The runaway

By FreakAnimeLover113

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Victor is the crowning prince an a rebel so it's safe to say his life has challenges but He's gonna have to l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9

Chapter 4

25 0 0
By FreakAnimeLover113

I pound on Nicky's door panicked. Her father opens it looking worried the moment he spots me.

"Victor?" He asks confused.

"Is Nicky here?" I ask out of breath.

"Yes she's in her room why?" He says confused.

"Because I need to speak with her" I say hurrying my way to her room. I open her door an she rolls over annoyed until she spots me.

"VIC YOUR HAIR!!" She says happily. I stick my tongue out at her.

"Nick I need to bring you with me to my mothers it's the only way I know your gonna be safe" I say sitting beside her an holding her tightly. Nick looks up at me worriedly. I guess the fear is starting to creep in.

"Victor?" Her mother says shocked as she walks in.

"Would it be alright if I stole Nicky for a little while?" I ask smiling. She nods an Nicole walks to her closet.

"Yes but is there something wrong?" I nod.

"My father made me the crowning prince an now my siblings want me dead an I think they'll hurt Nicky.. Or my dad will try to make her his bride" I say the last part annoyed an bitterly.

"Why would your father do that?" I look at Nicole as she walks out in a pair of black leggings with a bright pink tutu an a black shirt with a neon pink skull on the front. Her long blonde curly hair cascades down her shoulders falling perfectly. She has a black bow in her hair with a small pink skull.

"My father would do it to hurt me I took off after he made the announcement my older siblings now want me dead" I say looking her mother in the eyes.

"Alright Victor I trust you, the way you look at her says more than mer words can" I look away as Nicky walks up. I kiss her forehead causing her to blush. She grabs the rose I gave her an puts it in her bag. Blue flames begin around both of us as she says good bye.


Nicole stares at me shocked as my mother walks out an looks at us. Same with a few hunters. I wrap my arm around Nicky's waste pulling her closer. She blushes as mom smiles at me.

"She's your soulmate" mom asks smiling. I nod an kiss nicks cheek.

"I'll kill anyone who'll try to touch her" I say with a death glare. A few nod understanding while a few more hide.

"Victor!" Alex says walking up with a boy. There holding hands. How cute.

"Who's she?! she's pretty!" He says smiling.

"Nicole Kimberly Dante my soulmate" I say as he smiles at her.

"This is Caleb my boyfriend!" He says happily.

"Huh interesting" I say as the demon cowers. Nicole's a demon as well but since the vampire blood line is always stronger in a relationship no matter who's it with the children turn out to be vampires. The vampires rule all races of the supernatural while the hunters protect all humans.

"Does he know your a demon?" Caleb nods.

"Yes my lord" he says nervously.

"It's Victor an you better protect him with your life" I say walking over to mom with Nicky.

"Nicole this is my mother" nicks eyes widen as I introduce mom.

"I'm Nicole Dante" nick says smiling. They shake hands an nicks eyes widen.

"Victor your mother she's-" I nod as she states this.

"Dead?" Mom says with a sad smile

"Victors birth killed me he's the cursed child" she says sadly. I look at her confused.

"It's not that he was cursed. I was cursed to have a child who'd kill me" I make a face an look away. Nicky places a hand on my cheek an smiles at me. I smile weakly at her as mark walks out.

"Great a vampire and a demon now how lovely" he says sighing. Mom glares at him as the moon starts to rise.

"She eats normal food" I say bitterly as I glare at him.

"I know that who's kid is she?" He asks sighing.

"Damien Dante's" I say yawning. He nods an brings is inside.

"Okay better than the Vondworths"

"Why is a Dante better than a Vondworth?! Last time I checked Dante's have killed more humans than the Vondworths!" I look a nick an she mutters an apology.

"It's fine nick he knows that my dad did something to him I just don't know what yet" I say looking around. I spot an abandoned home.

"Would you rather stay there?" Mark asks looking at me. I nod.

"I don't want to be a burden" I say looking at nick as she clings closer too me as more hunters begin to appear.

"Alright your mother will stay with you an Alex will because he's fascinated with vampires" I sigh an take a blood tablet.

"I see" I say walking towards it. I look at mark as he walks up.

"I'll pay for renovations an ill do all the work" I say smiling at him.

"You just need something to keep you busy don't you?" I nod as I stretch.

"I'll keep Nicole company" mom says setting up a tea table on the over grown gazebo.

