Bulletproof(Blood Dupre x OC)

By RandomRedRidingHood

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing in this book but my main OC's, Arianell Laurence, Kayleigh Peters, Mikaela Hawthorn... More



112 2 0
By RandomRedRidingHood

Annabelle followed Rina and the twins back to what Rina had said was the "Mansion". 

"And then I met Vivaldi, and she's pretty nice. Not at all like the Red Queen in the stories, you know?"Rina told her. Annabelle blinked. 

"Huh...so this really is Wonderland?"Annabelle asked her, holding her black backpack straps. 

"Yep. With a Red Queen, and a Cheshire Cat, and of course the Tweedles here,"Rina replied. She smiled and closed her eyes. Annabelle hummed. What about the Mad Hatter? Annabelle wondered. "Oh, we're almost there." Rina pointed ahead of her. Annabelle blinked and looked forward. As they reached the top of the hill they were coming over, Annabelle's eyes went wide. The mansion was huge, with big iron gates. On the top was a hat. Her breath caught in her throat. Impressive, she thought. "I'm sure Elliot will be interested to meet you." 

"Elliot?"Annabelle repeated. Rina giggled, her cheeks reddening. Annabelle blinked at her. She smiled suddenly. "Let me guess, you found your Prince." 

"Prince? That stupid blonde chicky rabbit isn't a prince,"Dee huffed. Dum nodded. 

"You're right, brother." Annabelle snorted. Rabbit, huh? She wondered. Rina shot the two twins an annoyed look. They laughed at her in response. As they neared the big gates, Annabelle spotted a man standing outside talking to someone. She suddenly paused, her eyes wide. The man had orange hair and huge rabbit ears on the top of his head. Annabelle stopped as she watched Rina run over to him. 

"Elliot!"Rina called out happily. That's Elliot?! Annabelle thought. She felt her eye twitch. He has ears. He has...rabbit ears. He doesn't have human ears. Elliot turned and smiled as Rina ran up. Annabelle was frozen stiff. Not only did this Elliot guy have rabbit ears...but the person he was talking to had no face. Seriously, he had no eyes. Annabelle stood still, the Twins having already walked down and joined the two. Rina turned and spotted Annabelle standing there stiffly. "Hm? Come on, Annie. What's the matter?" Annabelle jolted. She walked down the hill cautiously and stopped beside the Twins and Elliot. Her eyes turned to the faceless person standing there. He has no face. Where's his face? She wondered. "Annie, this is Elliot. Elliot, this is Annabelle Lee, my best-friend." Annie turned, looking up at the taller guy. He grinned and held his hand up in a wave. 

"Hey there! So you're the new Outsider, huh?"Elliot asked. Annabelle swallowed. 

"Um....I guess...." Rina coughed once, linking her arm through Annabelle's. Annabelle let out a squeak of pain. Rina blinked and slowly released her. 

"Annie?"Rina asked. Annabelle quickly pulled her still injured arm to her chest. She looked down at it, moving to hold it gently. "What's the matter? Are you hurt? Let me see." Annabelle shook her head. 

"Ah-no! No, I'm okay!"Annabelle lied. Rina frowned at her. Annabelle looked away from her. "I'm alright." Rina sighed hard. She looked up at Elliot. 

"Elliot, I'm going to take her inside...is that alright?"Rina asked. Elliot hummed at her. 

"Yep, sounds okay. Just make sure to be prepared for when Blood comes back. He'll wanna do the tea party tonight,"Elliot told her. Rina nodded and grabbed Annabelle's other arm. She smiled and lead her friend inside the iron gates. 

"Come on. I can show you the rose gardens and stuff later,"Rina told her. Annabelle kept quiet, her arm throbbing in pain. Rina lead her up the path and into the mansion, taking her up the stairs. "Blood has a really nice place, you're used to this environment right?" 

"You mean mansions?"Annabelle asked. Rina huffed once. 

"Well...no,"Rina told her. Annabelle blinked at her. Rina shrugged and sighed. "Come on, let's sit down and talk about it. This can be your guest room while you're here." Rina opened a door and moved to the couch with Annabelle. Annabelle slowly and gently took off her bag, careful around her still injured arm. Rina watched her like a hawk, her blue eyes hard and cold. After Annabelle sat down on the couch, Rina took her seat too, having closed the door with her telekinesis. Rina grabbed Annabelle's injured arm. Annabelle winced. 

