Broken (Sana X Reader)

By MochiAndTofu

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"Even when you break my heart, I will always be there for you. Even if you say you don't love me, I would sti... More

1: First Time We Met
2: Best Friend?
3: Sleepover
4: My Confession (Kinda Smut)
5: The Letter
6: Till Next Time
7: 2019
8: Starting over again
9: Idk what to call this chapter
10: Ask Her
11: Date
12: Her Talents, Her looks, and Her Personality
13: A Familiar Face
15: Us
16: The worst day ever...
17: A new face
18: Let Go
19: Feel Special
20: Me and Her

14: M-Mark?

3K 62 24
By MochiAndTofu

*Y/n POV

I was laying in bed cuddling with snowball and thinking about the amazing day i had with Sana. I then received a text from Jackson 

Bold is Y/n, Italic is Jackson


Hey y/n!

                                                                                What's up Jackson?

I was wondering if you wanna hangout with me and

my friend tomorrow, Wanna join?

                                                                                    Sure, Why not?

Alright meet us at the mall at 12 pm then


                                                                                 Alright, Cya tomorrow

I wonder who his friend is? Whatever, I need to sleep anyways. 

*Author POV

Y/n Drifted off while dreaming about Sana....

Meanwhile back at Twice and Bts House...

Everyone in the living room was staring at Sana, Shocked at her answer. 

"Y-You still love Mark?" Namjoon said. "B-But what abo-" Jeongyeon quickly covered  Namjoon's mouth "We will support whoever you love" Jeongyeon said with a fake smile.

"Um.......I'm getting tired....Good night guys....." Jungkook said, got up and started to go upstairs. "W-Wait for me Jungkook...." Tzuyu ran after him. Soon one by one everyone started to go into their rooms until only Sana and Mark was the only one in the living room.

"So...You said yes........Doe's this mean we're back together?" Mark was looking into Sana's eyes.

"I-If you w-want it to be..." Sana was trying to avoid eye contact. Mark was smiling at Sana. "Great! By the way, Did you wanna hangout with me and my friend tomorrow?" 

Sana nodded slowly. "Great! I'll pick you up at 11:30?"

"Yeah...." They both got up from the floor, Mark walked towards Sana, put his arms out towards her, and wrapped her in his embrace. Sana didn't hug him back though. "Sana, I think you made me the happiest man alive" Mark then stopped the hug. 

Mark gave Sana his number "I will see you tomorrow!" Mark then went to the front door and left. Sana then went upstairs to her room, and closed the door. She laid in bed, thinking about what just happened. "Y/n..." Then Sana fell asleep.

*Next Day


*Sana POV

I got up from bed, Did my morning routine and ate breakfast with everybody else. It was a weird morning because no one was talking to each other. It was silent and weird, So i decided to speak up.

"Um...So why is everyone so quiet today?" 

Jihyo sighed and said "Nothing is wrong Sana..." and she continued eating her breakfast that Jin cooked for everybody. I then started to eat my breakfast. 

After i finished, i went to put on a outfit 


I then got a text from Mark that he was here. "I'm going out!" i yelled. 

"Where are you going unnie?" Chaeyoung asked me. "Hangout with friends, I'll be back baby tiger" I gave her a cute smile. I left the house and entered Mark's car. 

"Wow, Nice car Mark" I said to Mark. "Oh it's only rental, I'm visiting remember?" 

"Oh yeah hehe..." I was embarrassed. "Once you come live with me, You'll see my car." Mark gave me a smile.

"(Blushes) W-What do you mean?" I felt my face heating up.

"I'm asking you to live with me(Serious)" Wait, Mark is serious? 

"T-This is so s-sudden, and i s-still have t-to work, and my f-friends and-"

"(Laughs) It's okay Sana! You don't have to give me your answer right now. Whenever you're comfortable and talk with JYP, then you can give me a answer." Mark said with a smile.

Then Mark drove down the street...

*Y/n POV

I was driving to the mall to meet with Jackson and his friend. I went to the entrance and saw Jackson. 

I was walking towards him when i saw two people walking behind him, A male and female who both looked familiar. I was so eager to see who these people were, so i walked faster










"Sana and....M-Mark?"


I'm making myself cry Lmao

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