"Victor try not too kill the plants" Jenna says looking at them. I walk up an touch one it shrinks to a baby. I dig it up an move it.

"I like them I'll just move them until I'm finished" I say looking coldly at the moon.

"Alright well you better get too work" I nod an set too work.

-----------------------------the next night 10:30-------------------------

I smile at nick as I walk out the house the entire inside is redone an finished all that's left is fixing up the gardens an outside. I start on the porch as mom brings tea an a cake out to the gazebo which I fixed up while nick was asleep. The house is an older house I think it was a plantation house at some point a wealthy one too. I walk over as Nicky call me.

"Victor you have too try this tea!" I sigh an take a sip.

"It tastes like water an sugar" I say picking a cup up as I sit. Nicky pouts.

"Why do you always say those things?! Even when I cook you sweets!" She says standing angrily. I blink shocked.

"Nick I'm a vampire I taste things differently plus my tastes are more suited for blood" I say moving towards her so I'm standing behind her. I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Let me try one of the sweets you made" I say kissing her cheek. She sighs an grabs one which I think she called a mini cupcake.

"Same recipe as the ones you make at home?" I ask eyeing it. She nods an holds it too my mouth facing me now. I take a bite as a camera flashes. I ignore it as I chew trying to taste the treat Nicky made.

"It's sweet an yummy" I say taking another bite. Nick smiles an kiss's me. I blink shocked. She's never wanted to kiss me on the lips before.

"Victor are we a couple?" She asks playing with my neckless. My family's royal crest. A cross through a skull with barb wire it's on a long chain.

"Everyone assumes we are an even at times I forget if we are or not because we act so much like one" Alex takes another picture.

"Than we are right?" She asks looking me in the eyes. I give her a kind smile an kiss her.

"Yes Nicky we are" I say as she blushes. Alex squeals like a girl as my mother an his awwe.

"Good now have more sweets!" She says shoving one in my face. I grab one an smear it on her cheek.

"Victor!" Mom an Jenna yells. Nick starts laughing as I sit pulling her into my lap an licking the sweet off her cheek.

"Ewwww! Victor stop it!" She says laughing.

"Okay" I say dropping two blood tablets in my drink. Nick looks at me concerned.

"Victor your hungry aren't you?" She asks catching me in a lie as I choke on the tea. I put it down an sigh.

"No I'm fine why do you ask?" I say smiling she looks away sadly. I sigh.

"Alright you caught me I am" I say sighing.

"When I first arrived here I was hungry Alex offered him self an I was going too until his parents walked in.. His father gave me these blood tablets but I haven't eaten in a few days so they won't do any good except control my hunger" I admit causing her too look worriedly at me.

"You normally drink human blood right?" Nick asks eyeing me carefully. I nod as mark walks up with those blood bags humans use.

"here" he says eyeing me.

"You don't look well" he says as I grab the cooler from him.

"Thanks" I say kind of annoyed.

"I know it's not as good as from the vein but it's better than starving" mark says handing me a glass. I nod an fill it up. Everyone watches me as I slowly sip it.

"Stop trying to control it an drink!" Mom says angrily. I look at nick an she nods. I chug it back an look at the moon. It's silver. I've always loved it too bad I won't get too see it as much anymore..

"Better?" Nick asks smiling. I nod as she fills my glass up.

"If you need more just ask" mark says sitting with us. I nod.

"I'm not used too these or to hospitality an these things are kind of a last resort with the royal family" I say sighing

"Well your here in the human world that's the best we can do" I nod an take another sip.

"With these an the tablets I should be able to last" I admit smiling at nick. She wipes a stray drop of blood off my lip.

"Do my sweets taste bad?" She asks sadly. I stare at her shocked. I grab another one an eat it in one bite.

"It's sweet with a bit of tang I thinks it's orange" I say smiling at her.

"I like these one better" I admit taking a sip of the blood.

"So why are you chasing it down with blood?" She asks annoyed.

"Nicky I haven't really eat in a week" I admit looking away. Everyone stares shocked.

"Dad's been making me starve for back talking to him in front of the royal court" I say taking another sip.

"Victor! Why didn't you tell anyone?!" Nick asks sitting up more.

"Because I'm not the type to ask for help or to admit anything that big nick you've known about my father abuse towards me for years now" she nods an hugs me. I finish off my drink an sit her in the chair. I look at mark

"Thank you" I say offering him my hand. He grabs it an shake.

