Life of a Little Sister 2- Av...

By Anna_kayy

845K 22.6K 8K

*** edited version available on amazon, free with kindle unlimited**** 16-Year-Old Lydia Tonelli's biggest ni... More

Book 2 On Amazon!! (free with KU)
Chapter 1-Admitting All
Chapter 2- The last supper
Chapter 3- A house divided
Chapter 4- The Big Reveal
Chapter 5- Wall Ball
Chapter 6-Greg's secret
Chapter 6 cont'd
Chapter 7- Tastes
Chapter 8- Breakfast
Chapter 9- Breakthrough
Chapter G
Chapter 10- Jacket
Chapter 11- Outfit
Chapter 12- Party
Chapter 13- Supposed to
Chapter 14- F@%K It
Chapter 15- Unresolved
Chapter 16- Donna Maria
Chapter 17- Fifa
Chapter 18- Family Matters
Chapter 19-
Chapter 19 pt 2
Chapter 20- United Nations of Chastity
Chapter 21- Dinner
Chapter 22- The Walk
Chapter 23 Ambush
Chapter 24 The walk (the plank)
Chapter 25- Concussion watch
Chapter 27-immigrants
Chapter 28-Let him come
Chapter 29- Dinner Pt 1
Chapter G Recognized
Chapter 30 Dinner Pt. 2
Chapter 31- Changes
Chapter A
Chapter 32- Alone-ish
Chapter 33- Soup
Chapter 34- Visit
Chapter 35
Chapter 36- Felix
Chapter 37- Homecoming
Chapter 38 Miss New York
Chapter 39- Big Sister
Chapter 40-Talks
Chapter 41- My room
Chapter 42- Graduation
Book Three Sneak Peak!
Chapter- Exciting Update

Chapter 26- The great Escape

13.7K 421 186
By Anna_kayy

Happy Reading :)

There she was in all her blonde glory.

"Lydia," She screamed. I flung open the window and she saw me.

"I'm here," I hissed, trying not to alert anyone else.

"Where the fuck have you been?" She hissed back catching on, "Are you grounded?"

"No actually this isn't because of that, Melvin and Marcus kidnapped me and then I got a concussion and then I went to the hospital and then I was on house arrest. Well I am still on house arrest."

Lexi just stared at me blankly.

"Get the fuck out of here," She finally said.

"No I swear, they haven't let me out of my room in 3 days, but I'm better now and I'm coming down." I popped open the screen on the window and handed it back to Joe.

"Lydia you know this is a dumb idea, you know that right?" Joseph said.

"Yes I know," I smiled and he took the screen from me, "Cover for me?"

"Fine," He rolled his eyes and I jumped from excitement.

I put my foot on the ledge of the window, I looked below at Lexi nervously looking to make sure no one would walk out and see us.

"Hurry up!" She hissed.

"I've never done this before you asshole give me a second," I looked at the floor, it was a steep drop, steep enough to break my leg if I fell wrong.

"Do you have a ladder?" Lexi asked.

"How should I know?"

"We do it's in the back, it's under the vines on the side of the house, Marcus used to sneak out all the time and hide the ladder."

I rolled my eyes, of course he did.

Lexi found the ladder and dragged it over, it was rusted.

"Am I going to get tetanus?"

"I guess Marcus hasn't snuck out in a while." Joe laughed.

I climbed down the ladder reaching Lexi and tasting sweet freedom.

*In Lexi's car*

We had been in Lexi's car for a few hours just talking and explaining what had happened to me and what everyone assumed had happened. 

"I'll bring you back before they even notice you're gone," she assured me.

"Okay good," I sighed, "They haven't been checking in on me that much anyway, honestly it's only Joe that really comes and hangs out. I'm not sure if that's because he loves me or he wants to practice being a doctor. He's suddenly been a walking talking Web MD on me."

"Oh god," Lexi laughed, "What a cutie. That's really terrible that they don't check in on you."

"Well Melvin and Marcus are just scared of me,"

"As they should be."

"And Leo does drop in occasionally,"

"He is the nicest one." She nodded.

"Felix is Felix," I didn't really have to explain that one to Lexi, "But Greg, I would have thought maybe he would be less mad at me considering he's the reason I got "kidnapped" and taken to the hospital in the first place.

"He's just mad Lydia," She sighed. 

"I forgot you have the inside scoop," I rolled my eyes, I was sure Melvin had no problem telling Lexi how mad my entire family was with me.

"He really wouldn't tell me anything, about the concussion at least." Lexi insisted, looking down. 

It was still mildly uncomfortable talking about her relationship to Melvin. I don't think even she knew exactly where they stood, so she wasn't going to talk to me about something she wasn't even sure was a thing. 

"I'm sure he knew you would beat him if you found out what he did to me," I laughed trying to lighten the sudden mood change.

"You know I will," She said with a straight face, "If you let me I will go back and give tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass both concussions." 

"I love you," I giggled. 

I checked the time, it was around noon on a Friday. We had spent 5 hours just talking and catching me up on what 

"Isn't there school today?" I asked, time was still a fuzzy concept, not having a phone did that to one.

"Yeah but who cares?" She rolled her eyes and pulled into the McDonald's drive through. There was a huge line. 

I looked at the car in front of us and froze.

"Lexi," I whispered, slowly sinking into my seat.

"What?" She asked. She saw where I was staring and her eyes shot open.

"Get down!" She hissed.

We both ducked down as far as we could.

"Reverse Lexi reverse!" I screamed. 

At that moment a car came up behind us and trapped us. 

"Oh my god," I couldn't help the nervous laughter that escaped my lips.

"What the fuck," Lexi snorted. We started laughing hysterically, of course this would happen.

