Nyctophilia part.I. (The chan...

By YoussefAhmed231

3.1K 235 23

"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone." In his dark world. He tries so hard to find his light... More



650 23 6
By YoussefAhmed231

Guys this is my fisrt novel :)) And this is the first ch. enjoy reading and give me a feedback, An advice from you guys can be so helpful to me. IF YOU LIKE MY WORK PLEASE SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD. Thank you with love ^^

Looking through my window in the morning, I can see that nothing has changed, it's all the same, the streets smell dirty and its smell doesn't differ from yesterday, I haven't seen Avem today he usually wakes up early, I see him jogging every morning, maybe he is sleeping , I don't know , I just can't see how he could Run in these filthy streets and smell, with All the people's eye staring at him, I don't know why they are starring any way ! what's so strange about a guy who is running through the streets I just don't get it .... .I guess that Avem is just tired of all those sick eyes looking at him every day, I won't blame him, these people make me sick.

My sister is calling my name. Sun, she is bright as always, sometimes I wonder why she has so much hope, cause its's all lost, for me at least,

"get up aliter, it's time for school" she says.

"I am coming" I say leaving the window's side.

It's my first day at high school, I am almost 16 now...but what does that change anyway ... it will still be the same. I take down the stairs till I reach the street, walking through my city's street makes me uncomfortable, I lived my whole life in this city but I still don't know every part of it, I don't know why, maybe because I don't want to.

I wait for my bus with my brother Vivo; he is younger than me. I guess he is much happy than I am anyway, but he deserves to be he knows how to be happy, I love him so much I see life in him he is our little brother so he is the loved one we all care about, the bus arrives ....

Looking at the windows while I head to the door, I see eyes ... starry eyes, they are all starring at us while we get up to the bus, I climb my way I can see them All shifting their eyes from the windows to me now, I look for an empty seat for me and my brother making my way through all these eyes I reach out for two empty seats we sit down at last waiting for those eyes to look away but they stare for a few seconds and then look away.

The bus stops several times with the same starring and eyes every time, this time it stops, and a girl enters with tense eyes looking straight at the empty seat she find, not giving much importance to all the people sitting, she sits looking at all these eyes set on her "what are you looking at ?" she says , her voice is like a bullet hitting all of the faces looking at her, I can see she is different .she is tired of this just like me.

She is tired of these eyes, tired of all this mess, tired from our sick society, I can see that. I think for a while, I finally found someone who actually can't fit in this destroyed society; I have to talk to her.

I get up from my seat, I walk through these eyes again looks like things were calm that when I got up it was an surprising action for them so they had to look ok ... but they are not looking ... they are starring !

"I want to talk to you" I say "please".

"Sure sit down" she says.

"Thank you" I sit down. "what's your name".

"Fera" she says. "what's yours?".

"Aliter, so you are from this city?" I say with a smile, but she doesn't seem to notice.

"I am" she says coldly I can feel the pain in her eyes looking from the window, the pain I feel every day, realizing that I don't belong here.

"This is sad; I hate being forced to live in a place I hate so much" she says, in a low tune, she isn't looking at me, I guess she is talking to her mind as to tell it to always hate, whatever happens just hate. Hatred isn't always a solution, but in this case it's to survive.

I don't say a word for the rest of the road, I guess, I don't know what to say, I just think, "Hate" this is the key, as long as I hate this city, I will do anything to leave it, I will do anything to escape.

Fera doesn't notice how much I hate this city like she does, maybe she also thinks that I am like the rest of the people, I don't blame her, I sit still while others look at me, at least fera shouts at them. Maybe I am afraid to face them, afraid to stand against these decease they have, that's how I see their actions, I see them as decease with no cure. Who am I to cure them, when they don't even care about their own illness, I feel so small sitting next to a girl like fera, am I small? I guess I am.

We finally arrive, I can see our school with its ugly colors from my window, they say the school is painted, people around me are amazed, whatever they see in our school with their eyes, I don't see and I never will. The bus stops at the buses area, it's time to go.

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