Walk Among Wolves - [Leon Ken...

Per Yuuki241

22.3K 691 117

(Continued from 'Still Here Years Later') [Book 3] One mission, one mission was all it took for you to sudden... Més

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

2.5K 86 9
Per Yuuki241

||A/N: Okay yes I'm once again in one of those writing moods so here you go the second last chapter of this book...sorry that the third book was so short wasn't really aware I had planned to go chapter by chapter within the game to this story. But anyways I think as you read this I'll be slowly either writing the final ending (reunion between you and Leon ;) ) or re-writing it due to the fact that I had a few ideas written down already after I had a few chapters up already so yeah. Enjoy!||

Walking down the stairs you could feel the hatred as well as the revenge you had at the moment but you did what you had been doing all those years ago to keep yourself calm despite being used.

'Take a deep breath and count to five....' You thought.

Taking a deep breath you counted then you had let it out counting once again to five before you slowly felt yourself calming down. You then calmly mentioned to both Chris and Sheva that you'd lead them to an easier area to get on the boat.

Leading them there they looked around it was easy to tell that the men on the boat were scouting out for them with those lights however you, on the other hand, knew they wouldn't believe you were on their side anymore since they did take orders from Wesker no joke.

'Well, it's not like the whole kidnapped idea worked...besides I'm in no mood for that I just want to take Wesker and that bitch out.' You thought.

"This boat is huge, are they gonna use it for Uroboros?" Sheva asked.
"No, using a ship like this would give away their position too soon. They must have another plan. (Y/N) do you remember anything of it?" Chris asked.
"Hmm not really, the only thing that I remember is they plan to spread this across the globe." You sighed.
"It's okay that you don't remember much, your mind just started remembering your past so make sure to take it easy okay? Can't have an agent die on our watch." Sheva smiled.
"I also gotta call in to make sure the DSO knows your alive and well. I know Leon will be more than happy to have you back home." Chris smiled.
"I...I hope so, I mean I remember our relationship but how we met is still fuzzy..." You sighed blushing a bit.

Sheva and Chris laughed but soon their smiles changed to frowns as now the mission was gonna get real bad considering now you three decided enough time was wasted so after patching up some little wounds the three of you had your footsteps were heard as you three started to head on to finish this mission once and for all.

Using the sniper-riffle it made it easier to get through some places of the boat but since it was rather big soon most of the guys on their spotted you three and then the fight to get to Wesker and Axcella was on. However, they sure upped the antie when even infected dogs arrived course none of this was anything you three couldn't handle.

Going through certain area's proved to be a bit of a challenge but with you three working together rather quickly it all worked out which honestly you were pleased with but you had a feeling you weren't to close just yet...whatever if you could put a bullet in Wesker's head even for a moment then it would be enough for now.

Keyword: For Now...

But when you three got to a certain area one of them en on the boat used a lever to release something, apparently it was some sort of 'cage' that landed over you and Sheva which left Chris out in the open alone. This meant he was to fight these people alone in this large open space.

Nope, not alone...you and Sheva decided to help out from where you two were trapped currently shooting any of them in the head.

This actually worked as you kept carefully aiming for their heads, getting the ones that so happened to end up just a bit behind Chris or even the ones running towards him. It helped Chris a lot of cause soon none of them ran in there which now left Chris to go on his own to find some sort of way to free you two.

Wasn't that long later that Chris found it however he heard the sound of gunfire looking over he noticed some of the guys around you both as you seemed to have been now standing from back to back taking them out. Even if he were to release you two from that place they would close in so he helped the best he could before finally freeing you two from there.

Soon the three of you regrouped as you continued onwards though once again you found yourselves fighting it out with the men on the boat as you kept moving forward. Though once you were finally inside you three carefully looked around the place for them.

'Knowing Wesker he has something planned ahead of time...that man never cares for others around him. What does he have up his sleeve this time?' You thought.

Chris and Sheva talked about Wesker for a moment as the three of you walked down the many steps of this boat, it might be huge but once the fool knew you three arrived Chris mentioned he'd find you three due to Wesker's ego. You, on the other hand, agreed to that having a feeling that's just how the bastard was.

