Gravity Falls Pines Triplets...

By opal35416

107K 1.6K 4.2K

Dipper, Mabel, and Mara Pines are triplets who have been sent to Gravity Falls for the Summer to live with th... More

Tourist Trapped
Legend of the Gobblewonker
Head Hunters
The Hand that Rocks the Mabel
The Inconveniencing
Dipper vs Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
Time Traveller's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horror
Society of the Blind Eye
Blendin's Game
The Love god
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
Dipper, Mara, and Mabel vs the Future
Weirdmageddon: Part I
Weirdmageddon Part II: Escape From Reality
The Triplets' Guides
Mara and Nat's kids' story
Lost Legends with the Pines Triplets

Weirdmageddon Part III: Take Back the Falls

2.8K 40 129
By opal35416

...And with that, Dipper kicked down the door, and the five of them stormed into the house ferociously, holding up their weapons and screaming a war cry.

They found Stan, Pacifica, Nathaniel, Candy, Grenda, Blubbs, Old Man McGucket, the man who married a woodpecker, a manotaur, a man from the biker bar, a unicorn, and several gnomes, all raising their fists and screaming a ferocious war cry as well.

Stan's eyes widened when he saw who it was.


He then saw Mara with Dipper and Mabel.

His eyes narrowed at her, and he rose his bat.

"It's Bill!" he exclaimed

Stan started to storm towards them, bat in hand as he prepared to strike.

"Let the kids go and get out of my niece's body, you triangular monster!" he growled.

Mara's eyes widened, and she held up her hands apprehensively.

"Wait wait, Stan, it's me!" she exclaimed hurriedly. "Bill's not in my body anymore!"

She then pointed at her own eyes.

"Look at my eyes. They're not yellow, and my pupils aren't slits!"

Stan stared at her for a moment, a little skeptical to believe her at first, until he noticed the position that her body was in: she was standing in front of Dipper and Mabel, and had one arm held out in front of them protectively, and he noticed that she only started to push them further away from him as he stepped closer to them.

He had been living with her long enough to notice that that particular position was a rather subconscious habit of hers whenever danger approached.

Bill would never have defended Dipper and Mabel.

Stan's eyes started to tear up a bit, and a huge smile crossed over his face. He threw his bat to the side.

"Grunkle Stan!" exclaimed Dipper, Mabel, and Mara, as they all ran towards him. Mabel had been so overwhelmed with joy that her eyes had started to tear up.


He got down onto one knee so that he was on their level with his arms outstretched as his nieces and nephew ran into them.

Stan embraced the three of them tightly, and stood onto his feet with his arms still wrapped around them.

"I thought I lost you three."

Then suddenly, Soos appeared out of nowhere and suddenly joined in on the hug, wrapping his arms around Stan.

"Mr. Pines, it's really you!" he exclaimed excitedly. "I've been hugging strangers to practice for this moment."

Then, Wendy jumped up towards the group hug, and wrapped her arms around them.

"We missed you, you old codger!" she said.

Stan chuckled, put the triplets back onto the ground, and then put his hands on Wendy and Soos's shoulders as Waddles scampered around the group excitedly.

"I missed you knuckleheads too" Stan said. "It's good to have you back."

"Mara!" exclaimed someone else.

Mara turned to see Nathaniel running towards her.

She had never seen him look so haggard. His caramel hair was extremely disheveled and stuck out in several places, and he had cuts and dirt all over his arms and face. His usual navy sweater vest was gone, his light blue dress shirt was torn enough to expose his collarbone, and one of his khaki pant legs had been ripped off from the knee down.

But there was an expression overwhelmed with excitement spread across his features. He looked almost as if he might cry.

Mara's face brightened.


Nathaniel reached her, and then wrapped his arms around her in another embrace. He was hugging her tightly, as if he were afraid that she would disappear if he let go of her.

"I saw you taking over the town, and I knew that something was wrong" he said, his voice dripping with worry. "I tried to get to that pyramid in the sky, but Pacifica took me to this safehouse before I could get a chance."

Pacifica scoffed.

"More like knocked you out, and dragged you here" she said.

Nathaniel ignored her.

"I've been cooped up in here worried sick about you."

Mara smiled.

"There was really no need to worry. I'm okay."

"Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine. Although, I have been getting a few headaches lately, almost as if Bill's still in my head."

Nathaniel jumped and let go of her immediately, though Mara had a huge, mischievous smirk on her face.

She laughed.

"You're too easy."

Nathaniel shrugged sheepishly, though there was a very subtle blush that appeared very briefly on his cheeks.

Dipper looked around at everyone in the shack.

"So, what's everyone doing here?" he asked, just as two lilliputtians walked right past his feet. He jumped in shock at the sight of them.

"Yeah, there's like monsters and gnomes" said Mabel.

She then gestured towards Pacifica.

"Is Pacifica wearing a potato sack?"
Pacifica was not wearing her usual purple outfit. Instead, she was wearing dull purple rags that did, indeed, resemble a potato sack.

She frowned at her.

"Hey, even in this sack, I still look better than you" she snapped, as she pointed at Mabel.

The multi-bear shrugged.

"Ish. It's a long story."
The wax head of Larry King was sitting in the air vent near the stairs.

"Hey, is anyone gonna feed me?" he asked. "Larry King's disembodied wax head wants num nums."
Grenda frowned at him.

"We're trying to ration our food, remember?"

However, Larry King's head started chew on her ponytail.

Grenda looked at him uncomfortably.

"Uh, it's happening again!"

The multi bear slid the air vent shut, and Grenda's ponytail was free once again.

"Hey everyone!" someone new exclaimed, and they all turned to see one of the manotaurs pointing towards the open door of the shack.

There appeared by be an eyeball bat with a red beam flying near the building.

"Eyebat!" he yelled.

Everyone gasped, and quickly got down onto the ground.

"Invasive maneuvers!" cried one of the gnomes.

Stan immediately got up, and slammed the front door of the shack shut. He then hurried over towards the triplets, and pushed their heads down.

"Shh, keep it down!"

"Get the lights!" screamed another gnome.

Grenda hopped off the stairs, and the multi-bear caught her as a third gnome held up the lantern and blew it out.

The eyeball bat that was flying outside the Mystery Shack instead turned its attention towards a raccoon, and turned the poor creature to stone with its red beam.

It then started to carry it back to the Fearamid, flying right past a wooden sign nailed into a tree near the shack.

The small sign was a painted doodle of Bill Cipher, and there was a giant red X spray painted across it.

Stan then lit a match in the dark room, and tossed it into a trashcan that was filled with dry wood.

A fire lit up inside the can immediately, and the former darkness of the room disappeared entirely.

"Welcome to what's left of normal around here" said Stan. "Home base."

The triplets looked around in horror at the rather pitiful survivors.

The man who had married a woodpecker was stroking his woodpecker wife perched on his shoulder. She had actually gotten turned into stone.

There was a gnome on the ground that had been turned almost entirely into stone, except for one of his arms.

Celestebellabethebelle had been half turned into stone, and there were three more gnomes sitting around a can of meat cheerlessly.

Toby Determined was lying on the couch with two gnomes, one of them was stroking his hand in a comforting manner while the other was pulling the darts out of his face.

All of the members of Sev'ral Timez were sitting on a log in front of the trash can fire, though all five of them had a wound of some sort.

"We have...Sev'ral Injuries!" they sang, posing before they froze in pain and started to clutch their wounds.

"Ooh, ow, my liver, girl!"

Dipper turned away from them, only to scream out in shock to see someone else he recognized.

"Rumble McSkirmish?" he asked in disbelief.

"Do not be afraid" said Rumble. "Weirdmageddon has taught me there are some battles that I cannot win. I am now Humble McSkirmish."

A 'minus fifty despair' video game message flashed above him as he said those words and he hung his head in shame.

"Grunkle Stan, how did this all happen?" asked Mabel.

Stan started to walk around the rather gloomy shack as he explained everything, the triplets following him.

"So I was hammering signs out back when the sky started vomiting nightmares" he said. "I listen to a lot of AM radio, so I knew what this meant: the end of the world.

What I didn't expect was what happened next. It turns out whatever Dipper, Mara, and my brother did to the shack with your unicorn voodoo made the crazy place invincible to weirdness."

Dipper's eyes widened in realization.

"Of course, the unicorn spell!" he said. "That's why this is the only place Bill's magic can't touch!"

Stan then gestured towards Old Man McGucket.

"That's when possum breath over here shows up, leading a bunch of injured stragglers through the forest. They needed a place to stay, and since the mayor got captured, I elected myself de facto chief."

He gestured towards the red sash around him that was labelled 'chief.' He then picked up a can of meat off of the shelf behind him.

"The plan's to stay in here and eat brown meat until we run out" he continued. "Then I vote we eat the gnomes."
Jeff the gnome glared at him.

"Hey, I'm short, not deaf!"

Stan shushed the gnome, and put a finger to his lips.

"Stress will make you chewy."
Mara stormed up to Stan with a rather angry expression on her face.

"We can't just hide in here and cower while Bill's reign of terror enrages outside!" she exclaimed. "We have to stand up and fight, and bring his terrorism to an end, or no one will!"

"Yeah, there's a town in need of saving!" Dipper added. "Me and Ford tried to do it, but he got captured by BIll."

As he said that last part, he looked down sadly, and held onto one arm with his hand.

"Serves that jerk right" said Stan, as he opened a can of brown meat and started to walk past them. "My brother's had some stupid plans, but going up against an all powerful space demon was his worst one yet."

He then sat down in a wooden pool chair, where there were gnomes with giant leaves, and the multi-bear standing behind ready to give a massage.

"Trust me, we've got everything we need right here" Stan continued. "It's not the Ritz, but at least the monsters inside know how to massage."
He then turned his attention towards the multi-bear, who had put his paws on his shoulders and was starting to rub them.

"Do you know shiatsu?"
"Yes, I've taken some classes" replied the multi-bear.

Dipper glared at his uncle in disbelief.

"So you're really just going to let Bill win?" he asked, as one of the gnomes fed Stan a cracker.

Stan sat up.

"Look, kiddo, we've got a good deal here" he said. "Besides, I'm sure wherever the rest of the townsfolk are, they're fine."

He slapped his hand down onto his armrest confidently, but the remote happened to be sitting on it, and so he ended up turning on the TV unintentionally.

They all turned their attention towards the TV screen, where Chandra Jiminez, half bald, was giving a report in what appeared to be the Fearamid. She had a terrified expression on her face.

"This is Chandrea Jiminez, reporting live from the inside of Bill's castle" she said. "Here are the first images of what's happened to the captured townsfolk."

The camera then suddenly zoomed in on the giant throne that was made of all the captured citizens of Gravity Falls. They could even see some people that they knew.

"Viewers are advised to look away if they don't want to see their friends turned into a twisted throne of human agony."
Everyone was looking at the TV screen with looks of horror.

"Mom and Dad?" said Pacifica.

"Aunt Priscilla and Uncle Preston?" said Nathaniel.

"My family!" exclaimed Wendy with a concerned voice.

"Deputy Durland!" exclaimed Blubbs.

"Is there no one who will save the people of this town?" said Chandra.

Just then, the red beam of an eyeball bat appeared, and it shone right on her.

"I'm Chandra Jiminez, and I'm being turned into stone by a flying eyeball."

And with that, her body had been turned into a stone statue, and the camera cut off.

Everyone gasped in horror at what they had just seen.

"Oh no" whimpered Pacifica. "My parents are bad, but even they don't deserve to be turned to stone."
"They took me in when my father disowned me" added Nathaniel solemnly. "They're not nearly as horrible as him."

Blubbs was distraught over the loss of his best friend.

"Curse you, Bill!" he screamed, as he fell to his knees and ripped his shirt. "Why must you take everything we love?"
For a moment, everyone was just standing in front of the TV as their tears spilled onto the floor, when Mabel stood up on top of the multi-bear to get their attention.

"Guys, don't you see?" she said. "Our friends need us, but we can only save them if we fight back!"

Mabel then reached down, and pulled her brother and sister up onto the multi-bear's head alongside her. The triplets were now holding hands, with Mabel on one end, Mara on the other, and Dipper in the middle.

"My sister is right" said Mara. "Bill wants us to think that we're absolutely powerless to stop him. But according to Journal #3, he actually has a secret weakness."

At the mention of Bill having a secret weakness, everyone started to talk excitedly amongst themselves, for she had just given them a new hope.

"I don't actually know what it is because the details about it are in one of the other journals, but I know for a fact that Ford must know that weakness" said Mara.

Dipper nodded in agreement.

"Now, if we band together, if we combined all of our strengths..."

He gestured towards Grenda, Rumble, and a manotaur.

"...our smarts..."

He gestured towards McGucket, Candy, and Mara.

"...our, whatever Toby has..."

Toby perked up eagerly.

"Various rashes!" he said.

"...then we just might be able to rescue Ford, learn Bill's weakness, and save Gravity Falls!"

