When History Repeats Itself

By Awushi

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***Still needs major editing! Please be patient!*** Kerington 'Kerry' Effah is a twenty-five year old graduat... More

Message to readers
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty- One
Chapter Twenty- Two
Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-Four

105 2 4
By Awushi

"Okay, it's time!" Ada's mother poked her head through the door and said with all the joy her heart could hold.

"Time to get married" my mother said, glowing. She was wearing a replica of my grandmother's wedding gown. It was a long sleeved fully lace gown with a V-neck and it skimmed her hips before slightly opening up to pool at her feet. She had almost decided to wear a peach colored gown. We, her bridesmaids, taunted her into thinking it was almost like bad luck to not wear white for her very first wedding.

There she was looking every bit much like a blushing bride in her white wedding gown, her hair in an up-do that left long curls trickling down each side of her face and the long veil she opted for made her look regal. I held back tears. They had already done my makeup twice.

Sumaya and Alexa were in mint Grecian styled long satin bridesmaids' dresses. I took one look at them looking like Greek goddesses and teared up. Almara was supervising makeup and scolded me for messing up my eyes. So they started over. Then my mum came out of her private dressing room to join us and this time we all cried, bridesmaids, Almara, Ada's mother and myself. This time no one got scolded. The makeup artists just smiled in understanding before touching up our makeup. I guess they were used to these emotional bridal party moments.

My maid of honor dress had the same mint green Grecian satin long dress theme but mine showed less skin on my shoulders and back as the bridesmaids' dresses. We all wore gold heels except for the bride of course who wore white heels.

We left our quarters led by Ada's mum and stood behind closed doors in our order. Eric and William were arm in arm with Sumaya and Alexa in order of height. I stood behind my mum as expected and then my father walked up to us. He was giving my mother away since none of her parents were alive to do so. Nii was okay with it though honestly it was very unconventional. My father had explained he felt it was the right thing to do for my mum because of their history. The priest did raise an eyebrow when told about the last minute change but hey, it was symbolic for forgiveness right?

So the bridal party stood and we could hear the song begin to play behind the doors. My mum wanted a traditional wedding complete with the wedding march played as she walked down the aisle. We told her to skip that conventional music and use something more romantic. The bridesmaids are supposed to make the bride happy, that was the cardinal rule but we bullied her a bit into changing certain details. She will thank us later.

The doors pulled open and the song that played at my grandparents very last wedding anniversary celebration on earth filled the place. Grandma had always hummed that song every anniversary since her husband died. I took a peek and saw Nii down at the altar looking on as we walked graciously down the aisle bringing him his bride. His eyes were so filled with love and he could not stop smiling. Kevin stood by his side, beaming as well.

When my dad handed her over to Nii, they shook hands briefly. Then the bridesmaids and groomsmen filled the front pews with my dad, aunt Jamila, Ada's mum and dad in the front pew across. Everyone who loved my mum was here. I took my seat next to Kevin behind our parents and the ceremony begun.

The service was short but memorable. My mum and Nii said traditional vows, you know, for better, for worse. They kissed, the whole church cheered. The priest gave a brief sermon about love and marriage before the communion was given. They left to sign the wedding certificate. My godfather was my mother's witness, playing the role as her father.

They finally came out to be introduced as a legally married couple and we left for the reception. Everyone pitched in to make my mum's wedding day special.

My godfather was a very loyal patron of Evolve for many years before he became my mum's guardian then my godfather. The man was wealthy enough to pay for food and drinks at the reception, said it was his gift to the daughter he never had but was blessed with all the same. Ada's mother handled the church decorations and Chef Pati provided the wedding cake. My dad and step mum handled reception venue decorations. My mum deserved all the love she could get.

We got to the reception grounds and I marveled at how much Evolve had been transformed into an almost magical place. There were glass vases of beautiful white roses and mint peonies on each table and lining a gold colored strip carpet to the high table. The crystal-like chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and drapes of mint fabric crossing above the guests was a special touch.

People were seated before the bridal party got there. We were seated at the high table, bridesmaids to one side of the couple and groomsmen to the other. I had been trying to block thoughts of the last wedding I had attended because it made me think too much about Dominic. Thinking of Dominic only made me think of how he was yet to respond to my love letter which made me think of how I had most likely lost him forever. I chose to focus on my mother and keeping her happy today.

"There are so many delicious men here today. Your mother knows a lot of people with hot sons" Alexa whispered to Sumaya and I as we scanned the room.

