Nothing will bring me Down (D...

By claire43343

64K 984 31

Well, it looks like Grace and the gang are back, again for the third time. This time, it looks like things ge... More

About Grace
Chapter 2: Girl Talk/Audrey's shocking Appearance
Chapter 3: Jane's Birthday Party/ A problem turns into a disaster
Chapter 4: "No how, no way!"
Chapter 5: Night Fall
Chapter 6: Operation Save Auradon Phase One: Find Ben, Succeded
Chapter 7: Operation Save Auradon Phase Two: Find Fairy Godmother, Succeeded
Chapter 8: Operation Save Auradon: Save Audrey
Chapter 9: Meet Becca and Bryce
Chapter 10: Waking Up Audrey/Meeting Hades
Chapter 11: Let's Break This Down/The End

Chapter 1: Meeting the New Generation of VK's/ The Devestating News

6K 76 5
By claire43343

Buster, Grace's Great Pyrenees:

Back at the palace, Grace stood in the sun room as she enjoyed her cuddle time with Buster who was a huge Mama's boy. Buster laid on the couch with his head on Grace's stomach while Grace petted him. His hears perked up at the sound of footsteps and he began to growl lowly. This caught Grace's attention and she said, "Buster? What's wrong, boy?" She followed his gaze and saw her husband with their friends and the new generation of VK's. Ben saw that his wife was about to get up but stopped her and he said, as he walked over to her, "No, don't get up. You put too much strain on yourself as is. *He turned back to the new VK's who stood with the OG VK's* Guys, this is my wonderful wife and beautiful Queen...Grace." Grace smiled and said to the younger kids, "It is an honour to have all of you in Auradon." Dizzy let out a squeal when she saw her step-cousin and said, "Gracie!" She stepped forward but stopped when Buster barked and growled at her, her eyes widened. Ben turned to Buster and said to him, "Relax, Buster-man. She's okay. She's Grace's step-cousin." Grace smiled at her step-cousin and said, opening her arms, "Come here, Diz." Dizzy ran to her step-cousin and wrapped her around her. Dizzy released from the hug and said to her step-cousin, as she looked at Grace's pregnant stomach, "My gosh, you are absolutely glowing! I think your kids are going to look like you and Ben." Grace and Ben both smiled and chuckled at the younger girl. Their introduction was cut sort when there was a knock on the door. A valet walked into the room and said to his King and Queen, "Your Majesties, your presence is required by King Adam, Queen Belle, King Charming, and Queen Cinderella in the study." Ben replied, "We'll be there in a moment." The valet nodded and left the room. Grace sighed and said, with a smile, "Well, a ruler's duty never ends. We've got to go but we'll check on you guys later to see how you all are settling in."

The couple left the room, followed by Buster and Mal, who growled at anyone who got close to him or his master or mistress. Ben and Grace walked to the study, with Grace waddling her way there, and walked in. The couple noticed that their parents were there along with Fairy Godmother. Ben said to his parents, "Mom, Dad? What's going on?" Grace turned to her parents and said, "Mama? Daddy?" Adam turned to his son and daughter-in-law and said to them, "I think we all know why we're here. The people are in a panic about Hades. He almost got out. *Grace watched Ben scoff in exasperation*" The Fairy Godmother said, "Who knows what he would've done if he had escaped?" Adam continued, "Every time we open the barrier, we're exposed to danger... especially Grace. Maleficent, Uma, and now Hades." Mal looked down at the ground at the mention of her mother and Hades. Belle turned to Grace and said to her daughter-in-law, "Grace, what do you think we should do? How do we keep evil out of Auradon?" Grace sighed and replied, as she looked between her husband and best friend then at her parents and godparents, "I think that there is only one way to guarantee their safety. *Her voice began to shake when she knew that this would hurt the younger kids who had the chance to come to Auradon* And I think that there can't be anymore going in or out." She couldn't continue as tears fell down her cheeks then Mal continued for her best friend. Mal said, "I think that we should close the barrier forever." That was when Grace lost it and began to make her way out of the room while Ben just stared at his parents with disbelief. Ben said, shaking his head as he went to go after his pregnant wife, "No." Adam stepped forward and said, "Son..." Chad Sr. called out to his daughter, "Gracie!" Ben continued to protest while Mal went after her two best friends. Buster ran after his distressed mistress and whimpered in sympathy.

Ben found Grace sitting on a bench on their balcony with Buster trying to comfort her, while she had her head in her hands. He walked over to her slowly and said to Buster, "You go ahead, Buster. I've got things handled here." Buster obeyed his master and stood at a safe distance from the couple and watched. Ben knelt down in front of his wife and placed his hand on her arm, rubbing it. Grace whispered, "I can't do this, Ben. I don't want to do this. How are we going to tell those kids that they can't see their parents anymore? What about our friends?" Ben said, "I don't know, Gracie. I just don't know." The couple looked up when they heard their names being called and saw Mal walking over to them. Mal walked over to them and said to them, "I hate to do this as much as you guys do. Ben, I don't want to take away your dream because it's so beautiful. That's what made me wanted to change. Tell me one thing, what is your duty?" Ben and Grace both replied, "To protect Auradon." Mal nodded with a smile, grabbing her best friends' hands. Ben said to Mal, "You know what this will mean? All those kids......" Their conversation was interrupted when they heard Buster bark. Adam said to his son, as he walked over to him and his daughter-in-law, "Son, Mal and Grace are right." Mal said to Adam, "I just don't think that we would forgive ourselves if something terrible happened." Adam sighed and Belle walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his arm. Chad Sr. and Cinderella walked over to their daughter and wrapped their arms around her, comfortingly.

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