Everyone in the shack started to cheer eagerly, and Rumble actually started to shoot fireballs into the air.

The triplets were looking at each other with huge grins on their faces as they held each other's hands.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" exclaimed Stan suddenly. "Have you all forgotten who's in charge here? Besides, we're only safe inside. It's not like we can take the Mystery Shack to Bill."
Suddenly, McGucket started to stomp around excitedly.

"Whoo! Holy Hootenany! Flapjack and fiddlebanjos!"

He then realized that everyone was staring at him, and held up his hands apologetically as he forced himself to stop dancing.

"Sorry, got a little excited."

One of his legs was still thumping, and he slapped it with one hand to get it to stop.

"What I meant to say is, I think I figured out a way to fight Bill and rescue Ford, but we're all gonna have to work together. Now."
He snapped his fingers, and instantly, one of the gnomes placed the pair of glasses that he had obtained from the Society of the Blindeye over his face.

The triplets, Wendy, and Soos gathered around as McGucket was telling them his plan, and all five of them seemed to be rather eager while they were listening to him.

"Don't worry, Ford!" declared Soos. "We're coming for you!"

None of them saw Stan standing aside with a rather grumpy expression on his face as he tugged at the sash around him.

Meanwhile at the Fearamid, the gold statue of Ford was just standing there, until the gold suddenly started to disappear, and he was unfrozen back to his normal state.

He started to yell furiously the instant that he was free again.

"Let me go, you insane, three sided-"

He quickly realized that Bill wasn't actually there, and that he himself was in a room that he didn't recognize.

"Wha-what is this place?" he said, as he looked around worriedly.

He was in a rather elegant, but fairly dark, room with a grandfather clock, a couch, and a fireplace with a painting of Bill hanging above it on the mantle.

Ford tried to walk forward, but found that something was holding him back.

He looked down to see that there was a blue glowing chain clasped around one of his ankles. The other end of the chain was attached to the foot of one of the couches. He tried to pull against it, but it held him fast so he couldn't move too far forward.

Suddenly, the singing of a voice that he recognized immediately began to echo throughout the entire room.

"We'll meet again

Don't know where, don't know when!"

Ford turned around towards the source of the singing, and a circle of blue flames appeared on an empty spot on the floor, and Bill playing a sleek piano rose up from the ring.

"Oh, I know we'll meet again

Some sunny day!"

"W-where am I?" Ford demanded.

"You're in the penthouse suite, kid. The tip of the pyramid" said Bill, still sitting on the piano seat as he turned towards him. As he did so, he picked up a glass with a purple liquid inside it.

Bill then snapped his fingers.

"Have a drink" he said. "Make yourself comfortable."

An identical drink suddenly appeared in Ford's hands, and Ford sat down indignantly on the couch that his ankle was chained to.

He didn't take a sip out of his drink.

Bill, however, raised his own drink to his eye, and took a sip of the liquid from it as if it were his mouth.

"You know that couch is made from living human skin?" asked Bill.

Ford looked down in horror at the couch that he was sitting on to see several eyeballs, a nose, and a tongue suddenly appear on it.

He cried out in shock, and immediately jumped up from the couch, backing up as far away from it as the chain would permit him to.

He then turned towards Bill with an angry expression on his face.

"Quit the games, Cipher" he said. "If I'm still alive, you must want something from me."

He pointed an accusing finger at the triangle.

"Ah, sharp as ever, Fordsie" said Bill, as he floated upwards away from the piano and towards Ford. He floated in front of the painting of him.

"As you may have noticed, I recently had a multi-dimensional makeover, courtesy of Pine Tree."

Bill turned his body three hundred sixty degrees so that Ford could see his new physical body.

"I control space..."

He lifted up his arms, and suddenly everything in the room started to float upwards into the air, including Ford. The chain around his ankle was keeping him anchored to the floor.

Immediately, everything that was floating in the air evaporated, and then was teleported to the opposite side of the room.

"...and now that that dumb baby is out of the way, time itself!" Bill said. "But I wasn't always this way."

He floated down towards the ground, and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, everything dropped back onto the ground, including Ford, who had landed on his face.


"You think those chains are tight?" said Bill. "Imagine living in the second dimension."

An image of a flat version of Saturn appeared in his eye.

"Flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams."

Suddenly, the image of Saturn caught aflame, and there was the sound of screaming.

"I liberated my dimension, Stanford, and I'm here to liberate yours."
The chain on Ford's ankle had disappeared.

"There's just one hitch" said Bill, as he suddenly started to project an image from his eye in front of Ford. It was a holograph of Bill trying to break out of an apparent dome around Gravity Falls. "As it turns out, my weirdness can't escape the magical confines of this town. There's something keeping me in."

Ford was looking at the hologram with fascination.

"Incredible! Gravity Falls' natural law of weirdness magnetism" he said. "I studied this years ago!"

"And did you find a way to undo it?" asked Bill.

"Of course" said Ford. "There's a simple equation that could collapse the barrier, but I'd never tell you!"

"Listen, Ford, if you just tell me that equation, finally your dimension would be free."

In the holographic image, Bill showed him what would happen if he gave him the equation and collapsed the barrier.

"Anything would be possible. I'll remake a fun world, a better world, a party that never ends with a host that never dies. No more restrictions. No more laws! You'd be one of us, all powerful, greater than anything you've imagined."

The holograph finally disappeared.

"And all I need is your help" said Bill, pointing at Ford.

Ford only glared at him stubbornly.

"You're insane if you think I'll help you" he exclaimed.

Bill only laughed, and sat down on the couch made of living human skin.

"I'm insane either way, brainiac!" he said. "But have it your way. I'll just fish around and get that equation directly out of your mind!"

The entire room suddenly turned black and white as Bill's conscious left its physical form and went into the mindscape, leaving behind a stone statue of himself sitting on the couch.

"Not so fast" said Ford with an unwavering tone, as he pointed at him. "You know the rules, Bill."

Bill, who knew what Ford was getting at, floated back down and re entered his physical body on the couch with his one eye narrowed at him.

He then floated up to Ford, who was staring at him rather smugly.

"You may be able to haunt my dreams, but you can't enter my mind unless I shake your hand and let you in" said Ford, wiggling his fingers tauntingly in front of Bill.

Bill only sighed with a rather bored expression on his face as he swirled around the remnants of the drink in his glass.

"You're making this so much harder than it needs to be."

Suddenly, two more blue chains appeared out of nowhere, and snapped themselves around both of Ford's ankles.

As he was staring down at them with wide eyes, another chain appeared and clasped itself around his neck, pulling him up about a foot ground as he pulled desperately at the manacle that was choking him.

The chain then pulled Ford towards Bill so that he was only a few inches from him.

"Everyone has a weakness, tough guy" said Bill. "I'll make you talk. It's only a matter of time."

Ford could see his own reflection in Bill's one eye, including the chain that was around his neck, and he screamed in terror as the torture began.

The triplets were standing near McGucket as he spread a scroll of paper with the blueprint containing his plans onto a table in front of them.

"Alright, I've made some thingamadiculous robomajigs in my day, but this is the first one that won't be used for evil!"

The three of them grinned as they looked at the blueprints with impressed expressions.

"Whoa ho!" said Dipper. "These blueprints are incredible, McGucket!"

"This is your most amazing invention yet!" said Mabel.

"This is one of the most complex blueprints that I've ever seen!" said Mara.

"Question" said Soos. "Does it have any gun swords?"
Everyone looked at him with a confused expression.

"I watch a lot of anime, and trust me, you're gonna want some gun swords."
"What's an anime?" asked McGucket, as his eyes squinted with confusion.

Soos put an arm around the old man, and nodded.

"We have much to discuss.

"Discuss nothing!" said Stan, who was sitting at the table looking at the blueprints. He then pushed them away. "These scribbles are a bunch of cockamamie balderdash!"

He then cleared his throat when he realized his outburst.

"Excuse my French."

A French lilliputtian started to speak in French, which translated as "I don't believe that was French."

"And where would you even find a bunch of idiots crazy enough to build it?" Stan asked.

"Grunkle Stan, you're looking at those idiots" said Mabel, as she gestured towards everyone in the room.

They all started to cheer excitedly, none of them really caring that they had just been called idiots.

The next few hours were spent trying to build McGucket's crazy invention, from gathering various items from the junkyard to destroying sections of the Mystery Shack while Stan yelled at them rather irritably for doing so.

Mara was basically McGucket's assistant, as she helped him improve the blueprints designs and the plans, and added her own weaponry and inventions to his.

They had managed to build all the parts, and were now assembling the last of the pieces into the Mystery Shack.

There was a flag that hung on the covered Mystery Shack that was labelled 'Take Back The Falls.' It had a six fingered hand with an axe and a pickaxe crossed over it in an X shape. There was a question mark right in the center where the axe and pickaxe crossed, and there was a pine tree on one side of it, and a snowflake on the other. And underneath the words 'Take Back The Falls' was a shooting star.

All of them were now huddled around a fire outside, and they were wearing colorful sweaters that Mabel had made them.

"Thanks for these Apocalypse sweaters, Mabel" said Soos. "The end of the world has never been so comfortable."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Pacifica, who had refused to wear a sweater, was shivering as the freezing wind was blowing. She then glared at Mabel.

"Ugh, fine, I'll wear it."

She reached into the open backpack at her feet, and slid a yellow sweater with a llama on it over her head.

She glared down at it in disgust.

"But I'm not gonna like it."

"Admit it, this is the best day of the end of the world" said Mabel cheerfully, as she walked over to the log where Dipper and Mara were sitting. "I think we actually have a chance to beat Bill and win back our future."

She said down on the log next to her siblings.
"Yeah, getting to live to see our thirteenth birthday is the only birthday present I want right now" said Dipper.

"All I want is for the three of us to stay together, whether that be to live or die" said Mara rather solemnly.

Soos looked at them sympathetically.

"Hey, if we're lucky enough to get there, I guarantee this whole town is gonna throw you the best birthday party you've ever seen" he said.

Dipper looked at him gratefully.

"Thanks, Soos."
He then looked around, realizing that someone was actually missing.

"Hey, has anyone seen Grunkle Stan?" he asked.

Stan was sitting on a rock off to the side by himself as he ranted angrily.

"This whole plan is bonkers" he was saying. "But of course, no one asks the chief what he thinks. After all I've done for everyone!"

Shmebulock the gnome was sitting on a stump in front of him listening to his rant.

"Shmebulock!" he said.

"Yeah, exactly" said Stan. "It's a total load of shmebulock."
He was so angry that he didn't notice his nieces and nephew walk up to him.

"Is something wrong, Grunkle Stan?" asked Mabel. "You're acting, grunklier than usual."

"It's this darn plan to save my brother" said Stan, as he gestured towards a chalk board with a drawn picture of Ford on it. There were also words written across it that said 'Objection: Save Ford!'

"If you didn't notice, I already save him once from that portal, and he never thanked me!" he exclaimed bitterly.

"Stan, I actually think that Ford is a huge jerk too, but we can't let our hatred consume us" said Mara. "If you want to end Weirdmageddon and get everything back to normal, we have to save him! He's the only one who knows Bill's weakness."
"And who's fault is it for Weirdmageddon in the first place?" said Stan grudgingly, as Mara flinched. "He causes the end of the world, and still somehow it's always 'Stan's the screw up. Ford's the hero'."

"Well maybe people think he's a hero because he didn't want to hide in the Mystery Shack!" said Dipper, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Stan stood up onto his feet and walked towards the chalkboard.

"Maybe if he had hid in the Mystery Shack, he wouldn't have been captured!"

At that last word, he punched the chalkboard angrily, and Shmebulock scampered away.

Mabel walked up to Stan, and put an arm around his shoulders, pulling him down towards the ground.

"Guys, guys trust me" she said cheerfully. "Tomorrow's gonna be great."

She wrapped her free arm around Dipper and Mara, and pulled them towards her as well.

"I believe in us" she said.

"Help! Leader Mabel!" said one of the manotaurs.

They turned to see the manotaur wearing one of her sweaters, as well as a knitted hat.

"I keep accidentally flexing through my sweaters!"

He flexed his muscles, and the motion from it ripped the sweater to shreds, and the hat fell off his head.

He groaned in frustration.

"Argh! It happened again!"

"Those weird cow monsters are delightful" said Mabel, trying to stay positive.

She then let go of the three of them, and hurried towards the manotaur.


When she let go of him, Stan readjusted his fez and looked into the distance stubbornly.

They were now inside the Mystery Shack, standing in a crowd as McGucket stood in front of them.
"Alright, fellers, let's just hope that this turns out better than all my other inventions" he said.

"Yeah, let's hope that it doesn't blow up like most of mine" agreed Mara.

Mabel then turned towards everyone.

"Everybody ready?"
They all nodded, and she then turned towards her brother.

"Dipper, now!"