"What are you-" Rina moved, forcing Annabelle's sleeve off her shoulder. Rina's eyes went wide. There were bruises flowering her shoulder. Rina pulled the sleeve off of Annabelle's arm completely, effectively removing her long sleeved t-shirt. Annabelle stayed silent, tears welling up in her arms. 

"Oh my god,"Rina muttered in anger. Annabelle looked down at her lap. "Did he do this to you?" Annabelle swallowed. 

"No, I-"


Annabelle winced. She closed her eyes with a sigh. Rina sucked in an annoyed breath. She turned her friends arm over gently, moving and feeling around for broken bones. Rina's fingers brushed the socket of Annabelle's arm and Annabelle let out a squeak of pain. 

"It was dislocated and you just popped it back in place like it was nothing,"Rina muttered. She sighed hard and stood up, moving to go to the bathroom. She grabbed a washcloth and wet it with the coldest water she could get. Rina moved and started gently pressing it to Annabelle's sore shoulder. "Did you even go to a hospital?" 

"No...they would've asked questions,"Annabelle whispered. Rina shook her head. 

"I oughta go back and kill him."

"No...it's alright..."

"This is not alright Annabelle!"Rina told her. Annabelle looked at her with a plea in her eyes. Rina ground her teeth. "What about the Meknikov's? Your dad? Does he know?" 

"I never told him...it's fine, he doesn't need to know. I broke up with Justin this morning before that Nightmare guy brought me here after work." Rina sighed. She shook her head, her eyes tracing over the bruises. Some of them were definitely finger shaped. Her eyes found other bruises on Annabelle's body, along with scars and cuts that had never disappeared. Rina's brow pinched together. "Don't give me that look..." 

"How can I not? Annie, you're an amazing girl. You don't deserve this kind of treatment,"Rina told her. Annabelle swallowed and looked up at her. Rina sighed and shook her head. "Well, you're here now...so you're safe from him." She moved the cold cloth over some of the bruises. Annabelle's eyes slid to the side as a knock sounded on the door. 

"Rina? Annie?"a voice spoke. 

"Elliot. One second,"Rina called out. She removed the cloth and let Annabelle put her shirt back on. Annabelle sighed and fluffed her hair out, barely moving her shoulder. "Okay." The door opened and in stepped Elliot. Annabelle quickly dried her tears. Elliot jerked his thumb behind him. 

"Um...Blood's asking to meet her,"Elliot spoke, sensing the sadness in the air. Rina nodded and looked at Annabelle. 

"You up to meeting one more person?" 

"Sure..."Annabelle trailed off. She moved and followed after her friend. She was lead out to a garden patio area, where there was a table and matching chairs. The table was full of sweets and a few sandwiches and things of the like. Annabelle's eyes went wide when she saw a familiar looking plate of cookies. Rina's cookies! She ached to reach out and chow down on the whole plate, but instead stuck to hiding behind Rina as she and Elliot lead her to the table. 

"Well, did she come with you?"A voice asked. Annabelle froze at the sound of the voice. It was warm and smooth. It sent a strange feeling through her. Rina chuckled. 

"Yep, she's just shy,"Rina told him and she moved, placing her hand on Annabelle's shoulder. Annabelle could finally see the guy who was supposedly named "Blood". Annabelle blinked, staring at him. He had soft looking black hair, that was long, and his eyes were an amazing aqua green color. His eyes seemed to widen as he stared at her. Rina grinned. "This is Annabelle Lee M-" Annabelle sent her a look. Rina blinked and sighed. "Miller." Thank you, Annabelle thought. 

"Annabelle Lee Miller?"the guy repeated. Annabelle nearly shivered at hearing his smooth voice speak her name. He smiled and rose, walking over to her. He offered her his hand. Handshake? Annabelle thought. Instead, when she placed his hand in his, he turned it over and rose it up to his mouth. He placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Warmth exploded across her skins, heat traveling up her injured arm and throughout her body. Her eyes went wide. "My name is Blood Dupre." Annabelle's heart was leaping in her chest. She knew her cheeks were probably red at what he'd just done. He held her hand still against his lips, not moving to pull back or anything. She quickly swallowed and gave him a soft smile. Blood stiffened, seeing the innocent look in her eyes and her warm composure. 

"Nice to meet you,"Annabelle told him. Her shoulder was throbbing in pain, but she didn't care. Blood held her hand still in his, feeling the warmth of her seeping through his glove and running through him. This girl...he thought. After a moment, someone cleared their throat. Annabelle's attention immediately flew to her shoulder which screamed in pain. Blood released her hand and Annabelle lowered it down, clenching against the pain. She tried her best to hide it, but Blood could see through it a little. He blinked at her curiously. Rina moved, nudging Annabelle. 