"I'm gonna pee myself," I choked out between bursts of laughter.

"What do we do?" Lexi said breathing heavily trying to stop laughing.

"Do you have hoodies?" 

All Lexi had was blankets in her back seat, either she got cold often or she was was doing inappropriate things in inappropriate places. 

We wrapped ourselves in the blankets, and found pairs of sunglasses to throw in there too.

"You don't have a hat do you?" I asked.

"Lydia I think this is enough coverage," She said and covered her mouth again with the half a ski mask she found.

"Are you sure?" I asked and adjusted the surgical mask Lexi had laying in the back because her cousin had a baby and she had a cold when she went to visit her.

"Yes, and you're going to get my cold." She laughed.

"I'd rather have a cold than get my ass beat for sneaking out," I laughed.

"I can't believe the one day we ditch they go off campus for lunch." Lexi shook her head in disbelief at the circumstance.

"I think ever since the incident Mom probably doesn't make them lunch anymore." 

"Wow I love your mother," Lexi giggled. 

"I'll have 3 Big Macs, 3 Spicy Chicken sandwiches, 20 piece nuggets, 4 bbq sauces, 6  large fries, and a mcflurry.

"Jesus christ how are they not 700 pounds!"

"Shhhh, they'll hear you!" 

"How many of them are there in there?!" 

"Okay okay shhh, I want a 20 piece nuggets with bbq and buffalo sauce. Make it a combo, I want Hi-C,"

"Hi-C?" Lexi lifted an eyebrow.

"I like the orange flavor!" 

A couple times we could see Marcus looking in his rear view mirror, staring intently at our faces. If we weren't so covered I would pee myself from fear. 

*Marcus' pov*

"There's some creepy ass people in the car behind us," 

"What?" Melvin looked back and he laughed, "What the fuck are they wearing?" 

"Don't be racist it's called a hijab," Joseph said stoicly. This kid was always such a smart ass.

"What even is that?" Melvin asked.

"It's an head scarf that Muslim women wear to be modest. It looks like their whole body is covered though so that might be a Burqa." He said twisting his head to get a closer look. 

Melvin turned to me with an incredulous look,

"Do I even want to ask?"

"Its a one piece veil that covers everything except hands and their face, but their face has a sheer covering on it t- OOF" 

Melvin had reached back and dead legged the nerd.

*Lydia's Pov*

We sat a block from my house munching on our lunch. We had narrowly escaped the drive through situation with minimal suspicion. Just a few questioning looks. 

At one point it looked like they were punching each other but I really wouldn't expect anything less. 

"Have you seen Damon," I finally asked, I was dying to know how he was doing. I didn't have a phone for three days and mail was too slow to get it to him.

I couldn't find any carrier pigeons nearby so that was a bust.

"I was waiting for you to ask," She laughed.


"He thought you were dead, I mean it was pretty shitty timing we all just assumed the worst. So he came up to them during lunch."

"HE DID WHAT?" Yes my family knew about him, and knew he was my boyfriend, but it didn't mean he could just approach them! Just casually!

"Yeah he came up and said where's Lydia,"

"Oh my god," 

"And you should have seen the look on Marcus' face, it was like he saw a ghost." 

"He was scared?" I questioned.

"For like a split second, I think maybe he wasn't expecting Damon to have the balls that he did." She said, and shoved a fry in her mouth.

"They told him to mind his business, and then he said she is my business,"

"No he didn't!" I groaned, how stupid could he be.

"And then Melvin goes 'shut the fuck up shithead'," 

"I don't get it are you trying to break the news that my boyfriend of a week is dead? Is this the day of fun before you tell me about the tragic accident."

"Lydia he's alive," She laughed, "I sort of backed him up, I wanted to know too what happened to you." 

"Okay and then," I said, I couldn't eat I was so anxious to hear the rest of this story. 

"Well I said 'she's my business too, what did you guys do to her?'" She continued, "And then they said 'don't worry about it.' Do they say that a lot?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"If they could get it tattooed they would." I sighed.

"Well Damon just kind of took off, and I didn't see him after that."

"When was that?"

"3 days ago," I choked on my Hi-C

"what-*cough*- he didn't-*cough*- go to class for three days?" I wheezed, choking down more Hi-C hoping it would make whatever I choked on go down. It did not by the way.

"Yeah I guess school lost it's appeal," She shrugged.

"I'm gonna kill that kid," I was shocked, "Give me your phone let me text him." 

Lexi obliged and handed me her phone.

Hey dummy, I'm alive, and I'll explain everything once I get my phone back- Lyd

"I need to get back to the house," I sighed, "My brain is fine and I'm not dying anymore so I'm just going to convince them to let me out. It's been three days I'm sure my time is up anyway."

"Whatever you say boss," Lexi said skeptically and started her car.

We pulled up to the front of the house and I hopped out, I walked to the side of the house, and what do you know the ladder was gone.

I checked the back where Lexi found it in the first place and it was gone.

"Okay this is fine," I talked to myself.

I did another circle around the house and came to the conclusion someone came out and saw the rusty ladder, threw it in front of our house for the garbage man to come pick it up.

"Not a big deal, just walk to the front door and ring the doorbell." It was 2pm, Greg should be home.

I walked to the front door, my palms were sweating. Knees weak. Arms were heavy. No vomit on my sweater this time but the thought of walking into my house after sneaking out of it made me nauseous enough where I just might. 

Knock knock. 

The door swung open to a very confused looking Greg. He looked at me, looked back in the house. Furrowed his brow. I said nothing, just stared at him. After a minute of his very slow brain computing what he was seeing he stepped to the side and let me in.

Oof done, hope this was long enough to make up for the gap. Life, school, medical emergencies happen folks please dont come for me lol

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