skeppy badboyhalo and a6d go...

By MarbleFerret

100K 3.2K 10.6K

just your regular fanfic of [404 error: the requested file/the_trio.jpeg/is missing]. nothing to see here. ok More

a regular trip to IKEA
bbh gets lost at IKEA
calling backup at IKEA
night at IKEA
bbh and skeppy are stranded in the basement of IKEA
a6d and technoblade commit arson at IKEA
shortcuts in IKEA
...uncertainness at IKEA?
the revelation in IKEA
betrayal at IKEA
the reunion at IKEA
nearing the end of IKEA
IKEA; the end

a couple of inconveniences occur at IKEA

6.1K 204 386
By MarbleFerret

They opened the door.

Not a single soul in sight, which was almost weird, considering Dream was standing in front of the trio when they first escaped to the rooftops. At first the plan was to climb down the shelves, but they had a better view from up there; they just had to be careful not to fall.
The air was tense. IKEA is clearly not safe, and having that in mind while stepping above it's halls, it sends a chill down your spine. They walked. And walked. And walked a bit more. No one was on sight, but you can never be too sure.

a6d: i see literally no one

skeppy: maybe we could make a run for the exit?

Technoblade: No, that's exactly what they want.

skeppy: and how do YOU know about IKEA so much, huh?

Technoblade: You see, I have a college degree on "not being an idiot" and it's obvious that they'll ambush us the second we try to make a run for it.

skeppy: ok smartass, what would you do with your oh so fancy college degree then?????

Technoblade: They have eyes everywhere. Maybe if we cause enough of a mess they'll come directly to us.

a6d: so basically fuck things up

Bbh: language!! >:(

skeppy: ok cool we get to destroy stuff!

The group climbed down the shelves, ready to destroy stuff. Skeppy and a6d didn't have a weapon so they first went to the tools aisle and grabbed what they could find. Skep got himself a bat and a6d grabbed a hammer. They grouped up once again rushed to the lamp aisle, since those were easier to break than, uh, chairs.

You know how loud is the sound of glass breaking? Imagine a millions upon millions of glass shards, falling violently to the ground to shatter again, creating even more glass shards. The group was having a pretty good time, as well! It's fun to break stuff. Did it cause enough of a mess to bring attention to them? Yes. Yes it did.
A mysterious figure came running to the group while yelling "stop!!!!", in a loud, kind of British voice. They couldn't figure out who is was until he came closer. It was none other than Spifey himself!

Spifey: gUUUYS dont do that!!!

skeppy: sPifEY???? you work at IKEA too???!!!

Bbh: :O

Spifey: yeah, I got a copyright claim on my yt videos and i don't have enough money to buy more crumpets so i had to get this job at IKEA to afford them crumpets.

a6d: ok im assuming you're not going to try and stab me like Dream did, right?

Spifey: of course I won't! that's terrible, did he really do that?!

a6d: yes. yes he did.

skeppy: alright so if you're not going to stab us then can you show us the exit??? p l e a s e????

Spifey: ah, im afraid not. manager orders.

Technoblade: And who is this manager you speak of?

Spifey: uh...

Technoblade: Tell us or we'll bust your kneecaps off.

Bbh: techno!!! you can't just bust his kneecaps, he hasn't even tried to murder us or anything!! >:0

Technoblade: But he might though.

skeppy: ok guys chill we should try to like, negotiate first, or something

a6d: ok, spifey, if you let us out we'll buy you crumpets.

Spifey: what do you think i am, some sort of fool? I have an endless supply of crumpets here at IKEA, it will be kind of hard for you to convince me to leave

skeppy: but how endless is endless. is it truly endless, or does it eventually have an end?

Bbh: but if it's has an end then it wouldn't be endless, so it would be an endless supply if we know the amount of crumpets we're talking about

skeppy: but if it has an amount then it wouldn't be endless would it?

Bbh: yeah, but it would be endless to a human depending on how long they live, if they die and still have crumpets to go off from, then it would have been as if they were endless his entire life

skeppy: that's so stupid, according to the perpendicularity of the bisector-


a6d: are you done

skeppy: yes

Technoblade grabbed Spifey tightly by the shoulder and pointer his sword at him, threateningly. The trio was taken aback why this power move, they were too shocked to react.

Technoblade: Now you tell us where the manager is or I'm gonna shove this sword up your spine and make you squeal harder than an anime girl on an situation of questionable contents.

Spifey: woah woah buddy mate calm down

skeppy: uuuuh techno let's not get too carried away with this

Technoblade: I want my gamer chair back, Skeppy.

skeppy: yeah, but you can't juST COMMIT MURDER

a6d: tbh idc

Spifey: alright alright, what if I told you a uuuuh clue? about where the manager is??

skeppy: that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Technoblade was still holding Spifey, any attempt to pull him away was useless, considering his god-like strength from playing Minecraft all day. He didn't say anything, he just threateningly stared at Spifey, and waited for the group's opinion on the matter before making his next move.
Bad pulled skeppy away from the group for a moment and attempted to reason with him.

Bbh: geppy, this is the best chance we have if we want to get to this manager of his! we gotta accept it >:O

skeppy: he could literally say anything that qualifies as an adjective to describe this mystery manager, its useless

Bbh: well yeah, but we caNT JUST LET TECHNO MURDER SOMEONE >>::OO

skeppy: ok fInE I GUESS

Both of them returned to the group. Techno was still holding Spifey, and Spifey looked kind of terrified, to be honest. a6d was just sitting on the floor while eating a baguette. He looked pretty bored.

Bbh: ok so we made up our mind, we'll let spifey go and he'll tell us his uh clue >_>

Spifey: oh thank god

Techno let Spifey go. Bad was relieved, the poor lad looked as if he was going to die of nervousness. A6d and Techno looked pretty disappointed, though. I guess they were expecting some bloodshed.

skeppy: so? what's the clue?

Spifey: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he's in the table aisle.

skeppy: that's... actually quite helpful! thanks!

Spifey: ok cool can i go now

skeppy: ya sure

Spifey ran to a random direction and left the field of sigh of the group. They decided to walk there, since they really didn't have anything else to go with.

Technoblade: How do we know we can trust him?

skeppy: we don't really have any more options left tbh

a6d: also are we getting my chair once we're done with this or not?

Technoblade: We definitely are. For you see, I'm also in search of an alpha gamer chair.

a6d: ah, i see you are a man of culture as well.

The group finally arrived to the tables aisle. There was no one in sight, but maybe they were hidden? There was no way of telling, considering there were tables literally everywhere and attempting to see past them was a futile attempt to searching for anything past them.

skeppy: what the heck where is the manager

Technoblade: we got scammed

Bbh: maybe we gotta wait for them to come back??? o_o

skeppy: nah im with techno on this one, we definitely got scammed

a6d: maybe we could stay here for a while until, idk something happens?

And so they waited. They didn't have to wait long though, it only took about 3 minutes until something happened, and that something was the ground moving... or rather the ground separating? It started to open a big gap between the group, separating them in twos.


Technoblade: Somebody is trying to separate us! I knew we shouldn't have trusted him!

Due to the ground opening, the floor was moving really aggressively. So much to the point that half of the group fell down the hole! The other half couldn't even jump in to go get them, because as soon as they fell in, the floor shut tight. It was almost as if somebody was trying to purposely separate them... But who?

Now you may be wondering who ended up with who. I guess you'll just have to wait for the next chapter to find out :) .

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