
De daviidsofiia

106K 3.9K 224

Jemma Jones has had a rough life right from her birth. Born of a prostitute, thrown out by the age of ten, th... Mais

Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Cast- Part Two
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Status & Glory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 17
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 31
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Story- Forever His

Chapter 12

2.1K 106 8
De daviidsofiia

Jemma's POV

Jasper was driving a little faster than the specified limit which made the car ride shorter. When we got to the hospital I basically ran in.

I stopped only when I was standing beside Uncle Williams bed. I was panting for air.

A smile formed on his face, "JJ"

"Uncle Williams!" I threw myself on him, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. He didn't seem to mind.

"I missed you too," he said stroking my hair.

"Don't ever leave me like this again," I struggled to keep my tears in.

"I promise I won't," he voice was soft.

The door opened and Devin and Jasper walked in. Devin's face lit up when he saw me and he pulled me into a hug.

We stayed like that for a while before I pulled away, "when did he wake up?"

"Actually since twelve a.m but I didn't want to disturb your sleep but he just couldn't stop begging me to call you so... "

I turned to look at Uncle Williams and he had a goofy grin plastered on his face. "Well I missed my favorite person, what did you expect?"

"You hear that Devin, I'm his favorite person," I teased.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes.

"Who's the guy?" Uncle Williams asked, pointing to Jasper.

"Oh this is Jasper Vanderwaal, my friend from work," Devin introduced.

"Nice to have you back Mr Bates," Jasper said, obviously nervous.

"I'm glad to be back and please call me Williams," Uncle Bates gave him an approving nod.

Jasper nodded and excused himself from the room.

I sat down on a chair.

"Jemma, my dad and I came to a conclusion and we finally decided we would be moving. It's actually my grand parents house that no one's living in anymore. It's pretty close to your house and that also means that I'll be going to your new school with you." Devin announced.

"That's totally amazing! Just tell me when you'll be moving in and I'll come help you. You know I have to pick my room and decorate it as I like."

"Sure no problem."

I had a room at Devin's place for whenever I came over to his house and slept over. I happened to enjoy sleeping at their place a lot of times so I gradually claimed it as my room.

"When will you be out of this place?" I asked.

"They're still monitoring him and it shouldn't take long before they release him," Devin answered.

"Okay." I  snatched the bottle of water Devin was holding.

"Hey that's mine," he protested.

"Whatever," I drank the water.

We sat down together, chatting about a lot of things till Devin forced me to leave saying that I needed to get ready for school.

So here I was in the cafeteria, squashed between my new friends and my step siblings. They were all talking about stuffs that I really wasn't interested in. I think they were talking about some girl who was coming back to the school in a few days. I really didn't care.

Jasper occasionally stole glances at me and he kept on looking away whenever I caught him. It was really weird.

"So when is your friend resuming here?" Maddy asked, seeking my attention.

"Monday," I said automatically. I had the day etched in my brain already.

"That happens to be the day Kaitlyn is to resume," Paige said, disgust evident in her voice.

"Who's Kaitlyn?" I finished my bottle of coke.

"You weren't listening were you?" Quinn asked placing her hand under her chin.

"Nope," I shook my head.

"Kaitlyn is a girl that was in this school some time ago. She wa-"

"Why are you leaving out the part that she was your best friend?" Jasper butted in, cutting off Paige.

"I'm getting there," she frowned at Jasper. "As I was saying. she was our best friend and then all of a sudden she stopped talking to us and she soon became the enemy. Before we knew it we heard she was on the next flight to New York and that was how we lost her. Now there's news that she's coming back and that she's no longer the Kate we know."

"Okay," I shrugged, "she shouldn't be a problem right?"

"I hope not," she pulled her lips to a straight line.

"You know back then she kinda had this thing for Jasper, I guess they even hoo-" Jasper put a piece of chicken in her mouth to stop her from talking.

I gave them a suspicious look.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and we all disperesed. I was headed to my own class when I remembered that I had to pick my sketch book from my locker since I had art next.

After picking my book and closing my locker I was about to run back to my class when I heard a familiar voice.

"...what do you mean by you've found him?"

I followed the sound of the voice to the corner of the opposite direction to where I was going. That voice was too familiar.

I turned the corner and I saw Jasper leaning on a locker, his phone pressed to his ears while a close by locker was open. He looked angry and surprised at the same time, it was hard to tell.

