The Los Santos Babysitter | O...

By yinandyangbitches

85.7K 1.9K 125

Elaina Blackwood is an 18 year old soon to be college student juggling two jobs and could always use the extr... More

Cast and Characters
Walk In The Trap Like A Boss
Break The Bank
Might go M.I.A.
Pop Shells For A Living
He Gonna Murda Some
The Point of No Return
Lo Siento
Authors Note


4.9K 124 19
By yinandyangbitches

All wanna see me with no pot to piss in
But niggas been excited 'bout the grave I'm digging
Having conversations about my haste decisions
Fucking sickening
At the same time, memory surfaced through the grapevine
'Bout my uncle playing with a slipknot
Post traumatic stress got me fucked up
Been fucked up since a couple months they had a nigga locked up.

"What are you doing here?" I sneered.
He smiled, "Visiting."
"I want you to leave me alone," I demanded.
He laughed.
I went in to slam the door in his face when a blood curdling scream that suddenly erupted from the other side had me frozen in place.
I think my breathing stopped when my eyes caught sight of what was trapped between the door and it's frame.

A little hand.

"Oh my god!" I screamed.
I pulled back the door sharply, it's body smacking against the wall with a loud thud.
I found a little boy before me gripping his hand, "ow ow ow," he started to cry.
"Oh sweetie I'm so so sorry, I didn't see you there," I sobbed beyond shocked cupping my hand to my mouth. He came out of nowhere, oh my god...oh my god, oh my god.

"You hurt me," he whimpered.

I'm gonna cry.

I knelt down to his height, and gripped his hand gently, tears welling in my eyes, "I'm so so sorry," I cried again. "Does it hurt really really bad?"
"You just smashed your door against my son's hand, Elaina," a deep voice hissed, "what do you think?!"
I looked up to find Spooky glaring down at me.

He never left.

Of course he never left, he's been here the whole time, and... holy shit. I just caused harm to a little kid because I was so angry.
Tears were falling now, "I'm sorry Oscar."
Don't hyperventilate Elaina.
Don't hyperventilate.
"I didn't mean too, I never saw him," I said woefully looking back at the little boy.
"Can I come inside," he whispered to me clutching his hand.
His lip started to quiver.
My breath caught, "yes of course!"
I quickly stood upright and moved off to the side.
He entered and Spooky followed right behind.
I put my head down trying to breathe normal, gripping onto the table.
"Are you okay?"
I looked up to find the little boy smiling at me.


"Are you okay?!" I asked panicking. I shut that door pretty damn hard.
"Yeah," he shrugged. "My hand isn't hurt."
Spooky laughed.
"Wait, what?" I asked crouching down to him. "I shut the door on it, and it isn't hurt? Are you sure?"
"You didn't hurt my hand with the door," he said nonchalantly.




I looked up at Oscar who's angry face was replaced with one big smile. He laughed again and shrugged.
"I had to come up with a way for you to let us in," he grinned.
I think my eyes just popped out of my head and fell onto the floor. "Daddy, you said she was going to laugh," the little boy whispered. "She ain't laughing."

I think I just about had a panic attack.
Oscar is such a fucking asshole.

"What do you want Oscar?" I said rubbing my forehead. There's a child here, gotta keep it cool Elaina.

