Chapter 13: Doing it Right

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Connor Point of view
Connor: goodbye father
I whisper, then I turn to go and stop. I look over my shoulder at the lifeless form of my father, and suddenly become overwhelmed with sorrow.
And love? Oh... I love my father and now it is too late! I realise it! I was hasty and now father and I both have to pay it. Why didn't I realise before? I'm such a fool! Gosh ista would been ashamed of us she would want us to get along! I thought.

Connor: what have I done? Father? Father wake up! Please.
I say rushing back to my fathers side, I started to shake I can't lose him! I feel a pulse pretending that I don't notice the tears streaming down my cheeks. I sigh in relief, finding a faint pulse he's alive but barely he needs a doctor.
Connor: hang in there, you'll be fine.
I say looking around, I'll need to carry my father. Which will not be easy, given my own state but I have to try.
I find my fathers handkerchief and compress, it to the wound. I have to stop the bleeding, if he's going to live long enough to get to a doctor in time. I then remove his cape and wrap it around him, to hold the handkerchief over the stab wound, which is grateful in the shoulder and not the neck.

After doing so I pick my father up, he is by no means light especially considering my condition. But determined I ran  until  I get to a familiar territory, soon enough I find a doctor.
Connor: please doctor, you have to help my father he's hurt.
I spoke when the doctor opens the door.
Doctor: he's barley alive, I'm not sure I can save him.
The doctor spoke, as I felt my heart stop.
Connor: please you have to do something! At least patch him enough for travel, I'll pay anything you want just please help him.
He signed and nodded his head
Doctor: bring him in, let me see what I can do.
I carry him inside and gently set him on the bed. Then exit so the doctor, is able to work.

I pace just outside, the doctor said he'd call me when he is finished. While I don't wish to stray far, I need to walk this anxiety off.
Doctor: um sir?
The doctor says, I soon stop pacing and face directly at him.
Connor: yes doctor?
I ask
Doctor: he's still alive, but I don't have the means to keep him that way. You can transport him, but I would advise you not to go too far.
I signed in great relief, as I smiled.
Connor: yes doctor, what do I owe you?
Doctor: I cannot charge you, for what little I've done... just take good care of him.
Connor: thank you that means a lot.

I ride to the Homestead on in a hurry, I make it in a record of time at the expense of wearing my poor horse out. I dismount in front of Doctor White House, and carry my father to the door. I pound on it loudly, until finally he opens the door with tired eyes. Quickly they widen at the sight of my father and me.
Doctor White: bring him in, don't just stand there. Bloody amateur did the patchwork on him, he's lucky you got him here.
He says stepping out of my way, I enter and put him down again.
Connor: so you can help him?
I asked desperately
Doctor White: sure thing, he'll need stitches though.
As he gets to work, straight away.
Connor: whatever it takes doctor, just make sure he lives.
Doctor White: he will no worries, I'm sure you're interested in your fathers care. But I think both you and your horse need to go up the hill, and rest no doubt he'll be fine.
Connor: how do you know, he's my father?
I asked curiously
Doctor White: well you mean besides the fact that he looks just like you? I have my ways boy but enough of that, go on to the house now.
Connor: you expect me to rest, when he's on this condition?
Doctor White: Connor please just let me do my job.
I sigh and I knew he was right.
Connor: I will be back in the morning.
Doctor White: Good sleep well
I look at my father once more before leaving.

I return to Doctor Whites house, the following morning after a sleepless night. I couldn't stop worrying about my father, I knock on the Doctors door.
Doctor White: come in Connor, sleep well?
I enter and see my father is still unconscious, the doctor is sitting at the table drinking coffee.
Connor: not a bit, how is he?
I asked
Doctor White: alive...his blood pressure is up, but he hasn't awoken yet. I don't suspect he will for several hours, he nearly died.
Connor: I know, but he will live?t
Doctor White: definitely, I stitched him up and after that his condition improved. He should be fine in no time.
I smiled at this good news
Connor: thank you Doctor White, I owe you big time.
He chuckled at me
Doctor White: anything for you lad, now can you sleep knowing he's okay?
Connor: yes I will return.
Doctor White: take care.

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