Dipper pulled down a lever, and the gears started to turn and a lightbulb came on behind Mabel as the shack began to rise off of the ground, tearing the stakes that had kept the tarp over the shack out of the ground.

As the shack continued to ascend upwards, it tilted back and forth, causing all of them to fall from side to side with each tilt.

The whistle that they had put on the roof blew and the question mark weather vane started to spin rapidly as the shack stood to its feet.

There were several straggling survivors that were huddle around a barrel fire. Bud Gleeful was one of them, and he was standing in front of a pile of flaming Gideon stuffed animals.
"Forgive me, boy" he said. "Your highly flammable merchandise is the only thing keeping me going."

Just then, a giant robotic foot stomped just a few feet away from him, and kept walking with the rest of its body.

Bud stared up at it with shock.

"What in the blazes?"

The robotic feet finally stopped in front of the Fearamid in the sky, where they could hear someone's screams of pain.

"No! No! NOOOOO!!!!!"

Inside the Fearamid, Ford had chains around his ankles and wrists, and the four chains were pulling him in different directions as he hung in the air.

Bill was electrocuting him with a beam of energy from his eye while all of his friends were gathered around watching and laughing eagerly.

Ford gave one last scream of pain before Bill finally stopped electrocuting him.

Ford was covered in grey ash, and there was smoke arising from his body as he panted heavily.

"Ready to talk now?" asked Bill.

"I...I won't" muttered Ford. He then looked up at Bill with a fierce expression. "I won't let you into my mind!"
He clenched his fists with the last of his strength.

It was a miracle that he hadn't died yet.

"What do you think, pals, another five hundred volts?" asked Bill.

Suddenly, the entire Fearamid started to shake and rumble, and Bill looked around cautiously.

"Hey, did you hear that?"
Suddenly, something burst in through one of the walls.

It was a dinosaur head that was partially encased in tree sap.
It then slid back, revealing a triangular shaped hole that it had made in the wall.

Bill's eye widened.

"What?" he exclaimed. "I just fixed that door!"

The robotic legs stomped forward closer to the Fearamid, and they were able to see the rest of its body.

It was the Mystery Shack, but there were four mechanical arms and legs that had been attached to it. One of its hands was a claw, and the other was the roaring dinosaur head.

The Gobblewonker's robotic head was attached to the back of the shack, and it faced Bill and roared fiercely.

Soos was standing out on the porch with the 'Take Back The Falls' flag in his hand. It was attached to a pole, which had Larry King's wax head mounted on the end of it.

"It's the Shacktron, dude!" declared Soos, as he stuck the flag onto the ground determinedly.

"They made the house into a robot" said Larry King. "Fascinating."
"So the mortals are trying to fight back, huh? Adorable!" said Bill with a taunting voice, as if he didn't really consider them to be a threat. He was sitting in his throne of human agony, which he then stood up in, and turned towards his friends.

"Henchmaniacs, you know what to do!"
He placed his hands over what would probably be his temples, and his friends all suddenly grew to be ten times their normal size.

"Take them out!"

The henchmaniacs leapt out the triangular sized hole that the shacktron had just created, and landed on the ground a few yards in front of the robot.

For a moment, they stood facing each other, no one moving as they waited for the battle to start.

Stan stared at all the monsters that were standing in front of them.

"This was a bad idea."

Soos, who was still standing out on the porch, took out a bullhorn and started to speak through it.

"Uh, hey dudes" he said. "Is this thing on? Test!"

He banged it a few times, and it made a loud screeching sound that caused all the monsters to cover their ears.

"Heh, I just wanted you monster dudes to hand over Ford or we'll have to, like, fight and junk."

Soos then noticed the monster, Paci-Fire, and he chuckled as he pointed towards him.

"Hey, you're a little cutie."
"I have butchered millions on countless moons" Paci-Fire replied.

"Whoa" said Soos, as he started to frown. "I liked you better before you talked. A real bringdown, this guy."
"Attack!" declared Pyronica, and with that, all of the monsters started to charge straight at the shacktron.

"Alright, dudes!" said Soos, as he ran back inside the shack.

In the shacktron, Dipper was at the steering wheel, Grenda and Candy were hooked up to each of the robotic arms, the multi-bear was looking out at everything through several telescopes, and Mara was standing at the side, suited up with the hoverboard tablet, the phasing belt (clasped around her upper waist, above the toolbelt), the force field bracelets, and the watch device (strapped on her left wrist above one of the bracelets) with her usual toolbelt. She also had the plasma blaster strapped to her back, and an earpiece in her ear that Dipper and Mabel were both wearing as well.

"Everyone, like we planned!" yelled Dipper. "Three, two, one, go!"

The shacktron immediately got into a battle stance as the monsters charged straight towards it.

Paci-Fire was the first monster to reach them, and Grenda, who was controlling the left dinosaur arm, punched with her real arm, and the robotic dinosaur arm punched the monster backwards.

Candy, who was controlling the right claw arm, punched with her own arm, and the robotic claw arm punched the next incoming monster, who happened to by Kryptos.

Teeth, Pyronica, and Keyhole were coming at them next, and inside the shack, Mabel pulled on Waddles, who had a lever in his mouth.

Immediately, the totem pole dropped downwards and started to fire balls of energy out of it aimed directly at the monsters, as if it were a cannon.

Mabel laughed, and hugged her pet.

"Good pig."

Paci-Fire put his hands to his temples, and suddenly several eyeball bats started to swarm all around the shacktron.

McGucket was sitting at a control panel, and he flipped a switch above him.

"Get 'em, Gobblewonker!" he cried.

He started to laugh maniacally as the Gobblewonker lashed out and managed to snatch one of the eyeball bats out of thin air.

Rumble McSkirmish, Wendy, and Mara were all on top of the roof.

Rumble held out his hands, and shot a fireball right at two more eyeball bats.

However, one eyeball bat was trying to make an escape.

Wendy immediately ran after it.

"Oh no you don't!"

She leapt up and landed right on top of the creature, grabbing its wings and yanking them backward. This movement forced the eyeball bat to fire a red beam of energy right at Eightball, and as a result, the creature's face was turned to stone.

Mara had launched herself in the air, and was flying around on the hoverboard, blasting several eyeball bats with the plasma blaster.

Another eyeball bat was aiming a red beam towards her, and Mara managed to hold up her hands and use the bracelets to generate a force field around herself. The red beam of energy ricocheted off of the force field, and back to the eyeball bat, turning it to stone.

She then saw a group of about a dozen eyeball bats coming right towards her.

In response to that, she held up the watch device, and scanned one of the eyeball bats with a blue light.

Mara pressed a button on the watch, and immediately a holographic image of an eyeball bat appeared around her entire body, making her look just like all of them.

She then flew right into the crowd of eyeball bats, and disguised as one of them, held up the plasma gun, and started to shoot all of the eyeball bats around her until there were none of them left.

When they had all been destroyed, Mara pressed the button on her watch, and she turned back to normal.

Wendy, who was still on the eyeball bat, flew around and turned another eyeball bat into stone. She smashed right through that one, and then directed the eyeball bat towards the shacktron.

She jumped off of it and did a somersault in the air before smashing through the window back into the shack just as the dinosaur head chomped down on that eyeball bat.

However, the multi-bear, who was watching the entire battle through the telescopes, suddenly cried out.

"Everyone, incoming!"

Stan was desperately pulling at the locked door that had the word 'exit' spray painted across it, but it wasn't budging.

"Does this thing have an escape hatch?" he exclaimed.

Suddenly, the monster, Xanthar, rammed right into the Shacktron, managing to push it back several miles.

Everyone screamed and held onto something as the creature continued to force them to slide backwards at an accelerating speed.

"Mara!" Dipper screamed into the earpiece.

"On it!" Mara yelled back into it, as she flew downwards at the monster until she was hovering a few feet above it.

She reached into her toolbelt, and brought out the slow motion/fast motion device.

Mara aimed the slow motion end of the tube at the creature, and fired.

The instant the red beam hit Xanthar, he automatically started to push them at a speed that was so slow that they were barely even sliding backwards anymore.

"Everyone, maximum power!" shouted Mabel into a phonograph horn.

The Sev'ral Timez band members were running on a treadmill, which had a piece of meat tied in the front to make them run.

They started to run even faster at her command, and the amount of power that they had increased until it could no more.

"And, now!" yelled Dipper, as he spun the wheel to the left with all his strength.

The shacktron, with its robotic hands still on Xanthar, swung the monster into the air with all its power.

The creature screamed as it flew through the air, and landed miles away from them, its party hat falling off of its head from the force of the throw.

The shacktron then pumped its fist triumphantly as Teeth ran screaming right past them, for he was now on fire.

Bill had been watching the entire battle from his Fearamid.

"Guys, seriously?" he said, as he used one hand to rub his eye in frustration. "You had, like, one job to do here."
Ford, who was hanging by his chains above the throne behind him, was suddenly lowered onto the armrest, and the chains clasped around his wrists disappeared.

"Bravo, Dipper, Mara, and Mabel!" he exclaimed.

It was then that Bill suddenly realized something.

"Oh would you look at that. Those kids really care about you" he said, as he turned around and faced Ford. "And you care about them, don't you?"

He increased in size, his eye turned red, and his voice was lowered by several pitches as he said those last two words.

Ford was shielding his eyes from the red light coming from Bill's eye in confusion at first.

"What do you..."

Then he suddenly realized what Bill was talking about.

"Oh. Oh no!"

"Perhaps torturing those kids will make you talk!"

"No, no!" cried Ford. "Not the kids, you ca-"

He had started to reach out towards Bill, but he was turned back into a gold statue before he could finish his sentence.

Bill cracked the knuckles in his hands.

"Let's get this over with."

Mara, who was still flying outside the shack, turned on the intangibility belt, and then phased right through the shacktron's walls. She turned it off, and then hovered down towards the floor. She hopped off the hoverboard, which collapsed into the tablet the instant that she did. Mara then grabbed the tablet, and hurried towards her siblings.

"How are we doing?" she asked.

"I think we're doing pretty good" said Mabel. "That was the last of the monsters."
Dipper's eyes widened as he caught sight of something coming towards them in the window.

"Uh, guys?"

He pointed, and Mara and Mabel both turned to see what he was looking at, and both of their faces paled.

Bill grew in size until he was larger than the shack robot, and then he floated right out of the triangular shaped hole in the Fearamid wall.

He started to make his way right towards the shacktron, raising his fist as it increased in size until it was even larger than himself.

Bill adjusted his bowtie, and then slammed his enormous fist down onto the shack robot.

The force from the blow was so powerful that it emitted a wave of energy that blew trees backwards.

When the dust finally settled, Bill raised his fist again, only to find that the Shacktron was still in tact, and a purple protective dome around it that had defended it from the blow was just disappearing.

"What the? No!" cried out Bill in fury, his eye turning red as he grew multiple arms with fists from him. "No no no no no!"

With all of his new fists, he started to pound on the shacktron, but the force field around it held up.

However, that didn't stop the blows from causing the inside of the shack to rumble.

Stan screamed.

Mabel pointed towards Bill.


Grenda punched out with the dinosaur head robotic arm, which went right through the force field and came right at Bill. It chomped down on his one eye, and yanked it out.

Bill screamed in pain and turned around with his multiple arms cradling his empty eye socket as the shacktron threw his eye aside.

"Ah! My eye!" he cried. "Do you have any idea how long it takes to regenerate that?"

"We've got him distracted!" yelled Dipper, as he turned towards Stan, Mabel, and Mara. "Now's our chance!"

A determined expression crossed over Mabel's face.

"Rescue team, move out!" she declared.

She spun her grappling hook around in her hand, before placing it inside her sweater.

Mara took out the ice gun, and strapped it to her back in place of the plasma gun.

Soos strapped a backpack to his back, and then stuck Mara's memory gun into his bag.

Dipper held up the flashlight that could grow and shrink things, and fired a pink light at a nearby snowglobe, which grew in size and then fell off the table. It shattered as it collided with the floor.

Nathaniel slid down the fireman pole down into the room where there were nine escape capsules, and Stan, Wendy, Pacifica, Soos, McGucket, Mabel, Mara, and Dipper were already in eight of them.

Nathaniel hurried into the last empty capsule.

"Ok, everyone" said Dipper determinedly, as he laid out the plan to all of them. "We get in, rescue Ford, get out, save the world. Piece of cake."

"Just so we're clear, if I die, my cousin will sue all of you" said Pacifica, as she pointed at all of them accusingly.

"Pacifica! I'm not going to sue anyone!" exclaimed Nathaniel in exasperation. "Besides, if anyone needs to get sued, it's Bill."

Stan was rather worried.

"On second thought, maybe we could come up with a plan that doesn't involve plummeting to our certain death" he was saying.

"Now!" exclaimed Wendy.

Suddenly, all of them were shot up through their tubes, and Stan was screaming the entire time.

The Gobblewonker opened its mouth, revealing a narrow tube in its throat, which all ten of them were shot right out of into the air.

