thank you Wonyoung, at least you understand me." Ahin said ruffling the said girl's hair.

"It's not fault that shes tiny! Mommy told me that when God was giving out height, imo Ahin was in the back! That's why she didn't get any, there wasn't anymore left to give when it was her turn!"

"You told her what?!" Jane asked Nayun laughing.

"You little brat! Get over here!" Ahin said chasing Wonyoung.

"We will be your height tomorrow imo!" Yena said laughing.

"YAH! GET BACK HERE! DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME!" Ahin exclaimed chasing over the two girls.

"Imo Ahin! You're going to get hurt!" Nako said running over to the three of them in an attempt to settle things.

"She is a real life angel, how is she Nancy and Jane's kid?" Daisy said shaking her head.

"Hey!" Both Jane and Nancy exclaimed making Daisy laugh.

"How was the double date last night?" JooE asked Daisy.

"It was horrible. The guys only talked about themselves rather than Ahin and I, it was if they were more into each other than they were into us." All the girls laugh.

"Don't stop looking Yoda, there is someone out there for you. Who knows? Maybe you met this person already but just don't know it yet." Jane said wrapping her arms around Nancy and placing her chin on Nancy's shoulder.

"I don't think dating is for me. I think I'm better off as a bachelorette. I don't need anyone but you girls, and who needs kids when I have three kids I can spoil and love unconditionally?" 

"Alright, but don't call us when your piss drunk at three in the morning complaining about how lonely you are." Nayun said.

"Hey! That was one time!"

"No it wasn't, you called all of us at least five times saying how lonely you are and wanted us to come over and stay with you!" Jane said laughing.

"I sense a bit of hostility, I'm leaving to go with Ahin and the kids, I'll come back when it feels like I'm wanted here." Daisy said getting up and dramatically walking away. She bumps into someone and apologizes before seeing how it was and hugs the person, they all walk back to the table. "Look who's here!"

"IMO DABIN!" Nako said running up to the tall girl.

"Nako!" Yeonwoo said lifting the child up and kissing her face, Nako giggles and kisses her back on the cheek. "How's my favorite niece?"

"Hey! We're here too!" Yena and Wonyoung said walking up to Yeonwoo.

"Yeah, but I like Nako more than I like you too. Beat it you little monsters." Yeonwoo said teasing the young girls.

"MOM! IMO DABIN IS BEING MEAN TO US!" Yena said pulling on JooE's pants.

"Oh you know I'm joking! You're so sensitive!" Yeonwoo puts Nako on the ground and picks up the two girls and kisses their heads. "What is your mothers feeding you two? I can barely hold you two like how I normally can!" Yeonwoo pretends to nearly drop them making them scream.

"We missed you!" Wonyoung said pouting at the older girl.

"You definitely are Taeha's kid. You have her cuteness!"

"Hey! What about me?" Nayun said fidgeting hurt.

"She gets her height from you."

"Why you-" Taeha kisses Nayun who has a gummy smile on her face.

"Ew! Mom, mommy, we're in public! Gross!" Wonyoung said whining. 

"Hi unnie!" Wonyoung said looking at the girl next to Yeonwoo. The girl was a couple inches shorter than Yeonwoo, she had brunette hair, and a small face. She was holding hands with the tall girl. "I missed you too unnie!"

"I missed you too little one." The girl said as Yeonwoo gave her Wonyoung.

"Eunbi unnie, it's always good seeing you. Lately you two have been stuck to the hip, I wonder why." Hyebin said teasing.

"Did you forget mom? They are going to marry!" Yena said happily. Yeonwoo and Eunbi blushed. Yeonwoo and Eunbi met at a coffee shop two years ago, Yeonwoo had asked the girl on a date that same night, and since then the girls have been inseparable. Eunbi had easily fit in with the other girls who welcomed her with open arms. The girls knew that after meeting Eunbi, they knew that she was the perfect girl for Yeonwoo. Eunbi balanced out Yeonwoo and helped the girl out of her shell, both girls fell hard for each other in a short period of time. Eunbi was the one who proposed, they were at the coffee shop they had met and she had popped the question there. The couple went away on vacation for a couple of weeks and came back during the week.

"Unnies!" Ahin comes to give the two girls a hug. "How was your vacation?"

"It was fun! We went to Saipan." Yeonwoo said happily.

"We did a lot of things there." Eunbi said.

"Yeah you did!" Taeha said winking at the two girls.

"Taeha!" Yeonwoo said blushing.

"What does that mean?" Nako asked.

"Nothing sweetheart, why don't you and the girls go play?" Jane said.

"Okay mama! Let's go girls!" Nako said taking her friends to the swings.

"Really?" Nayun said looking at her wife.

"I couldn't let that go." Taeha said shrugging.

"How about we all go for a walk?" Hyebin said. All the girls agreed and got up to walk.

"C'mon babe, let's go." Jane said reaching her hand for Nancy's.

"Did you ever think our lives would be like this?" Nancy asked Jane.

"Like what?"

"We would get married, have a beautiful baby girl, have two beautiful nieces with a nephew on the way, have the girls, did you ever think it would be like this?"

"I thought about it a lot. Every night before I went to bed, I prayed my life would end like this, and now that it is, I wouldn't trade it for the world." Jane kisses Nancy's cheek. "I mean, it was only a matter of time before you fell for me, because let's be honest, who WOULDN'T fall for me? I'm a catch, I attract all the babes." Jane said flexing on Nancy.

"You're so full of yourself." Nancy said rolling her eyes playfully.

"But you're not denying it." Jane said wiggling her eyebrows.

"I love you Jiyeon, thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world."

"No Nancy, thank YOU for making me the happiest girl in the world. Thank you for giving me a chance, I will continue to make you happy and loved. It's you and me against the world."


Nako plays in the sandpit quietly. Yena and Wonyoung aren't that far, they are both on the swing set. As she was playing the sun suddenly disappeared. Nako looks up and silently gasped, there was a girl, maybe a little taller than her, she had blonde hair, a very small face, and big cheeks.

"Hi, my name is Hitomi, I'm new here, can I play with you?" The girl asked shyly.

"S-Sure." Hitomi sits down next to Nako and grabs a nearby sand pail and begins to fill it with sand. "I-I'm Sung Nako."

"It's nice to meet you! I hope we can be friends forever." Hitomi hugs Nako before continuing to fill the bucket. Nako's face turned red and her heart started to feel funny. Forever? Nako looks back at Hitomi who looks at her with a kind smile and suddenly Nako smiled back at her and helped her build a sandcastle.

Forever didn't sound too bad.


And with a heavy heart, Love is Only You is COMPLETED! I cannot believe that in over the course of two months, the book has come to an end. I can't believe that I have completed my first watts book. This book will always be near and dear to my heart. I'm actually upset as I'm writing this, I don't want the book to end, but all good things must come to an end.

I want to thank each and everyone of you guys that read and supported me through my up and downs. Thank you for giving me the confidence to continue writing, even when I was at my lows or had no idea what to write, you guys were there to cheer me up and give me new ideas. I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

School begins for me tomorrow so I'll be taking a short break from writing to focus on school. I'll be back within the next couple of weeks, I'll make a one shot book for a while, you guys are more than welcomed to DM me on twitter or here to request a one shot, I'll do any couple, just give me a couple and a small scenario/summary and I'll try my best to make your idea come to life. I'll make another book after the semester is over.

Thank you once again, you make me the happiest girl in the world. I love you all so much, and I'll see you soon, I promise :)

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