"How could you keep this from her, you know she'd kill you if she finds out." He rose his voice.

I turned around to leave. Eavesdropping is not good.

"What do you mean by it's a lot more complicated that it looks?" Jasper's voice was higher this time,

I stopped in my tracks, still listening.

What are you doing Jemma?

"Look D-"

I couldn't hear what else he said because the late bell rang.

Now I'm late for class because I was listening to a one sided conversation that had nothing to do with me.

I turned back around and headed to my class. When I got to the class the teacher was not there yet so I was lucky.

I took my seat and brought out my pencil from my bag, ready to make some sketches.

I was really good in art. I had started drawing at the age of eight. It started with simple sketches and with time I improved.

The teacher ended up coming late to the class and just giving us instructions on what to do.


At the end of school, my monthly visitor decided to alert me with cramps so I had to get to the store to get some pads and while in the store I saw Rhonda.

"Ron!" I yelled gaining her attention.

"Jemma!" she pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you," I told her while wrapping my hands around her slightly petite figure

"Me too darling," she pulled away. "How are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm bored," she sighed.

I laughed. "You know what maybe I'll come spend some time with you during the weekend, what about Saturday?"

"That's cool, I'll prepare your favorite," her smile reached her eyes. "How's Sarah and the twins?"

"They're all doing great."

"That's good to hear. By the way what did you come to get?"

I rose the pack of pads, "visitor."

"Don't forget to get some pain killers too."

"I still have those," I chuckled. "What about you?"

"Well, Natalie asked me to get her some pasta on my way to her house."

"Okay. I've got to go now, I'll call you later," I hugged her again.

"Alright, bye," she called as I began to walk away from her.

"Bye," I waved at her.

I paid for the pads and drove home.

I got home and changed, using the pads because the battle had already started. I could hardly even make it out of the bathroom.

I usually had severe cramps for the first two days. It was always war.

I opened the drawer where I had kept the drug for the cramps when I realized that they weren't there. I searched my bags and everywhere but still didn't find it.

I was sure I had them last week.

Remember you gave your last ones to Paige last week?

Oh no! Now I'm going to die.

Paige wasn't at home and neither was Jasper or Kyler. I guess I'll have to drag myself to the store or just sleep off from the pain.

I think I can manage it to the store.

I crawled my way down the stairs and to the living room to retrieve my keys from the little tray where all keys where kept.

"What's wrong with you?" Jasper asked from behind me.

"Finally, someone came to my rescue," I struggled to turn to face him.

I was on all fours. Turning around only increased the pain and I let myself fall on the floor face flat.

"Are you okay?" I could feel his hands wrap around me on the floor, pulling me to a kneeling position.

The pain intensified, "no not that way." I struggled to lay back down on the floor face flat but Jaspers hand around me held me in place.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" His grip on me tightened.

"Cramps," I said closing my eyes. The pain was too much.

He picked me up bridal style and laid me on the couch. I rolled on my tummy.

"I need some pain killers but mine is finished so I need to go to the store to get some." I spoke in a muffled voice because my mouth was pressed against the couch.

"Okay, I'll get them for you. Which do you want?"


"Alright, I'll soon be back." He said before walking out of the house.

I stayed in that position till he came back. After I took the drugs, it took a while before the pain subsided and when it finally did, I sat up straight on the chair.

He was seated on the chair closest to me.

"You feel better now?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you." I nodded.

He stood up and left me in the living room, I put in the TV and laid back down on the couch.

I ended up sleeping on the couch and I was later woken up by Jasper shaking me.

"Wake up, it's time for dinner." He said before turning around back into the kitchen.

Sarah wasn't around so it was surely one of the chef's that prepared the meal.

I pulled myself from the couch and into the dining. To my surprise it was only Jasper who was seated at the table.

"Where is everybody?" I took the seat opposite from Jasper.

"Out." he said serving food for himself.

We ate in silence and when I was done I went straight to my room to do some homework and I slept off after.


I woke up to a sharp pain and when I checked the time it was just 10:30. I don't think I'll be sleeping much this night.

The cramps was getting worse so I stood up to take some Advil again but I didn't find it on my bedside table meaning I left it on the coffee table.

When I got to the living room I didn't find the Advil there anymore so I went to the kitchen.

"Devin, what are you doing here?" I asked walking into the kitchen to find Devin sitting on one of the stools.