He raised his eyebrows, "I wanted to introduce you to my son, you're going to be watching him after all," he scoffed taking a seat on the couch. He looked down and smiled, "ooh, the shits reclines."
He popped up the handle and sat back comfortably.
"Excuse me? What are you doing?" I asked edging towards him arms crossed.
He shut his eyes smiling, intertwining his fingers, "it's not like you're not going to be seeing a lot of me, I'm just making myself at home. I scoffed, and looked towards his son, he looked at me and smiled.
He's so adorable.
Big brown eyes and long lashes like his father.
"Hey kiddo," I began to see crouching down to his height, "You hungry or thirsty? I got some juice and some chips."
His eyes widened, "that sounds nice," he said puckering his lips.
I smiled, "do you mind if I talk to daddy? I could put on some tv for you in the room? If it's okay with you."
He shrugged, "yeah it's okay."
"Thank you," I said softly gripping his shoulder.
"Come on buddy."
"It's Casper," he said flatly.
"Casper?" I murmured.
"Yeah..." he said cocking his head to the side looking at me strangely.
"Why don't they call you little Spooky?" I asked.
He frowned and Oscar laughed, "because I-I don't scare people, I'm not spooky. I'm nice, like Casper."
I grinned, "well that is a clever name Casper."
I turned to Oscar, who was staring at the both of us with a big goofy smile.
I need to talk to him.
"Let's get you those snacks and juice Casper," I said walking to the kitchen. We went to the bedroom and I put on some Netflix, "I'll just be real quick sweetie."
He smiled again, "You're so nice."
I winked at him, and walked back out towards the living room.
"Yeah?" He said turning towards me.
"Look... I know, I know I said that I'd watch the kids for y'all. But after what happened..." I began to say.
"Let me stop you there," he stated shutting the reclining seat loudly.
"That's been taken care of and so is your car."
"That's not important," he said walking towards me.
We were a few inches from each other, he was so close. "You'll have your car back today, I'll even drop it off to you, but there's a reason why I brought Alejandro here, I want him to get to know you."
I took in a deep breath, "thank you."
He raised his eyebrows surprised, "you always apologize so easily?"
"Yes.." I replied sternly, "especially when I know I'm in the wrong."
I ran my fingers through my hair gathering the courage to look him in the eye, "I'm sorry for putting my hands on you, and acting out that way. It's not like YOU flattened my tires..."
"Continue," he smirked.
I raised my head higher, "I was upset, again I'm sorry."
He looked down at the floor nodding, "appreciate that."
"Your son is very adorable, I'll take very good care of him," I replied looking back towards the room.
Oh yeah, we're done talking.
"Hold on," I said walking towards where Alejandro was.
"Wait," he spoke firmly gripping a hold of my wrist pulling me back.
I turned stunned," Yeah?" I asked questioningly.
He leaned in, his hand growing firmer, suddenly wrapping his fingers around my hand.
My breath caught, why is he looking at me like this?
"I got to tell you something," he started to say.
"Shoot," I said.
He leaned closer.
My eyes widened.

Then there was a sudden knock at the door.

My eyes furrowed in confusion, I wasn't expecting anyone, then again I wasn't expecting Spooky either.

I glanced at him, his jaw was clenched as he stared towards the door. His hand fell from mine and he walked towards the living room.

Just then Casper suddenly bursted out of the room, "They're here! They're here!" He shouted.

"Who's here?" I asked.

He just looked up at me and smiled, "hurry and open the door!" He yelled jumping up and down. Spooky chuckled from the couch, "Okay, okay bud," I said.

Another knock.

I opened the door, and what I saw surprised the fuck outta me.

Oh boy.

"Elaina!" Esteban screamed. "Look at you, looking all pretty and shit."

I was literally in sweat pants and a tank. But appreciate it Estaben.

However, it wasn't just Esteban, it was Estaben plus a small baby in this arms, Pepe with another baby in his arms, and Ramon with a young little girl next to him.

"Hey... uh, what brings y'all here?" I asked incredulously.

"I invited them," Spooky suddenly said from behind me, he looked to me with this glare, and grabbed the knob opening the door wider. He motioned for everyone to come in.


Everyone poured inside and I stood there stunned, not expecting this. Esteban gave me a head nod, "this is Jr," he said smiling. I smiled back, baby boy looked just like him, "he's adorable," I replied stroking the baby's arm. Esteban smiled and suddenly I felt Oscar grow closer to me.


"This is Lila," Pepe spoke emerging from behind every one. "But you can call her cutie pie, everyone else does," he said glowing. Aw, she has his eyes. "Lila, say hi," Pepe said rubbing his nose against hers, she giggled, and waved at me very quickly. She began to shake her toy and started to move her legs up and down growing excited. I moved to tickle her feet, "hi baby girl," I laughed. Pepe looked to me and grinned. "And this is Ramon's daughter, Romelia," Spooky quickly said now standing right next to me.


Ramon gave a slight nod, "but if she likes you, she'll let you call her Romie." Romelia stood there arms crossed glaring, "You're not my mom!" She suddenly said sticking out her tongue.


I nodded, "no, no I'm not. But my name is Elaina, and I'm very nice. I'll be your babysitter."

"You look to stupid to be a babysitter," she scowled.

Spooky laughed and Ramon got mad, "Romelia! You don't say that to people!" He said scolding her.
"Why? You do!" She replied.

Ramon rolled his eyes, "you don't worry about me, I'm grown, you're the child and I'm the parent and I'm telling you, you don't speak to people that way," he replied nudging her chest with his finger.
She huffed, "you're the parent, you're suppose to lead by example.

