Demonic // phan

By pIisetsky

460K 27.5K 42.8K

Phil is an ordinary guy with an ordinary life. Nothing very special about him, he's just normal. But it all c... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three


19.5K 1.2K 2.4K
By pIisetsky

  "Did you hear about that huge party everyone's supposed to be going to tonight?" Dan asked Phil, a few days later. They'd just sat down at their spot (yeah, it was their spot now), and Phil looked over at amusedly.

  "Party?" he questioned, and Dan nodded, staring over at the Cigarette Bunch interestedly.

  "Yep." He said. "Some girl told me about it first period, said to bring anyone I wanted. Some sort of Halloween thing, I think."

  It was close to Halloween, only a couple weeks away, but Phil didn't think they'd start the parties already.  They usually waited until the day of, but hey, any excuse to get drunk, right?

  And of all the people, Dan wanted to take him? He was probably just overreacting, but the only thing running through his head was, date, date, this is definitely a date. Ever since Dan had admitted he wasn't completely straight either, Phil had become three times as obsessed as he'd been before. It meant he had a chance, albeit a small one.

  "I don't really do parties."Phil said, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. He knew that there was no way he'd be able to function on a house full of people he didn't know and music he didn't listen to, even if he had Dan with him and there was enough alcohol to drown an elephant. He'd rather get drunk in the solitude of his room.

  "I don't think anyone really 'does' parties." Dan said, glancing over at him. "I'm sure most just go to look cool, or get plastered without having to pay for it."

  "Well, I don't do them at all." Phil replied. "I don't like people."

  "So, what, you spend every weekend in the depths of your room, plotting against the villainy of mankind?" Dan asked, laughing, but raised his eyebrows when Phil didn't say anything. He whistled lowly. "Alright, then. No parties."

  "Aw, you go if you want to." Phil said. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine by myself." Probably just thinking about you the whole time, and what you're doing, and all the girls that'll be keeping you company....

  "I won't have fun without you there." Dan complained, and Phil smiled at him.

  "I'm sure you'll be fine." Phil said. Dan stuck his tongue out at him, and he laughed. Mostly to stop himself from leaning over and grabbing that tongue with his teeth.

  "I have an idea." Dan said, perking up and grinning at Phil, who just rolled his eyes.

  "And what's that, Dan?" He asked sarcastically.

  "We can have a sleepover."

  Phil froze. There was no way in hell he'd be able to spend a whole night with Dan, alone, no matter how much alcohol was involved. He wouldn't be able to control himself, having Dan in his room, in nothing but pyjamas.

  "I-I don't know." He stuttered, wringing his hands together. "My parents, I don't know if they'd be okay with it." Truthfully, his parents weren't even going to be home this weekend. They had some sort off business dinner to go to, and they were staying at some hotel afterwards.

  "Oh, come on, it's not like we're gonna be having sex or anything." Dan said, making Phil blush. "And it's the weekend, not a school night. You haven't even asked them."

  Phil sighed, staring down at his knees. As much as he didn't think it was such a good idea, he had to admit it was better than anything else he had planned. And there was the ever present quiver in his stomach of having Dan to himself. For the weekend.

  "I'm not a very entertaining person." Phil said lamely. Dan shoved him playfully.

  "You're just making excuses now. Seriously, it'll be fun, I promise." Dan said, smiling at him reassuringly. "We can, stay up all night, get drunk off our asses without a million other people there to see us. Watch movies and stuff our faces with junk food."

  Phil looked up at him shyly, smiling at his adorableness. He laughed, shaking his head, then bit his lip, thinking. Weighing the pros and cons.

  Pros: Not being bored out of his mind. Alcohol. Dan.

   Cons: Dan.

  He knew he wouldn't have any self control, especially if they were drinking. He didn't what he might say, or do, and he really didn't want to risk it. It was actually nice, having a friend in someone like Dan, and he wasn't too keen on ruining what they had.

  But Dan was staring at him now, his eyes wide and pleading, his lips set in the hottest fucking pout Phil had ever seen, and he found himself nodding.

  "Fine." He agreed, ignoring the doubt in the back of his mind. "But you'd better be able to control your alcohol. I am not cleaning any mess you make."

  "I'll be fine." Dan said, smiling and grabbing his arm. "So, I'll go home with you after school?"

  Phil shook him away. "You need clothes and stuff, if you're staying the night." He said. "I'll text you my address, alright?"

  The bell rang then, and they both grabbed their things before heading back into the building.

  "I'll see you later, then." Dan said, smiling at him. Phil nodded.

  "Definitely." He said, and watched as Dan headed off in a different direction to his class.

  Can't wait...


  His room was a mess, of course.

  It wasn't like he had too many guest, so he never bothered with cleaning it properly, but now he was regretting it. Dan was sure to be here any minute, and his room was a chaotic mixture of clothes, tangled cords, and various books and papers he carelessly threw on the floor. There were dirty cups and plates scattered everywhere, and his blankets weren't even on the bed.

  He was never going to get it completely clean by the time Dan showed up. But he could try.

  He carried all the dishes into the kitchen in one go, dumping them into the sink unceremoniously. Most of the clothes were stuffed into the closet, but there wasn't enough room for all of them, and so he put the rest in the laundry room. His bookshelf was a jumbled mess, and he had to pull everything out of it, and put it back neatly.

  He was just pulling the sheets off of his bed when the doorbell rang. He sighed, throwing them haphazardly across the bed before going downstairs. At least he didn't seem like a complete slob.

  As soon as he opened the door, he wished he could go back in time and prepare himself. He had to clutch the edge of the door to stop himself from doing something stupid.

  Dan was a generally good looking guy, but damn, he could be downright sexy when he wanted to. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, which was usual for him, but these were ripped in various places, which just fit him that much better. He had on a black tank top, with a hoodie over it, hanging slightly off of one shoulder. Most guys would have looked tacky, but Dan had just the right figure to a make it mouthwateringly hot.

  And here Phil was, in a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirts with a variety of holes in it.

  Dan smiled at him when he opened the door, holding up a multitude of plastic bags, making their contents clank together. "I don't know exactly what you preferred, so I got some of everything." He said. "Except beer, you don't look like you drink beer. I hate it myself."

  "Wait, that's all alcohol?" Phil asked, staring at him with wide eyes, and Dan nodded, grinning widely. "How'd you even get it all?"

  "You ever heard of a fake ID?"

  Phil rolled his eyes but ended up smiling anyway, grabbing a few of the bags and leading dan upstairs to his slightly cleaner than before room. At least you could see the floor now.

  "Wow." Dan said, looking around as he stepped inside. Phil watched him anxiously. "It's a lot cleaner than mine ever will be. And nice posters."

  "Thanks." Phil said breathlessly. He hadn't even realized he was holding it. "Alright, it's 5 pm right now. What's first?"

  "Food, most definitely." Dan said, and he pulled out his phone from his pocket, dialing in a number. "I'll order Chinese. Or would you rather go with pizza?"

  "Anythings fine with me." Phil said, and Dan smirked up at him.

  "And then movies, before we move on to the booze." Dan said, before he pressed the phone to his ear and started talking to whoever was on the other side. Phil shook his head with a sigh. This was definitely going to be the most interesting weekend he'd ever had. And he didn't even care if it was good or bad.



  a/n: Hello again, my wonderful entourage of beautiful followers.

  I'm gonna love love love writing this next chapter, I have the greatest ideas. You're gonna love it too, trust me. Slightly (or maybe more than) intoxicated phan? Oh yes...

  Other than that, hope you liked this okay, and I'll see ya latest. Peace :3


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