A Girl With No Emotion(JoyRi)

By Amira_Yurina

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Kang Yerim is the daughter of Kang Seulgi and Bae Joohyun.She always hate her parents because her parents are... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15(Flashback)
Chapter 16

Chapter 17(Final)

863 30 6
By Amira_Yurina

A few days had passed and Yeri finally discharged from the hospital.The doctor told Yeri not to go to school as she is still recover.But Yeri refused.She still want to go to school.

The doctor sighed and told Yeri that she can go to school,if only Yeri will eat the medicine everyday.

Yeri nodded to the doctor and then she look at her girlfriend with her hand touch her girlfriend’s hand.

After the appointment with the doctor,Yeri and Joy just came out from the hospital while intertwining their hand.

“So Sorim,where are we going?”Yeri asked Joy.Joy look around to see no one around them,so she take a quick peck on Yeri’s lip and give Yeri her pouted lip.

“Didn’t I tell you not to call me that again?”Joy said.

Yeri look at her girlfriend and shrugged her shoulder. “Fine,Joy.So where are we going?”

“Hmm....what about we go a little date?”Joy suggested.Yeri then nodded.Joy quickly gripped Yeri a bit tight and dragged her to somewhere which Yeri didn’t know where Joy will bring her.


Yeri furrowed her eyebrow when they has arrived at the beach.She was asking Joy why they were at the beach.

Joy pointed her lip at the group of people who was looking like they having a picnic.As Yeri look at the people closely,it was the councillors.There are Jennie,Lisa,Rosè,Jisoo,Miyeon, Minnie,Shuhua,Soyeon,Soojin,Nayeon and also SaTzu.But then,Joy spotted and unfamiliar girl talking to Nayeon.

“Tzuyu,who is that?”Joy whispered to Tzuyu,not to disturbed the others.Tzuyu smirked and whispered something to Joy,making Joy’s surprised.

“What!?Nayeon’s girl-”

Tzuyu quickly covered Joy’s mouth,asking her to be quiet. “Shut up,she will hear you,you know.If I let go of your mouth,will you not to shout?”Tzuyu asked her,earning a nod from Joy.

Tzuyu slowly let go of Joy’s mouth but Joy’s mouth were agape.She could see how much Nayeon was blushing just talking to her girlfriend.

“No way...what is her name?”Asked Joy.

“Just talk to her girlfriend.She will reply you nicely.”Tzuyu said.Joy sighed as she didn’t want to disturb the couple.It not that she don’t want,she was a bit shy when it come to someone she don’t know.

Yeri then tapped Joy’s shoulder and walked toward Nayeon and the girl. “Hi,what is your name?”Asked Yeri.

“Oh hey,my name is Mina Sharon Myoi.If you wondering why my name is not Korean is because I am a half Japanese and American.Anyway,you can call me Mina.”The girl called Mina greeted happily and offered her hand to Yeri.

“I see...I am Kim Yerim.”Yeri introduced herself and shook Mina’s hand.

Joy was envy seeing how her girlfriend communicate with Mina easily.Nayeon then decided to walk toward Joy and greeted her.

“Hello,Joy.How you and your girlfriend?”Nayeon asked.Joy then started scratching her nape. “Well,we are fine...so how did you and your girlfriend met?”Asked Joy,trying to change the topic.

Upon hearing what Joy asked her,Nayeon’s face started turning red.

“When we first met here....in the beach...”Nayeon said as she playing with her fingers.

“Since when you guys attached?”Joy asked her again.

“Today.....first met here.”Nayeon softly spoke.

“Huh?Today??”Joy exclaimed as she was surprised.She never see a couple confess their feeling on the first day they met.

Joy then was staring at her girlfriend who was talking to Nayeon’s so-called girlfriend.But then,she saw Rosè suddenly pulled Yeri away from Mina.Joy was thinking why Rosè suddenly pulled her away like that.It not like Joy is jealous seeing her girlfriend been taken by someone who already have a girlfriend.

Rosè was pulling Yeri to the washroom.She then look around the washroom if there is anyone here.But there was no one,so she was sighed in relieve.

Yeri furrowed her eyebrow,asking what make Rosè suddenly pulled her away after having fin chit-chatting with Mina.

“What?”Asked Yeri,confusing.Rosè smirked and put a ring on Yeri’s palm. “You better ask Joy to marry you.”Rosè said,still smirking at her.

“W-wae?”Yeri asked stuttering.She could felt her face feel hot all of a sudden. “Come on,Yerimie.Someone going to get her before you.”Rosè said to the blushing Yeri before she left the blushing girl all alone in the washroom.

Yeri look at the ring given by Rosè and started clenching her fist. “I can’t blame Rosè though.Will Joy accept it?”Yeri said.

Yeri POV

I just came out from the washroom when I saw Joy was standing in front of me while crossing her arm.I don’t know why but did I make her mad?Why is she look like she was glaring at me?

“Hey...Joy,what are you-”I was about to ask her what is she doing when she suddenly cut my question off.

“What are you doing to Rosè?What are you guys talking about while I’m not there?”She asked me angrily and she look so scary when she is mad.

I thinking of an excuse to answer her,but I can’t think of anything.And I can tell her about the ring.I planning to asked her tonight.

“Nothing,she was just asking me about my condition.”I lied to her.Hopefully she believed me,but she didn’t.She was still glaring at me.

“Joy...let’s go somewhere.”I told her as I pulled her away.She was asking where are we going,but I just put my finger on Joy’s lip,so that she will stop talking.

I led her to the end of the beach where no one was here.I let go of Joy’s hand and sat on the shore.I could felt a salt water touching my skin.

I look at Joy who was staring at me confusingly,so I smirked and kicked the salt water to Joy’s face and I started laughing at Joy who was covering with the salt water.

“Yah,Kim Yerim,what the hell are you doing?”

I sticked out my tongue to her,hopefully she will get mad.I actually love to make other people mad especially her.

She then quickly grabbed some salt water and splashed it on me.Not wanting to lose to her,I quickly splashed her back.

The whole day were just us splashing the water to each other without knowing that it already night.

The both of us were lying on the soft sand,gazing the stars on the sky.I don’t know when I want to ask her and give the ring to her.

I slowly got up from the sand to look at my beautiful angel who was laying on the sand with her eyes close.She is so beautiful.

I could feel someone was watching us.I don’t know but who the hell was watching us alone lime this.

I turned around and just as I thought.It was Rosè.Not only her,even Nayeon,all of our friends are here too.

Jinjja.How am I going to propose her when they are here watching us?-_-

I could see that Rosè was moving her mouth,asking me to propose to her.I sighed and slowly took out the box of ring from my pocket.


“Hm?”She answered.

I take a quick breath and showed the ring to her. “Will you marry me?”I asked her.

“Of course,I will.”She said and pushed her lip to mine.I could see our friends were cheering our back,but I just ignored them and give a passionate kiss to Joy.

The end

I decided to end my JoyRi fanfic like this.Sorry if my fanfic not that good.Anyway,I planning to publish Everglow's fanfic after this.

Goodbye Au revoir Adios😊

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