Finding a white door you three slowly walked in seeing Excella there looking in some sort of case, not getting a good look at the case just yet you weren't sure if it was something you've seen before however, you kept your gun raised towards her.

"Freeze!" Chris shouts.
"What's going on here?" Sheva asked.
"Nothing that concerns either of you," Excella replies.
"We're not giving you an option, now spit it out!" Sheva demands.
"Foolish woman answer already, because I'm so wanting to pull the trigger." You growled.
"Tell us what we want to know and you won't get hurt. Where's Wesker?" Chris demands.
"If you can behave yourselves, maybe I'll tell you," Excella smirks as she grabbed another case then ran off.

This made all three of you shoot towards you, how she avoided getting hit by your bullets while running off in heels was beyond you. But at least one case was left behind since now you could know just what was inside of them making it perfect for you to remember it easier.

'Wait isn't that...' You though remembering something.

"She's tough. I'll give her that much." Sheva comments.

Not long after the two joined you in looking at what was inside the cases, but your memories were still fuzzy and pretty much clogged up so you didn't really realize you saw this before. After that, you three did a short exploration of the lab on the boat finding a few more reports on your experimentation and it was there that Chris and Sheva realized that why you weren't reacting as others did when infected by a virus made by Umbrella...you weren't mutation...

"(Y/N)...they did all this to you for all these years?" Chris asked.
"I don't remember too much of it thankfully, but yeah all these years I've been through that." You sighed.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through this." Sheva frowns.
"It doesn't matter anymore, let's just focus on this mission." You replied.

Chris knew there was more than just 'not remembering' and he had also had been wanting to say something else but he knew if he pushed further you'd shut down like usual, so he just took the lead to get out of there and continue on after Excella and Wesker as well fighting your ways through. It didn't take to long until the three of you came up to different area's of the boat as some of the men inside had different high powered guns.

You were growing more and more annoyed by the minute from all this and how long it was taking you've had a bad feeling for a while now that you might just be too late...however you remembered that Wesker does love to show off before making his grand 'escape' while leaving others to deal with his 'creation' of some sort.

Getting in an elevator you didn't realize Wesker was watching from the monitors from where he was at.

"So you've come this far...too bad you won't make it any further." Wesker comments then remember his 'visit' with Spencer.

It wasn't much of a visit as it was parts of his plan to take over the world without Spencer, then again this was the same time where Chris and Jill were on the mission to locate him and figured out he was actually at Spencers Mansion...the same one Jill threw herself out the window with Wesker to protect Chris.

Coming back to the present he knew that memory of 'becoming a god' was for the new world that would soon be created.

"The right...With Uroboros, I have that right." Wesker mutters.

With you three you finally got to where it was taking you and were back outside on the boat, however, what quickly caught your eye was the large damn pile of bodies just a few feet away, quickly reloading your gun you followed after the two as you walked up Excella arrived groaning in pain holding herself.

"Why...When I've done so much...All for you..." Excella whimpers in pain wrapping her arms around herself.
"Chris! How nice for you to join us. Don't worry your mission is at its end. Uroboros is on the eve of its appearance! Six billion cries of agony will birth a new balance!" Wesker says over an intercom.
"Sorry Wesker, but not on my watch!" Chris replies.
"Albert...you said we'd change this world together...Why!?" Excella says yelling in pain as she fell to the ground.
"I thought they were partners?" Sheva comments.
"Wesker doesn't give a damn about anybody but himself," Chris informs her.
"Indeed he had been using her this whole time to create Uroboros for his own evil deeds...not to mention he had her strengthen it with my blood." You growled.
"Ahh yes, thank you very much (Y/N) for giving your blood that created my dear Uroboros." Wesker again talks over the intercom.

This angered you it was as if he was placing the blame on you, which honestly it wasn't considering you unwillingly gave you blood up due to his order of putting you under happened so you weren't sure how much or how long he'd been doing that.

'Damn you, Wesker!' You thought.

"Soon even you will understand, Chris. One glimpse of my new world and it will all make perfect sense!" Wesker continues on.
"Show yourself!" Chris shouts.
"Unfortunately, it's too late for you. You will not live to see the dawn!" Wesker tells them.
"Sorry Excella, but it appears Uroboros has rejected you. Though you have been an excellent asset, I have one last task for you." Wesker tells her.
"Albert!" Excella shouts before Uroboros shoots out of her mouth.
"Farewell old friend," Wesker says last.