They screamed as they were launched right over Bill, and started to fall towards the triangular shaped hole.

Dipper was staring at the approaching ground with worried eyes.

"Oh man. Oh man."

Meanwhile, Mabel tumbled right past him with an excited expression on her face.

"Whoo hoo!" she cheered.

"Everyone pull your parachutes now!" commanded Mara.

All of them obliged, and yanked the cord on their backpacks.

Ten parachutes were released, and they were all yanked upwards as they started to fall more slowly down through the triangular hole.

They entered the dark room, and started to fall slowly towards the ground.

Dipper rolled onto his side, Wendy landed on her feet, and Stan fell right onto his face.

Everyone started to unclasp the parachutes from their backs, when they looked up and gasped in horror.

Standing in front of them was the throne of human agony itself, towering several hundred feet above their heads.

"Man, it looks even worse up close" said Dipper.

Mabel fired her grappling hook, which caught onto the stone statue of Manly Dan.

She was pulled upwards, and landed in the middle of the throne.

"I found Great Uncle Ford!" she called out. "He's golden, but not in a good way!"
"Great. Grab him and let's get out of here" Stan yelled back.

"But how are we going to unfreeze them?" asked Dipper.

"I know!" someone new said.

They all turned their attention towards a birdcage that was hanging by a chain a few feet away from the throne. Dancing around inside of it wearing a ridiculous purple outfit was none other than Gideon.

He was sweating, and looked to be in great pain as he was forced to keep dancing.

"Gideon!" exclaimed Mabel, as Mara and Dipper floated upwards on the hoverboard, and landed beside her. "What happened to you?"

"Bill captured me" Gideon explained as his body continued to dance. "He's been forcing me to do cute dances in his cage for all eternity."

The boy then started to cry.

"I'm so tired of being cute!"

"How do we undo this?" asked Dipper.
"Mayor Tyler" said Gideon. "He's the load bearing human. Pull him out, and the whole thing goes down."

The stone statue of Tyler was at the bottom of the throne.

Dipper made his way towards the statue of Tyler, and pulled with all his strength until he came loose, turning him back to his human self as he did so.

Immediately, the entire throne tumbled and everyone came out of place and turned back to their normal selves as well.

Mara hopped onto her hoverboard, and flew upwards towards Gideon's cage.

She took out a bobby pin from her pants pocket, stuck it into the lock, and began to pick it.

There was a click, and the cage door swung open.

"Get on" she said.

Gideon jumped out of the cage and onto the hoverboard as Mara began to fly downwards back onto the ground, the boy holding onto her for dear life.

By the time Mara reached the ground and she and Gideon hopped off the hoverboard, everyone who had been frozen in stone had been turned back into their human selves, and were lying in a pile on the floor.

"Ugh. My mouth tastes like nightmares" said Lazy Susan.

Robbie landed on his head, and he screamed in pain as he collided with the ground. A can of spray paint fell out of his hoodie pocket.

"I think I'm dark and tortured for reals now.

Tad Strange sat upright.

"This experience will forever scar Tad Strange."
Gideon ripped the purple outfit off of him furiously.

"No more sailor suit!" he screamed with an enraged tone, as he began to pant heavily.

Wendy was smiling as her father and brothers were running towards her.

"Wendy!" said Manly Dan, as they all embraced her.

"Guys!" Wendy said, as she hugged them back affectionately. She had missed her family so much.

Pacifica and Nathaniel both stood up excitedly.

"Mom! Dad!" said Pacifica!"

"Aunt Priscilla! Uncle Preston!" said Nathaniel, as the four Northwests embraced briefly, before letting go of each other rather awkwardly.

Just then, Ford unfroze from his gold state, and looked around before noticing his nieces and nephew.

He grinned widely and held out his arms.


He hurried over towards them, and scooped all three of them up into a hug.

The triplets all had a look of shock on their faces at first, for none of them had ever been hugged by Ford, before they smiled back at him.

"I knew I could count on you three!" Ford said.

Then, McGucket walked up to the four of them.

Ford noticed, and his smile immediately dropped.


He put the kids back down onto the ground gently.

Ford was unsure of what to say at first. He could feel the guilt creeping back up his spine.

"I haven't seen you since we parted ways" he started. He then hung his head in shame. "You must hate me."

But McGucket only looked at him sympathetically.

"I've tried forgetting" he said. "Maybe I should try forgiving. Come here, old friend."

And with that, the two of them embraced each other, Ford grateful that he had been forgiven.

It was then that McGucket noticed Mara standing off at the side, looking every bit as guilty as Ford had before.

McGucket held out his arm towards her, gesturing for her to join in.

Mara smiled gratefully, and then ran into his arms, embracing him as well. She was so relieved to finally be forgiven by McGucket.

She could feel the guilt that had always been in the back of her mind finally disappearing for good.

"Hey, good to see you too, bro" Stan interrupted. "Now let's get out of here, huh?"
"Listen, Uncle Ford, we don't have a lot of time" said Dipper, as the shacktron was battling Bill Cipher outside. "Remember how you told me right before you were frozen that you knew Bill's weakness?"
"Yeah, a secret way to defeat him?" asked Mabel.

"You mentioned it in Journal #3" said Mara. "And I'm guessing that it has something to do with that weird wheel."

"I...I do!" said Ford, as he pulled on a pair of six-fingered black gloves over his hands. "Does anyone have a pen? Pencil? Anything?"
"You have a pen in your trenchcoat pocket" Mara said, pointing to the pen that was indeed in his pocket.

But Ford's attention seemed to be caught by the dropped can of spray paint on the floor.

"Ah" he said, grinning as he picked up the small can. "Perfect."
He bent downwards, and started to spray a huge blue circle in the middle of the floor.

Dipper didn't see how this was going to help any.

"Uh, we've got Bill outside, but I don't know how long we can keep him occupied" he said worriedly.

But Ford didn't appear to be mildly aware of the urgency of the situation.

"Yes yes, good good" he said, with his attention mostly concentrated spray painting the floor. He had an eager expression on his face.

"Drawing a circle on the floor" said Stan grumpily. "He's lost his mind."
"My mind is fine" said Ford, as he looked triumphantly down at the thing that he had drawn on the floor. "And there is a way to beat him...with this."

He gestured towards the large circle that he had drawn on the floor with blue spray paint.

It was a large wheel-like drawing that had a picture of Bill Cipher right in the center. All around circumference the circle were twelve various symbols that touched each other, some of which were rather familiar.

"The world's most confusing game of hopscotch?" asked Pacifica with a rather irritated tone.

"No, a prophecy" said Ford, as he bent down onto one knee. "Although it would probably be a pretty fun game of hopscotch. Many years ago, I found twelve symbols in a cave, some I recognized then, some I only recognized now.

The native people of Gravity Falls prophesied that these symbols could create a force strong enough to vanquish Bill. With Bill defeated, his weirdness would be reversed and the town could be saved."

Ford started to walk closer towards the Cipher Wheel.

"This whole time, I thought it was just superstition, but seeing you all here now I finally understand that it's destiny."

He then pointed towards Dipper, then at the pine tree symbol on the wheel.

"Dipper, the pine tree."

Dipper walked onto the square of the wheel where the pine tree symbol was, in the lower right section in between the ice bag symbol and the union jack symbol.

"Mabel, the shooting star" said Ford.

Mabel walked excitedly onto the square where the shooting star symbol was, in the lower left section in between the tent of telepathy symbol and the llama symbol.

"Mara, the snowflake."

Mara smirked as she walked onto the square where the snowflake symbol was, in the lower middle section in between the union jack symbol and the spectacles symbol.

Soos was looking confusedly at the square with a question mark on it, which was in the upper right section in between the ice bag symbol and the fez symbol.

"The question mark" he said. "This one's unsolvable."

Wendy caught sight of a square with a broken heart symbol on it, identical to the one on Robbie's hoodie. It was in the upper left section in between the tent of telepathy symbol and the six fingered hand symbol.

"That one's easy" she said, as she shoved him onto the square. "You've been rocking that dumb hoodie since the seventh grade."

Robbie had a look of amazement on his face.

"Whoa" he said. "Destiny hoodie."

Dipper recognized the other star symbol that was in between Mabel and Robbie's squares.

"Tent of Telepathy sign!" he said with wide eyes, as he pointed at the square. "That must be Gideon!"

Gideon got onto his square between Mabel and Robbie rather eagerly.

"Whoo!" he said. "An excuse to stand next to Mabel!"

As a flirtatious expression came over his face, a look of annoyance crossed over Mabel's.

"Don't turn this into a big deal" she said.

"Oh, I won't!" Gideon insisted, before turning his head so that she couldn't hear him.

"I will" he whispered.

Outside, the Shacktron had managed to knock Bill backwards, punching him twice before he fell onto the ground, the shack robot standing above him with one foot on top of him.

In vain, Bill held out his hands towards the shack, and unsurprisingly, the force field blocked him from even touching it.

However, he noticed that one of its legs, the one that was keeping him pinned to the ground, was outside of the shack, and completely vulnerable.

"What the?"

He touched the leg, and found that he could grab it with no issues regarding the force field.

"Hey, Achilles!" said Bill, as he stood upwards and yanked up the foot simultaneously, causing the Shacktron to fall onto its back.

"Nice work with the heel!" declared Bill, as he yanked the robot leg right out of the shack.

Everyone who was inside the Shacktron gasped as they watched Bill swing at them with the disembodied leg, using it as if it were a golf club.


And with that, the shack rolled helplessly away.

"Hold hands everyone" said Ford. "This is a mystical human energy circuit."

Dipper looked at the square with the ice bag symbol that was in between his own symbol, and Soos's symbol.

"Ice?" he asked in confusion. "Who's ice?"
"The symbols needn't all be literal, Dipper" said Ford, as he took Robbie's hand. "It just has to be somebody cool in the face of danger."

Immediately, Wendy's friends all started to chant her name.

"Wendy! Wendy!"

Wendy chuckled, and stepped onto the ice bag square in between the pine tree and the question mark symbol.

"Shut up, you guys" she said, as she took Dipper's hand.

Nathaniel caught sight of the union jack symbol in the lower right section in between the snowflake symbol and the pine tree symbol.

"I'm assuming that no one else here is from Great Britain, correct?" he asked, as he stepped onto the union jack symbol.

He first took Mara's hand, and he couldn't help but smile as he did so.

Mara didn't mind, but she noticed a faint tint of a blush creep up onto his cheeks as they held hands.

Nathaniel was smiling at her, until Dipper, who was standing on his other side, took his other hand in a rather firm grip.

"Don't get any ideas" he muttered threateningly.

Ford then gestured towards the spectacles symbol in the lower left section in between the llama symbol and the snowflake symbol.

"The spectacles need to be someone scholarly" he said.

McGucket immediately stood on that symbol, and chuckled as he was still wearing the green lensed glasses on his face.

"This is freaky" said Pacifica, as she stood on the llama symbol in the lower left section in between the shooting star symbol and the spectacles symbol.

She took the sweater that she was wearing in her hands, and observed at the identical llama symbol on it.

"Now hold hands, everyone" said Ford.

Mostly everyone was already holding hands. The only one who wasn't currently was Pacifica and McGucket.

McGucket held out his free hand towards her.

Flies flew out of his filthy hand, and Pacifica reeled back in disgust.

"Ew. I'm not touching that" she said.

"Pacifica, you must!" insisted Nathaniel.

"Do it, sweetie" said Preston, as he put a hand onto his daughter's shoulder. "Do the one thing that our family has never done. Touch the hillbilly."

Priscilla looked away as her daughter reached out, and took McGucket's hand.

Immediately, there was a flash of blue, and everyone started to glow as they held hands.

The force was so powerful that storm clouds started to form, and swirl around the Fearamid.

"Great Uncle Ford, I think it's working!" exclaimed Dipper.

Ford was looking down excitedly at the circle as all of their bodies glowed.

"Yes, this is it!"

He then turned towards the citizens of Gravity Falls who were standing outside the circle.

"The rest of you get out" he ordered. "It's too dangerous."
Immediately, all of the people started to run out the exit, emptying the Fearamid entirely until there were only twelve people left.

"We just need one more person" said Ford, looking down at the fez symbol that was in between his own symbol and Soos's.

He caught sight of Stan, who was looking out the triangular hole in the wall with his back turned towards them.

"Stanley!" Ford called. "Stanley, get over here! You're the only one left."

Stan finally turned around.
"You realize this is a bunch of hogwash, right? You really think some caveman graffiti is gonna stop that monster?" he asked, as the battle between Bill and the Shacktron was enraging outside, and it looked like their friends were getting defeated.

"Dang it, old man, now's not the time!" shouted Gideon angrily.

"Come on!" yelled Wendy.

"Hurry up and get on the circle, you twit!" screamed Nathaniel.

"What are you doing? You're gonna ruin this!" shouted Pacifica.

"I've never held hands hands for this long, and I am very uncomfortable!" complained Robbie.

