Driver (Sebastian Vettel) - O...

By TeamStyles01

40.7K 615 25

"It's all on you, Megan." Being a karting pro had boosted Megan Moore's career as a test driver, she'd hopped... More

0.1 - Cast
0.2 - Playlist
0.3 - Important Notes - Disclaimers
1.0 - Megan
2.0 - Charles
3.0 - Friends
4.0 - German Language
5.0 - Lewis
6.0 - Natalie
7.0 - Sebastian
8.0 - Italy
9.0 - Paola
10.0 - Alive
11.0 - Calling Simeri Mare
12.0 - Tears
14.0 - Vincenzo
15.0 - Wine & Talks
16.0 - Returning To Work
17.0 - Little Talks
18.0 - Smiles
19.0 - Hungover
20.0 - Kater
21.0 - Losing
22.0 - England
23.0 - A Long Week
24.0 - Karyn
25.0 - France
26.0 - Outbursts & Alcohol
27.0 - Less Words, More Actions
28.0 - Explaining
29.0 - Catching Up
30.0 - Own Worst Enemy
31.0 - Small Things
32.0 - Austria
33.0 - Struggles
34.0 - Visitors
35.0 - Just Listening
36.0 - Hoping
37.0 - Mother

13.0 - Italian

956 18 0
By TeamStyles01

A/N: Translations in bold and italic at the end of the sentence or just after speech now. 


Sebastian left me alone to after a while, he stayed to make sure I was okay for approximately half an hour before disappearing off. I did hear him say something about food, but to be honest, I didn't quite catch it as I was too focused on my throbbing head. Even twenty minutes after he left, it was still hurting, I hated headaches. I stumbled off the bed and pulled my case out from under it. Frantically I moved all the small things around before I pulled out what I had been looking for. Popping out a couple of the pills, I dry swallowed them before I put the painkillers back in the case and returned to laying on my bed. 

I closed my eyes as I laid on my back, my head grateful for the peace and quiet. 

A tapping made me open my eyes, I didn't sit up, I just laid there on my back and listened. Then I realised it was coming from the door, "You okay?" I called out before leaning on my elbows and sitting up. 

The door opened, and Sebastian walked in, he was holding a glass of water that he offered to me before he sat on the ottoman at the end of the bed and looked at me. He had changed from his overalls, he was looking a lot more casual now in his blue jeans and a white tee shirt. "How are you feeling?" I didn't know how long I had been lying there, but judging from how he now looked, I guessed it was longer than I imagined. Maybe I had dozed off while laying there, I didn't quite know. 

"I think I'll live," I joked as I wrapped my hands around the glass, holding it close to me as I crossed my legs underneath me. I smiled at Sebastian before sipping on the water, which surprisingly was ice cold. 

He raked his fingers through his hair before he spoke. "So, I've been given a couple of days off too." He sounded disappointed as he told me. He didn't look at me as he told me, instead he was looking at the floor. "I'm going to head home, just need to sort a few things out back there."

"Won't that take you forever to get back home?" I questioned as I tried to work it out in my head, my brain working overtime. After a few seconds, I gave up thinking about it, my mind not entirely with it still. 

He shook his head as he looked up at me, "About an hour and a half by plane."

I guess I hadn't thought about it before, I never needed to know how long to took to get from one place to another. I nodded slightly, "I'm heading to Simeri Mare anyway."

"Why?" He asked me as I reached over and placed my glass on the mirrored bedside cabinet. "I didn't think you knew Italy well."

"I don't know what gave you that idea," I laughed as I felt my head clearing, the pressure lifting. "I have friends here," I didn't want to divulge too much information, after all, it wasn't any of his business, and we weren't exactly friends, yet.

He got to his feet, "I'm heading off tonight." 

"Oh," I didn't know why I felt a little disappointed that he was leaving tonight. 

I watched him walk to the door before he turned and glanced at me, "Do you wanna grab something to eat before I go?"