The three of you watched in utter horror as she slowly transformed into this large beast of a thing by Uroboros. The dead bodies around were pulled to the large like B.O.W now and since it was just too damn big for your guns to be effective the three of you ran as quickly as you could jump out of the way to avoid the attacks it sent towards you three.

Climbing over stuff and rushing up some stairs you found an area to get inside, knowing that might just be the only way around you three ran as fast as you could to it and rushed inside closing as well as locking the door. But that didn't mean it was gone you three still had to kill it.

Roaming the area you three were now in at odd times it would attack as it tore up the place as you three ran through, wasting no time you three ran around together finding your way through the room to room you three soon came up to a control room and found loads of reports and notes.

Only able to quickly read them you three continued on again after using the key card to get out of there, after getting up the stairs there was a paper pinned up stating that this ship had some sort of laser wasting no more time the three of you quickly made way to the roof to activate it and use it on this thing.

Getting outside you were all met with the really large B.O.W, honestly, this was the largest one you've ever seen but you knew your battle was cut out for you three as you spent what felt like hours battling this thing hoping to kill it quickly. Killing it quickly proved to be a harder task as this thing only kept growing more and more damn things to take down.

"Come on it has to go down at some point!" You shouted annoyed by all this.

This fight continued going on like this for a while until finally it had enough and completely died, if this was what it actually was and could do you feared on how the whole world would turn out if it was unleashed...you three had to quickly get to Wesker and stop this before it even has a chance of being released.

Finally able to go after Wesker the three of you quickly ran off to where you believed he would be at however you three first checked the monitors within this area. Only to find an assault bomber. You then remembered seeing blueprints of this thing...oh god Wesker was planning to use this to spread Uroboros.

"I know that...I've seen blueprints of this year ago..." You commented.
"This is actually what he plans to use to spread it?" Chris asked.
"Yes..." You nodded.
"Wesker! There he is. Come on let's go!" Chris says after the screen changed to a different camera.

Knowing where he was the three of you headed off but before you could make it out of that room Chris had received the call from Jill who had actually found some sort of way out of there. She began to explain stuff she actually needed for them to know to which was some sort of thing that could be used as a virus due to taking to much.

"That's right...it's always timed on when he should take it to keep in control." You added.

Jill then tried to describe what the virus was but soon it was cut off by someone interrupting the transmission, well either way the information Jill told them went through and just as they were about to believe they didn't have it Sheva showed you and Chris that she picked up one when everyone looked around a bit.

"Chris...(Y/N)...this is it," Sheva says.
"Let's give it a shot," Chris replies.
"Well, it is all we got." You agreed.

Using the elevator to go down more into the boat a warning went on the intercoms wasting no time at all you three quickly rushed on taking down the men inside that place but most of them you just either shot down and left behind considering you didn't really have much time to waste in order to get to Wesker on time.

However there was also some B.O.W's as well which got on your nerves but you were to busy dealing with these things to bother thinking about it at the time, so as the doors slowly opened you and the other two needed to plan something out in order to get the hell out of this place alive and able to stop Wesker.

It actually took a while but thankfully yet finally the doors opened, wasting no more time you three ran through fighting your way out of there and finally meeting up with Wesker who seemed to actually have been waiting for you three.

"You're plans are finished, Wesker!" Chris says.
"There's no way out this time," Sheva adds.
"It all comes down to this." You finish.
"Don't you three ever tire of failing in your mission? You've really become quite an inconvenience for me." Wesker says taking his glasses off then throwing them behind him.

A fight between you three issued with him only for you guys to find out this guy could fucking dodge bullets! What the fuck?! How can someone do that? Well whatever came to be that he could you three focused on doing your best to beat this bastard.

Course it proved to be difficult.

"Why are you doing this? What do you accomplish by unleashing Uroboros?" Chris asked.
"Everyday one human comes one step closer to self-destruction. I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it!" Wesker explains.