"Whoa, hey, I'm not the enemy here, people" said Stan, as he started to finally walk towards them. He pointed his thumb at Ford. "Don't forget who literally created the end of the world."

Ford looked at his brother apologetically.
"Sorry, Stanley, I know, just help me fix it!" he pleaded. "Please!"

"Fine, just do one thing" said Stan. "Say 'Thank You'."

Ford was completely taken aback.

"I spent thirty years trying to bring you back into this dimension, and you still haven't thanked me!" shouted Stan. "You want me to shake your hand? Say 'Thank You'!"
"Fine" said Ford, as he held his hand out towards his brother. "Thank you."
Stan took his hand, and then took Soos's hand.

"Now, see, between me and him, I'm not always the bad twin" Stan said.

"Between him and me" corrected Ford.

Everyone looked at him with a look of pure shock.

"Grammar, Stanley" he finished.

A look of pure rage crossed over Stan's face.


He let go of Ford and Soos's hand, breaking the circuit, and attacked his brother. He shook his shoulders angrily back and forth.

"I mean, come on!"

Ford let go of Robbie's hand to shake Stan back.

"Don't jeopardize this, you idiot! EVERYTHING'S ON THE LINE!!!"

"Guys, stop it!" screamed Mabel.

All three of the triplets broke free from the circle, and ran over towards their uncles, desperately trying to pull them apart.

They were like this when the dark shadow appeared and started to loom over all of them.

The twelve of them looked up at the triangular window, where Bill Cipher was coming towards them.

"Oh no, it's Bill!" he said mockingly, as he spun the totem pole from the Mystery Shack in one hand. "Right? Isn't that what you were all thinking?"
Bill then noticed Gideon, free from his cage and wearing his normal clothes.

"Hey, Gideon, why aren't you dancing?" he asked. "Chop chop."

Bill was laughing eagerly.

"This is just too perfect!" he said. "Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't all hold hands?"
Stan and Ford looked at each other guiltily.

"And what's better, you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy to destroy circle!"

He held out his hands towards the circle, and flames suddenly erupted out of them, spreading throughout the entire wheel.

The triplets gasped as they watched the circle burn away with the flames.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Dipper.

Pacifica and Robbie's hair had both caught on fire.

"Aah!" screamed Pacifica, as she started to pat her hair to get the flames out. "My hair!"

Robbie noticed that his hair was on fire as well.

"Aah!" he screamed, as he started to do the same patting motion that Pacifica was doing. "My hair also!"

Nathaniel hurried over to his cousin, and dumped a bucket of water over her head.

The flames were immediately put out, but she was now sopping wet. Her hair was sticking to her face, and her purple makeup was starting to run down her face.

"Thanks, Nathaniel" she said, gratitude mixed in with sarcasm.

Two thin fiery arms that had hands on the ends of them suddenly snaked their way towards Ford and Stan, and they wrapped themselves in a spiral around both of their bodies, pinning their arms to their sides.

The two of them were squirming against their bonds helplessly as they were lifted up into the air right in front of Bill.

"Do you guys wanna see what happens to your friends when you can't get along?" Bill asked.

But their friends were looking at him rather angrily.

"Hey, you give them back!" yelled McGucket.

"You've gone too far, Cipher!" shouted Gideon.

"Yeah, we're not scared of you!" yelled Wendy.

And with that, she took out an axe, and McGucket took out a banjo, and all of them looked like they were ready to attack him.

Bill didn't even seem to be mildly scared.

"Oh, but you should be" he said, snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, their three bodies stiffened, and then all glowed red as their eyes glowed yellow and rolled back into their heads.

The same thing happened to Robbie, Soos, Nathaniel, and Pacifica's bodies, and before they knew it, all seven of them were lifted up into the air, leaving the triplets behind.

All three of them gasped in shock.

"Oh no!" screamed Dipper.

They floated upwards into the air until they were in a V formation, with Gideon, Soos, and Pacifica on the left side, Robbie, McGucket and Nathaniel on the other, and Wendy right in the middle at the top.

"You know, this castle could really use some decorations!" said Bill.

Suddenly, their bodies disappeared, and instead seven tapestries appeared in their place, each one with a woven image of one of them with a look of horror frozen on their face. On each of the seven tapestries was a picture of their individual symbols as well.

The triplets all gasped in horror.

"Looks like it's too late for your friends, Stanford!" said Bill. He then pointed at the three kids.

Suddenly, a blue glowing cage shaped like a four sided pyramid with bars going in random directions rose up out of the ground around the triplets, and closed up at the top as it encased them.

Stan screamed as Ford watched in horror.

"Aah! Kids!"

"But you can still save your family!" Bill continued. He then floated in front of Stan and Ford.

"Last chance" he said. "Tell me how to take Weirdmageddon global, and I'll spare the kids!"

"No, don't do it!" screamed Dipper desperately.

"Bill makes bad deals!" warned Mabel.

"Yeah, I've made two deals with him, and none them ended well!" yelled Mara.

Bill turned his attention towards the triplets rather angrily, and then flew up to the cage.

"Don't you toy with me, Snowflake" he said, an image of the universe appearing in his eye. "I can see everything!"

Then suddenly, Mabel held up a can of spray paint up to Bill, and sprayed it right into his eye.

He screamed in pain as he shut his eye and clutched it with his hands.

"Ow! Not again, why?! Every time!"

"Nice shot, pumpkin!" said Stan, and suddenly his and Ford's bonds undid as Bill lost control, and the two of them fell onto the ground.

"I just regenerated that eye!" exclaimed Bill.

"I know that hurts because I've accidentally done it to myself" said Mabel. "Multiple times."

"Not to mention, you've done that to me" said Mara.

While Bill was distracted, Dipper took out the flashlight, and shone the blue light on the cage.

Suddenly, it started to grow larger and larger until the gaps between the bars were large enough for them to fit through.

The triplets hopped out of the cage, and then turned their attention towards their uncles.

"Save yourselves!" said Dipper. "Run!"

He held up the flashlight.

"We'll take care of Bill."

Both Stan and Ford were wearing the same look of shock and horror.

"What?" exclaimed Ford. "That's a suicide mission."

All three of them were smirking triumphantly.

"Trust us" said Mara, as she held up the ice gun.

"We've beat him before" said Dipper, holding up the flashlight.

"And we'll beat him again!" said Mabel, as she held up the grappling hook.

The triplets then fist bumped each other.

Without warning, they suddenly turned around towards Bill, and started to wave their arms around to get his attention.

"Hey, Bill!" shouted Mabel. "Come and get us, you pointy jerk!"

The three of them then ran into a random hall past Bill, who turned red in color as his eye turned black in fury.

As they were heading into the hall, Mabel turned around and blew a raspberry at him, before following after her siblings.

Ford reached out towards the kids.

"What? No!" he screamed. "It's too dangerous!"

He and Stan started to run after the triplets, but Bill held out his hand towards them, and they were both suddenly caught in an invisible choke hold.

"Not so fast, you two wait here!" said Bill, raising his hand into the air.

At that gesture, the cage that had previously been holding the triplets sunk back into the ground, and another cage rose out of the ground and encased Ford and Stan.

"I've got some children I need to make into corpses!"

Bill suddenly transformed into a much more terrifying form of himself. He was much larger than he had been before, and he was red in color. He was still a pyramid, but this time he was divided into three sections that all had flames and three black tongues in between them. He had sprouted multiple arms that were all a glowing yellow color just like his legs and hat. His eye was black, and his slit pupil was glowing yellow.

"See ya real soon!" said Bill, laughing as he made his way down the hall after the kids.

"No! Wait! No! No!" Stan cried.

He and Ford hurried towards the edge of the cage, as close as they could get to Bill, who was now crawling up the wall as he went down the hall that the triplets had gone down just a few seconds ago.

Both of them now had their hands clasped helplessly on the bars of the cage.

"Oh what do we do? What do we do?!" screamed Stan, worried for his nieces and nephew's safety.

"Kids!" screamed Ford, as he banged his fists desperately against the bars.

The triplets were now running down the peculiarly shaped dark brick hall as the monstrous Bill was chasing after them.

"When I get my hands on you kids, I'm gonna disassemble your molecules!" yelled Bill.

"Oh yeah?" shouted Mara "Well try and catch us first!"

She pulled out the tablet, and threw it onto the ground. The hoverboard immediately expanded to its full size, and the three of them leapt onto it, with Dipper in the front Mabel, in the middle, and Mara in the back.

As they were flying forward on the board, Mara turned towards Bill.

"Eat ice, body snatcher!"

She held up the freeze ray, and fired a beam of ice at him until he was frozen in a block of solid ice. However, it looked like the ice was starting to crack almost immediately after he was frozen.

Mara tapped her foot twice on the back of the board twice.

Immediately, the hoverboard shot forward, its speed accelerating as they flew further down the hall away from Bill.

However, Bill quickly broke free from the block of ice, and he instantly started to chase after the kids.

Mara leaned backwards, and turned the board into another hallways, only to find that it went straight upwards.

She immediately flipped the hoverboard so that it was facing vertically, just as Bill appeared.

"You've tricked me for the last time!"

The hoverboard shot up into the air just as Bill clasped his huge hands together in the spot where the triplets had been just a few seconds ago.

They flew up the hall as fast as they could go, with Bill in hot pursuit.

Meanwhile back in the cage, Stan and Ford were standing there rather bleakly.

Stan looked so frustrated.

"Argh, I can't believe this!" he cried. "The kids are gonna die, and it's all my fault."

He then fell down onto his knees.

"Because I couldn't shake your stupid hand!"

He put a hand over his face in frustration, and sighed.

"Dad was right about me" he said sadly. "I am a screw up."
Ford looked at him guiltily.

"Ah, don't blame yourself. I'm the one who made a deal with Bill in the first place" he said sadly. "I fell for all his easy flattery. You would have seen him for the scam artist he is."

Ford pulled out a canteen of water out of his trench coat pocket, and took a huge gulp out of it.

He then sat down on the ground next to Stan, and handed him the canteen.

"How did things get so messed up between us?" asked Stan.

"We used to be like Dipper, Mara, and Mabel" said Ford, as Stan took a sip out of the canteen. "The world's about to end, and they still work together. How do they do it?"
Stan shrugged.

"Easy, they're kids" he said. "They don't know any better."
Suddenly, Ford stood up to his feet in the cage.

"Whoa, where are you going?" Stan asked, putting a hand on his brother's arm.

"I'm gonna play the only card we have left" replied Ford. "Let Bill into my mind. He'll be able to take over the galaxy, and maybe even worse, but at least he might let the kids free."

Stan's eyes widened, and he threw the empty canteen aside as he sprung to his feet.

"What? Are you kidding me?" he exclaimed. "You're seriously telling me there's nothing else we can do?"
"Bill's only weak in the mind space" said Ford. He then knocked on the side of his head, then pulled out a rather familiar device from his trench coat. "If I didn't have this darn plate in my head, we could just erase him with Mara's memory gun when he steps inside my mind."

Stan got an idea when he caught sight of the invention.

"What if he goes into my mind?" he asked. "My mind isn't good for anything."
Ford chuckled before his face went grave again.

"There's nothing in your mind that he wants" he said. "It has to be me. We have to take his deal."

Ford then turned and took the bars of the cage gently.

"It's the only way he'll agree to save you and the kids."
Stan took the bars of the cage next to his brother.

"Do you really think he's going to make good on that deal?" he asked hopelessly.

The bleak expression on Ford's face confirmed that question.

"What other choice do we have?" he asked.

The triplets were now flying on the hoverboard down a dark, sleek hall with yellow lights that reflected off the shiny surfaces.

Suddenly, Mara turned the board to the side and screeched to a halt.

They came across a dead end.

And there didn't appear to be any hallways leading upwards.

They all jumped off the hoverboard, which shrunk back to a tablet as Mara put it away.

"I'm starting to think there's no way out of here" said Dipper.

But Mabel smiled, and took the flashlight from his hands.

"Like Grunkle Stan always says, when one door closes, you choose a nearby wall and bash it in with brute force!"

She shone the blue light from the flashlight onto her outstretched fist, which grew until it was four times her normal size.

Mabel then swung her giant fist backwards, and screamed a war cry as she punched a hole right into the wall.

Dipper and Mara both looked at the hole in amazement as Mabel shone the pink light on her huge fist, shrinking it back to normal.

Dipper laughed triumphantly.

"Now let's round up the townsfolk and together we can defeat-"
He stopped when he saw what was taking place outside below them.

"Oh no."
The Shacktron had been destroyed, and standing in a cluster surrounded by Bill's henchmaniacs were their friends and the townsfolk.

The henchmaniacas were laughing triumphantly.

"You'll never take us alive, monsters!" cried Grenda.

"That's fine with us" said Teeth, as he bent downwards and scooped Shmebulock into his mouth. He swallowed the poor gnome whole.

The townsfolk all gasped in horror as Bill's friends laughed.

The triplets were looking down at the entire scene with despair.

