Chapter 6

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Nicky looks at me as I walk up the drive way. I smile as she looks relieved. That relief is cut off by two hunters walking out the house guns ready. I look at them confused as mark runs up to me panicked. The two shoot an I quickly block the bullets way to mark. One bullet tares through my lung like a hot knife in butter while the other tares my side open an the third an inch above my heart. Nicky screams horrified as I fall too my knees.

"How is he still alive?! These bullets are hexed an everything" I burst out laughing as I summon two katanas.

"That works for a normal vampires but a pure blood" I laugh even more.

"ARE YOU READY TO DIE?!?!" I yell with a crazy grin. Nicky watches me horrified as I kill them. I slice there throats as I turn towards everyone as I walk towards mark. I make the swords vanish as I help him up.

"Explain why I was just shot?" I ask as we head inside the house I sit down in a chair as Nicky pulls the bullets out.

"Victor I don't like this" she says examining the bullets.

"What?" I ask yawning

"There's a very old carving in these bullets they were blessed an made by a very powerful witch they should of killed you but they didn't" she says looking at me.

"A lot of things from the old world should kill me but they haven't yet an I need to find out why" I admit sighing.

"What do you mean?" She asks concerned.

"It's like I my self is from the old world an I'm immune to everything they throw at me" I say before kissing Nicky. Mom walks in an clears her throat.

"Mark why was Victor shot?" Mom asks as Nicky looks away. Why is she so distant all of a sudden? I run a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry nick I shouldn't of killed them in front of you... You should never have to see me like that" she drops the bowel an turns shocked.

"If you didn't kill them they would of killed you! They almost did!" She yells crying. My eyes widen out of shock as she steps closer.

"Stop being so careless! Why don't you value your life?" She says the last part in a whisper. She thinks I don't value my life.

"Nicole I do value my life I'm a vampire the urge to kill an fight is apart of my nature do you honestly think I'd allow my self to be killed by two low level demons?" She blinks shocked.

"Look at my wounds nick there healing" I say standing an hugging her.

"You don't have to worry about losing me" I kiss the top of her head as she crys harder

"I'm the one who needs to worry" she looks up at me shocked.


"Your a target because your my soulmate Nicky that's why I want you around me all the time" I tilt her chin up an look her in the eyes.

"You already knew that though didn't you?" She nods as I let her go. Her mother an father walk in as I head towards the stairs. They bow as I walk past I nod acknowledging them before heading to my room.

"MOM!" I yell annoyed from my room. She runs up with nick an Nicky's parents. I look around. The windows are open an that beds back....


"What did you do?" I ask annoyed.

"I put the coffin in the attic" I growl as I head towards the attic stairs.

"Victor?" Mom asks confused. Nicky looks at her an sighs as I come down stairs.

"The only reason he left the bed in here was for me when I don't want to sleep alone. He's more comfortable in the coffin an actually sleeps when he's in it when he's in the bed with me he never sleeps he's always awake looking around an thinking" she says as I carry the coffin down. Mark stares shocked at me they all do.

"What? I am a pure blood vampire" I say sharply as I enter my room.

"Victor when did you last feed?" Nick asks out of the blue.

"When I went for a stroll" I say yawning.

"So about a day ago?" She asks sadly. I nod an kiss her forehead.

"You worry too much" I say placing the coffin in the corner where no light reaches. Nick looks at it sadly.

"Your always prepared aren't you Victor?" She asks as I pull the lid off. I drop it an blink shocked at her.

"Vick are you really that worried about me die'ing?" She nods looking quiet sad. I walk over an hug her. Her mother looks at he shocked as she starts to cry.

"I won't plan die'ing anytime soon so you don't have to worry I am a pure blood vampire" I say looking her in the eyes.

"Nicky Victor is as strong as his great grandfather maybe stronger an he lived for two thousand years maybe even longer an Victor is only 17 while your 16" her father says walking in.

"I know dad it's just I can't help but worry! I've seen him in some pretty bad spots before an he still walks away even if he shouldn't be!" She says hitting my arm.

"I'm sorry nick I don't mean to make you worry but I'll be fine" I say kissing her.

"Promise" I smile at her.

"I promise" I say pulling my neckless off an putting it around her neck. My family's crest. Usually this is a very big thing in my family.

"Victor" she says looking at it shocked.

"If you don't want it just return it" I say heading downstairs. Mom follows me.

"does she know what it means?" I shake my head.

"No she doesn't" I say gripping the counter hard.

"Is that why your nervous?" I nod as she says this.

"Once she excepts that it seals our fate if she doesn't then it'll destroy me emotionally" I say taking a deep breath as her father comes down the stairs.

"Victor she doesn't know what'll happen if she do-" I nod.

"I know which is why I did it! I had too an no one can tell her anything until she makes her choice" I say as Nicky comes running down the stairs. She wraps her arms around me.

"Okay Victor! I'll keep it!" I sigh in relief once she says that.

"Thank god"

"What?" She asks confused by me.

"You just sealed our fate if you didn't except that it would mean we weren't meant to be" her eyes widen as I open a compartment where a red stone is.

"This stone is called a fate stone an it's red because you excepted your fate an this isn't really my neckless it's yours we always have one made for our other half" I say smiling at her as I pull mine out. Her eyes widen. Mine is more masculine looking compared to hers.

"Victor your a jerk!" She says with tears in her eyes. I step back shocked an confused by her reaction.

"You shouldn't of worried about that! We are meant to be you idiot!" She yells at me looking me in the eyes. I sigh an kiss her.

"Don't worry me like that!" I say poking her nose.

"Go to bed!" She says annoyed by me now.

"I have something's I need to talk to my mom about!" She says crossing her arms.

"Alright lovely" I say kissing her forehead before heading to my room. She's so confusing. I think sighing.

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