War of Hearts

By Kopowerbomb88

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Haytham kenway never thought that he had a son, but he never thought his son would become an assassin. Howeve... More

Chapter 1: My Son
Chapter 2: Searching for Church
Chapter 3: Working Together
Chapter 4: Sailing with Father
Chapter 5: How I Met your Mother
Chapter 6: Nightmare
Chapter 7: Trying to Make Things Right
Chapter 8: Am I A Monster
Chapter 9: Dealing with Templars
Chapter 10: It is Over
Chapter 11: Speaking to Achilles
Chapter 12: The Last Stand
Chapter 13: Doing it Right
Chapter 14: Meeting an enemy from the past
Chapter 15: The Unxpected Attack
Chapter 16: dont leave me
Chapter 17: People of the Homestead
Chapter 19: Making Amends
Chapter 20: A New Life (The End)
what do u think

Chapter 18: Drunk Haytham

156 5 4
By Kopowerbomb88

Connor Point of view
The sun had set an hour ago, after scoping out the area and assuring there was no one else here with ill will. I go back to Myriam to drop off her part of the bounty, that we collected.
Connor: let's head to the Tavern, he might be there.
Myriam: I agree
Upon discovering Norris was not there, so we both went to the Tavern hoping to find him there. Though from what Terry told me, he ought to be in bed resting.

Sure enough though, he's here. Myriam and I walk in the door, and I instantly notice my father at a the center. With Godfrey, Terry and Norris. My father is talking about something, and the rest of the table are laughing. I had to smile at this, it's good to see he's having a good time. But it's also weird Ive seen him so lighthearted, Myriam and I approach the table.

Connor: gentlemen, father.
I say as they all look up at me, and my father grins.
Haytham: Connor!
He says quit loud, and he stands up. My father gives me a big bear hug, nearly knocking me over.
Connor: what are you-
I begin, then frown when the strong smell of alcohol crashes into me. At the same time my father does, never mind then.
Godfrey: sorry about him, he got a bit drunk.
Godfrey says
Connor: so I see, how did you manage to get him drunk and all stay sober yourselves?
I say patting my fathers back, before getting him back on his chair.
Terry: we didn't do anything, the man just kept drinking and drinking. I think it might be because, he sore from getting the stitches redone.
He asked while taking a sip from his tank yard.
Connor: what! Why?
I asked concerned.
Norris: he messed them up fighting, those guys earlier.
I sigh, but my father chuckles.

Haytham: I messed them up fighting, those guys earlier.
My father says as I roll my eyes.
Connor: I'm sure you did father.
I reply, he tosses his head back in laughter and I smile.
Terry: you know Connor, we all worry about you. This is the only proof of how dangerous, your life is.
Terry says, as I shook my head.
Connor: my only regret is that you got brought, into it.
Myriam: well it was a long day, Norris let's go home. You two should get back, to your wives too.
She says, and grabs Norris hand to support him.
Connor: she is right.
I reply
Norris: alright see you guys later.
He says, as he pats my father on the back and he and Myriam leave the inn.
Godfrey: bye Connor, see you later Haytham.
Godfrey says as he and Terry leave, Terry simply waves at us and my father waves back.

Connor: come on father, let's get you to bed.
I say
Haytham: but I-
I soon cut him off
Connor: but nothing, don't you dare argue with me!
I scowled at him, as he let's me get him to his feet. Then he leans against me, he was barely supporting any of his own weight. As I take him to the stairs, we slowly ascend.
Haytham: I like them Connor.
He slurred
Connor: I am glad, did you have a nice day?
I asked
Haytham: loved it! Expect for the stitches.
He said tiredly
Connor: you should have thought of that, when you decided to play the hero.
My father bursted into laughter, and I know it's just because he's drunk but still I can't help but smile. I like when he laughs, and it's not a sound I hear much of.

Finally we made it to the spare room, I have to dig around in his pockets in search of the key. Since he's being so helpful, I find it and unlock the door then I help my father into his bed.
Haytham: whoosh!
My father practically falls into it, and I roll my eyes before forcing him to sit back up.
Achilles: what on Earth is all, this racket!
Achilles yelled behind me, I can tell he was sleeping and has got disturbed.
Connor: my father is drunk, with people of the Homestead.
I said, my father smiled and waved at Achilles.
Haytham: ACHILLES!!! Good morning!
My father slurred and yellled, like a child I shook my head in embarrassment.
Achilles: Haytham I expected, better from you. You need any help there Connor?
He asked as he coughed again. I soon walked up to him, and held him.
Connor: no thanks, I will be fine you need rest as well.
I asked concerned, as Achilles waved his hand at me.
Achilles: I'm fine Connor, just tuck your three year old father in bed.
As we both laughed at this.

I remove his weapons, noticing his hidden blades were missing. I sigh and set the rest of the weapons, on the table.
Connor: where is your coat?
I ask squatting down, to remove his shoes.
Haytham: I don't remember.
My father says I look up at him, realising he seems even more out of it. He needs sleep.
Connor: I see.
Haytham: we should... go and find it.
He slurred.
Connor: no it's fine, we will find it tomorrow lay back down.
I stand up and I took off his hat.
Haytham: NO!
I frown this is ridiculous! It feels like I'm the father and he's my son!
Connor: No?
I asked
Haytham: I want you to give me, a real hug.
I roll my eyes
Connor: father I hugged you downstairs.
Haytham: no! I hugged you, you didn't hug me back.
I sigh and bend down to hug him briefly. But when I go to move away, he tightened his grip.
Connor: gosh! You're so clingy when you're drunk.
Haytham: I just love you so much.
I grin, hearing those words means so much to me, even though he is drunk.
Connor: I love you too father.
He runs his hand, through my hair.
Haytham: your hair is soo soft, just like Ziio.
I sigh
Connor: um thanks, now rest.

He lets me go, and complies. I heard laughter behind me, I didn't realise Achilles was standing there all this time.
Achilles: father and son bonding time.
He smiled while, leaning into his cane.
Connor: tell me about it.
I was about to walk away until.
Haytham: ZIIO! I love you.
Achilles: oh for goodness sake.
Achilles face palmed, when I turned around I saw my father grabbing a pillow beside him and... kissing it.
Connor: Father what are you doing!
I yelled when I tried to grab the pillow beside him, my father pulled it away from my grasp.
Haytham: SON! What are you doing here! Can't you see I'm making love to my Ziio.
As he placed the pillow on the bed, and was on top of the pillow and kissed it again.
Connor: oh my god! I have lost my innocence today.
As I covered my eyes.
Haytham: I don't know what you are talking about son, but this is how I expressed my love for your mother.. when we were camping together.
I soon covered my eyes, and I shut my eyes.
Connor: NOT LISTENING!! Father stop this at once.
All of a sudden I heard a noise.

Haytham: OWW!
I opened my eyes and I saw, that Achilles hit his cane on my fathers head. I could tell he was annoyed, and fed up of my father drunken habits.
Achilles: Get to bed Haytham! Your son told you very nicely.
I had to smile at this, as Achilles grabbed the pillow and placed it next to my father.
Haytham: sorry, but my Ziio-
Achilles: THERE! She is right next to you, now let's us all go to sleep!
Achilles shouted, as he was indicating the pillow as my mother.
Haytham: Goodnight Connor.
Connor: goodnight father, sleep well.
I smile as he falls asleep, I love seeing him so peaceful. When I'm sure he's out, I sugar the door quietly and head to my room.

How did you like drunk Haytham, I had to laugh at the Haytham and the pillow part imaging it was Ziio. Poor Connor must be traumatised, by his father drunken habits he must have gotten it from Edward!

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