"Oh no" muttered Dipper.

The three of them were so concentrated on the bleak scene that was unfolding below them that they didn't notice someone floating up from behind them.

"Peekaboo!" said Bill, who was back to his normal form.

The triplets eyes all widened.

Bill's eye suddenly glowed a yellow color, and the three kids were all lifted up off the ground screaming in terror.

Bill stomped back into the room where Stan and Ford's cage was, and he ducked underneath the door before standing tall in the room, holding up the triplets in one hand triumphantly.

"Alright, Ford, time's up!" he said.

Dipper, Mara, and Mabel were all struggling against Bill's hand that was clasped around their waists tightly.

"I've got the kids!" Bill chimed.

Stan and Ford were looking up at Bill in horror, clasping the bars with their hands.

"I think I'm gonna kill one of them now, just for the heck of it!" said Bill, as he lifted the struggling triplets up towards his one eye.

He blinked, and when he opened his eye again, there was an image of a red glowing pine tree.


He blinked again, and the image was changed to a shooting star.


The triplets all froze, and stared at Bill's eyes in horror.

He blinked a third time, and the image was changed to a snowflake.


He blinked one last time, and the image was flipped back to a pine tree.

Bill held up his fingers from his free hand in a death gesture.



Bill immediately stopped, and turned his attention back towards the cage.

"I surrender" said Ford.

Bill paused, before finally answering.

"Good choice."

He dropped the triplets, who grunted in pain as they fell onto the floor in front of the cage.

Suddenly, Stan grabbed Ford by the front of his trenchcoat rather angrily as Bill shrunk down to his normal size in front of the cage.

"Don't do it, Ford!" Stan yelled. "It'll destroy the universe!"

"It's the only way!" Ford yelled back.

Bill was laughing in amusement, and the two of them turned towards him.

"Oh, even when you're about to die, you Pines twins just can't get along" he said, his hand catching aflame as he snapped his fingers.

The cage immediately sunk back into the ground, but a pair of the red arms from earlier sprung up out of the floor, and wrapped themselves around Stan, yanking him to the ground onto his knees.

Ford looked at his brother worriedly, before looking back at Bill with a determined glare on his face.

"My only condition is that you let my brother and the kids go" he said.

"Fine" said Bill.

"No, Grunkle Ford, don't trust him!" screamed Dipper, as he reached out towards his uncle.

But Ford ignored his nephew as he slowly walked up towards Bill with an unwavering stance.

"It's a deal!" declared Bill, holding out his hand towards him.

A blue flame immediately appeared in his outstretched hand.

Ford looked up at him resolutely before holding up his hand, and taking Bill's hand.

Immediately, Bill's body started to turn to stone as he rose up out of it and into the mindscape.

Everything turned black and white, and a wave of red energy surged throughout the room.

Ford took one step back.

Bill cackled evilly, adjusting his bowtie and then rubbing his hands together greedily before going right into Ford's mind, Ford looking up at him with a look of fear in his eye.

Bill found himself in a white space that seemed to be going on infinitely.

However, in the vast empty space there was a single door.

"Oh, I'm here! I'm finally here!" he said as he started to float towards the door. "Look at this place! A perfect calm, orderly void."

He then reached out and took the doorknob in his hand.

"Gotta hand it to you, Ford" he was saying, as he opened the door. "You really know how to clear your m-"

He stopped mid-sentence when he saw what was behind the door.

It was not Ford.

It was Stan.

He was reclined back in his couch in the TV room of the Mystery Shack, smiling as he played with his paddleball.

He looked at Bill, made a clicking sound with his mouth as he pointed at him with a finger-gun gesture, and winked.

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Bill, his one eye widening in absolute shock.

Stan chuckled triumphantly.

Do a pretty good impression of my brother, don't I?" he asked confidently. "Switch clothes, and no one can tell us apart."

He then gestured towards the room.

"Welcome to my mind" he said. "Surprised you didn't recognize it."

Meanwhile outside of Stan's mind, the real Ford in Stan's clothes was looking at the real Stan in his clothes rather sadly.

Stan was unconscious and kneeling on the ground as Ford took off the fez, revealing his dark grey hair with the light silver streak in it. He then reached into his suit pocket, and brought out the memory gun.

He then typed the name 'Stanley Pines' into the screen, and aimed the device at his brother, his hands trembling as he was about to squeeze the trigger.

"What?!" exclaimed Bill. "The deal's off!"

However, the door slammed shut behind him, and the entire room suddenly caught aflame.

"What the? No no no no!" yelled Bill.

"Oh yeah" said Stan triumphantly, reclining back into his couch as the blue flames rose higher. "You're going down, Bill. You're getting erased. Memory gun, pretty clever, huh?"
"Y-you idiot!" shouted Bill. "Don't you realize you're destroying your own mind too?"

"Eh, it's not like I was using this space for much anyway" Stan replied.

"Let me out of here!" screamed Bill, as he held his hand outwards. "Let me out!"

He tried to summon his own fires to free himself from Stan's mind, but the little blue flames in his hand only died away as quickly as they had appeared.

He looked at his own hands in horror, and then raised them to the sides of his head in a distressed manner.

"Why isn't this working?!"
Stan then got up out of his seat, and faced Bill.

"Hey, look at me" he growled. "Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon!"

Bill did so, only to be face to face with a fierce Stan.

"You're a real wise guy, but you made one fatal mistake" Stan said, as he pointed at him. "You messed with my family."
"You're making a mistake! I'll give you anything!" Bill pleaded, as images started to flash across his eyeball. "Money, fame, riches, infinite power, your own galaxy, please!"
He screamed and reached upwards in pain as his body started to glitch.

"What's happening to me?"

He started to change form rather rapidly in a vain attempt to try and find one that would get him out of Stan's mind, and he was yelling all sorts of indiscernible words:

"Nruter yam I taht rewop tneicna eht ekovni I! Nrub ot emoc sah emit ym! L-T-O-L-O-X-A!"
His last form was a glitching, black version of him with a single red eye, and he reached out towards Stan weakley with one arm.


Stan pulled back a fist, and then slammed it right into Bill.

Bill screamed one last time before he shattered into a million pieces from the collision.

Stan panted as the flames rose higher, then he turned around and caught sight of a framed picture of him, Dipper, Mara, Mabel, and Waddles, all smiling wildly in the image.

Stan picked it up, and looked at it as a small smile started to form on his lips.

"Heh. Guess I was good for something after all."

And with that, he closed his eyes as the flames rose even higher and finally engulfed him.

Ford was firing the memory gun at Stan's face, and the triplets were watching with dismal expressions.

When he was finally finished, Ford's arms dropped and a rather sad sorrowful crossed over all of his features.

He dropped the memory gun on the floor.

Suddenly, Soos, Wendy, Pacifica, Nathaniel, McGucket, Robbie, and Gideon all turned back into their human selves, and dropped onto the ground.

The Fearamid descended towards the ground as all the weirdness was starting to get sucked back up into the X-shaped portal in the sky.

The henchmaniacs were all laughing triumphantly as they surrounded the townsfolk, that is until they were sucked right back up into the portal.

Teeth threw up Shmebulock as he rose upwards into the air, and Durland caught the tiny gnome.

The rest of the weird creatures were now helplessly getting sucked up into the giant X, and they screamed as they rose up into the air.

The Fearamid itself was starting to unravel, its bricks getting engulfed into the portal in the sky as well, and its X shape could be seen reflected in Stan's glasses over his eyes, just like the photo of him that Gideon had drawn a red X over to summon Bill weeks ago.

As the last of the Fearamid's bricks were sucked into the X, the portal grew smaller and smaller until it finally closed.

But with the disappearance of the portal set off a huge wave of purple energy, which surged throughout the entire town.

Gravity Falls turned back to normal as the purple surge hit it. The buildings were all repaired, the waterfall was restored, and the water tower was turned back into a normal structure. Rumble McSkirmish gave a final thumbs up before he disappeared in a spark of pixels.

Everyone looked around in confusion, for their town looked as if nothing had ever happened.

In the forest, all that was left of Bill Cipher was a stone statue version of his physical body, with its hand still held out as if he was about to make a deal. A small bird landed on his outstretched hand.

Stan was kneeling in the forest, still wearing Ford's clothes as he finally woke up.

The triplets and his brother walked up to him.

"Oh my gosh!" said Mabel excitedly. "Grunkle Stan, you did it!"

She placed his fez onto the top of his head, then placed her hands on his shoulders.

Stan looked at her with a rather confused and uncomfortable expression.

"Oh, uh, hey there...kiddo" he said, as he gently pulled her hands off of him. "What's your name?"
Mabel glanced away very briefly.

"Uh, Grunkle Stan?"
Stan chuckled, and looked around the forest.

"Who are you talking to?" he asked.

Mabel's eyes were starting to well up with tears. She couldn't believe that he didn't remember her.

"C-come on. It's me. It's me, Grunkle Stan" she said, walking closer to him as her voice started to take on a more desperate tone.

Dipper and Mara each took one of her shoulders, and gently started to pull her away.

"Grunkle Stan, it's me!" she pleaded.

"We had to erase his mind to defeat Bill" Ford explained. "It's all gone."

Mabel put both hands over her mouth in shock, and started to shake her head.

Dipper put a hand on her shoulder, and Mara wrapped one arm around her. Both of these gestures were in a comforting manner.

Ford walked towards his brother.

"Stan has no idea, but he did it" he said. "He saved the world. He saved me."
Ford dropped onto one knee on the ground in front of Stan, who was still in a kneeling position, and put one hand on his shoulder.

"You're our hero, Stanley."

And with that, he embraced his brother wholeheartedly, sniffing as he started to cry.

He wasn't the only one.

Mabel had fallen to her knees as well, and she was lamenting rather blatantly as she hugged onto Mara tightly, who was, in turn, silently crying behind her sister's back.

Dipper had one arm around both of his sisters, and he used his other one to tip the bill of his hat downwards, to hide the tears that were forming in his own eyes.

Dipper picked up a stray bobblehead of Stan as Mabel was leading Stan towards the shack, and Mara was trailing sadly behind.

Stan and Ford had swapped clothes again, and Ford was currently putting Stan's suit jacket back onto his brother.

They all walked up to the remains of the Mystery Shack.

It was much more beat up than it had ever been before, and it had even sunk a little down into the ground.

Dipper was the first to reach it, and he walked onto the porch where Waddles was standing.

He tried opening the door, only to find that it was jammed shut.

He hit the door with all his strength, and then when this didn't work, he slammed his entire body into it, knocking the door down onto the ground.

He got back up again, and motioned for everyone to come inside.

Mabel, Stan, and Mara were the first ones in, and Ford, Soos, and Waddles trailed behind.

The triplets lead him to the TV room, or at least what was left of it.

There was grass growing in the floor, the window was shattered, and there were holes in the roof.

Stan, nonetheless, was looking around the room rather excitedly.

"Hey, this is a real nice place you got here" he said genuinely, as a section of the roof fell onto the ground.

"This is your place, Grunkle Stan" said Dipper.

"The Mystery Shack!" said Mara.

"Don't you remember?" Mabel pleaded. "Even a little?"

"Nope" said Stan rather cheerfully, as he sat down on it and shut his eyes. "But this chair hugs my butt like it remembers."

He reclined backwards comfortably.


He then opened his eyes, and saw the five of them standing in front of him, all of whom had expressions of absolute dismay crossed over their faces.

"Hey, why the long faces?" he asked in confusion. He then grinned. "You guys look like it's someone's funeral."

Stan noticed Soos, and then put a hand over his mouth to whisper to the others.

"Who's that big guy crying in the corner?"
Soos's eyes were welling up with tears as he sobbed, and then he turned around so that Stan couldn't see him.

"He saved the world, but what's the point?" said Dipper. "Grunkle Stan's not himself anymore."

"There's gotta be something we can do to jog his memory!" said Mabel. She then turned towards her sister. "Mara, you built that memory gun. Can't you make a reverse gun, or something?"

Mara sighed sadly.

"It's not that simple, Mabel" she said. "The only thing that I can think of is the memory-restoring tonic, but that takes an entire month to brew, and most of the ingredients are extremely rare."

"I'm sorry" said Ford to Mabel. "Stan's gone."

But Mabel refused to believe that.

"I know my Grunkle is in there somewhere!" she insisted, pointing at Stan. "There's gotta be something around here that can help bring him back."

She started to look desperately around the room for something, anything really, when she suddenly caught sight of something lying on the floor.

It was the Summer Memories scrapbook.

She quickly scooped it up, and jumped into the couch that Stan was sitting in. Her uncle scooched aside to make room for her.

"This'll work" she said, as she opened the book to the first page for Stan to see. "This has to work!"

She pointed to the picture, which was of Stan, Dipper, Mara and herself standing in front of the Mystery Shack

"Here's the first day we came to Gravity Falls, Grunkle Stan" she said, before pointing to the next page, which had a face made up of glued macaroni. "And here's a macaroni interpretation of my emotions."