"You don't say" Sumaya pretended to not to notice the man blatantly smiling right at her, trying to catch her attention.

"Don't even try to act as though you don't notice him noticing you" I nudged her, "he's attractive"

"Super attractive" Alexa purred for effect and we started laughing.

"Okay fine, he's hot and he looks intelligent too" she admitted.

"That's Nii's nephew. He's a doctor too" my mum said catching us off guard. We apparently had not been whispering low enough because Nii was grinning at us in amusement.

"When did you become a matchmaker?" Sumaya looked back at her, laughing.

"Since now. This is the first guy you've openly admitted you are attracted to"

"I admitted he's attractive not that I'm attracted to him" Sumaya pointed out.

"Same difference" she said and kissed Nii briefly on the lips.

"I'm still getting used to this" I said embarrassed and looked away.

We ate great food catered by yours truly, Evolve cooking staff. Ada's mum was called to help my mum and Nii cut the cake and bless them. It was time to start dancing so the newlyweds took the floor. They waltzed for a bit and then Kevin asked me to dance, joining them on the dance floor.

"So we are step siblings now huh?" He said as we joined our parents on the dance floor. Other guests soon joined us.

"Yes. I've never had a brother before"

"I've never had a sister before"

"So how do we cope? Isn't there some sort of handbook for this kind of situation?"

"I guess as your brother I could punch any guy that hurts you"

"Too late. My dad has already done that for me"

"Okay, I'm not a boxer like your dad so we'll let him solely continue that duty. Maybe I could tease you endlessly. I learnt that from the movies"

"Well if we are to go by the movies, I should find you gross. But I don't. You're a fine young man"

"Sisters don't say that in the movies"

"Let's make up our own rules as we go along"

The beat became more upbeat and then all the slow dancing stopped. Time for freestyle dancing. I had to admit having three brothers was kind of fun. They were goofing around on the dance floor and dragged the bridesmaids to join them. That was before my mum whispered something to Kevin and he smoothly brought Sumaya to his cousin's side on the dance floor. They were left to get acquainted. Poor Sumaya, she was nervous. I watched her relax a little and smiled. She was too beautiful to waste on spinsterhood.

I danced with my dad before Nii stepped up to ask for a dance which i happily obliged to. Damien swept me onto to the dancefloor when the dj played one of our favorite old school tracks and we did not hesitate to dust off all those old school moves we had barely done in ages to the entertainment of our audience who were laughing and cheering us on.

Alexa was on the prowl, as usual. My fears about her and Lucas subsided when I found out they were just friends and Lucas apologized to Sumaya.

"Kerry, if you need anything, call me. I may be on my honeymoon but you're still my daughter" my mum said slowly as we slow danced on the practically empty dance floor.

"Mum, stop. This is supposed to be your day. I will be fine. I have a father, a half-sister, three stepbrothers and a step- mum to look out for me. I've not even added friends to that list yet. I have a village worth of loved ones, you go be with your husband"

"I love you so much" she kissed my cheek affectionately.

"Just don't bring home any babies in there" I teased and pointed at her stomach. "You have a bucketload of kids already, look around. First marriage and you've already got five kids!"

"Will you stop teasing your own mother like this?! I can't believe you're even thinking of that"

"Anyway, if you come home with a kid. I'm not raising him or her or them but I will love him or her or them all the same" I told her and she actually smirked at me as though I just dared her to do so.

"Okay people, it is time to throw the bouquet but the bride has chosen not to do this the traditional way. So, the single ladies, not this wedding, try again next wedding" I could not believe my mum trusted Damien to be the MC for her reception.

"So, Mrs. Teiye, if you could move this way" he motioned for my mum to take centre stage. It was weird hearing her being called Mrs. Teiye.

"Good. Now daughter of the bride. Kerry, get over here" I joined the two of them, confused. We had not discussed this in the wedding preparations and rehearsal.

Damien took a step back and then my mum handed me her bouquet before pulling me into a hug. The whole room clapped softly as they witnessed the tender scene. I got emotional, as usual.

"This is me telling you to go find your happily ever after too" she whispered into my ear, still holding me, "I know you still love him. He's here. He's outside"

I froze and she hugged me tighter, "It will be okay"

She pulled away and then signaled Damien to let the deejay turn up the music. She held my hand and led me towards Almara then nodded at her. Then she let go of my hand.

"He's outside. Go see him" Almara said to me.

"Almara, I'm scared" I confessed, clutching the bouquet in front of me.

