Words ↬h.s.

By dudemagnet

556 58 43

[OH HOLD BECAUSE I SUCK AT LIFE] "This is going to sound crazy but I was in love with you before I even met y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 14

21 3 3
By dudemagnet

"And then he landed on the goat." Milo laughed, breaking me from my excessive daydreams. I nodded my head and faked a laugh like I had been listening to the whole story.

"Yeah, college was a good time." He said leaning back in his seat. I smiled as sweetly as I could trying to seem as though I was whole heartedly in the same place as him-even though I wasn't.

I can't stop thinking about harry lately. He clouds my thoughts, invades my dreams, and I know it's weird that's why I'm so worried about it. But I worry about everything anyways so when I legitimately have something to worry about, I don't know what to do. Also I had a new patient come in she's 9 years old, nine. And she already had an eating disorder.

If your brain could sigh mine would be doing it right now. I feel twenty pounds heavier just from all that's on my mind.

I rub my temples wanting to relive some of the tension forming between my ears. But it doesn't help not even the least bit.

Milo takes my hand in his and measures with three fingers on my wrist and then he places a finger where the last one was and pushes on the spot. I feel my head flood back to normal in an instant.

I look up at him eyes wide with curiosity "What did you do?"

He chuckles slightly, looking at the floor and then back to me "Pressure point." He taps the spot again with his finger. "Another good thing about not knowing what you want to do with your life in college. You learn useful arts. "

I laugh at his joke, letting out a small snort as I was chuckling.

I have a bad habit of doing that.

"Why did you do it to me?" I asked a little confused. He looks up at me with an obvious frown.

"I'm not stupid, Bren." He replies, a little hurt sounding in his tone. I drop my head and stare at the red polish adorning my small toes. I run my thumbs in small circles around the other.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask barely audible. I take a chance to glance at him, immediately regretting my decision as he studies my face. I return to the friendliness of my toes.

Milo gives a long slow sigh, leaning forward clasping his hands together.

"Do you not want to be in this relationship anymore? Because if so we don't need to drag things out. I mean we've been together four months and that is-"

"Stop." I say cutting him off. A tear running down my face. "You're making me cry." is all I can manage to say.

It wasn't really because of what he had said as much as I felt guilty for tying up so much of his time. Also because I can't love him back the way he does me. I feel like a terrible person for wanting to split up but I feel even worse for wanting to stay together only for my pity on him.

I sat on the couch with my head in my hands trying to sort out my thoughts as tears fell down my face. I heard Milo sigh but couldn't decipher his emotion. He rubbed his face, taking a deep breath.

"Well." He said looking over at me.

"Well." I replied wiping the wetness from my face with my sleeve. Milo examined my face, thinking on what he was going to say next.

"I want to take you somewhere." He says standing up holding out a hand for me to take. I hesitantly accept it still unsure of myself and what I could be setting us both up for.


"Alright you can open your eyes." Milo tells me as I follow blindly behind him holding his hand. I open my eyes to the place we had our first kiss, the ground still a bit littered with snow, the fountain still turned off from being too cold. I smiled remembering the moment we shared not too far from where I was standing.

I look up to Milo smiling down at me, I wrap my arms around his waist and give him a small peck on his chin.

"Thank you, I needed this." I admitted, holding his warm hazel gaze. He had his arms rested around me in a hug, he kissed the top of my head.

"Don't mention it sparkles." He smirked, I snorted from the use of my old nickname. He squeezed me tighter, warming me. I smiled into his chest as we stayed that way for a while.

"So what now?" I asked since we seemed to be dying down, he shrugged in response.

"Ah, pourquoi, dans une telle hâte , petit?" Milo said in a terrible French accent. I stepped back looking at him in confusion "You speak French?"

"Well I dabble." He chuckled rubbing the back of his head. I look at him still a little confused but expectant.

"Oh, I said why in such a hurry, little one."

"Oh." I laughed, not sure what to say next.

"Well, while you make up your mind I'm gonna take my beautiful girlfriend to Mario's." He said pulling away from me but still holding my hand.

I blushed at his compliment. Letting him pull me back to the car with exchanged giggles.

"Madam." He bowed opening the passenger door for me. I curtsied back while laughing at his posh facial expression.


He held the door to Mario's open for me. As we walked in I took a deep breath letting the smell of fresh tomatoes and garlic invade my senses.

Mario's was my favorite restaurant in town, Italian being my favorite food.

Why am I questioning myself about Milo? He's a great guy and an even better boyfriend. I have all I could ever need here with him.

So why am I still second guessing?



wow that kinda sucked im sorry, it started out good.

i love you guys keep commenting and voting ! xx

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