She flipped rapidly through the next few pages, and Stan looked aside rather sadly, dismayed that he couldn't remember any of it.

Everyone else gathered around, and Dipper and Mara each sat down on one of the armrests.

"That time we went fishing?" said Mara.

"That Summerween we spent together?" said Dipper.

Both of them then looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't you remember anything?"

"I'm sorry" said Stan. "I don't know what this is, or who you are, or-"
Suddenly, Waddles the pig jumped up onto Stan, and started to lick his face.

"Gah!" he exclaimed, as he stood up and lifted the pig away from his face. "Quit it, Waddles, I'm trying to remember my life story!"

The triplets all gasped at that, and then turned towards him.

"What did you say?" asked Dipper.

"I said get Waddles off of me!" said Stan rather irritably, as Waddles continued to lick his face.

Ford gasped, and then put an excited hand on Mabel's shoulder.

"It's working! Keep reading!" he encouraged.

"Skip to my page!" said Soos. "He needs to remember our boss and employee relationship!"

"Hey, just because I have amnesia, don't go trying to give yourself a raise, Soos" said Stan, using his free hand to put his fez back onto his head as he sat down onto the couch next to Mabel again. He set Waddles down onto his lap.

"It's happening!" said Mara. "Keep going!"

"Ok, ok" said Mabel, as she flipped through the scrapbook. "Day two: Grunkle Stan smells weird, but we're starting to bond. He told us a lot about being a businessman in the eighties, and seemed happy when we pretended to listen. He also gave me a grappling hook, which everyone is impressed by. And in more important news, I met some neighborhood hotties."
Everyone started to laugh, and after a few seconds, Stan joined in as well, wrapping his arms around his nieces and nephew.

A woodpecker landed on the sign that was labelled 'Welcome To Gravity Falls! Nothing To See Here,' and for a moment, just sat there, until suddenly a gnome chomped down over the small bird and swallowed him whole before crawling away.

"Good morning, Gravity Falls" Chandra Jiminez was saying on the news. "It's another beautiful day, but every day is beautiful now that the...unpleasantness is over."

Lazy Susan was wiping away a doodle of Bill that had been drawn on her window, while Sprott was herding several eyeball bats out of his barn.

"Get out of here, you ornery critters!" he said.

A zombie rose out of the ground from the graveyard at the Valentino's, and Mr. Valentino used his foot to push the zombie's head back into the ground.

"Ah, good as new" he said cheerfully.

Mrs. Valentino was using a shovel to push another zombie head into the ground, when suddenly a zombie hand reached up out the ground, and grabbed her leg.

"Oh, looks like you've got a friend!" said Mr. Valentino gleefully.

Mrs. Valentino then turned towards her son in a rather casual manner.

"Robbie, would you be a dear and grab us the sawed-off shotgun?" she asked her son.

In response to that, Robbie groaned and started to walk into the house.

"Ugh. Fine" he grumped. "Whatever!"

Just then, another zombie head burst out of the ground, but this time it was one that they recognized.

It was the old mayor.

"Brains, and so forth!" he said.

Mrs. Valentino walked over towards him rather cheerfully.

"Nope. None of that, thank you."

She used one finger to push the zombie mayor back into the ground, and she and her husband started to laugh.

"None of us really understand what just happened, and none of us want to" Mayor Tyler was saying to the crowd he was giving a speech to. He was standing behind a podium on a stage outside, where several people were listening.

"That's why I'm passing the 'Nevermind All That' act" he continued. "If anyone goes asking around about the events of the last few days, what do we say?"
Suddenly, a huge banner dropped behind the mayor that was labelled 'Never Mind All That.'

The crowd raised their arms up into the air as they repeated the words.

"Never mind all that!"

"And if you break the rules, we're gonna zap you" said Blubbs, as he held up a box-shaped taser.

"Zap zap!" said Durland excitedly, as he started to jump around. "We're mad with power!"

"In other news, the Northwest family has gone broke. After pledging his allegiance to Bill and then placing all his savings in weirdness bonds, Preston Northwest had to sell his mansion to preserve his family fortune."

As two contractors hung a 'For Sale' banner over the Northwest gate, Preston started to weep and he fell onto his knees.

Priscilla was blowing her nose into a handkerchief as she teared up as well, while Pacifica was giving her a confused look, and Nathaniel looked rather satisfied.

"It looks like you're only going to have one pony now" said Priscilla to her daughter.

Pacifica's eyes widened as her face froze in a look of horror.

Nathaniel then grinned, and put his arm around his cousin.

"Don't worry, Pacifica" he said confidently. "Mara's been teaching me how to smuggle things without getting caught by anyone."

His eyes then narrowed.

"You wouldn't happen to have any chloroform on you, would you?"

"But fortunes have also turned for local maniac, Fiddleford McGucket" Chandra continued reporting. "Who, after regaining his sanity, has made millions overnight submitting his patents to the U.S. government."

McGucket had an armful of blueprints, which he dropped onto the ground excitedly.

"I'm gonna buy me a bigger shed!" he said. He then looked upwards, and caught sight of the Northwest Mansion.

"Hey, that one's for sale!"

"In other good news, town hero, Stanley Pines, has fully recovered his memory" said Chandra. "And is throwing a party to celebrate his nieces and nephew's thirteenth birthday and final day in town. But other than that, I can safely say that our beloved Gravity Falls is back to normal.

And now, Bodacious T, with sports."

Next to her was Toby Determined, who was still dressed up as a goth. He held up a bat with nails and a skull in his hands.

"It's called 'Death Ball'."

" you!!!" everyone sang, as they stood around the triplets.

Candy, Grenda, Wendy, Ford, Stan, Soos, and Waddles were all gathered around the three of them, as Dipper, Mara, and Mabel were each wearing a party hat, and were staring down excitedly at a pink birthday cake with pine trees, shooting stars, and snowflakes frosted into the side, and a 13th candle lit on top.

Waddles squealed in excitement.

But they weren't alone.

Practically the entire town had showed up for the triplets' birthday, and they were crowded in front of the Mystery Shack cheering wildly.

There was a stack of balloons next to the porch, and a banner hung above the entrance that said 'Happy 13th.'

Mabel was overcome with excitement.

"I can't believe you all got together just to throw a party for us!" she said.

Tyler smiled at her.

"After all the Pines family has done for the town, it's the least we could do" he said cheerfully. He then gestured towards several people in the crowd. "You've helped everyone here."

Gideon grinned at them.

"Thanks to y'all saving us, I learned to open my heart to kindness" he said. "No more evil doing! From now on, I'm gonna try to be Lil' Gideon: regular ol' kid."

Gideon was now on at a playground, wearing a blue sports jersey that said 'Cool Dawg,' khakis, sneakers, and a large red helmet that mostly protected his hair than his actual head.

He also had a skateboard in one hand, which he placed on the ground, and stepped onto.

He waved his arms frantically, struggling to stay on the board as it rolled back and forth uncontrollably.

"Whoo!" Gideon said. "I am busting a move on this skating board!"

Just then, a kid who was a little bit older than him walked by him with a malicious smirk on his face.

"More like busting your pants, loser" he taunted, before he started to laugh.

Gideon had a look of shock on his face, before it quickly transitioned to one of anger.

His two former cellmates were playing on a seesaw nearby, and he snapped his fingers at them, and pointed at the boy who had just teased him.

The two former prisoners immediately got off of the seesaw, and made their way over towards the mean kid.

Gideon was laughing 'innocently' as his two friends were beating the living daylights out of the boy.

Nathaniel grinned as well.

"Because of Mara, I'm free from my father, I found a place where I belong, and I'm finally living a normal life with my family!"

He put one arm around Pacifica, and hugged her towards him.

Pacifica shot him a disgusted look.

"Don't touch me, Nathaniel" she said with a revolted tone.

As Nathaniel ignored her, Pacifica turned her head so that he couldn't see her face, and a smile secretly crept its way up her face.

Of course, Nathaniel noticed, and he smiled as he let go of her.

"Now all I have to do is delete all 4,682 voice messages that I sent to Mara over the past three months."

Mara couldn't help but snicker.

Soos bent down so that he was on the triplets' level.

"Dudes! make a wish, dawg!" he said excitedly.

Dipper smiled as he went first.

"You know, on my first day here if you had asked me what I wanted, I would have said adventure, mystery, new friends" he said. "But looking here at all of you I realized that every wish came true."

He then chuckled.

"I have everything I wanted."
Mara couldn't help but grin at his response.

"That's pretty sappy, bro" she said. "But I'd have to say, my only wish was to survive Weirdmageddon, get rid of Bill forever, and get my family back together."

She smiled as she looked at Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and even Ford.

"Those three things were all I ever wanted, and now I finally have all of them."

Dipper chuckled.

"And you said my answer was sappy?" he teased, as he lightly shoved her.

Mara chuckled lightly and punched the side of his arm in a playful manner.

"Shut up!"

Mabel grinned.

"If I had only one wish, it would be to shrink all of you with a shrink ray and bring you home with us in my pocket, but since that's impossible..."

She then looked at Ford.

" that impossible?" Mabel asked him.

He responded by shrugging, and giving a so so gesture with one hand.

She continued.

"Since that's probably impossible, my only wish is for everyone to sign my scrapbook" she said. "I'll never forget you guys."

Then a sudden thought occurred to her right after she said that statement.

"Wait" Mabel said, as she took out the memory gun, threw it onto the porch, and then smashed it with the bottom of her foot.

"Now I'll never forget you guys" she finished.

"You know, for once I'm actually glad that one of my inventions was destroyed" said Mara.

And with that, the three of them stood in front of their birthday cake, exchanged simultaneous nods, and then blew out their candles.

Wendy suddenly wrapped her arms around them, pulling off their party hats.

"I now declare you, technically teenagers!" she said, as she started to give Dipper a noogie. "Welcome to angst and acne forever!"

Just then, her friends all got up onto the porch around them, and started to chant along with her.

"One of us! One of us! One of us!"
"Whoo hoo!" cheered Durland, and in the spur of his excitement, he fired the old cannon, and the cannonball destroyed a nearby car.

"So how do you feel?" asked Soos to the triplets.

"Samey, but differenty" replied Mabel.

"Hey, you three" said Pacifica from the crowd below. "When are you gonna open your presents already? I broke a nail wrapping them."
She held up her hands, which were covered in pieces of tape.

The triplets all laughed.

"Oh, Pacifica" said Mabel.

The triplets each took up a present that the crowd handed them, and started to open their gifts.

Stan was standing off to the side on the porch, clapping for his nieces and nephew, when suddenly Ford walked up to him and urgently put a hand on his shoulder.

"Stanley, I need to talk to you" he said with a serious tone.

The two of them walked away from the crowd towards the side of the Mystery Shack, where they were completely alone.

"I didn't want to say anything with everyone listening, but we've got a problem" said Ford. He held up his watch, and pressed a button on it. Immediately, a holographic image of a globe was projected, and there was a blinking red dot in an oceanic area of it.

"Weirdmageddon has been contained, but I'm detecting some strange new anomalies near the arctic ocean" said Ford, as he turned off the hologram. "I want to go investigate it, but I think that I might be too old to go it alone."

Stan seemed to be picking up on what he was saying.

"Are you saying that you need someone to help you sail around the world on the adventure of a lifetime?" he asked eagerly, a smiling coming across his face as he raised an eyebrow.

Ford reached into his trench.

"I don't just want someone to come with me, Stanley" he said.

He then took out an old photo taken years ago of him and Stanley when they were young boys. Both of them were shirtless as they stood on the very first Stan O' War proudly.

"I want it to be you."
Stanley took the photo from his brother's hands.

"Would you give me a second chance?" Ford asked gently.

In response to that, Stan looked up with a huge grin on his face, and he raised one eyebrow.

"You think we'll find treasure?" he asked eagerly. "Babes?"

Ford smiled back.

"I guarantee there's a high probability" he said, as he lightly punched his brother's arm. "But what should we do with the Mystery Shack?"

The twins looked up at the huge building that was currently decorated for the triplets' birthday.

"I think the town's had enough mystery for one lifetime" said Stan. He then looked back at his brother. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

As the two of them started to secretly discuss their plans, Soos had been walking towards them holding a plate of cake in his hand.

He froze when he noticed them, and when he overheard what they were saying, his eyes widened and he gasped in shock.

The triplets were holding up the gifts that they had just unwrapped. Dipper had gotten the complete set of the 'Ghost Harassers' movies, Mabel had gotten a pink golf club, and Mara had gotten a swiss army pocket knife.

Suddenly, Stan started to tap on the side of an empty bottle of pitt cola to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make" he said.

He put an arm around Ford, and hugged him closer to him.

"Me and my, heh, nerdy bro over here have some catching up to do" he said. "We're gonna be away for a while, that's why I'm shutting down the Mystery Shack for good!"

The crowd was sent into rather upset uproars, and they started to murmur amongst themselves both angrily and dismally at the announcement.