Another fight happened, honestly Wesker was an idiot if he believed that he could become the sole person in keeping the world safe by killing a lot of innocent people in the process. He needed to be stopped! However, after being thrown over the rail it seemed as if now was the time to end this.

"This guys lost it!" Sheva says.
"This may be our only chance!" Chris replies.
"A chance we need to take before he actually sends Uroboros out into the world!" You added.
"Do it you two," Sheva replies.
"Things are really getting interesting now, eh Chris? Do you actually think you can defeat me?" Wesker asks.
"Either way, I'm not gonna stop until I'm dead!" Chris replies.
"Well then, I'll just have to kill you quickly." Wesker laughs off.

After that the battle between you three and Wesker began, it proved to be rather hard since he seemed to have the ability to run fast and avoid bullets no matter how quick you were. What shocked you was that taking the lights out seemed to prove effective...how that came to be you weren't sure.

Anytime you three tried to inject him he got away after using a damn rocket launcher that this guy actually managed to catch it with his hands...the fuck happened to him in the past to make him like this?! You weren't sure but honestly, you didn't care to know.

This battle tired you out as you began to think it might just be impossible but which it seemed, in the end, it all worked out since even if it took a long while later you three were able to inject him with it and just watched as he stumbled back a few feets away from you three.

"Did it work?" Sheva asked.
"I think so," Chris replied.
"It should." You added.
"This isn't over, Chris!" Wesker says as he jumped around to the tanker plane of his.
"Sheva, (Y/N), he's getting away hurry!" Chris tells you two.

Running off to catch up to him before he could get away, it began to take off as the doors that were opened slowly closed. Chris got on first as you and Sheva kept running after it, Sheva soon got on.

"Come on a hurry, (Y/N)!" Chris shouts hand reached out.
"Grab on we'll pull you up!" Sheva shouts her hand reached out as well.

Pushing through you forced yourself to run fast but noticed that there was little ground left, shouting as you jumped up just as the ground left under your feet the two grabbed onto you and pulled you in just as the doors closed up thankfully.

"It seems I may have underestimated you, Chris," Wesker speaks up.
"Save it, Wesker. There's no one left to help you now." Chris replies back.
"I don't need anyone else. I have Uroboros!" Wesker growls out.
"And you'll lose that too." You spat gun raised.
"In less than five minutes we'll reach the optimal altitude for missile deployment. Uroboros will be released into the atmosphere ensuring complete global saturation. Your feeble attempts to delay the inevitable. The entire world will be infected. A new Genesis is at hand and I will be the creator." Wesker starts explaining as he manages to fight off you three rather well.

You weren't going down without a good fight, even if your abilities though from the virus within your body it was completely clear Wesker was much faster and stronger...but everything had a weakness it was just up to you to figure it out as you fought.

"I've had enough of your bullshit! You're just another one of Umbrella's leftovers." Chris shouts injecting him again right in the neck.
"You know what we have to do," Sheva tells you two.
"It's something I'm not gonna like is it?" You asked.
"No..I'll go for the override lever. You two cover me." Chris says.

As Chris ran for it you and Sheva teamed up to deal with Wesker when he tried to stop you three. Once pulled the door you three once came through slowly opened which made you all quickly do you best to grab onto something, you, on the other hand, held onto the metal pillar in this damn thing tightly as you could.

Wesker though managed to grab onto Sheva's ankle, Chris though had the memory back on Jill's sacrifice and just when Sheva was about to let go Chris quickly did as well gripping her wrist to make sure she didn't do the same. However, you took this chance and shoved yourself forwards grabbing onto Wesker only to hear your name being called.

"You're coming down with me you bastard! All of this ends now!" You shout punching him a few times as you two fought in the air.
"Foolish girl, you barely remember anything." Wesker spats.
"I don't need to remember too much to take you out, I'll do whatever it takes!" You growled.

Next thing you know was black as you two landed elsewhere, Meanwhile the 'plain' crashed just a few feet away within the damn area you were at as well though both Chris and Sheva faired better. Only to realize this was a damn volcano!!

"(Y/N)...damnit I was so close to getting her back home." Chris sighs.
"You mentioned she was missing..." Sheva explains.
"Yeah, her boyfriend Leon was hoping to find her. Wouldn't believe she was dead until there was a body to find." Chris said fearing for finding you dead just after he had found you and planned to bring you home.