"He's here. He came to see you. Now scoot" she said in typical Almara fashion. Tough love. She took the bouquet from me and gestured for me to move it.

I took small steps till I got to the exit. I pushed open the door and stepped outside. I exhaled and took a couple more steps and found him leaning against the railing of the restaurant's front. His back was to me but I could spot him anywhere.

My knees felt weak but I moved my legs all the same. The long skirt of my bridesmaid dress was hiding my shaking legs. I walked towards him and stood next to him, side by side. He was dressed in a suit, looking very much like a wedding guest.

"Hi" I managed to say, it came out in a soft tone. I was truly scared to see him even after I'd dreamt about this moment for three months.

Dominic turned to face me and I shifted awkwardly to sort of face him too.

"How are you?" He asked, I dared myself to fully look at his face.

"I'm well. I..." My voice trailed off. I wanted to let him speak. He had not spoken nor seen me in three months.

"I read your letter"


"Quite quaint of you to send me a handwritten love letter"

"I'm a romantic"

"Your mum came to see me a month ago. She had kept drafts of the love letters you threw away. She didn't know you actually sent one in the end. It was interesting seeing how many times you tried to find the right words to say"

"Dominic, I'm sorry" I said, tearing up a little.

"I know you are" he said in barely a whisper then in the most affectionate way, wiped away a rogue tear that was rolling down my cheek. He pulled his hand away slowly.

"I should have told you" I bravely grabbed his hand and held it in both of mine. "I was scared. The thought of losing you... I couldn't bear it. Please I need you to forgive me"

He breathed slowly and used his other hand to cup mine. He was letting me touch him. He was touching me too.

"I needed to forgive my mother to forgive you. The day, I got your letter, I didn't open it. I started therapy and I would watch you from a distance as you came in for sessions. I was angry with you but I didn't want you out of my life either. So I finally read the letter, after a month of watching you commit to rehab. I realized I was not going to relive a nightmare. You're not my mother."

"You were watching me?"

"For three months" he said then took his hand away and dug into his pockets. I thought he was going to retrieve the letter. He pulled out my promise ring instead.

"This belongs to you" he took my right hand and slipped it back where it belonged. I looked down in disbelief then looked into his eyes for answers. His eyes softened.

"I'm still in love with you, Kerry"

I started to cry and threw my arms around him. When I felt his arms wrap around me and his face against my neck, I shook a little as happy tears replaced my sad ones. "I still love you, Dominic"

"Promise me, you will always come to me to talk if you are going through anything" he said into my neck.

"I will. I promise I will" I said to him.

He pulled away and cupped my face. The familiar feeling of his lips against mine surged through me as he dipped his head and kissed me. He pulled back a breath and we smiled at each other.

"Now if anyone asks about our second first kiss, I kissed you first" he said against my lips.

"I really missed you" I pulled his head back towards me and kissed him again. This time deeply enough to make our very souls connect. Almost as if we were trying to make up for three months in that moment.

"Okay, I need to get you back inside for the rest of your mother's wedding. If we continue like this, we would never stop" he laughed softly as we pulled apart to come up for air. I nodded in agreement.

He put his arm around my waist and was at my side once again. I held unto him and we stepped into the room. Everyone looked surprised to see us together again. I just smiled back at them as Sumaya and Alexa waved happily at us. Almara stood by looking content with a knowing smile on her face.

We made our way towards my mother. My mum took one look at the promise ring on my finger and said, "Guess the bouquet thing is not a myth after all. How soon before the actual ring?"

"Mum!" I stared at her shocked.

"Soon" Dominic responded with a soft laugh. He actually didn't sound nervous, more confident when saying so.

"Hmmm. And to think you two have a whole house to yourselves" she winked at us. I was horrified as she pointed at my stomach, "No babies in there when I get back from my honeymoon though. I won't raise him or her but I will love him, her or them all the same"

She just fed me back my words.

"Mum, you're the worst" I laughed.

"We can't make any promises" Dom replied with a smirk.

"Don't encourage her, Dom" I nudged him the ribs. My mum walked away laughing.

"Or what?"

"I'd bang your car door against your hand again" I threatened playfully as he drew me close to him so we were slow dancing to our own tune in our own little world.

"I like it when you play rough" he grinned devilishly at me.

I reached up and brushed my lips against his. "You're more than perfect for me, Dominic Chase"


I hope you enjoyed it. My very first Wattpad story! I'm still planning towards my next one. Just look out for AVARI by Awushi Dovlo (same person!)

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