"I came to see my boss..." he paused when I glared at him, "and you."

I smiled walking towards Jasper, "did you see the Advil?"

"Yeah it's in the top cabinet. I helped you put it there," he pointed to the cabinets not taking his eyes off his computer in front of him.

Since I was too short plus the cramps I was having, reaching the cabinet was a bit hard.

"Ahhh," I turned around in frustration, positioning a stool to climb.

I climbed the stool and balanced myself on it. I reached over to the cabinet and took the Advil from it. I turned back around ready to jump down when I lost my balance and struggled to keep myself form falling.

"Hey there take it easy," Jasper rushed to my side. "Let me help you," he suggested.

"No it's fine, I can do it." I declined his offer and positioned myself to come down but as I was getting off, I felt a sharp pain again causing me to loose my balance again and this time around I fell.

Right into Jasper's arms.

Perfect timing cramps. You just had to make everything awkward.

"I told you I'd help you," he smirked.

I freed myself from his grip and before I could balance myself properly on the ground I crouched down again from another pain.

"Monthly visitor right?" Devin asked standing up to help me.

"Correct," I nodded.

Jasper helped me sit on a stool and from the pain I unconsciously wrapped my legs around his and my hand gripped his shoulders. His hands rested on my waist and my head dropped on his chest.

"Get me water," He instructed Devin. "Take the Advil," he handed me the drug and water.

I took the Advil and took a lot of water almost emptying the bottle. "Thanks." I dropped my head back on his chest.

His hands soothingly rubbed circles on my back. Whenever the pain would increase I'd tighten my grip on his shoulders and he'd pull me closer to him.

I don't know how long we stayed like that but I knew that it was long enough for Devin to leave us.

Jasper placed a soft kiss on my forehead and he pulled away. "You want to go out for some fresh air?"

"It's really late," I looked outside through the kitchen window.

"I want to show you something and I read somewhere that exercise or activities would subside the pain." He wore a suggestive smile.

"Okay," I agreed.

He helped me out of the house and into his car. I looked at him in confusion. "I taught we were going for a walk and not a ride in your car."

"I said to get fresh air, I didn't specify." He got into the car.

Since it was a convertible he presses a button and the top was removed causing a cool breeze to brush past us. I was starting to shiver from the cold and he seemed to notice so he gave me his hoodie that he had in the back seat of the car.

It had his scent allover it.

He was driving at a normal pace to reduce the amount of breeze rushing in. The town was really beautiful at night. I took in the beautiful places. People rushing to get home and some just getting to work.

He got to a gate and he punched in the code and drove in when the gates opened. The house in sight was really beautiful with its white walls. The entire house was dark meaning that either nobody was home or everyone had gone to sleep.

"Whose house is this?" I asked looking at the house in awe.

It was really big.

"Welcome to my house," he said getting down from the car.

"Now I see why you don't live here," I got down from the car.

"Yeah. Come on," he pulled me, hand in hand.

He punched in the security code and still used his keys to open the door.

"Why the keys when the security system?" I walked in after him.

"Extra security," he shrugged.

"Nice house," I said walking behind him into the house. He switched on the lights as we were walking.

"I have my reasons" he turned around to face me. "You want anything?"

"No thank you." I wove my hand in dismissal.

"Well if you're not having any then I'll have something" He turned back around and opened a door to the left.

It was a kitchen, a really big kitchen. He switched on the light and it was really bright so I used my hands to cover my eyes.

"Oh sorry" he dimmed the lights and I gradually opened my eyes.

I walked around the kitchen, touching basically everything. The stool, the counter, the fridge, the stove, the microwave and everything else.

The Waters mansion is big and has so many sophisticated electronics but this house was way better. Everything I touched, I taught it was going to break in my hands.

Are you sure you don't want anything?" Jasper asked standing beside me and opening a cabinet.

"No thank you." I shook my head.

"Okay" he pulled out a can of pringles from the cabinet and closed it.

Now I want something. It was the original which was the one I liked most.

My eyes followed his every movement. As he opened the can and took from it.

"Stop drooling," Jasper said sliding the can to my front.

I looked at him and back at the pringles before taking from it. He took another from the cabinet.

"Come I want to show you something."


Don't forget to turn that lil star down there orange🌟

Question: What's your favorite pringles flavour?

Have a great day/night!

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