The two partners walked around a bit trying not to think the worse for you, also trying to recover from that impact only to run into a still alive Wesker.

"I should've killed you years ago...Chris," Wesker says.
"Your mistake. It's over, Wesker!" Chris replies.
"You'll pay for what you've put (Y/N) through!" Sheva growls out.
"Pay? Over? I'm just getting started. And soon the blame shall go to (Y/N)!" Wesker laughs then punches his fist into the container that held Uroboros in and his arm transformed.

Chris and Sheva looked at the sight and didn't like it when Wesker jumped down he slowly began walking towards the two only to get shot by a bullet elsewhere.

"What?! Where did that come from?!" Sheva asked.
"Look! Over there!" Chris points out.

Upon a ledge, it was you crouched down with a riffle, smirking you nodded your head as you looked into the scope you aimed for Wesker silently telling the two you were alright and you were just a few scratches and a gash on your forehead but nothing you couldn't handle for the moment.

And so the final battle began you took sniper point as the two either helped in the shoot out or ran off when there wasn't much room, that or they provided help for you to aim for the thing on his chest which was effective thankfully.

"Guys give me an opening to his chest!" You said over the earpiece.
"Rodger that! You just continue taking sniper points from up there!" Sheva replies.
"Are you alright?" Chris asked.
"No time to worry about me it's time to finish him!" You replied.

And that you did even if it took a while you three seemed to have defeated him and thankfully not long after Jill arrived with Josh in a chopper which proved to become your escape out of here.

'Thank you Jill and Josh!' You thought to smile at the fact you were gonna get out of here finally.

Just the mere thought of seeing your friends you thought you had forgotten but was remembering during your fight out of this hell proved to be effective to let you keep fighting on. It wasn't long though that you met up with Chris and Sheva due to them having to get to higher ground considering were was literally lava under your feet.

What a place to have a damn final battle with a mad man spent on destroying the world...
After the long battle you, Sheva and Chris had to climb up the moving ladder that Jill threw down for you three to get inside the two let you start to climb up first, then Sheva and finally Chris. You were just glad this was all over finally, getting on the chopper with the held of Jill you reunited with Kuga who whined happily towards you as he licked your face when you started to pet him.

"Haha I missed you too boy, I've missed you too." You replied.

Helping Jill with Sheva and then Chris it soon proved to be wrong that Wesker was dead after falling into the lava. He used the Uroboros in his arm to grab the chopper moving it around which made you nearly fall out of the chopper if it wasn't for Jill catching hold of your arm just as your lower body fell out.

"Chris! Sheva use those! I'll help (Y/N) back inside!" Jill says.
"Ready partner?" Chris asked.
"Locked and loaded," Sheva replies.
"Suck on this, Wesker," Chris mutters.
"Your times up you son of a bitch." Sheva comments.

Just as they fired the double rocket launchers Jill helped you back inside and thankfully it was all over, Wesker was dead and everyone could head home...most of all though you were free from his grasp...ready to head on home.

"It's over," Chris says in relief.
"Yes," Sheva replies.
"Finally..." Jill adds.
"Thank goodness..." You sighed.

Sitting on the seats you and Kuga who was pretty much asleep while laying on your lap as you continued to pet him you looked out the windows very happy about this being all over. Relief and happiness filled you up as you knew despite having some of your memories still lost...you were heading home.

'Home...it's been so long. I sure as hell hope I can rest easy once more.' You thought.

"Oh yeah, I managed to inform HQ to tell the President that Chris had found you, so after a small check-up you'll be good to go on back home," Jill tells.
"Heh, I can't thank you all enough for this." You replied.
"You would've done the same for us," Chris replies.
"I'm more than happy to have helped you out, we may have already met but I am glad to have saved you as well. We're friends now." Sheva tells you.
"Indeed we are friends, I'll make sure to keep in touch when I head back home." You replied.

Everyone was in high spirits with this mission finally ending on a complete good note, not only was Jill found but you as well. And you could feel it in your heart that the people back home were excited to bring you home once more.

Continua llegint

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