Soos suddenly pushed his way past the triplets and pointed at Stan accusingly.

"You shut down your mouth for good!" he exclaimed.

Stan and Ford looked at each other, both of them a bit confused about Soos's outburst.

However, Soos didn't say angry for long. He walked up to them in a rather apologetic manner.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Pines, it's just that this shack is the most magical place on Earth" he said. "Sure, the attractions are all fake, but dreams aren't fake!"

Soos held up one of the attractions, which was a taxidermy monkey top attached to a fish tail.

"Like this mermaid!" he said. "It's not just a dead fish butt sewn to a monkey carcass, it's a marvelous creature that makes us believe that anything is possible."

He then turned towards Stan.

"You shut down this shack, and you shut down our dreams!"

Soos then looked down sadly, and took his hat off of his head.

"At dreams."


The crowd expressed their pity for Soos, and Durland even sniffed and held back his tears.

The triplets were looking at Soos with the same dismal expressions as well.

Stan sighed.

"I'm sorry, Soos, it's just, there's no one around to run it..."

Soos hung his head down sadly.

"...At least, there wouldn't be if I hadn't just found replacement" Stan finished, grinning as he put an arm on his shoulder.

Soos looked up in shock as Stan took off his fez, and placed it onto his head.

Soos was too shocked to say anything, so he stood there silently with a frozen expression of surprise on his face.

Stan smiled, and put an arm around his former employee.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Mystery Shack is under new management!" he announced to the crowd.

The entire crowd cheered, and they were so excited that they threw confetti up into the air.

Soos looked at his former employer with pleasant disbelief.

" mean it, Mr. Mystery?"
"You're Mr. Mystery now, Soos" said Stan, as he pointed at him. He pushed the fez on Soos's head from behind so that it sat crooked on his head. "Try not to burn the place down."

As Soos looked gratefully at Stan, his Abuelita started to walk towards the Mystery Shack, carrying an armload of stuff in her hands.

"I'll move in immediately" she said, as a moving truck started to park right next to the shack.

The crowd was still celebrating, cheering elatedly as they continued to throw confetti up into the air.

A few hours later, when evening approached, the entire crowd was gone, and the Mystery Shack looked as abandoned as ever.

The attic, which was previously the triplets' room for the Summer, was now completely empty, except for the three beds, which were now stripped and bare.

The trash can was filled with Dipper's old notes, a pair of scissors, googly eyes, and Waddle's food bowl had been left on the ground, and there were various tools such as hammers, wrenches, and screws sitting in one of the corners.

Everyone was at the bus stop as they awaited for the large vehicle to pick up the triplets, who were standing in front of them holding their packed suitcases.

Candy and Grenda were standing in front of their friend, both of them with dismal expressions on their faces.

"Do you really have to go?" asked Candy to Mabel rather sadly. "There's still so much we haven't done together."

"Summer's over, Candy" said Mabel. "It's time to grow up."
"But not too much" said Dipper, elbowing her lightly.

"Ugh!" exclaimed Grenda. "I hate my dumb heart for making me feel things!"

Mara smiled at her sympathetically.

"I couldn't have said it better myself."

Without warning, Grenda started to punch herself in the gut.

"Cut. It. Out. Heart!"

"Hey, could you punch my heart too?" asked Soos.

"No, mine!" insisted Candy. "Punch my feelings away!"

Mabel smiled and walked up to her friends, and the three of them embraced.

"Candy and Grenda, thank you for being my people" she said. "You'll always be my best friends."
She let go of them, and then turned towards Stan.

"Grunkle Stan, thanks for wearing my goodbye sweater."

Stan was wearing a hot pink sweater with multi colored hearts, and the words 'Goodbye Stan' stitched onto the front.

He scratched his neck uncomfortably.

"Uh, it's cold out" he said. "I had to."

"What?" said Soos in confusion. "But it's, like, eighty something degrees out today."
Stan and Ford turned towards him.

"Can it, Soos!" they said simultaneously.

The kids all burst into laughter at their identical response.

It was then that Nathaniel finally walked up to Mara.

She immediately stopped laughing when she turned towards him.

"Why did you stop?" he asked with a genuine smile on his face. "I thought you were having a pleasant time?"

Mara smiled back at him, and raised an eyebrow as she decided to play along.

"Who the heck are you?"

"Northwest, Nathaniel Northwest V, great great grandson of the original waste-shoveling idiot."

Mara couldn't help but laugh violently when he said that.

He laughed along with her, and a few seconds passed before they both finally stopped.

Mara stared at him for a moment, before her hands reached up towards the bandana around her head, and very slowly untied it.

She pulled it off, exposing the white lightning shaped streak underneath. After a long moment, she held it out to Nathaniel.

"I want you to have this" she said simply.

Nathaniel looked at the piece of cloth with wide eyes.

"But, that's yours" he said, too shocked to say much of anything else.

"I don't need it anymore" said Mara. "I'm not perfect, but my imperfections are a part of me. I'm going to show who I am to the world, including all my flaws. I'm tired of hiding a part of who I am."

Nathaniel smiled understandingly at her, then tied her bandana around his wrist.

After a long moment, Mara finally gave him a one-armed embrace, and then patted him on the back and let go.

"But haven't given you anything" said Nathaniel.

Mara smiled at him, her smile hinted with mischief.

"You've already given me your heart" she said, smirking as she winked at him. "I'll keep in touch with you in California."

As she turned and started to walk away from him, Nathaniel's face with flushed red.

Dipper had been watching the entire exchange, readying himself to protect his sister if he needed to, when suddenly Wendy walked up to him.

She bent down on one knee to his level, and looked at him genuinely.

"Hey, you mean a lot to me, man" she said, holding out a fist for him to bump.

Dipper smiled back at her, and bumped her fist with his own.

"You too."

Wendy stood back up, but without warning, she took Dipper's hat off of his head, and replaced it with her own lumberjack hat instead.

As Dipper was adjusting the hat, Wendy was placing his pine tree hat onto her own head.

"Something to remember me by" she said.

Dipper smiled.

"Oh and this" Wendy added, handing him a sealed envelope. Written on the front of it were the words 'To: Dipper.'

"Read it the next time you miss Gravity Falls."

Dipper looked up at her with a surprised expression, then at the envelope in his hands curiously.

Just then, the bus finally pulled up to the stop, and the doors opened.

"Last bus leaving Gravity Falls" said the driver. "All aboard."

The triplets turned towards everyone before actually getting onto the bus.

Mabel looked at them all rather sadly.

"Guess we said goodbye to everyone except..."

Just then, Waddles the pig appeared in the crowd among everyone else.


Mabel looked at her pet sadly as Dipper and Mara looked away.

"I...I don't know how to explain this, but..."

She sighed, and walked up to her pig.

"...Mom and Dad won't let me bring a pig home to California, so..."

She clutched her hair, and started to tug at it anxious as the tears spilled out of her eyes.

" have to stay here!"

And with that, she turned and started to walk away from him.

Waddles only squealed, and cocked his head to the side.

Mabel was walking towards the bus, when she suddenly felt something tugging at her skirt. She looked down to see Waddles, with the edge of her skirt in his mouth, trying to pull her back.

This only seemed to make Mabel more upset.

"Come on...come on!" she said, trying to push her pig away. "I have to go!"

She sniffed.

"I...I'm sorry, Waddles!"

Stan had a pained expression on his face as he watched the entire thing, before he started shaking and his expression quickly transitioned to one of anger, just like it always did.

"You know what, forget it!" he exclaimed, walking up towards them and taking Waddles under one arm. "I've been putting up with this pig all Summer, now your parents are gonna have to!"

He placed Waddles on the bus, and then faced the driver.

"Hey, bus guy, this pig is coming with the kids!"

The bus driver held up a hand in protest.

"Now hold on a second" he said, pointing to a 'no animals allowed' sign. "Bringing animals aboard a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited by-"

Stan held up his fist, revealing a brass knuckle over it, and Ford pulled back his trench coat, displaying a gun in a holster strapped across his chest.

Both of them had the same fierce expressions on their faces.

The bus driver immediately stopped, and a nervous look crossed over his face.

"Uh...w-w-why, welcome aboard!" he said, as Waddles started to walk further into the bus. "You can sit in the front row, pig."

It was then that the triplets turned around and looked at Stan, and he bent down onto one knee and put his hands around them.

"Kids, you knuckleheads were nothing but a nuisance, and I'm glad to be rid of you" he said, though there were tears that were forming in his eyes as he said those words.

All three of the kids all had tears in their eyes as well, and they understood exactly what Stan had actually meant.

They then ran forward, and hugged their uncle one last time.

"We'll miss you too, Grunkle Stan" said Mabel, stroking the tassel of his fez.

Then, he let them go, and the triplets started to walk towards the bus, pausing before getting onto it.

"Ready to head into the unknown?" asked Dipper.

"As ready as I'll ever be" said Mara.

"Nope" said Mabel. "Let's do it."

And with that, the three of them walked onto the bus, and the doors closed behind them.

The destination sign on the front of the bus flipped from Gravity Falls to California, and it started to roll away.

The triplets all waved to their friends and family from the window, and Mabel was waving Waddles's arm for him.

But all of them started to run after the bus, yelling their last goodbyes before the bus finally sped off.

"Bye!" said Dipper.

"See you guys soon!" said Mabel.

"Maybe next Summer!" said Mara.

And with that, the bus took off on the road and disappeared out of sight.

Stan looked down rather sadly, feeling as if he had just lost his family, when suddenly Ford put a hand on his shoulder, and the two of them exchanged a smile before looking off into the distance where the bus had disappeared again.

The triplets were looking out the window, as the bus passed by the water tower with the words Gravity Falls on it.

"If you've ever taken a road trip through the Pacific Northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls."

McGucket had his banjo and sack in hand as he entered the empty mansion, and he dropped both items onto the ground.

"Whelp! I've moved in!"

"It's not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it. Some people think it's a myth."

Meanwhile back at the Mystery Shack, there was a sign labelled 'Under New Management,' and Soos was inside the gift shop fully dressed in a Mr. Mystery costume, complete with the suit and tie, eyepatch, and fez. He was holding an eightball cane in one hand as well, and he was standing in front of a new attraction covered by a large sheet.

Melody was in the gift shop too, wearing a green question mark T-shirt and a dull brown hat as she sat behind the counter.

There was a group of kids standing in front of Soos, waiting for him to unveil the new attraction.

Soos finally pulled the cloth off of it, revealing a rather poorly carved stone statue of Stan smiling wildly, and the word 'Founder' was carved on the base below it.

The kids all screamed and ran away immediately.

"But if you're curious, don't wait. Take a trip. Find it."

Meanwhile, Stan and Ford were sailing on a boat over the stormy seas. Ford was steering, and Stan had been managing the sail, when suddenly a giant squid arose from the sea right next to them, about to strike.

The twins didn't hesitate.

Stan immediately punched the squid, Ford threw a harpoon at its eye, and Stan punched it again, sending the creature back into the sea.

The two of them looked overboard to see the squid disappear, and then turned towards each other and laughed as they put their arms around each other.

The name of the boat that they were on had been named 'Stan O' War II.'

"It's out there, somewhere in the woods. Waiting"

The triplets were still sitting on the bus. Mara was in the window seat, Dipper was in the middle, and Mabel was on the end with Waddles.

The girls and the pig had fallen asleep, and all of them were leaning against Dipper, who was too distracted with the envelope that Wendy had given him to really mind.

He eventually gave into his curiosity, and opened the envelope.

Dipper pulled out a letter, and slowly unfolded it.

Written in huge black letters was the message:

"See You Next Summer"

The note had several signatures signed all over it, from Durland, Lazy Susan, Thompson, Soos, Nate, Lee, Candy, Robbie, Shmebulock, Gideon, Stan, Tyler, Fiddleford, Grenda, Stanford, Pacifica, Nathaniel, Stanford, and Wendy.

Stan had written 'Come back soon,' Grenda wrote 'hugs,' Soos had written 'Bye,' and Wendy wrote 'Stay cool.'

Dipper looked at the letter in surprise, before looking back up again. A small smile crossed over his features, and both his triplet sisters, Mabel and Mara were still sleeping on each of his shoulders as the bus drove away from the little town of Gravity Falls.

The End

Author's note:

I just want to thank all the readers out there for everything. Your support, your encouraging comments, and your fan art as well. It means the world to me that all my hard work and effort into this story made someone out there happy. I poured everything I had into this story, and I'm so glad to see that it was worth it.

Special thanks to my sister in real life, who Mara was based off of. You are a ball of energy and handful at times, but you've always been a symbol of courage and boldness, and a true inspiration in my life.

To all you readers, I hope you all have a simply wonderful life, wherever you are. Mara's taught me a lot, but if there's anything that I hope that she's taught you, I hope that it was to stand up for those who needed it, to live your life in the present and not in the future or past, and to not be afraid to be yourself, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.


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