Reaching for my phone, I pressed on it checking the time, seeing I had three missed calls and several texts, the time was about half 5 now. I looked back up at him and nodded, "Sure."


We headed out, Sebastian decided he wanted to drive, and it made sense since he knew the area better than me. We arrived at a restaurant, after parking up we walked around to the front entrance where we entered and stood at the front waiting to be seated. 

"Signor Vettel, che piacere rivederla," a waiter hurried over when he saw us. He was spending more time looking at Sebastian, almost as if I wasn't there. Mr Vettel, how nice to see you again.

I listened as Sebastian tried to return the conversation, "Tavolo per dee per favore?" Table for goddesses, please?

I laughed as translated the conversation in my head. He'd spent some time in Italy that was for sure, but his Italian could use some work. Not only did he ask for a table for goddesses, but he also seemed to struggle with getting it out, almost like he was going to stutter. "You mean 'tavolo per due per favore?'" I corrected Sebastian as I looked at the waiter. Table for two, please?

The waiter looked at me with a smile on his gaunt face, I was pretty sure he could be a model if he wanted to. He had the looks for it, the thin lips, gaunt face and slim figure. "You know you're Italian," he noted as he looked at me. I guess Vincenzo was right, I might know Italian, but I certainly didn't have the proper accent to go with it. 

Sebastian just stared at me, he looked baffled. I gave him a smile before the waiter showed us to our table. We sat opposite each other and were given the menus before being left alone. "You said you only knew the basics," Sebastian looked up from the food menu as he spoke to me.

I bit my lip before looking down at my menu, I didn't want to talk about it, yet I knew I had opened that can of worms by correcting him. Damn my need to be correct. "Asking for a table for two is a basic," I tried to make out like it was normal. I glanced up at him, hoping that he wasn't looking at me any more, but he was. "What?"

"What else can you say?" He asked me as he put his menu down on the table. 

He was intrigued, wasn't he? I shrugged my shoulders, "A few things." The look on his face was one that your parent gives you when they are waiting for you to elaborate on your latest statement, I sighed before I placed my menu down too and looked at him. "So, I lied. I am fully fluent in Italian."

"Why didn't you say anything?" He was shocked as he furrowed his eyebrows at me. 

"Because I didn't want to have to answer all these sorts of questions. Yes, I can understand and speak Italian," I anticipated the questions I was usually asked. "No, I don't want to say something in Italian, unless I have to."

Sebastian watched me with wide eyes, "You are strange, Megan."

Picking my menu back up and looking at the food choices, I raised my eyebrows to myself, "Tell me something I don't know." When I looked back at him, he was looking at the menu, I didn't need to choose something. I already knew what I was going to have, Italian's always did Lasanga the best, and it would be my first choice in a restaurant in Italy. 

Once we had placed our orders, mine being Lasanga with a bottle of house red wine, Sebastian's being Baked Rosettes and a large glass of sparkling water, we were alone with our drinks as we waited. I poured myself a large glass of wine before taking a sip then placing the glass back on the table. 

"So," Sebastian looked at me, his eyes bright in the light as we made eye contact. "What exactly are you going to do with your days off?"

I opened my mouth to speak before I shut it again, I was debating if I needed to tell him or not. After all, what I did with my personal time was my business, no one else's. "I'm meeting a friend."

He continued to watch me as I sipped on my wine, "That's it?"

Nodding my head at him, I smiled, "Hopefully, I'm meeting a friend. I'm waiting to hear back."

"And if you don't hear back?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I played with the wine glass with the forefinger on my right hand, "I guess I'll just stay in bed and sleep."

"You can't waste your days off sleeping," he told me with a smile. "You are in Italy, there is so much to do." He looked around the restaurant before leaning over the table, so he was closer to me. "And you have a Ferrari to do as you please with," his voice was hushed as it came out. "If I were you I would take this time to do whatever you want."

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