It's Complicated

By SpongeKSquidge

26.6K 789 312

When Yandere-Kun is sent to Akademi High, a place his cousin, Yandere-Chan, also attends, what will unfold wh... More

A New School
Author's Note (i suck i know UwU)
Second Day, Second Shot
Fight! Fight!
Attempted murder, Tasing and Eliminations
It's Getting SPICY!
It's going to take a few more
Author's note
Chatting with the info troup
Halloween Night
Post-Halloween (le short)
Mystery Gang Ripoff!
Here we gO- (authors note)
Even The Smallest Progress Can Make A Massive Difference
More bloops
Q&A part 1
Q&A part 2
Q&A part 3
Basement Party!!!
W0t (not a chapter soz)
Oop- (This is a chapter :D)
Bloop Blep
Blow Your Mind (Mwah)
Admit It~ (Oneshot!)
Back To Normal(ish)

Drama, in more ways then one

1.4K 46 10
By SpongeKSquidge

           After class I wandered around school grounds, eventually ending up lingering around the hall outside the main building. Ayano told me this was where the drama club practiced the play they did at the end of the school year, the sports club sometimes spectating and giving constructive criticism.

           "Hey, Ayato!" A voice called from the field.

           Directing my attention to the voice, I saw Aso Rito approaching me, a towel around his neck as his face was drenched in sweat.

             My cheeks tinted red at the sweet image.

           "What you doing out here," he smiled at me, only a few centimetres away from my face, which caused me to turn even more red then before.

           "I- Umm... j-just getting t-to grips with m-my surroundings" i stuttered, awkwardly standing there.

          He snickered at my sudden shyness.

          "You can come with me if you want, my sister was about to give me a tour anyway, apparently she also has to show Megamo around, something about her being stronger."

          I nodded at the offer, but before I could follow him a voice called from behind me.

           "Darlings, could you help me out please?" A figure asked from behind.

            Turning around I saw a rather tall man, with one bright purple drill resting on his shoulder. His cape made him look like royalty, which in looks he really was.

            My cheeks became even hotter then they already were, and Aso was seemingly in the same boat, at least I wasn't alone in the multiple crush thing, as I had seen him blushing around the occult kid, when I saw him bump into him a bit ago.

            "Sure, what do you need help with?" Aso volunteered, before I could excuse myself.
            I gave him a death glare as the purple haired man explained what we had to do.

             He was practicing for the school play, and since it was after club hours (I forgot to mention that sorry 😅) no one was actually there to help him, but we just happened to be wandering around outside the area.

             Apparently we have a talent for acting!

            "Bravo, That was actually better then I was expecting!" The man, which I had learned to be named Kizano, had a satisfied expression on his face.

             Aso  smiled with that cheesy smile of his and I smirked, cheeks still a hot red. We had been rehearsing the fight scene between Romeo, his cousin and Juliet's cousin, where Romeo's cousin dies, because it's Shakespeare and that guy is obsessed with killing off every good character.

             "ASO!" A female voiced yelled from the    doorway, after kicking open the door.

             "Ah! Sorry Onee-Chan..." Aso replies, nervously chuckling while rubbing the back of his neck.

             "I'll let you get back to what you were doing, but come visit me anytime you two!" Kizano announced, waving after us with one of those 'royal waves' as we left the hall.


I love Kizano oh my GAWD!

Not in a romantic way, I've just been in a drama group before so i just relate to him.

Anyway, hope you like this chapter! I promise not to do an authors note every other chapter!




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