"You an Nicole start school in the morning you can work on the house after it get some rest Victor" I nod.

"So do I go by my real name or Vincent?" I ask with a slight grin.

"Your name Victor Hans but your not related to Vasil" I nod an stop mid step.

"I look too much like him though" mark throws two boxes of blue hair dye at me.

"It'll wash out in a few weeks an we can do another colour as long as you don't bleach your hair your red will come back" mark says as I walk into the house with mom an nick.

---------------------------------The next morning---------------------------

"Victor get up!" Mom yells impatiently. I look at the clock 6:30am. I sigh an get up. I look in the mirror. My hairs a purplish blue now. Nick walks in an shrieks.

"Victor! Get your clothes on an stop standing around naked!" She says turning her back too me.

"I'm in boxers nick" I say grabbing black jeans an a black muscle shirt. I pull them on an my dark blue sweater. I slip the bracelet mom gave me on. Nick doesn't need one demons can survive in say light but she has one just in case.

"I'm dressed happy" she nods as I yawn.

"Tired?" She asks as we walk downstairs. I nod as Alex comes skipping into to the house. I ignore everyone as I head to the fridge I pull a blood bag out an fill three black water bottles up. I begin to drink one as Alex, mark an nick come I to the kitchen. Nick starts making a lunch an glares at the fridge it literally looks like someone put a line down the middle.

"What?" I ask looking at it.

"Mom!" I call out annoyed. Nick organized everything including the blood by type an my preference.

"Sorry I had too" mom says as nick begins to fix it. I sigh an start to play with my neckless.

"I can eat food it just has no effect plus she had it organized to my taste an preferences as well an the blood type" mom blinks shocked as nick finishes. She focuses on lunch. She toss's a container of sweets at me. I put it in my bag as mark hands us our schedules. We have English, hunters history, art, an that's it together my next class is gym while hers is some fashion course. She looks at me worriedly.

"Can I switch into victors gym course he might snap an I'm usually the one who can control him" I smile at her an kiss her cheek.

"I'll be fine it's just one class" I say as she sighs.

"You better be" she says glaring at me.

"Trust me this once nick" she nods as Alex watches us. I grab my bag an hand nick her shoulder bag. It looks like a purse but it's not an it's hexed like my knapsack. I put my lunch, so to speak, in my bag as we head outside. Mom says bye as Alex leads the way.

"What grade are you guys in?" He asks skipping as we walk hand in hand.

"11" nick says as I yawn.

"12" I say stretching.

"So how are you in the same class's" I grin.

"I've convinced your father too put us in the same class's" nick looks at me. She's in a black skirt with red leggings an a red tree shirt with a skull on the front. Everyone watches us as we walk through town.

"What the fuck are they looking at?" I ask annoyed.

"Victor they've never seen us before it is a small town" Nicky says looking up at me with her beautiful emerald green eyes.

"I guess" I say as we approach the school. Alex spots someone an hides behind us.

"Dude what the hell?" I ask annoyed.

"No one really likes me on the foot ball team since I'm gay" the captain of the foot ball team walks up and tears mine an Nicky's hands apart. I glare at him with my red eyes.

"Hello sweet heart" he says ignoring him.

"Leave me alone" nick says walking around him. His goons stop her.

"Listen here you little fuckers!" I snap as mark walks up.

"She's already taken an if you lay one fucking finger on her I swear to god I'll snap your wrist!" They stare at me shocked then at mark

"Do we have a problem here?" Mark asks an the boys blocking Nicky take off. She quickly hurries over to me. I hug her.

"No sir he's threatening me though" mark ignores him.

"Nicole are you alright?" Nick nods as the boy looks at me I'm currently baring my teeth at him.

"I'-I'm fine Victor they didn't hurt me" mark looks at me concerned.

"Victor!" He says trying to gain my attention.

"Victor Hans!" The minute he yells that name everyone stares at me. I snap away from the boy an look at mark.

"What happened?"

"Alex hid behind me and than that fucker fucking walks up an tares our hands apart!" Mark glares at the boy.

"Oh not to mention they are bullying Alex for being gay" Alex looks at me.

"Victor are you okay?" Nick asks looking at me concerned.

"No Im fucking not some jackass just tried to take you!" I say bitterly. The boy apologizes to me.

"I-I'm sorry dude" he says as I walk away with nick hand in hand and Alex following.

"Alex what grade are you in?"

"9 like half the school is they are mainly grade 9-10s" I nod as he says this. Nick looks at me concerned.