"Well, Blood really likes tea,"Rina told her. Annabelle blinked and turned, looking at Rina in surprise. "So, this is a regular occurrence." Annabelle hummed. 

"Alright." She allowed Rina to lead her off to the table, seating her on Blood's other side. Elliot took his spot opposite of her and Rina plopped down beside him. Annabelle admired the tea set, her eyes tracing over it. Wow, what pretty designs. I don't think Dad ever kept nice sets like this...he always was more of a coffee guy, though. 

"So you just arrived to Wonderland?"Blood asked. Annabelle jolted and looked up, realizing she had just been stroking the side of her teacup. She closed her eyes and smiled at him. 


Blood gazed at her over the top of his cup. He turned and closed his eyes, tilting it so he could sip the tea from it. Rina offered Annabelle a cookie, which Annabelle accepted gleefully. She brought it up and munched on it happily. 

"Oh how I've missed your cooking,"Annabelle sighed to Rina. Rina laughed at her. 

"Is that right." 

"I've probably lost thirty pounds in the past year since you've been gone!"Annabelle exclaimed. Rina huffed, knowing her friend was exaggerating. 

"Thirty pounds?"Blood asked. She was fat? He wondered. 

"No, no, it's an exaggeration,"Rina explained. She shook her head at Annabelle. "Honestly. She's never gained a pound no matter how much she eats." Annabelle pouted at her friend. 


"How is that mean? You're the skinny, lucky one. Me over here? I'm fat,"Rina huffed. 

"You're not fat,"Elliot protested. Annabelle perked up, turning to him. Rina blushed and glanced at him. Elliot grinned at Rina. "I would know." Rina's face went even redder. 


Annabelle giggled at her friend. Rina huffed and crossed her arms in embarrassment. 

"Anyway. You'll want to go visit everyone after this time change,"Rina told her friend. Annabelle blinked. "You have to walk everywhere, but you're used to that. I'm sure Blood will grant you a map, won't you Blood?" Annabelle turned to look at Blood. She was surprised to find him staring at her silently. She blinked. "Blood." He jolted and cleared his throat. He tore his eyes from looking at her. 

"Right...though, she'll return here to the Mansion of course,"Blood spoke. Annabelle frowned. Rina, Elliot, and Annabelle all gave him confused looks. He lowered his teacup and looked up. He realized everyone was staring at him. He paused. "Ah...What I mean is, because your best friend is here, of course you'll return, right?" Annabelle blinked. 

"I mean...maybe... I suppose,"Annabelle told him. Blood glanced at her. "I don't know about that...I haven't been anywhere yet so I couldn't tell you where I'd want to stay." Annabelle leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs. Her skirt adjusted with her, shifting up a little. Blood noticed and stiffened slightly. "I mean, I don't know how I feel about staying in a Mansion." Annabelle's mind returned back to her world, where she lived with her father. She swallowed. "I'm not...used to it." Rina shot her a look over her cup of coffee. Annabelle's eyes connected with her friend's. Not a word, Rina, she thought at her friend. Though Rina wasn't telepathic, she got the message from Annabelle's eyes. Annabelle quickly turned and smiled at Blood. "Not that I'm not grateful for your hospitality." Annabelle moved, raising her teacup up to her lips gently. She took a sip and paused, pulling the cup from her lips after a moment. "Rose tea." Blood's eyes went wide. 

"How did you know?"He asked, a smirk pulling at his lips. Annabelle smiled and looked at him. 

"I'm familiar with tea's,"She answered. Because Mother used to drink rose tea, she thought to herself. Annabelle sighed and lowered the cup. "I actually prefer chamomile, but Rose Tea is a close favorite as well." It reminds me of mom. After a moment of silence, Annabelle placed the cup back on the saucer. Rina rose up. 

"How about I show you the garden?"Rina asked her. Annabelle blinked. She stood up and pushed her chair in. Blood watched as Rina linked arms with her left arm--staying away from her right one. The two girls started off, away from the the table. Blood kept his eyes locked on the blonde, feeling his smirk drop off of his lips. Interesting. Blood traced his eyes over her as she walked away. Elliot, who stuck his fork into the carrot cake that Rina had given him, gazed at Blood silently. He smiled to himself, looking back down at his plate. I think you found your Outsider, Blood, Elliot thought to himself. He took a bite of the cake. So good~! He lavished in the taste. 

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