Oh shit.

"Elaina!" Casper spoke tugging at my shirt from below, "are you going to watch all of us?" I looked to everyone in the room, "if your parents have it that way then yeah," I said smiling. "Yay!" He said bouncing up and down clapping his hands, "thank you!" Aw. You're so cute Casper.

"Do the kids want any snacks?" I asked.
Casper jumped up and down,  "'more juice please!"
I smiled, "Okay buddy."
Ramon nodded, "juice will be great, thanks, she just eat."
"I'll have milk if you have it," Pepe said.
"You got apple sauce?" Esteban laughed.
I smiled, "Okay, one second."
I poured some juice in a cup for Romelia and Casper, Casper said thank you, but Romelia just glared looking up at me as she was sipping her drink. It's okay, you'll like me eventually. "Romelia!" Ramón shouted, she started to choke on her juice surprised, "say thank you!"
"Thank you," she quickly said and scurried out of the  kitchen. I got some milk for Lila and put it in her bottle, and brought out bananas for Jr.
"Here's her bottle Pepe, "Thank you," He gleamed. "Yeah no problem," I replied. "Hey Esteban, I don't have apple sauce, but I can crush up these bananas really fine, if that's okay?" He nodded pulling Jr closer, "Yeah, that'll be great, thank you."
I returned with the crushed bananas in a bowl with a small spoon I use for sugar. Spooky cleared his throat, causing everyone in the room to grow silent, "alright let's talk about days you'll have them, the sooner we plan this out the better it'll be for everyone."

Everyone nodded.

"The girls usually give us the kids Thursday thru Sunday. Four days? I wonder if they're paying child support, it isn't fair if they have equal visitation, well technically the guys have more. But that wasn't my place to say. I nodded and Spooky continued, "Friday and Saturday it'll be at night for a few hours, Thursday and Sundays during the day for maybe about five hours."

I nodded, "Okay, I'll let my bosses know, see what they can do."  Thursdays and Sundays I'd be off from the diner, but work the convenience store at night, Friday's and Saturdays I'd work the diner but I'd hopefully be off from the convenience store.

Everyone glanced at me, " thank you," they all began to say. "This is really a huge help," Spooky said gruffly. I smiled, "no problem, this is a help to me as well."  Suddenly someone's phone started ringing, Esteban reached into his pocket and answered, he glanced at the screen and rolled his eyes, "hello?!" He said pissed. He took a deep breath, "alright alright, god damn."
"You can't say that," Romelia said.
"That's a bad word," Casper second.
Esteban raised his eyebrows and looked to Spooky, "I gotta go, it's Flakas, she wants Jr already,"
Spooky nodded, "later fool," he said pulling him in for one of those quick bro hugs.
"Yeah, I should get going too," it's time for Lila's nap."
Ramon chimed in, "gonna take this bad ass little girl back to her mom's."
She huffed and they all retreated out the door, saying their goodbyes. "It was nice seeing you again Elaina," Esteban smiled. "Same here, have a good day Esteban, bye Jr," I said softly pinching his cheek.
Esteban wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me in for a hug, "I'll be seeing YOU later, Elaina," he smirked. My cheeks got red, "O-Okay," I replied sheepishly. He winked and walked out the door, retreating towards the others.
I smiled shutting the door and turned towards the living room, "oh my god," I hastily said, Spooky stood directly in front of me glaring, he grabbed me by the shoulder slowly pushing me towards the wall.

"What was that?" He spat. "What was what?" I asked eyes wide. "You into the homies or what?" He asked body against me, my back now firm against the hard surface. "I'm, I'm just being nice," I stuttered.
His jaw hardened, "you know what happens to girls like you that are nice to Los Santos,?" He asked stroking strands of my hair.
I gulped and shook my head.

"They're initiated."

My eyes widened, "Where's Alejandro?"
He smirked, "in the room eating more snacks, don't change the subject," he glared. I scowled, "you're insane if you'd ever think I'd be apart of Los Santos," I hissed attempting to shove him away.
He growled and gripped me by the back of my head, "you shoved me AGAIN, but this time you have nowhere to run," he said nostrils flared.
"I WILL NEVER be apart of Los Santos," I repeated again.
He swiftly put his arm around my neck while the other was still entangled in my hair and whispered in my ear, "what if you had no choice?"

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