"Victor are you alright?" She asks worriedly. I nod an kiss her causing a few of the boys to stare shocked.

"I'm fine are you alright?" I ask as we reach my locker which is by Alex's.

"I'm fine a bit unnerved" I nod.

"Humans are idiots" I whisper annoyed.

"Hey!" Alex says offended.

"Alex we don't class hunters as humans they are their own breed to us" I say yawning as a few girls walk up too us with some boys.

"You two are new" Nicky smiles an nod while I shut my locker

"Well no shit" I say annoyed. Nick smiles at me an I sigh.

"I'm Alice an this is Caleb, Nathen, Mike an Jessica" Caleb hugs Alex as Alex smiles at him. I slip my arm around Nicky's waste.

"I'm Victor Hans an this is Nicole Kimberly" she glares at me.

"It's nice too meet you" she says smiling.

"Besides the foot ball team we are the most popular in school!" Two blondes say walking up an joining the group.

"That's nice do I look like I care?" Nicky glares at me.

"I'm sorry about my boyfriend we haven't had a very good start to the day" nick says smiling.

"If I see that captain of the fucking foot ball bastard I'll brake his arm" nick kiss's my cheek.

"Why what did my brother do?" Alice asks concerned.

"We walked up to the school an he ripped my hand out of victors an started hitting on me" nick says as that bastard walks over.

"Alice why are you making friends with a punk like hi-" he stops the minute he spots my neckless.

"You are aware that's the vampires royal family's crest right?" I look at it an curse.

"God damn it I grabbed the wrong one!" I say shoving it in my bag an pulling out a cross on a chain with a skull an bullets in its mouth.

"Thanks for pointing that out I'm Victor an you are?" He smiles an shake my hand.

"I'm Kyle" I nod.

"Good now I don't have to call you by jack ass" he chuckles.

"I am really sorry about earlier it was a dare I had to do an it was supposed to be on the new kids who I heard were small an in grade nine" I haven't noticed but I'm taller than him.

"You heard wrong an I'm a grade 12" I say bitterly. They all stare at me shocked.

"Your courses are grade eleven though" Alice says looking at my schedule.

"I'm a university level student I'm that smart I graduated early I came back so I can keep an eye on my girl friend an protect her from jack ass's" I say growling this time.

"I'm really sorry dude" Nicky looks up at me.

"It's fine" I say as the bell goes. I look at my schedule

"Hey we have the same class's" Alice says smiling at Nicky. Nicky smiles as Kyle looks at mine.

"Same here bro" I sigh an we all walk to class. Me an nick step in the door an everyone stares shocked a few guys make a few comments until Nicky kiss's my cheek.

"You two must be the new students" I nod as Nicky steps into the class room.

"Well come on in" I take a step inside an the teacher stops me.

"Introduce your self all the guys had too" he says grinning.

"I'm Victor Hans" I say yawning.

"Where are you originally from Victor?" The teacher asks excitedly.

"Russia" I say as I take a seat in the back beside nick.

"Your Russian?" a guy asks turning around. He's a hybrid. Fucking hell. I nod.

"Дa" I say yawning, it means yes in Russian.

"Wow cool I'm from the demon world" he says smiling. Fucking hell.

"Lucas eyes on front!" The teacher snaps. I pull a bottle of blood out of my bag an take a sip. I put it back in my bag. Lucas looks at me strangely.

"Victor would you like to tell me what the word vampire means?" He asks as I look at the board.

"It's an european folklore for a corpse that leaves it's grave to devour the blood of a human with canine like teeth" they all blink shocked.

"Or would you like the hunters definition?" I ask looking the teacher in the eyes.

"Hunters" he says amused.

"A blood sucking son of a bitch who can't be killed by garlic, holy water or a stake to the heart but are quiet hard to fight because of their strength an all need to be killed" I say sounding annoyed.

"I see you know your stuff so where in Russia are you from? Or should I ask which Russia the demons plane or the humans?" He ask amused as Nicky looks at me.

"I'm from Siberia you jackass of a teacher an just because I have red eyes doesn't mean shit! I was born albino!" I snap at him. He looks completely shocked.

"I'm sorry I assumed"

"Well don't assume it makes an ass out of you an me!" I say as Nicky looks at me worriedly. I smile at her.

"I'm fine so relax" she nods as pays attention to the lesson agin. The bell eventually ring an it's off to hunters history.

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